Windows Media Player ActiveX Controls

Jan 3, 2007

After searching the forums, I've found some information, but not what I need or what works.

I've got everything playing fine, from where people can play a file they choose from a list, but I need to add some advanced controls for Fast Fowarding and such.

Searching google, I've managed to find plenty of VB controls, but none seem to work in VBA. I've set the Media Player references, but when trying:

me.MediaPlayer0.Controls the only option it gives me are Items and Count, not Play, Stop or Pause (or anything similar).

Anyone know how to do the advanced controls?

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Media Player ActiveX Control

Jun 18, 2006


I have a form with an ActiveX Control for Media Player 10. The player works ok, but if I try to close the form using the PlayStateChange Event, Access crashes out to the 'Send Report To Microsoft' window.

This is the code:-

Private Sub WindowsMediaPlayer0_PlayStateChange(ByVal Newstate As Long)

If Newstate = 8 Then


End If
End Sub

This is looking for the end of the current media file, but I get the same problem if I look for Newstate = 1, the stop button being pressed.

However, if I put the DoCmd.Close command behind a command button, the form closes as normal.

Any ideas?

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Ms Access Controlling Windows Media Player

Jan 30, 2007

I want to have a MS Access 2000 database open, load a Form with various option buttons on and get Windows Media Player to play a MP3 music file. However, when I click a option button on the Form I want the music to stop.

Any ideas of code to do this?



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Modules & VBA :: Random Songs On A Form With Media Player Embedded

Nov 21, 2014

I have a form with windows media player embedded in it. What I want it to do is play a random song when I open it. So I put a field called Randomizer in the form and added this code.

Me.randomizer.Value = Int((60 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)

Now How do I put the URL for the song into vba format? I tried just using the URL property field for the player (D:[randomizer].mp3) but no luck.

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Using ActiveX Controls In MsAccess

Feb 1, 2006

I need to use various activeX controls in MsAccess2003. I downloaded a few activeX controls but I am having a problem with licensing. I registered the controls and the registration succeeded but when I try to add this ActiveX control on a form in MSAccess, I get the message that I don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control and that I should obtain the appropriate licence from the company that provides the licenced OLE object or ActiveX control. Any ideas on how to overcome this problem?

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Location Of ActiveX Controls?

Jan 25, 2005

I use the Active X calendar control 10.0 in a number of forms*. The mscal.ocx file is in c:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice 10.

(*In the calendar's Properties it says it is "MSCAL.Calendar.7", which I think is just MS's way of confusing people.)

After splitting the deploying my app, it appears lots of my users either don't have version 10.0 or it is stored someplace else; for example, in C:WindowsSystem32. Because they don't have the correct version/path, everything crashes.

So, how can I easily determine whether users have the right ActiveX in the correct location?

The Microsoft web site says "To distribute your component as part of a Visual Basic application, you can use Package and Deployment Wizard". I don't have that wizard in my version of Access (2002 SP3 on Windows XP), so that's not an option.

Microsoft also says to "To enter the base address for your component, open the Project Properties dialog box and select the Compile tab. The address is entered in the DLL Base Address box, as an unsigned decimal or hexadecimal integer. The default value is &H11000000 (285,212,672). If you neglect to change this value, your component will conflict with every other in-process component compiled using the default. Staying well away from this address is recommended." It seems to make sense that I put the mscal.ocx in the database's directory on the server to serve as the "base address", but other than that this option scares the heck out of me.

Does someone have any suggestions how to easily ensure users have the right ActiveX version on their computer - and in the correct location? (I'm not a super-coder.)

As always, thanks

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ActiveX Controls Can't Create Object Help!!!!!!

Feb 8, 2005

Okay, so I have tried to fix this for three days. When I try to create a button, combo or list box I get the message:

ActiveX Controls Can't Create Object. I have been through Internet Options/Security. I have tried reinstalling, I have tried to look into the registry. I even check Microsoft HELP and Mircosoft website and am getting nowhere. Can anyone please, please help solve this problem because it completely baffles me on how to fix this!!!

Oh yeah, (and now I am angry!!!)

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Modules & VBA :: Video Capture Using ActiveX Controls

Jan 10, 2014

Using Activex controls for capturing video from a webcam or similar. Just looking for a snapshot that I could then forward via email from access.

Ive seen commercial licenses for an activex control. The form Im imagining would have a window showing the live video with a snapshot button where we could store the image as a jpg for example and then generate an email forwarding on the image. It seems possible!

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Reports :: Printing Custom ActiveX Controls (Access 2007)

Sep 30, 2013

I wrote a custom ActiveX Control in C#.NET using a guide (Google ".net activex control step by step", first link on CodeProject). The control is compiled as a .dll and registered in Access 2007.

When I place the ActiveX control on a Form or Report, I can call its methods from VBA and see its output just fine.

When I open a Print Preview, only the top left corner of the control is shown, the rest is a blank white box. This does not happen with built-in ActiveX Controls (e.g. Calendar control), which print as they should.

I also tried a basic ActiveX Control build using VC++ (the sample control created by the MFC wizard), and that displays and prints correctly.

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Works On Windows 2000 Not Windows 2003

Sep 19, 2006

I have a website that is asp (not .net) based with an Access DB and I am in the process of replacing an old windows 2000 server with a much faster windows 2003 server. Here lies the problem I have a script as part of the admin that exports data to a csv file. The query joins 4 tables together to get the data needed for the export. On the windows 2000 server it takes 1-5 seconds to execute and have the csv file ready for download. On the window 2003 server it times out. I striped it down to use 2 joins and it worked although it took more like 10-20 seconds to export. This exports a specific range of ID's and the range is normally only 40-50 rows. If I put time stamps in the code the problem is in the query of the database, so I know its not in the file write etc.

I am going to rewrite it to use multible querys instead of one large query, but I have many other sites that I am moving to this server that would work better if I can figure out why it is so slow.

The windows 2000 is a 900 mhz server the windows 2003 is a 2.8GHZ server both have 1 GIG of ram. The database file is on the local drive on both servers. I am guessing it is a difference in the Jet version, I just haven't been able to find a solution to the problem. This uses a DSN connection, configured the same on both servers. I have also tried it as a DSN-less connection with the same result.

I have installed access on the server and to execute the command in access it is <2 sec.

I am not an access expert I normally program in .net and php and use MySQL and MsSQL for databases, we just have these legacy sites that use Access DB's

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Access And Windows 98 To Windows 2000

Nov 27, 2006

Hi All,

This is my problem -

My customer has Access programs that work on their Windows 98 OS PC's, but when they try to use them on Windows 2000 OS PC's they will not work.
The programs I believe were originally written in Access 97 and now they have Access 2000 on the PC's.

By not working I mean the following -

The Access program allows them to enter a document name and then the file opens in Word - BUT - when they use it in Windows 2000 it does not open the document at all. It says file not found in Windows 2000 and the file does exist.

** The reason they have Access opening files is that Access keeps track of them for auditing purposes.

Now here is something that I want to mention. On PC's that were upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 the programs work.

Can anyone here tell me what is missing from 98 to 2000 that would do this.

Thank you very much for your time.

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Vista 3d Windows To Windows Xp

Oct 20, 2006

Does anyone know if there is some type of theme to make windows xp windows 3d like vista's windows. example below.

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May 11, 2005

I have a subform with loads of command buttoms on it but if I try and select any of them I get the message "The OnClick you entered as the property setting produced the following error: A problem occured while BCF data collection tool was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX control". I don't understand what this means and just wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction for resolving the issue.

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Refreshing ActiveX

Nov 24, 2005

I just added a ActiveX control to my program and I have a scroll mouse, and there when the user used the mouse to scroll through the records, the record changes but the ActiveX Control doesn't. My activeX Control is used for a digital signature. Anyone Have any ideas?

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ActiveX Calendar

Sep 1, 2006

I use the Calendar ActiveX to select a date.
The calendar have a dropdownlistto post the selectede date?
I the calendar to dissapear after the date is selected. The selected date should remain in the drop down list.
I think that the control have a dropdownlist to show the selection, but i didn't found it.

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ActiveX Control

Feb 4, 2008

Hi All!

I'm new to ms access 2007.
How can I register my ocx files? like comdlg32.ocx?
Please help! My .mde file is running but somehow some of the features are not running.

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Using ActiveX Calenders Across Different Versions

Mar 20, 2006

Hello, I wrote an access program using version 2000 and the activex calendar 11.0 which came with the software. When i tried to run the same program on access 2003 none of my dates worked and I got error messages all over the place. Help!

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ActiveX Color Selector ?

Nov 30, 2004

For selecting a Date /time value, I use activex control DTPicker5... What Activex object, or infact any object, can I use to select a color value ?

your answers will be appreciated


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ActiveX Microsoft Calendar

Aug 9, 2007

I have a database in access xp pro with a form that i have a calendar in, the problem is when i open the form i get a error mess (can't set value to NULL when checkbox proberty = false.

HELP Rocky

PS it may help to know that i am not a programer.

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How To Register ActiveX Control

Jun 10, 2014

I'm using an activeX control and access gave me an error message showing that "I must register the ActixeX control. how can i do this?

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ActiveX Component Problem In Form

Apr 19, 2006

I had a search client form. This form used to work fine, so i haven't tocuhed it for a while. Basically what happens is you double click on the client and it clones it to the form.

However just a second ago i tested the form again and an error appears "ActiveX component cant create object". I've made no modifications to anything involving this form so im bit stuck for ideas.

I also received an error message telling me to check - Visual Basic --> Tool --> Reference. That says "Missing: Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library". I have browsed for the file but had no luck in finding a file to replace it.

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Activex Component Can't Create Object

Mar 13, 2006

I get this error everytime i try to use any wizard in access, i have uninstalled and reinstalled acces, i looked at the MSDN and i cannot find anything that will fix my problem. I have windows XP and office 2002 if that could help with the solution.

Regards, Neil

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Activex Component Can't Create Object

Mar 5, 2007

Activex component can't create object

i got this error message when i tried to create a command button...
i have to do it without the wizard... then when i tried to get one of those convenient access pics applied to the button i get an error pop up
Object variable or With block variable not set

...the errors only just started today... well i played hooky on friday cause of a snow storm so i guess it might be a recent microsoft insecurity update...

running XP pro 2002 SP2 with Access 2003 SP2

:( ...maybe this is the latest microsoft challenge...
:mad: ...uninstalling and reinstalling access or all of ms office does not remedy the situation... i searched the forums and cant find a solution :eek: ...
...any ideas :confused:

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Run A Activex Control From A Command Button

Mar 4, 2008

Hi all,

I am wandering if someone can help me out on this i have a thermal printer with it you get some ative x components to control the printer like for example what i am tryin to do is kick the cashdrawer which is connected to the printer,
Now the activex button does work correctly when click but i have another command button which prints out a couple of pages odf information so what i am tryin to do is have abother cmmand button when clicked run the code and then calls or runs the active x button to open the drawer is there a way i can do is i tried using the call statement with the name of the activex but with no luck.

i would really appreciate it if someone can help me out on this. thanks.


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Free Datepicker Activex Control

May 14, 2005


While searching for a free datepicker activex control I found the following control. It also allows null value. I found it quite useful and it's free


edit: copy the shortcut on a new browser otherwise it gives an error

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ActiveX Trouble While Opeing Form

Aug 28, 2005

Hi Gents,

I copied my mdb from one pc to another. Both pc has Access 2003 ver.

But when I try to open one of the form it gives error. The error has been attached in a Jpeg file. But when the same form runs from previous pc, it runs smoothly.

Kindly let me know why this occures and what is the solution to get rid of this.

Any help would be appreciated.

With kind regards,



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