Why Is Access Slow On Client Computers Across Wireless Network?

Feb 8, 2006

I have completed a database for a company with 60 000 clients and over 100 000 job records.

The database works at very resonable speeds on the Server computer, or the computer on which I installed the back end of the database.

Each of the other 3 computers on the wireless network, have a local copy of the Front End on their machine, and reference the Back End (BE) on the server computer.

Each of the Client computers have varing speeds when accessing the BE, some as slow as 10 minutes for a simple search, filter or just loading a form.

What can I do to improve performance across the network?

Do I need to install additional components on the other computers to improve the db performance?

Your help will be much appreciated.


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Using Access On A Wireless Network

Nov 29, 2005

Hi guys,
does anyone know if there are issues using Acess on a wireless network? There seems to be problems access the database now that this has been installed... Lots of reboots required etc...

Ta muchly

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Access On A Wireless Network - Making It Work

Jan 23, 2007

There are posts elsewhere on this forum about the adjustments you can make to Access to improve its performance on a wireless network, i.e. make sure you have XP SP2 and not an earlier version of XP, but the fact is that no programme will perform well on a network if the network isn't performing well. Here are a few things I've learned (the hard way!)

- Use USB wireless adapters, not card type adapters. One of the prime rules of wireless networking is to keep your adapter - and your Router - away from electrical equipment and metal objects, so why anyone even makes card adapters is beyond me.

- Place your adapters/Router as high as possible (above head height is best) using a USB extension lead for the adapters if necessary. Do not put them on or near metal filing cabinets!

- Think about line of sight when placing your equipment. If your Router and an adaptor are just on either side of a wall , opposite each other, the signal may only have to pass through, say, 6 inches of wall. If they are at opposite ends of their respective rooms, however, it may have to pass through several feet of the same wall!

-If there are other wireless systems nearby using the same channel as yours, change yours to a different channel even if the other signal is weaker than yours. Remember that you need to be 5 channels away from anyone else before there is 0% overlap in the frequencies. If you cannot achieve this because there are too many nearby networks, any difference is better than none.

I have a 9 user (each in a separate room) p2p network in my office running a split Access 2000 db. The place looks a bit odd with USB adapters stuck high up on the walls but it works. Only one user has the occasional hanging problem (about once a week) but she's using an oldish laptop with only 256k of RAM and it has to run Norton Internet Security at the same time. Three of the users have the db open more or less constantly, the rest have no problem or speed issues getting in whenever they wish.

Nearly forgot, our Wireless system is standard 802.11g. max distance from an adapter to the router is about 80 feet.

Sorry if any of the above is stating the obvious, thought it might help.

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Access 2007: Wireless Network Problem On Vista

Nov 7, 2007


I found a somewhat related thread but thought I would post a new one just in case my problem happens to others who were 'forced' to "upgrade" to Windows Vista Home Basic when buying a new machine....

Okay, no more complaining, here's the issue:

I have a small (8 MB) Access 2007 database stored on a machine in the office which is running Windows Vista Home Premium. There are two other machines running Windows XP Home (SP2) that can connect to the Access 2007 database with no issues.

But on my Dell Inspiron Vista Home Basic machine, I cannot successfully open the database stored on the Home Premium machine. I CAN see this database, I can see other files and open/copy them, but I cannot open the database. I am attempting to do this using the wireless connection.

I tried running these two commands as the administrator (found on another forum) because I think this is more of a network problem rather than an Access 2007 problem specific to Windows Vista Home Basic

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

But these two commands did nothing.

I should also point out that when this database is stored on an XP machine (one of the others in the office) the database opens just fine on this Vista Basic machine!

I'm confused and frustrated! Any help is very much appreciated.

Thank you,

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Wireless Network Card

Dec 21, 2005

Sorry All,
I have a simple question, how can I tell if my laptop has a wireless network in it. Thanks.

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Wireless Network Hard-drive Back-End

Mar 18, 2006

Does anyone have any experience with placing a multi-user back-end access database on one of these inexpensive "external network hard drives"?

I have a situation where I'd like to share my database with multiple users, but the corporate IM rats have pretty much eliminated all means of allowing us lowly employees of doing that with their network. We have no file server. We do have sharepoint services, but we only have Access 2000, which as far as I know is not capable of exploiting the sharepoint/xml back-end database features. Also, no one in the office here can share a directory on their workstation because they won't grant us administrator priveledges.

So thats how I came upon the idea of buying or creating cheap (<$250 USD) wireless network hard-drive on which to put the back-end. I'm mainly interested in knowing if it will work, and that the performance isn't going to be absolutely pathetic. I'm only looking at having 3 or 4 users at any one time, and the entire database will only house a couple thousand records.

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Slow Network Database

Feb 7, 2006

This problem is driving me nuts!!
I`ve just spent a fair few months creating a database to be used by our sales team, I`ve about finished it and came to trial it with the sales manager. When he is using the database at the same time as me it becomes slow.
The design has a front end with all the queries, forms etc and a back end on a server containing the tables.
The database was created using Access 2000 and was designed to replace a similair db created on 97 which has a decent speed on the network.
The other strange thing is that one particular macro that I`ve been using for the speed tests runs quite slow (about 3 secs) when 2 pcs have the db open but once the macro has run if it is run again it takes typically less than a second to run.
What would cause a db to run a macro at different speeds after they`ve been run once? I`ve tried everything I can find on the net to try and improve the speed to no avail.
Help please!!

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DB Runs Slow Over Network

Sep 18, 2006

I have a 16Mb DB. The intention is for users to access this over the network without copying onto their local machines.

At present, many of the forms are located on 1 master form and they are all subforms on tabs. There are a lot of calculated control boxes on the forms, and these seem to be very slow to bring back the data over the network whereas on my local machine, the data is displayed in a couple of seconds.

COuld this be sped up somehow? Maybe using queries or other methods?

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Over Coming Slow Network Speed

Nov 6, 2006

I have split a database useing the database spliter wizard. But I still have network speed problems. What I am wondering is if anyone knows if useing an ODBC connection between the front and back ends is more efficient than file sharing across the network?
Thanks for any information on this

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Startup Form Very Slow Over Network

Jan 16, 2007

Hi guys. I am stumped with a 45 second delay when I startup my application. I get the delay on networked workstations only when another workstation is up showing the Main "switchboard" form. Each workstation has their own copy of VBA (not compiled) with networked versions having linked tables to the server's .mdb

It seems like the workstations know that the main form is up somewhere else and need to negotiate with it. All have the (Access 2000) Default open mode to Shared, Default record locking to No Locks, and Open database using record-level locking On.

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Linked Tables Running Slow Over Network

Oct 12, 2006


I have a couple of acces databases running on a peer to peer network (database A and B, which are housed on PC1). The database B has a link to a Customer table in database A. This was running fine until another user on the peer to peer network wanted to use database B on their pc (PC2). I had to change the the file location of the linked table to show it's location on the network so PC2 could open it. Unfortunatley this greatly slowed the operation of the database B on both machines.
If anyone has made it this far - Is there any way round this?



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Access Slow To Load [really Really Slow!]

Dec 14, 2007

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with access. Basically it has been very slow to load
(over 30 seconds when not opening a database) and when opening a database it just crashes.

Has anyone any idea what could cause this as it worked fine before ?

also would a reinstall help ??


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Current Client/Prospective Client Database

Nov 9, 2005

Hi all

Brand new on here and desparate for some help and guidence.

So far with Access I have just used it as a store of addresses to mailshot prospective clients.

However, I now need a more complex database and this is where you might be able to help.

First things first, most of my clients are in universities. This means that I can be used by more than one person in more than one department at a university.

Does this mean I need to do three tables:

1/ "University Details" which gives the address details
2/ "Department" storing the departments of the unis we work for
3/ "Client" Name of the client(s) in that department.

After this how do I link them?



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Data Access Pages - Need An Access Client?

Oct 10, 2005

I've made an adp (access project ) file. I want to permit some users to look in the data but i'm not certain they have access installed, can i give them read-only rights by placing a data-access page in a network map? Can they use the functionality of a data-access page without having access installed?

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Client & Server Scenario Access Databases

Oct 20, 2006

This post is really aimed at someone that has experience of network databases and the problems they can pose but if you can help at all that would be great!

I work for an insurance company and we have created a database for registering complaints on. The one we currently use is a single .mdb file which can be shared by up to 60 people at any one time. This is creating a lot of problems when the queries and some VBA code are run. I therefore made a server file which is just an mdb file with data tables in and NO forms or queries. This file is stored on a shared drive on the network server. We then created a client file which contains all of the forms and queries and code. This file contains linked tables to the server so when data is entered into the form, it "Sends" it to the server mdb file. The client is installed on each of the local machines c:. The problem with this was that if we made a change to the database, we would need to reinstall the client on every single user pc. This would of took ages. I therefore made an auto-update function that checked the version number on the server and if the server number was greater than the client number, a simple .bat fiile was run which copied the updated client file from the network to the relevant users local disk.
The problem we have now is that our IT department are concered that if we make a change to the client and all the staff log in at 9am for example, it will start doing multiple copying of a file around 8mb in size to around 60 machines. They are only running on a 2meg pipe so this could cause some problems. We are not looking to change the client & server idea but does anyone know if this will have a big impact and infact if the updates for 60 machine is the equivalent or lesser of 60 people sharing the single file i mentioned earlier. If the IT dept are happy with 60 users accessing the same file at the same time, which they currently are, why are they unhappy with it updating these machine using the new method.

Would really apopreciate any thoughts anyone has..

Thanks a lot.


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MS Access Database Is Slow

Sep 16, 2006

Hi everybody,
I have an access database which is around 40 MB after compacting it and I feel that it is slow especially when I open cross table form. Is there any way to speedup the databse.
Note: my databse is on the share drive in my work.

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Slow Access Response

Oct 10, 2006


I have developed a DB for work and it has grown, it is about 60Meg, all of a sudden when I am opening Design View in Reports, or queries it started running really slow.

I always Compact on Close
I have Split the DB.

Still no Joy, I have a brand new Dell PC so nothing wrong there.

What is happening? it is a nightmare to get anything done.

Please advise.


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Access Initially Slow...

Aug 15, 2007

Hi Guys,

I've been searching for an answer for a long time, but i have a database with approx 100 forms, 100 tables (most linked to SQL Server) only a small proportion are front end tables, 50 or so queries, 20 or so modules.

Anyway the problem is, is that the database is slow, to open and to develop in, i have a decent system to develop on with a 3GHz CPU and 1 GHz RAM, but i dont get this problem with any of the other access databases i deal with.

It's kind of a lagging effect, then once it has been written into memory it's quicker... but why would that be different between the systems, as most the systems i deal with are fairly similar in size and in complexity.

For example when loading the logon screen, which is a simple unbound form, it seems to lag, there is 1 combo box which has a front end table as its row source, like 6 records. Then a username and password text boxes which are not bound to anything. Why should this be lagging? After like 2/3 secs its then ok, once ive logged in and then go back to this logon screen its fine, so i think it has something to do with memory.

Anyone else had anything similar happen to them and did they do anything to minimise this lagging effect?

Any ideas or comments are welcome,


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Access Suddenly Slow Down

Nov 16, 2007


My acccess (.mde) application suddenly slowed down. I have increased the size for some fields in some Tables. Is it could be the reason for this? Is there any way i can get the speed back.

Many thanks in advance..


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MS Access Runs Slowly For Client PC's After A Update Or Insert.

Jan 29, 2007


We are using MS Access as the backend to our application which has been written in delphi and have run into a problem that we have not been able to solve. Hoping someone has run into this before or any suggestions are much appreciated.

The problem:

MS Access runs slowly for client PC's after a update or insert.

- I am using ADO to connect to the Access database, which is using the OLEDB for ODBC Provider.
- The application I have sends queries (both select and update) direct to the database (ie client datasets are used).
- When only select queries are sent to the DB the response time is fine.
- When an update or insert query is sent to the DB the response time of the PC it is run on is fine.
- When an update or insert query is sent to the DB the response time of any other client PCs running the application take about 5 to 6 times longer to run queries than before the updateinsert query was done. This is the issue that I am having.
- Any client PC's that display this slower response time, can have their response time returned to normal by closing down the application and restarting it.
- No more than 3 PC's connected at one time to the DB.
- Maximum database size of 150MB.
- Problem occurs on various network setups, including domain and workgroup.
- Problem only surfaces for users at times well after any application updates have been applied (ie several weeks after, and then once the problem starts it continues).
- It does not occur for all user sites.

I have tried and thoroughly tested the following to no avail...
- Applied all the latest microsoft updates
- Closing and re-opening the ADO connection after updatesinserts
- Changed the ADO provider to Jet 4
- Saving the DB in Access 2000 or 2002 format
- Set the Default record locking to 'No Locks' and 'All records' and 'Edited record'
- Used 'Open databases using record-level locking' selected and unselected
- Many application techniques (using delphi) to work around the issue. Many of which have indeed improved general response times, but have not resolved this particular issue.

The only thing I have tried that has resolved the issue is... - Upsizing the database to SQL Server (Unfortunately this option is not a viable one for us at this stage, so I need to find a resolution to it while still using the Access DB).

Thanks for your help

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General :: How To Hide MS Access Database On Client Machine

Feb 28, 2013

I have developed .net application ....at back end I am using ms access database. When I deploy my application at client end , I want only my ms access database should accessible to application only. Client should not be even to see which type of database i am using or its business logic .

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Wireless Mistake

Mar 8, 2006

Okay I know i've been incredibily stupid and made a tremendous mistake but what i need is the best solution to the problem i have right now...
I have a database its msaccess with SQL Tables at the moment. There were an expected 40 wireless users expected but after horrendous crash on day one and only 10 users and after some digging i see that this is just not going to happen (why i assumed it would be ok is my own naivity and taking the word of the IT Manager)... the connection is totally unreliable and corrupts the database beyond repair.. infact i'd go so far as to say the wireless network murdered my database.. strong words but its my baby..

So what are my solutions here... the staff need this database... so what i have come up with are the following solutions and i thought i should ask for some advice before i plough ahead and make another fatal error..

use DAP? Or another internet based way of getting round it?

Get network points put in all the rooms?

Or can I make it totally SQLServer?

Help.. any advice would be greatly appreciated cause at the moment i have a fantastic application that just cant run and i feel such a complete failure.

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Access 97 And Windows 98 - Super Slow

Jun 6, 2005

I have one PC running win98,acc97 and Access is CRAWLING. I'm seeing this on ONLY this one PC, and in multiple databases.

Any ideas? Possible places to look to fix this? I've tried reinstalling Office, I'd rather not have to rebuild this pc.



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Slow To Access Multiuser DB On Server HELP

Dec 16, 2005

I not a big time DB person so please be gentle. I am a computer technician at a school district and need some help. We use a program called Aeries made by Eagle Software for out attendance and grading. It uses an interface that runs through Microsoft Access. There are two version of this software. One is the SQL version and the other just uses an Access DB on a server. We have the Access DB version running Access 2003. It was explained and accepted in the beginning that we didn’t really need the SQL version because of our district size which is some where around 1500 students. Our district consists of 6 school sites that are all connected with a fiber optic backbone running at 200mb with a minimum of 100mb to each desktop. We have a DB for each site running on 1 very beefy server in a central location. I’ve run my problem by the software maker and don’t feel like I’m getting much help. The problem I am having is slowness during login. When the first user of the day attempts to login the program is fast, about 10 seconds from “ENTER” to the main menu. As soon as that 1st user clicks one of the menu buttons anyone else who attempts to login to that database after that experiences at least 30 seconds from “ENTER” to the main menu. I’ve watched what files are accessed and when. I see that when the 1st user logs in, the systemxp.mdw file is accessed and a systemxp.ldb file is created. Then when the user clicks a button on the main menu, the sch05xxx.mdb is accessed and a sch05xxx.ldb file is created. The sch05xxx.mdb file is the main database file for any particular site. The “xxx” would be the site number. As soon as that file is accessed or that lock file is created the user will experience the long login times and sometimes as long as 4 minutes. I don’t believe this is a hardware problem. During the same time that users are slow I have made a copy of one of the databases onto the same HDD on the same server and as long as I’m the 1st person to open it, it will fly. The 2nd person is slow just like the rest. I also don’t think it’s a permission issue, at least not in the domain. I’ve run all these test logged in as myself and have Domain Admin rights to everything. I believe this is a “split database” with the tables on the server and the forms, and queries on the users computer. I read an article here, http://www.microsoft.com/office/previous/xp/columns/column05.asp called “Why is Access 2000 slow for more than one user?” Has anyone else had this problem or have a solution? If I’ve missed something and you need more info please let me know.Thank you for your time and I appreciate any responsesJohn

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Access 2003 Running Very Slow

Jan 31, 2006

I have access 2003 installed on two different machines. One machine was built 6 months ago with the best hardware available. The other was an older slow IBM.

For some reason, I am experiencing what appears to be some serious time delay (talking in the range of seconds, sometimes tens of seconds) when building a report that has a subreport in it on the fast machine. Yet when I load the exact same database on the slow machine, the report opens instantly.

Any ideas? I'm lost.

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Access 2007 Painfully Slow

Jul 12, 2007


I have an access database that runs fine on our current systems (mix of office 2002, 2003 and windows xp/2002.

However we have one new machine here running windows vista and office 2007 and the database runs super super slow. just about every operation takes 10 times plus to run!

I have looked at the sticky subject at the top of this forum and it's not the problem linked to here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/935366/ as this uis the only vista machine we have accessing the database. the same problem also occurs when running locally on my home machine (again vista and office 2007). From memory if is fine when running it through office 2003 on vista.

Anyone else have similar problems and find a solution?



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