Hi Everyone! I am a huge novice in database programming. I have a very basic database that I put together. I understand how to retrieve records and such, but I need to be able to perform mathmatic calculations in queries. I either need a new database written, or the one that I have ''tweeked''. I have no clue what the going rate is, but i am willing to pay. Just let me know what your cost is. Contact me @ davemayer@bellsouth.net or if you would like on the forum. Once you contact me I will give you my phone number and we can discuss the specifics of the database and whatever $ you will need to do the job. I am in a bit of a hurry to get this done, so let me know ASAP. Thanks a million. Dave.
I have designed a touchscreen input system using Visual Basic.net and this writes to an Access Database. Each Touchscreen has its database locally so it can still work even if there are Network problems.
Now what I would like to do is have all these local databases write to a central database say every minute but only write new records to the central database. The Central Database can either be Access or SQL.
I've set up a database for product tracking. It is going to be used by several users at one time. I'm going to implement it in stages as inevitably there is going to be some fine tuning to be done etc. I have a few questions with regards to editing.
1, I presume that I cant alter the database while it is being accessed by others?
2, Is it better to alter another copy of the database and the import the data being generated and then copy it to back the server in one go?
3, If so how do i do this as I’ve had a trial go and failed miserably?
4, Is there another way of doing this minimising the down time of the database?
Being relatively new to access your help would be gratefully appreciated.
I have a database which i am constantly updating and improving. I have a few friends who use the database in a current form. If i made an update say to a form or to some of the coding to make the DB more efficent, how can i update the dBs my friends are using without damaging or changing the existing data, or migrating it to the new design.
Hi I am having problems updating my database using a dropdown menu can someone see where I have gone wrong: Error: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /update_style.asp, line 34 ************************************************** ******* drop down form: Code:<% 'Dimension variables Dim styConn 'Holds the Database Connection Object Dim rsstyle 'Holds the recordset for the records in the database Dim strstyke 'Holds the SQL query for the database Dim lngRecordNo2 'Holds the record number to be updated 'Read in the record number to be updated lngRecordNo2 = Request.QueryString("RemID") 'Create an ADO connection object Set styConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") styconn="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=ny database connection is here that's not the problem;" 'Create an ADO recordset object Set rsstyle = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database strstyle = "SELECT memorial.pagestyle FROM memorial where remid=" & lngRecordNo2 'Open the recordset with the SQL query rsstyle.Open strstyle, styConn %> <form name="form" method="post" action="update_style.asp?remid=<%=lngRecordNo2%>"> <tr> <td width="50%"> <select size="5" name="pagestyle" style="width: 95%;" style="border:1px outset #5286A5; " style="border:1px outset #5286A5; " multiple style="border: 1px outset #5286A5"> <option value="Bible">Bible</option> <option value="boat">boat</option> <option value="candles">candles</option> <option value="child1">child1</option> <option value="child2">child2</option> <option value="cross">cross</option> <option value="diary">diary</option> <option value="footprints">footprints</option> <option value="heaven1">heaven1</option> <option value="landscape">landscape</option> <option value="music">music</option> <option value="ocean">ocean</option> <option value="ponga">ponga</option> <option value="rose">Rose</option> <option value="rose2">Rose2</option> <option value="sky">Sky</option> <option value="toitoi">Toitoi</option> <option value="valley">Valley</option> </select></td> <td width="50%"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#5286A5"> Click here to view what each style template looks like.</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Submit New Style" name="style" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #5286A5; background-color: #5286A5"></td> </tr> </form> <% 'Reset server objects rsstyle.Close Set rsstyle = Nothing Set styCon = Nothing %> ************************************************** * The scripted page after submission (where the error accures): <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="connection.asp" --> <% 'Dimension variables Dim adoCon 'Holds the Database Connection Object Dim rsUpdateEntry 'Holds the recordset for the record to be updated Dim strSQL 'Holds the SQL query to query the database Dim lngRecordNo 'Holds the record number to be updated 'Read in the record number to be updated lngRecordNo = CLng(Request.Form("Remid")) 'Create an ADO connection object Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Set an active connection to the Connection object using DSN connection adoCon.Open Connect_String 'Create an ADO recordset object Set rsUpdateEntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database strSQL = "SELECT memorial.pagestyle FROM memorial WHERE remid=" & lngRecordNo 'Set the cursor type we are using so we can navigate through the recordset rsUpdateEntry.CursorType = 2 'Set the lock type so that the record is locked by ADO when it is updated rsUpdateEntry.LockType = 3 'Open the recordset with the SQL query rsUpdateEntry.Open strSQL, adoCon 'Update the record in the recordset rsUpdateEntry.Fields ("pagestyle") = Request.Form ("pagestyle") 'Write the updated recordset to the database rsUpdateEntry.Update DIM strCustomerID strCustomerID = rsupdateentry("remID") 'Reset server objects rsUpdateEntry.Close Set rsUpdateEntry = Nothing Set adoCon = Nothing 'Return to the update select page in case another record needs deleting 'Response.Redirect "update_select.asp" Response.Redirect ("editmemorial.asp?REMID=") & strcustomerid %>
I have a small form that when people fill in it should update their details intomy database. However the page seems to be working fine and completes corerectly. But when i go to the table in the database it just enters a blank line fo reach field.
A client has had a database in operation for about a year. They requested some updates. I have been trying to figure out an easy way to update table structer with out having the client go into the backend and add a field or two.
I wrote an update program, that copies the table from their backend, and copied it to the updated table and tried to copy it back to thier backend, but since it is in a relationship, it won't let me.
Hi, im currently working on a database which is for someone else. Whe it is handed over to them, they will no doubt want some changes done every so oftern eg new reports, changes to forms etc.
What is the best way to do this? The database holds a lot of data, so I dont think its feasible for them to send it to me via email everytime they need something changed!
Ive noticed a few posts here about splitting the database into a front/back end. If this was done, would they just have to send me the front end; this would probably be a smaller file ye?
If this is going to be the best way round the problem; how easy is it to split a database which is basically already made?
Hi, im currently working on a database which is for someone else. Whe it is handed over to them, they will no doubt want some changes done every so oftern eg new reports, changes to forms etc.
What is the best way to do this? The database holds a lot of data, so I dont think its feasible for them to send it to me via email everytime they need something changed!
Ive noticed a few posts here about splitting the database into a front/back end. If this was done, would they just have to send me the front end; this would probably be a smaller file ye?
If this is going to be the best way round the problem; how easy is it to split a database which is basically already made?
I have a number of Yes/No fields in my database (their default value is False), and I am looking to update these via one of my webpages via INSERT INTO... statement.
What I have is a checkbox on the page, with checked value as true, and then before the values are written to the database, for the unchecked boxes, it converts all empty check box values (ie the ones which have been left unticked) to false, so the INSERT INTO statement will either write true or false for each checkbox, like this... true,true,false,true
The thing is, on executing the code, it add all the other details fine, and hits no errors, but NONE of the checkboxes get updated... these ALL remain unticked in the database, so ignoring any true values which are written to it. Please can someone help, I would be sooo thankful ).
Beginner at ASP VBscript. Hi I'm trying to update a Access database through a form using ASP VBScript. Kind of lost. I've looked at some sites and they all have complex ways of doing it. CAn anyone help with a simple little example. say a table with firstname and second name.
I'm having difficulties creating a sql statement which updates data in another Access database from a current database.
I'm able to do an insert and delete statement just perfectly, but not an Update. :confused:
For example, here is a dummy sample (which does not work):
Update tbl_test1 IN '\C:Tempabc.mdb', tbl_test2 set tbl_test1.Name = tbl_test2.Name Where tbl_test1.ID = tbl_test2.ID
I tried a couple of variations, however, I keep getting an error. Also, I don't want to create a database link (due to the sheer complexity of my project, which I'll spare you the details..)
Does anyone know how to do this? I searched the forums and came up with zilch! =(.. Help??!
I have been asked to add features (and fields) to an existing database containing private medical data. The idea is to add features to the empty database, test it with fake data, purge the fake data and deliver it to the user in another state with a simple update button. The Access 2010 database is in one piece (No front/back end).
I am looking for the best/shortest VBA method to move a lot of preexisting field data from the old database to the new version. I think I have it mostly figured out; I have code for counting, reading and writing the table names, field names and field data.
However, because the data types vary within the tables and there will be new fields in the new versions tables, my only idea, so far, is to code through the data table-by-table and field-by-field, a lengthy process with a large footprint. Moving entire tables or complete records may not be effective. Any faster way to transfer all these tables field data?
I am currently updating an old Db which rosters staff. One of the enhancements will allow the user to automatically allocate staff details to a Roster after a given date. i.e. Roster date 20th Feb 15, repeat for 3 days. 21st 22nd 23rd Feb 15. I have created a form with a medium date field and then a Combo box with drop down values of 1 thru 7 days. I want to link the combo box value to the Date box.
I am currently updating an Access database, any way to send an OLE Object (in this case an Excel Spreadsheet) as an attachment to an email address using VBA code? I made a form that shows the Excel Spreadsheet when the record is brought up, but I need to know how to send just the Excel Spreadsheet and not the other information on the form.
Also, if there is an alternate way to have an Excel spreadsheet embedded into an Access form, i'm open to change. The user wants to be able to see the Excel spreadsheet and send it to their supervisor without having to locate the Excel spreadsheet on the hard drive.
I have a MS Access table containing Dependent social security numbers but some of the dependents social security numbers are blank.
I have a MS Sql Database that contains a table with most of the missing MS Access table dependents Social Security numbers.
How can I take the Dependents social security number from MS Sql Database and copy/update the MS Access table.
I tried the sql code below created from MS Access and it matches 453 records out of 460 dependent social security numbers but how do I update qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN.SSN with the social security number from dbo_depfile1.dep_depend_ssn
SELECT dbo_depfile1.dep_depend_ssn, qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN.SSN FROM qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN LEFT JOIN dbo_depfile1 ON qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN.MemberSSN = dbo_depfile1.dep_ss_nbr WHERE (((dbo_depfile1.dep_first)=[FirstName]) AND ((dbo_depfile1.dep_last)=[LastName]));
Updating MS Access table dependent blank SSNs with SSN in MS Sql Database.
The front end has been saved in a accde format and distributed to 20+ users. They have all saved this onto there computers and this is used as an application.The users complete a form on a weekly basis on the application and then save. This then saves into the back end.For some reason I have noticed that a few users submission randomly do not save. For the life of me I cannot understand why.All users have saved them into the back end in the past but every now and then submission for users do not save.
I am creating a database that tracks current projects for my team at work.
Some projects are only due once (e.g., mailed brochures due on 1/1/14) and some are due at scheduled intervals (e.g., status report due monthly, quarterly, etc.)
Ultimately, I'm hoping that my end result will allow us to click on a form and look at what everybody has due that day, in the next 7 days, and so forth.
I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'
Private Sub cmdQuote_Click() 'Creates quote date and prints quote Me.QuoteDate = Now() Me.cbAgentID.Requery DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID End Sub
When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.
I have a form with a combo box. If the supplier(s) name is not in the combo box, it asks do you want to add that supplier address? If yes, a popup form displays, where the name and address are entered. THis updates the table. But the problem is the combobox doesn't refresh so the user isn't aware that it has updated.
I've tried updating the form, but that results in the question being asked again, do you want to add that supplier address.
Here is my code
Dim intNewCategory As Integer, intTruncateName As Integer, strTitle As String, intMsgDialog As Integer
' Display message box asking if user wants to add a new category. strTitle = "Shipper Database" intMsgDialog = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1 intNewCategory = MsgBox("Do you want to add this Company and Address to the List?", intMsgDialog, strTitle)
If intNewCategory = vbYes Then ' Remove new name from CategoryID combo box so ' control can be requeried when user returns to form. 'DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
' Display message box and adjust length of value entered in ' CategoryID combo box. strTitle = "Name Too Long" intMsgDialog = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation If Len(NewData) > 50 Then intTruncateName = MsgBox("Name of the Supplier can be no longer than " _ & "50 characters. The name you entered will be truncated.", _ intMsgDialog, strTitle) NewData = Left(NewData, 50) End If
A sent a mate a DB a while ago and I want to update it for him... so I need to send him something that will automatically update the forms, queries etc... progamatically i.e without him having to do anything to it.
Ideally, I'd like to front end/back end the DB. But server infrastructure doesn't allow for this. 2 networks are operating and they don't talk cleanly. Essentially, a FE/BE DB will work on one of the networks but not the other. Therefore, the DB is one whole DB so that BE tables don't need refreshing.
The way I see it... I have 2 options. Or maybe there are other options?? 1. Export forms, queries etc... to the old DB or 2. Import the data tables into the new one.
At this stage I prefer option 2.
I have some idea how do this this but would appreciate some advice. Ideally, I'd like the user to click an update button to import tables, delete the old DB and transfer the new DB into the appropriate folder (and maybe rename the DB if it needs it??)
I want to make an update code without referring to the form
My update query reads in is sql as follows Dim SQL As String StrSQL = "UPDATE products SET products.new = [products].[grossprice]-[products].[grossprice]*28/100" I want to rewrite it in the following way : Dim Diff As String Diff = [products].[grossprice] - [products].[grossprice] SQL = "UPDATE products SET products.new = diff*28/100 "
However this effort fails since i have to refer to a form.Can i build a code without referring to a form?