Wierd Slow To Open Problem

May 22, 2007


I have a database here that is run by users who use either Access 2002 (XP) or Access 2003.

I have noticed something which to me seems odd and dunno if any of you guys could explain why or how to resolve it?

If one of the 2002 users opens the database it opens fine first time (I use 2002 myself for development) however if a 2003 user opens it it can take 30s+ to open, but then if they close it it will re-open in just a couple of seconds like for the 2002 users.

However if a 2002 user opens it once a 2003 user has just closed it they will then take 30s or so to open it, but then again if they close and re-open it's almost instant.

Is that normal?

Incidentally office 2007 doesn't seem to suffer from this, but it's dead slow at running the database anyway so I'm not going down that route for the forseeable future!

Thanks in advance for any input!

I did try the recommended method of searching this forum using google but it didn't seem to work for me:(

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Slow To Open

Apr 22, 2005

I have a very simple table with about 20 fields. The thing is it has about 360,000 records in it. It has always been a little slow to open, although using a query works pretty fast. There is just this one table, no forms, no reports, no saved queries. Simple database with one table, but it takes forever to open now, seems to have gotten worse. I have compacted and repaired many times and it does not help. The database is stored on a server.

When I click to open the table up it says RUNNING QUERY at the bottom of the screen and then runs and runs for a LONG time. I cannot rely on queries since we want to keep this real simple for users of this data. Just go in, do a FIND or a FILTER and that is it.

Any idea why this is running so slow, or why it says RUNNING QUERY when I attempt to open it, is that normal?


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Database Slow To Open

Jan 17, 2008

I have two databases, one is much larger than the other, but both have the same start up code. The larger database opens quickly, but the smaller database takes forever. I tried compacting and repairing the front end and the back end of the database, but that did not help. Any ideas on how I can speed this up?

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Slow Form Open/save

Sep 15, 2005

I have a form. It has about 75+ bound text boxes, and about 25+ unbound text boxes that calculate values. And about a dozen command buttons. The code behind all this mess prints off in about a dozen pages.

Everything works. BUT, it takes around two or three minutes from clicking to open the form before the form appears. (There is no delay in moving between records.)

If I go into design mode, it takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes for it to save changes.

I noticed things really slowed down as I started copying controls.

Is there anything I can do to speed up this monster?


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Access Slow To Load [really Really Slow!]

Dec 14, 2007

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with access. Basically it has been very slow to load
(over 30 seconds when not opening a database) and when opening a database it just crashes.

Has anyone any idea what could cause this as it worked fine before ?

also would a reinstall help ??


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Wierd Stuff..

Oct 25, 2005

Recently I've been having a problem with Access (2003) that I can't seem to get around. If I click on "NEW" to create a new query, do some editing, then go to close, it prompts me as to whether or not I want to save, which would be ok, if it would let me choose NO!!

I only get OK or Cancel options. I've NEVER had this problem before.
I have not done any updates added any addons. Is there some hidden trick here or some way to get around this cause its really annoying.


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Wierd Opening Db Problem!

Mar 5, 2008


I have a database on a shared network drive. If you try to open the db (when another user already has the db open) from the route "my computer" then selecting the drive then selecting the db the message

"Microsoft Access can't find the database file 'M:lah blah blah'
Make sure you have entered the correct file and path name"

However, if you open the db through the access application it opens fine and there are no problems.

Has anyone come accross this before???
I have contacted our IT department who say that they cannot see why this is happening.


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Wierd Date Between Query

Aug 16, 2005

I have a backwards date between query. I have a table with Date1 and Date2 fields. On the form I have a calender control. I want the user to click a date on the calender control and then look at the rows in the table to see if that date is between the Date1 and Date2 fields.

So the query will be (in english) get all rows that CalenderDate1 is between Date1 and Date2

Im stuck. Someone give me direction.

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Wierd Subform Behavior (Please Help)

Dec 29, 2005

When I open my mainform through an onClick event of a button, the form opens up with the subform on it is disabled/closed -- Just a blank white box shows in place of the subform on my mainform. Here:
http://img426.imageshack.us/img426/4672/shot29sj.th.jpg (http://img426.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot29sj.jpg)

However, when i go through the objects window and open the mainfrom directly. I am able to enter and update data and the subform shows up and works fine. Here:
http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/5650/shot19ig.th.jpg (http://img420.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot19ig.jpg)

This is the code attached to the onClick event on the mainMenu

Private Sub New_Project_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_New_Project_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Project Status - Full Details2"

stLinkCriteria = "[projectId]= 0"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
[Form_Project Status - Full Details2]![Proj ID].Enabled = False

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_New_Project_Click

End Sub

This is the record source on the mainform:
The projectInfomation table is the record source
FROM projectInformation;

This is the record source on the subform:
The projectStatusCommentary table is the record source

SELECT projectStatusCommentary.projStatusId, projectStatusCommentary.projectId, projectStatusCommentary.statusCommentary, projectStatusCommentary.commentaryDate
FROM projectStatusCommentary;

The link fields are:

The tables are in sybase and my application has an ODBC connection to them.
I can update any of the tables directly without issues.
I have ran the queries independently and updated tables through the query and it works fine also.

I have been pulling my hairs out on this for over 3weeks now. cos i can't seem to find what's wrong.
I am not able to attache the db cos it's very huge. But i have copied the problematic form &subform, to a new db so you may see my design, and record sources.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or you've come across this kind of issue before, anything...please make my new Year a happy one and help :)
I would really appreciate it!
Have a happy and prosperous new year.

Yours truly,
Frustrated one

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Wierd Date Picker!!

Oct 12, 2006

Well this is bizzare,
I am using the microsoft date picker in my form. I have made it non editable (i.e. editable=false) when the form loads.

I am making it editable on the click of a button... Seems all so simple huh..

But my problem is that when I click the button, the date picker is displaced at the top of the form..

when I move the slide bar of the form, it again comes back to its original position..

Can anyone explain this?? and how to make it simple?

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Wierd Sorting Situation (excluding Record)

Jun 29, 2006

I'm trying to sort a combo box alphabetically except for one value which is always at the top of the list.

The row source of the combo box is a query. record to remain at the top of the list is static- same value and ID number always. I've fiddled around with a few things, but at the end of the day, i'm just not smart enough! (or its not possible -which i doubt)..
any suggestions?

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Wierd Prob: Cannot Update SQL Server Text-fields For Some Records, But Can For Others

Feb 22, 2005


I have a very strange problem:

I have a table linked to an SQL Server table in my MS Access 2000 Application containing 5 text-fields (SQL Server Type, in Access seen as MEMO-fields) and several other fields (in total about 140 fields). Updating any field works fine except for some records. In those records I can only edit the non-text-fields in my application. When I try to edit one of the text-fields I get a error message telling me that another user has edited the record and i have to discard my changes.

The strange thing is that this problem only crops up for some records. (1 in a 100 or so) All other records work fine.

Does anyone know what happens here? And how this can be fixed?


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Very Slow DB

Nov 8, 2006


My DB is very slow when it's used by more than 1 person at a time. It's divided into FE/BE. The BE is in a shared server and a copy of the FE is in each person's machine.

I don't know why it takes ages to respond. Any help will be very much appreciated.


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Why Is Split Db So Slow?

Apr 29, 2005

Hi all

I have an Access 2003 db that works extremely well as a stand-alone application but I am keen to “split” it so that many users can operate it together.

Accordingly I did the split and placed the tables on our server, and tried running the front end locally.

Much to my horror, it takes about a minute to open, and many seconds to do anything after a button press etc.

I have been testing it on my wireless home network and the same thing happens, except now I can monitor network activity from the “network working” light.

What I see baffles me and would welcome comments, in particular, what I can do to speed it up by a factor of 100!

1.It takes forms about 50 seconds to open; however, this is due to about 40 seconds of network activity BEFORE the form’s load event fires!
2.In DESIGN mode, any minor change to a control for example, results in about 40 seconds network activity.
3.All queries upon which forms are based take well under a second to run over the network.
4.Making an mde file has no effect.

I thought the idea of splitting was to keep the forms/queries/code etc, local to a machine so I don’t understand what all the network activity is about, particularly in design mode. Also, given the actual queries are so fast, just what is Access doing??

Any comments please?


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Slow Subform

Jun 2, 2005

I have a form with a subform (there is no child parent relationship) , when I open the mainform it causes the subform to slow down.

ie If I open the suform by itself - it opens quickly
If I then open the main - it runs quickly

If I then open the main again it runs slow or if I open the subform again - it runs slow - it continues to run slow - until I have opened the sunform by itself.

So something in the mainform is causing the subform to slow down.

Help! Thanks

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Slow Running

Jun 24, 2005

I am using Access 2003 but it is to slow, what can I do?

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Slow Database? HELP!

Apr 4, 2006


I have a database for booking equipment in and out.

I have the backend stored on a shared drive on our LAN, and the front end on each client machine.

The database has been working fine until just now, it runs very slow and my DCount functions have stopped displaying data.

I have no idea why this has happened, please help?

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Slow Connection

Aug 24, 2006

hi all,

i'm create a aplication in ms access 2000 developer edition. this app comunicate with sql 2000.

we have problem with slow connection provided by access. in headquater wher people use access app it working quickly. sql 2000 is localted at headquarter too. but if i run app in warehouse it working very slowly.

VPN connection doesn't slow. but access can't use all vpn connection capacity but only 1/5 from this capacity?

how can i do something that acces can use all capacity that i have?

example: link is 512 kbps but access use only 100kbps and work very slowly.

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VPN - Process Are Too Slow!

May 30, 2007

I developed a sales database that contains around twenty forms, (in addition to tables, queries, reports and 2 modules). In these forms, I'm setting recordsets, select statements and filters. We recently hired a person to set up a Virtual Private Network. After spending a couple of thousands on a server and countless hours reprogramming the database to have multiple users access the database out in the field, (via Verizon broadband network card), we were unsuccessful to use the database since it was taking too long to download the data or perform any calculations. The database is split. The users have a front end.

The person setting the VPN has suggested that I get rid of all the queries that I have in the forms (which is impossible), or use Visual Basic for the front end instead of Access with VBA.

When I set up the recordsets I use the following setting:
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic

I don't know what to do. This program is very complicated and I don't want to have to reprogram the whole thing with Visual Basic, and I don't know how the front end is going to work if I eliminate all the queries, select statements and filtering.

Any ideas, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Text Box With Nz() Very Slow

Feb 25, 2008

At the moment, I have a very simple Access 2007 database with 3 small tables, and 4 small forms.

In two of the forms' headers, I have a text box with contents '=Nz([FirstName] & " " & [MiddleName] & " " & [LastName],"Untitled")' which I took from Microsoft's Marketing Projects sample database.

When I open the two forms with this text box, the forms displays instantaneously except for this text box -- this text box doesn't show its contents for almost a full second. The part of the form that displays right away includes the fields FirstName, MiddleName, and LastName, so it's not that Access is taking forever to pull the row of data...

The database isn't too large. It's about 800K.

It isn't the computer, it's an Intel Core2 Duo E6600 with 4GB memory.

Any ideas on how to speed this up? Is there a totally different way I should be doing this?

As you can problaby tell, I'm relatively new to Access. I've read a few books, but am at a loss why this function is running so slowly. Before, I've focused on web development however this client requres Access for this project. Any help would be much appreciated!

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Is Tab Form Very Slow

Dec 6, 2005

Hello All,
Yesterday only i designed my first form in VB.I designed a tab form as i have to place two kinds for data from the same table separately (for user convience).i was succesfull in that.But the problem is the form is very slow to load........very very slow......

i want to know whether Tab form are slow or i have made any mistake..

any solution please.....

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Slow Updates

Sep 13, 2005

I have a project that produces a roll report. To do this, I have two tables:

T1 (roughly 20,000 records)
ID (Primary Key), PrevAmt, CurrAmt, Action

T2 (roughly 40,000 records)
ID, Amt (linked Excel spreadsheet)

I then run 4 queries in sequence

Q1: Update T1 set PrevAmt=CurrAmt, CurrAmt=0;
Q2: INSERT INTO T1 (ID, PrevAmt, CurrAmt) SELECT ID, 0, 0 FROM T2; /* keys that already exists will fail to insert)*/
Q3: Update T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID SET T1.CurrAmt=T1.CurrAmt + T2.Amt;
Q4: Update T1 SET Action = iif(PrevAmt=0 and CurrAmt<>0,"NEW",iif(PrevAmt<>0 and CurrAmt=0,"DROPPED",iif(PrevAmt<>CurrAmt,"CHANGED","UNCHANGED")));

T1 and the queries is in an Access file on a network drive. T2 is a link to an Excel sheet on a network drive.

When I run the queries from a PC on the local LAN, it takes about 2 minutes to update. I consider that acceptible. But I now have to run it from a PC attached to the network via a VPN over a somewhat slow DSL line. The queries take over 20 minutes to run. I want to cut that time down. But the Access file and the Excel file need to stay put as other users use them for other purposes. (Though they know not to access them till after they see my roll report in their in-box.)

What can I do to decrease the update time on this?


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Slow Network Database

Feb 7, 2006

This problem is driving me nuts!!
I`ve just spent a fair few months creating a database to be used by our sales team, I`ve about finished it and came to trial it with the sales manager. When he is using the database at the same time as me it becomes slow.
The design has a front end with all the queries, forms etc and a back end on a server containing the tables.
The database was created using Access 2000 and was designed to replace a similair db created on 97 which has a decent speed on the network.
The other strange thing is that one particular macro that I`ve been using for the speed tests runs quite slow (about 3 secs) when 2 pcs have the db open but once the macro has run if it is run again it takes typically less than a second to run.
What would cause a db to run a macro at different speeds after they`ve been run once? I`ve tried everything I can find on the net to try and improve the speed to no avail.
Help please!!

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MS Access Database Is Slow

Sep 16, 2006

Hi everybody,
I have an access database which is around 40 MB after compacting it and I feel that it is slow especially when I open cross table form. Is there any way to speedup the databse.
Note: my databse is on the share drive in my work.

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DB Runs Slow Over Network

Sep 18, 2006

I have a 16Mb DB. The intention is for users to access this over the network without copying onto their local machines.

At present, many of the forms are located on 1 master form and they are all subforms on tabs. There are a lot of calculated control boxes on the forms, and these seem to be very slow to bring back the data over the network whereas on my local machine, the data is displayed in a couple of seconds.

COuld this be sped up somehow? Maybe using queries or other methods?

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Slow Access Response

Oct 10, 2006


I have developed a DB for work and it has grown, it is about 60Meg, all of a sudden when I am opening Design View in Reports, or queries it started running really slow.

I always Compact on Close
I have Split the DB.

Still no Joy, I have a brand new Dell PC so nothing wrong there.

What is happening? it is a nightmare to get anything done.

Please advise.


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