Why Does Access Randomly Display Data In A Foreign Language

Jun 10, 2014

I noticed that when I made a few changes to one of my queries, the results in my data sheet view were in some sort of Asian looking language. See below. Why is it doing this? I've only been using English with this program and have not changed any of my settings so I'm very confused. Also the other fields are in English. This one field is the only one I'm having issues with.


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General :: Foreign Language Day / Date Format

Jun 30, 2012

I am using the following in a Query expression to give the day of the week e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc.

Format([Arrival],'dddd',1), where [Arrival] is a date field with a standard Date/Time data type

Is there a simple way that I can modify this so that the result is Lundi, Mardi etc?

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Forms :: How Data Is Passed Using Foreign Keys - Cannot Display Proper Information

Jan 25, 2015

I'm trying to understand how data is passed using foreign keys.

I'm using Allen Browne's 'Don't use Yes/No fields to store preferences' at: [URL] ....

I've also downloaded his sample DB, RelationBasics, to use as a guide.

Attached is my version of the Student / Sport DB as described on the webpage.

I use 2010 at home (saved as 2003 version) and 2003 at work (JPNSE OS). Both result in the same thing.

The problem I'm having is I cannot get the actual sports to display in the combo-box, only the Sport_ID number.

I've tried building both forms with and without actual data in the TBL_Student & TBL_Sports tables, but no mater what the result is the same.

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General :: Randomly Pick Record From Table And Display Results In Two Text Boxes?

Sep 1, 2013

I have one table (500 Club) with two fields (ID) (Name) i would like to randomly pick a record from the table and display the results in two seperate text boxes on a form one for (ID) and one for (Name). I intend to use this for a monthly draw at my workplace.

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Import Excel Data Into Existing Access Table With Foreign Key Fields

Apr 25, 2015

I used to import excel data into access successfully, many times but now I have to import excel data into an existing Access table with foreign key fields, which makes me problems.

Its just doesn't work...and Im sure the forien key fields are the prob cause, the other fields are going well ...

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Text Box To Display Names Using Foreign Key As Reference

Aug 27, 2015

I want a text box which is on a form linked to a table, to display a name using a foreign key as a reference.

I just had it semi working with D lookup and the whole database corrupted.

E.g. site_ID would be changed to Site_name on JobsF using JobsT as the record source

the site_ID is dependent on Job_ID

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Language Support In Access

Sep 4, 2004

I have a database which contains fields with information in many different languages. I seem to lose my japanese content from time to time.
I cut and paste the information from a Word document and paste it into an Access field. It seem to work and I get the japanese text pasted. But I have lost it and now I just have all text replaced by small squares. How can I retrieve my japanese text?? What should I be looking for if I want to maintain a database in MS Access using Japanese, Chinese and other foreign language text in it?

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MS Access Form And Multi Language Support

Aug 17, 2007

Does anybody know whether the forms created in MS Access can support multiple languages? Like... captions can be loaded from a resource file.

If it does can you please share me how it can be achieved.

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Queries :: Unable To Convert Text Into Date With Different System Language Settings In MS Access

Jun 6, 2013

I have a table in access database which contains a text field 'EDate' that stores Date value in format (12-Apr-2013). Now I want to run a sql query on that field. User will give an input date. The sql query needs to fetch me all the records from access database whose Edate is less than or equal to the user input date.

I am using DateValue function to convert my text filed Edate into date. My query is something like this:

select * from table_name where DateValue(EDate)<='user_input_date'

I am able to perform above task if the system language settings are 'English'. But if system language settings are different say Turkish, then the query fails.

I searched a lot on web and found that DateTime function compares test data with the system date time format and gives the result. Thus it fails with different language settings.

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Access Data To Display On State Map

Jan 15, 2013

I have a database will all the FM stations in the USA/Canada, I wish to plot the frequency and calls to the correct city on the state map as per the attachment, can it be done? If so, what are my steps and what maps can I use?

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Query To Update Data To Foreign Key Field?

Jul 1, 2007

I've sent a post about this before and got some of the answer from 'Dennisk'- thanks.

I want to replace composite keys with a primary. I've just made an autonumber field on one table for my new primary key and already populated it. On the foreign table ive made a new field with 'number' datatype; this field is empty at the moment.

I'm not sure how to update the foriegn tables new field with the primary tables data. I've saw it before and remember it being easy, just can't remember how to do it.

I obviously want the numbers in the primary key field to relate to the correct records in the foriegn table.

Anyone know what the query is or if there's another way?


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Retaining Foreign Key Values After Data Input

Nov 11, 2005


I want to be able to invoke a form from a main form that allows me to add, delete or amend records in a table related to the one updated by the main form.

As many details records are being updated, I want to retain the value of a couple of foreign keys (but be able to amend them if required) based on the value of the previous record.

I have looked at the Dlookup function and wonder if this is what I should be using. If it is, I am having trouble trying to understand how you could differentiate between the first invocation of the pop up form and any subsequent table entries. The way I understand this function is that to get the value of the previous record in the table you use "ID-1", but this would almost certainly lead to an error for records being updated for a new master record, or if the table happended to be empty then there would be no ID-1 record.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Queries :: Importing Data Where Foreign Keys Are Involved

Jul 10, 2014

I have what I think is a normalised database that uses foreign keys quite a bit.

For example if I had a 'contracts' table which refers to 'clients', then there would be a tblClients, where each client has a primary key. The tblContracts would then refer to the relevant client via that clients FK only which would be linked to the client's PK in tblClients via a one-to-many relationship.

If I need any user for any purpose to see contract related information that makes sense to a human being, I simply construct a query with the necessary relationships that will show client information alongside contract information by substituting tblContracts' client FK with required information from tblClients via the appropriate relationships.

I think that is reasonably basic stuff (hopefully correct practice!)

But what about when I come to import a block of new data that needs to go into tblContracts? I'm not going to be given a list of client keys (obviously) I'm going to given their real names.

MS Access has (in theory) all the information it needs (via the relationships) to substitute client IDs (keys) for their real names and thus slot these IDs into tblContracts with the new data as appropriate, but how do I make it do this? (I know it could kick out errors if there are any duplicate client names, but let's put that to one side for a moment).

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Foreign Keys In Access 2007

Jun 14, 2007


I have to create a database for work and for my sins I have to use Access. We are running 2007 but I'm having some difficulty in creating foreign keys in my linking table.
I've searched their help guide and looked on the net but I can't seem to see how I physically create foreign keys.

My structure looks like this:

CustID (autonumber)
Cust Name
Cust contact
Cust email
cust version
no of users
other info

ModID (autonumber)
Module name
licensed module? (tick box)

MiscID (autonumber)
Installed on live



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General :: Access 2007 / Finding A Related Record That Has 2 Foreign Keys?

Jan 22, 2013

I am using access 2007

i have a materialsUsed tbl that list all the materials used in a job and the quantity of each.

Material Code
Unit of Measure)

I also have 2 look-up tables - 1 for the material codes and 1 for the units of measure

I have another table, priceperunitofMeasure

material Code (FK to material lookup tbl)
Unit of Measure (FK to unit of measure tbl)

In my form Users will select material code from combo box - enter the quantity, and select a unit of measure from a combo box.

For example: they could enter the following :

Paint 2 gallons
Paint 3 tubes
Paint 1 pint

How do I lookup the price per unit of measure for each of these records in the price per unit of meassure table? The price per unit of measure table has 2 foreign keys.

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Save Randomly

May 3, 2006

guys, here is my problem.
I created a tool to manage changes. As part of the process a support can edit a change to change the status and the requester can validate that the change is done properly. Both processes work in the same way, the diference is that the can modify different fields in the form. But here is the procedure.
Edit a task (support role): From a task management menu press the button to open a form with a list of changes to be done. Double clicking in a specific change number a new form with the change detail is opened. When the support finishs press the save button and insert the changes in a history table (to track the changes) and update the change table to update the record. Until this point everything is great.
Validate a task: (requester role): from the task management menu press a button to open a form with a list of changes to be validated. Double clicking in a specific change number a new form with the change detail is opened. When the requester finishs press the save button and save the changes in a history table (to track the changes) and the change table to update the record.

The problem is that the validate task form doesnt update the change table and doesnt insert all the fields in the history table, only some of them.

Here is the error msg:
" ILI index tool can't update all the records in the update query.
ILI index tool did not update 0 fields due to a type conversion failure, 0 records due to the key violations,1 records due to the lock violations, and 0 records due to the violation rule violations.
Do you want to continue running this type of action query anyway?
to ignore the errors and run the query, click yes.
for an explanation of the causes of the violations, click help"

Here are the sql to update and insert once the save button is pressed:
Public Sub grabarstatus()
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
MsgBox "entered"
DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into [history] (change_id,before,after,user,modify,action) values (" & Me.Task_Num.Value & ",'" & vstatus & "','" & Me.status.Value & "','" & Forms!Login!username1 & "','" & Now() & "','Validate status');"
DoCmd.RunSQL "update [newchange] set status='" & Me.status.Value & "' where change_id=" & Me.Task_Num.Value & ";"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

thx very much

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Records Randomly Corrupting?

May 20, 2006

Is there any known issues and even better fixes for records where they partially vanish into thin air, well the meaningful contents disappear and I'm left with nulls. Been an ongoing issue for quite some time, rebuilds haven't fixed the problem, although the same table, different records every time too. There are in excess of 50,000 records in this table and it's just the one here and there, on a frequency basis, say every month or so. :confused:

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Queries Randomly Fail On New PC

Nov 8, 2011

I have a database that I previously ran successfully on a Windows XP system. I recently received a new PC with Windows 7 Enterprise (32 bit) that is having issues with running queries from the same database. I am still running the same version of Access (2003) on the new laptop but the queries seem to stall out and Access becomes non-responsive. Can switching from one operating system to another cause this issue? I am really just starting to use Access, so I am a novice at troubleshooting and thought that I would ask this question before digging deeper.

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Language Problems

Jan 4, 2006

Hi Everybody..

Another big problem from me..

My language is set to english.
So when I enter a date it looks like 31-12-05

Other users of my program use german.
So there dates look like 31.12.05

I convert my dates to string.
So its important the dates look like 31-12-05

HELP ME please

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Language Problem

Jul 5, 2006

Hi all,

I have searched this forum but it's almost impossible to get what I am looking for...

I've designed a database that gets modified and upgraded daily. The problem I have is that the Form I use to enter data should be available in 3 languages. All I want to know is: Is there some or other way I can have 1 Form and still have 3 different languages? EVERYTHING should be changeable into the other language... any ideas?

At the moment I have 1 set of Tables, 1 set of Queries and 3 sets of Forms (for the 3 languages). I'd like to change it to 1 set of Forms, but still have all 3 languages.

Please help!?

Thanks a lot.
I appreciate all input.

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Language Problem

Jul 5, 2006

Hi all,

I have searched this forum but it's almost impossible to get what I am looking for...

I've designed a database that gets modified and upgraded daily. The problem I have is that the Form I use to enter data should be available in 3 languages. All I want to know is: Is there some or other way I can have 1 Form and still have 3 different languages? EVERYTHING should be changeable into the other language... any ideas?

At the moment I have 1 set of Tables, 1 set of Queries and 3 sets of Forms (for the 3 languages). I'd like to change it to 1 set of Forms, but still have all 3 languages.

Please help!?

Thanks a lot.
I appreciate all input.

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Language Problem

Jul 5, 2006

Hi all,

I have searched this forum but it's almost impossible to get what I am looking for...

I've designed a database that gets modified and upgraded daily. The problem I have is that the Form I use to enter data should be available in 3 languages. All I want to know is: Is there some or other way I can have 1 Form and still have 3 different languages? EVERYTHING should be changeable into the other language... any ideas?

At the moment I have 1 set of Tables, 1 set of Queries and 3 sets of Forms (for the 3 languages). I'd like to change it to 1 set of Forms, but still have all 3 languages.

Please help!?

Thanks a lot.
I appreciate all input.

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Randomly Pick Records For Each User

Feb 23, 2007

I have a query with a list of Customer SSNs and Claim Rep, I want to randomly pick 5 Customer SSNs for each of the Claim Rep.
I can't figure out on how to do that, I was able to create an SQL code to just randomly pick the customer SSN.
I don't know anything about Visual Basic codes, but if that is the only solution, please go ahead post it.
Thank you very much in advanced.

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Randomly Selecting Equipment Number

Dec 28, 2006

I have a table that consist of equipments. In it is a equipment number field. I need a way to randomly pull up these equipment numbers-kind of like a lottery. Please help.

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Multi Language Iem Descriptions

Nov 7, 2005

I have a table of some 8000 items with a verbose (memo field) description in English. I need to add French and Spanish Item descriptions to some of the items ( but not all of them) and call up the correct description when processing orders and/or invoices. I want the system to automatically supply the english text if the French/Spanish does not exist.

I could go for the easy option of adding a language field to the table, and then simply replicating all 8000 items for french and Spanish and then replace the English text. This would work but probably affect performance.

What I really want is to add foreign descriptions to the table ( as a new item record) as and when they are required, and look for, say, a French Item Description, and if one is there. then use it, else find the fallback English descriptions. Trouble is, I have had no success trying to craft the tables/queries to do this.

I've played with group-by queries to deliver a language code, but run into difficulties with grouping memo fields. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated - I've searched the forum for "multi lingual" and "multi language" with no success, but my apologies if I'm asking an old question.

I'm posting this in tables and queries as I am not sure which forum !!

Thanks for your attention

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Command Language Problem

Sep 22, 2006

I wish to include expert users for my project interface (access forms) and need help on finding a way of using command language on the buttons for example +e for exit database....

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