Working With Time Fields

Mar 15, 2006

Can you calculated time in a query?
Such as hours during any given day?

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Working With Time Variables

Feb 21, 2008

I need to have my form give he user a Start time and then an End Time.

How do I store the variables (stirng, integer?)

How do I subtract the End Time from the Start Time to get a total time??

I then need to Multiple the resulting time frame by a Rate to calculate total value...

Any thoughts?


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Calculate Time Between Two Working Dates?

Oct 6, 2013

The below function returns correct time difference between workdays. However, it is excluding Saturday as per the code.

It is calculating 06:30 am to 22:00 pm time for weekdays but I also want it to calculate the time from 10:00 to 13:30 on a Saturday.

I am trying to use the NetworkMinutes function to achieve this. However, there is a problem getting the time for Saturday.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Procedure : NetWorkMinutes
' Author : Rod
' Date : 13/12/2012
' Purpose : Returns the number of work minutes between two date-time arguments.


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Calculate Working Time Between Dates In Access

Oct 26, 2006

I have searched the forum for this answer but no luck. :(

I'm trying to calculate the amount of WORKING time between two dates in an Access database. At the moment i am just subtracting one date from another but this gives me all of the time in between including weekends and evenings.

I need this time to be calculated in hours.

In Excel i know there is a NETWORKINGDAYS function which does something similar but with days rather than hours.

At least if i could get the working days i could then convert it into hours.

Please help!

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Working Out Total Time Spent (In A Query)

Apr 8, 2008

In My Db I have TblSupportTickets and a Table which records support ticket activity. When adding a new activity detail to the Db it automatically records when the FrmActivityDetail opens and on closing, it records the time the Form was closed. So in TblSupportTickets which relates by ID to TblSupportTicketActivity on a one-to-many relationship.

I then created a query with SupportTicketID, TimeOpen, Time Closed. SupportTicketID criteria is Forms.FrmSupportTicket.txtSupportTicketID

This lists all the time open's and timeclosed's for that support ticket.

how can I work out the total time spent on that support ticket?

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Short Time Not Working In Make Table Query

Mar 8, 2006

I've set up a query to calculate the difference between 2 time fields. I set the property to short time.

The thing is - when I run the query in a Select query, the times in the column which contains the difference, appear correctly : ie hh:mm, but when I run the same query in as a make table query, the time difference field (although I have set the property to short time) appear something like this:


Can somebody please tell me how to make it that the time difference results field in my make table query appears as hh:mm??

Thanks in advance - nelld

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Properties Not Working First Time On Subform

Jan 13, 2015

I have a form that uses a listbox. I can select multiple items and then update a subform. When I press a button with VBA and use the filter property on the subform for the first time, nothing happens. When I press the button a second time, it does - and it works thereafter with different selections. It only happens that first time, after loading the form and pressing the button for the first time.

I have tested that the list items are accessible via the vba variables and stepping through my code and the problem starts with the filter properties.

the statement:

Me.sbfrmCluster.Form.FilterOn = True
Me.sbfrmCluster.Form.Filter = strFilter

is not switched on first time (I have tried a requery and refresh statement after this). When I step through the code the first time, the FilterOn property remains false. A second button press and it is fine.

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Time Keeping DB - Best Field Format For Working Out Hours Worked

Jun 18, 2006

Hi, I am creating a time keeping db.

Before I jump in and start creating a way to record times worked I thought it best to ask for advice.

The db is created and the last part is to capture by member:
Basically I have the following fields:

Job Type
Date of Job
Time Started
Time Finished

From the data captured I need to create a report to show month and ytd hours worked.

It would be easy to ask the user to calculate the hours worked and input the number of hours, however I would like to capture start and finish times.

Can anyone give me any pointers on the best field types and field formats for capturing times which would then make it easier to work out hours worked.

Thanks in advance


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Unbound Fields In Query Not Working

Sep 30, 2005


I have a from with unbound fields on and i have it set up so when you type in the field click the button - it runs a query and finds the records.

I have tried to add a combo box that gets the actual value from the field (avoids people typing wrongly) which it finds the values fine, but the query does not seem to be able to returns to results for that value selected via the combo box.

Any advice would be good?



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Query With 2 <> Conditions On Different Fields Not Working

Jan 23, 2008

I'm trying to get this query to return all records except those with category: 4 AND issue: 12

Instead I'm always getting ZERO category: 4 and ZERO issue: 12

Should not the parenthesis force this to be taken as a single "WHERE"?

FROM tmptbl_tm_YTD

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Queries :: Getting Date / Time Range - Date And Time Are Separate Fields

Mar 13, 2014

I have a database with date and time each stored in a separate field. Now I want to query the database based on a start date/time and an end date/time. I started with the code below but it only returns events within the same time range on each day when what I really need is every event from a specified date and time through a specified date and time.

SELECT myTable.ID AS myTable_ID, myDate, myTime, FirstName, LastName
Staff.ID = myTable.StaffID
WHERE myTable.myDate >= #3/2/2014#
AND myTable.myDate <= #3/3/2014#
AND myTable.myTime >= #8:00PM#
AND myTable.myTime <= #11:00PM#
ORDER BY myDate desc

In the above example what I want is every event from 3/2/2014 8:00PM until 3/3/2014 11:00PM. But what I get instead is every event between 8:00PM and 11:00PM on 3/2/2014 and every event between 8:00PM and 11:00PM on 3/3/2014.

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General :: IIF Statement - Calculated Fields Not Working

Apr 8, 2015

Access 2013

I've created a table for a college project and realised that one of my calculated fields isn't working. It doesn't produce an error message, it just doesn't calculate.


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Forms :: Disable / Enable Fields Not Working For A New Record

Aug 9, 2014

I have some code like this that sets some fields up to be disabled when the form loads, then enables them when a combo box ('Type') is selected to 'Instrument'. This works fine as far as it goes, but if the user has selected 'Instrument' and then goes to a new record, the fields remain enabled.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.CalibrationTolerance.Enabled = False
Me.AcceptanceLimit.Enabled = False
End Sub

[Code] ....

I've looked this up and it appears I need to use the property Form.NewRecord, but nothing I do seems to make it work.

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Queries :: Multi-field Query Not Working When Some Fields Are Null Value

May 22, 2013

Access 2010. I've had to learn it at work because our DBA was let go and I was the only one willing to give it a go. Read a book or two and picked up some stuff on the internet.

Here's my problem:
I have a simple table -Employee with 4 fields. FirstName, LastName, Office and JobTitle. I have form called Form1 that has 3 control fields cboJobTitle (a combo box that is populated by a query that finds all the unique values of that field in the Employee table), cboOffice (same as above) and txtName (a text box to allow user input) that are used as the criteria for a multi-field query triggered by a button at the bottom of the form. The idea being that you could do a search using this form to find all the employees in one office or all the accountants in one office, or any other combination.

The main search query has the following criteria for each field -
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboOffice] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboJobTitle] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![txtName] & "*"

It works great...until I enter a record where one of those fields may be null, such as if I leave the JobTitle blank.
If I have two employees in an office in one city and then do a search for all the employees in that office, it only returns one record and ignores the one that has the null value in the JobTitle field.

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General :: Add Existing Fields And Property Sheet - Buttons Not Working

Sep 1, 2014

I have a problem with two buttons, add existing fields and property sheet

When i click them they do nothing at all, so i cannot do what i need to do?

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Forms :: Quick Filter Not Working When Memo-type Fields In Form

Jul 1, 2013

I recently made a new version of our database complete with forms, querys etc.. using Access 2010. It looked good and nice, but we encountered an unexpected problem. In all forms that contains memo-type fields quick filter is not working (there is no lists, checkboxes etc..). My users really like quick filters and are understandably irritated. I would understand if this disappearance would affect only memo-type fields, but it affects ALL the fields.

I also know that there are problems with memos in Access 2010. I have tried to make new forms, but every time I add memo fields quick filter stops functioning. I have also tried to change properties, options and what not, but to no use. In older versions of our forms this feature works just fine, but they were made in older version of Access (don't know which since oldest ones are from year 2003).

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Subtracting Time Fields

Mar 26, 2005

Before I start implementing this, I would like to know if it is possible to do in principle

I want two fields, say TimeStarted and TimeEnded. I then want to subtract the two from one another to see how long the task took.

Is this possible or would i be wasting my time trying it?

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Forms :: Sum Of Time Fields

Mar 13, 2014

I have a form generated from infopath where users enter the amount of time it took them to complete a task. It is set up right now in time format, so a user would enter Task A-0:15 (to show 15 minutes). Users have multiple tasks with different times and I would like to be able to show a total for all those tasks combined.

Task A-0:15
Task B-0:45
Task C-1:30
Task D-0:30
Total = 3:00 <------This is what I would like to do

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General :: Add 2 Time Fields Together?

Jul 15, 2014

I have an Access 2010 database that tracks Classroom Training. I have a "Start Time" field for each class and a "Duration" field for the length of each class. The Start Time field is a date/time data type and the Duration field is a number data type set to Double with 1 decimal place.

Start Time = 8:00
Duration = 1.5

So the class should have an End Time at 9:30. I have been able to convert the "Duration" field to a time field for example 1.5 now displays 1:30.

My question is how do I add the 2 fields together to get an End Time of 9:30 ?

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Seperate Date And Time Fields

Jun 12, 2006

I'm working with a linked table that has a seperate field for the date, and a seperate field for the time (which show in the linked table as '11/30/1899 9:46:00 AM'). I need to calculate the time difference between 2 entries.

How can I merge the 2 fields into a combined date/time field for my calculations?



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Turnaround Time For Different Records And Different Fields

May 30, 2007

i'm relatively advanced Access user but this problem has got me stumped....i've been given a table that's basically a log of operating rooms with fields designating the date, the room number, "patient in room" time and "patient out of room" time. basically, i want to calculate the turnaround time which is the "patient in room" time" minus the "patient out of room" time from the previous record (if records are sorted in sequential order).

any thoughts?

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Validating Data In 2 Fields At Same Time

Apr 4, 2005

I have a form that asks 2 questions. Date and Account. I need to check a table to see if the combination of both date and account have not been used. Date is normally today, can be yesterday. Account has a drop down menu with 6 choices. If both the date and account have been used then there should be an error shown to that effect. If not used, then proceed on to the next form for data entry.

Can this be done? And how?

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Forms :: Moving Fields One At A Time

Jun 26, 2013

I'm creating a form, and all the fields moved together. How do you unlock the field so you can move each one individually. I don't need them in columns as they are, nor the same size.

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Criteria For Empty Fields (date/time)

Aug 10, 2005

I am creating a query with criteria for a dates column. The column cotaining dates in my Table has many empty fields. I want to limit the criteria for my dates to >#1/1/2004#, but I don't want Access to exclude all the empty fields because I want all the data displayed for the purposes of my report.

What do I do? I'm not terribly familiar with Access, so please explain as completely as possible. Thanks in advance!

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Converting Two Date/time Fields To One Integer

Sep 15, 2006


I'm combining two date/time fields in a query to an integer. The first field has the date, the second the time. I'd like the resulting integer to be without the opening 0. How can I do that?

That is, these are the two fields:
2006-09-14 (date/time)
15:00:20 (date/time)

And I'd like those two combined to be 60914150020 (integer) in the third field in the query.

Grateful for advice!

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Elapsed Time Query In Text Fields

Mar 24, 2007

I have a database with two fields [RECEIVED] and [DISPATCHED] which unfortunately are text fields which I can't change (linked via ODBC). Time is entered in these fields as military time.

I created a query with [DISPATCHED]-[RECEIVED] which works unless the time spans different hours. Example 1605-1555 returns 50 instead of the correct 10.

Any idea how I can use a query to calculate this accurately. I am an intermediate user. Any help appreciated.

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