Working With Wildcard Char

Mar 28, 2007

I know I have seen post close to this one but not hitting what I need.
I currently have a query that is structured as such...
Service: IIf([Serv] Like '*AA*',' Bas ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*AB*','Exp ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*CA*',' Dig ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*89*',' 384 ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*8H*',' 3M ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*?5*',' 5M ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*=W*',' 10M ','') & IIf([serv] Like '*<1*',' Tele ','')
Works great except for the last IIF stmt has now been changed to look for the code *6 - not wildcard6 -
How can I get Access to realize that I need it to look for
anything to the left or right but it must find the *6
This IIf([serv] Like '**6*',' Tele ','') wont work b/c I have other codes that end in 6.

I am at a loss - any help is appreciated.

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Char By Char Field Controle ?

Dec 5, 2005


In a form i have a field and i would like to test the field value character by character.
Ex : if the user typed ABCDE i want to detect the A as soon as the user typed A, etc..
I want to test each value of my field
and this before the user quit the field
I tried to to test with keydown event but the field value is null until user goes to the next field. i tried to concate each keycode but it's a little complexe if user press SUPPR, backtab, insert etc...
I want use this to do a search (like in listbox)
Thanks in advance for help.

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Wildcard Query With User Input Parameter Not Working

Jul 12, 2007

I'm using an Excel spreadsheet that is importing external data from an access database in which I've got a field where the name of a person checking materials out is entered. it is currently set up, and I cannot change it, as a free form field. So folks enter information in a variety of ways.

For example, Larry Martin might be entered as "Larry Martin" or "Martin, Larry" or "". I'm trying to run a query that would look in that field for any entry with the string I enter, such as "Martin."

I've tried setting the criteria like this:

Like "*" & [Which Last Name] & "*"

However, when I try and run the query I get a message telling me the system is expecting two parameters.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've been banging my head against this for awhile now and am thoroughly stumped! All assistance, as usual, is greatly appreciated!

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Len, Char, Instr Not Sure What To Use Or How To Use It

Nov 13, 2007

I need to bee able to query out all entries that are not like the following format S01-19-01-3. Users are entering incorrect data such as So1-19-o1-3, S0119-01-3, S01-19-01-3. Users are supposed to enter the data with One letter, 3 dashes and 7 numbers. If they enter any other way I need to be able to identify it with out searching through some 4000 records. Please help

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Need More Than 255 Char In Text Datatype

Jan 17, 2005

how to create text-field that holds more than 255 char.

If I, try to enter more than 255 in the Field Size field.
Displaying this message
"Setting for field size properity is 0 to 255" :confused:

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Use &lt;enter&gt; In Text Or Char Fields

Oct 17, 2005

Is it possible to use <enters> in text or varchar fields??
In this way users can easily switch to the next line instead of typing everything all together

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Query For Certain Characters In A Char Stream

Jan 5, 2007

I have this test file I am using. I want to figure out how to make a query( using the wizard or other functions are fine) . In this stream it always has Invoice Number: 385152769: I want to query to get 385152769 for every line. Is this possible?

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Exporting Memo Field (&gt;255 Char) Into Excel

Sep 28, 2005


I've read a bit on exporting Access fields longer than 255 characters (Memo) into Excel, and the general concensus is that it cannot be done.

All I need to do is run a report, right click the report, and select Export from the menu.

However, if it can be done using a query, any assistance or pointing in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.



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Queries :: Return Char Number Value As Numeric

Nov 19, 2013

I have tried to use a bit of code so return the Last Year and WeekNo in my database, to select some records but�. It currently fails, I think this because it returns the values as text and will then not compare to a numeric field. Is there an easy way to change this code so it returns numbers.


AS week,


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Memo Field Converts Everything After Char 255 To Special Characters

Jan 15, 2008

I have an unbound form where the user enters feedback, usually > 255 chars. When they hit the "Submit" button, an append query adds this to a memo field on a table. A memo field should be able to hold 65,000 some characters however everything after 255 turns into a special character, mostly boxes. Any ideas on how to retain the text?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Queries :: Convert 3-char Month And Year To Date

Aug 17, 2015

I have 2 columns that are listed as such:

AssumptionMo AssumptionYr
MAY 2014
JUN 2015
JUL 2015
OCT 2016

I need to create a field called AssumpDate that converts the month into a date field on the 1st day of the month. ex May 2014 needs to read 5/1/2014. When I use the expression AssumpDate: DateValue("1-" & [Assumption_Month] & "-" & Year(Date())) of course the year changes to the current one--2015. How can I I change the expression so that the year is based on the AssumptionYr column?

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Seeking Help Creating Catalog Database (text Descriptions &gt;255 Char.)

Nov 9, 2005

I am looking to create a catalog database. It is to serve as a finished product warehouse, as well as a product development tool. There are a number of fields, most of which are straight-forward.

One large problem I have is that the product descriptions are roughly 700 characters. Is there a way to have this information entered into Access and stored either in this database or elsewhere?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Queries :: Exclude Records Where Last Char Is Alpha Or Same Without Alpha?

Jul 31, 2014

how to exclude those records that have an alpha as the last character and also exclude the records that have the same id code without the alpha.

Example Listing:


Desired Output Result:


The length of characters in the id_code is not consistent. Some id_codes are longer and some are all numeric and some don't have underscores.

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How To Use Wildcard?

May 15, 2006

i've try and no luck... using Like "* *"

i'm tryin to create one that if i search for like let say "brisbane" it would show the results of the complete spelling, but let say if i was to just type "b" or "bris" it would show u a list of "B" towns or matching words of "bris".

any assit would be great

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Pop-Up WildCard

Jan 31, 2005

I have a field in a table that has the following data in it:


I created a query against this table and put a pop-up on this field so they can enter the search criteria needed, or leave blank for all.

I'd like to modify this pop-up code to ignore the W- and -2005. When the pop-up appears and asks them what week they want, I'd like for them just to enter 01 or 02 or 03 etc... not W-01, W-02 etc..

This is the code I have currently in this field.

Code: Like [Enter Two Digit Week] & "*"

Thanks, Leap!

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Wildcard Using Mid Statement

Jul 4, 2005

Can anyone say what the syntax would be for the "incorrect" statement below?

Like *Mid([checking]![COMPANY NAME],1,InStr([checking]![COMPANY NAME]," "))*

As the statement above doesnt work, just returns errors.

Thanks in advance

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Wildcard Entry

Aug 17, 2005


Im having a little problem with the following code in one of my queries

Expr1: IIf(IsNull([Forms]![editLookForm]![Company_Name]),True,[Company Name]=[Forms]![editLookForm]![Company_Name])

What this does is, it take an typed entry from the form (editlookform) and seaches for that entry in the query

i want to add wildcard entrys to this so that the person operating doesnt have to know the complete company name - i just dont know where to put them

Help please

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Wildcard Queries

Aug 17, 2005

I am running a query that links to a "wildcard" form so that the user can basically run a query filtered on any field they want.

For some reason when I try to use wildcards along with Criteria in my query the query will not return any results. I know the link to the textbox is right because if I take out the wildcard and put an exact word from the table I get a result.

I have tried using many different combinations inclusive of the following:

Like [Forms]![Refurb-WildcardReport]![RefurbWildcard-Name]
Like "[Forms]![Refurb-WildcardReport]![RefurbWildcard-Name]"

Any help would be appreciated, as always thank you ahead of time.

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Using Wildcard Characters

Oct 6, 2005

I have several queries looking up products from a table. I use a simple form to access the query and in the criteria of the field I use [Forms]![EnterCroft]![ProductName] to filter by name. (EnterCroft is the name of the form).

It works fine but doesn't like the asterisk (*) for all products.

I also want to use wildcard before and after key words in the product names, eg *cup* for anything with CUP in it's name.

How can I do this?

Thank you very much.

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Problem With WildCard

Dec 13, 2005

ok in access 2003 i have tried everything to get the Like "*oak*" to work but to all fail it replaces "Like" with "ALike" i have tried to find some info on this but have not it seams like something easy i wanted to do.

SELECT MainData.ModelName
FROM MainData
WHERE (((MainData.ModelName) ALike "*oak*"));

some reason it wont find all data with "oak" in it just returns empty

this is like query 101 but for some reason it has stumped me, along with one other problem but i am still researching that one.

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Wildcard Problems.

Dec 14, 2005

This is making me mad now :mad: i want a query to search for what a user inputs into the query. but for example if i seach in a field wheres there is one or more words in it. eg. I want to search my table for a address (60 donnington road etc) so in the user input box i type "donnington" but i get no results even though it should find "60 Donnington Road"

code i used. [Please enter address] now where does the wild card go?!?!

hope that makes sense :cool:

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Wildcard For One OR More Digits?

Mar 14, 2007

Hello, I'm trying to use wildcards to filter for records that contain a date somewhere within the string.

I'm using Like "*#.##.##*" which works for dates that have a day of the months >10, but what about those under?

Well, Like "*#.#.##*" only works for those with the day of month <10. Is there a wildcard character for "one or more digits"?

Also, the above example excludes Oct. - Dec. for the same reason.



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Wildcard Characters

Feb 24, 2006

Hey everyone, I've been busy creating a switchboard based on database, and I came across this issue. When I put a search through records command button, it seems that I can't use the wildcard characters, such as *,%,_ in order to find multiple records matching my criteria.

Am I supposed to "enable" them from somewhere or am I doing something wrong.

Any help?

Thanx in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Wildcard In URL / Before And After

Feb 21, 2014

I'm trying to add a spreadsheet from a folder using wildcards by just looking for a number in the file name.

strPath = "C:Training"
strFile = strPath & "*" + "(ZZ131008)" + "*.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "Training1", strFile, , ""

I get a response saying it cannot find the file and it shows the * in the path it cannot find. How can I make it find the right file?There are more files in the folder and the (ZZ131008) defines that course, I'd like to reuse the code for the other courses too.

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Wildcard Within A Combobox

Nov 20, 2013

I have a combobox with 2 columns where I manually set the following criteria:


In my employee table under the Languages field I have E,F or EF

I wanted to display in a sub-form a list of employees who speak a specific language but I can't use a wildcard in the combo-box properties. Basically when someone is looking for an English speaking employee they should get both E and EF employees not only E.

I tried doing "E*";"English" but it doesn't display anything.

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Wildcard On A Numeric Field

Jun 28, 2005

I have a query that prompts with a parameter box for the field Contributor_ID. Contributor_ID is a numeric field & Key and I use it to allow the user to print a report based on which Contributor_ID value the user enters. This works fine. However, I would like the user to have the option to enter * and then have the report include ALL the contributor IDs. I have done this before on a text field without a problem, however is this not possible on a numeric field as it is not working? I'm trying not to have another version for the ALL option.

If this is not possible, are there any alternatives?

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