Write Data To Excel

Jan 7, 2013

I have some variables in Access that I would simply like to write to specific cells in an excel spreadsheet and save. I would like it to not prompt before it overwrites the previous file with the same name, and not open after it's saved. What code do I need to do this? Currently it saves out a new excel sheet, but it prompts before overwriting the one with the same name, and it opens the file after the save.Here is what I have now:

Dim newExcelApp As excel.Application
Dim newWbk As excel.Workbook
Dim newWkSheet As excel.Worksheet


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Access Data Into Excel Template In Read And Write Mode

Jun 20, 2015

How to open a pre filled excel template in read and write mode from msaccess vba and insert data from msaccess tables into specific columns in excel.

Rename the tabs in excel sheet based on a specific column in the access data.

Each row in the table will go to a seperate tab in excel.

Save the excel template after populating the necessary data into different tabs.

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General :: How To Write A Macro To Display Only Grouped Items In Excel

Dec 11, 2013

I'd like to use a macro to display only those items which stay as a group in "Old Project Code" (black font) and filter out those which are singles in "Old Project Code" (red font) as shown below extracted out from a worksheet called "Project" in Excel.

New_Project_Code Old_Project_Code
62409 AU028
62410 SAU029
62411 ZZZ001
62963 ZZZ010
62964 ZZZ010
62965 ZZZ010
62966 ZZZ010
62967 ZZZ010
62412 ZZZ050
62973 ZZZ061
62974 ZZZ061
62975 ZZZ061

1. The color wasn't there in original sheet. It is here only for demo purpose.
2. Data are changing dynamically, so need a macro in place to catch a snapshot at the time of macro is firing.

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Data Write

Jan 30, 2008

When does form data get written to a table?

I want to use the value from a textbox as openargs for another form. If I don't do a write to the table with SQL, then I get a NULL error on the getOpenArgs on the form. If I do do a write, then I get multiple occurrances of the record.


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Add Write A Letter To Data Base

Dec 3, 2006

I am developing a membership data base from a MS Template. It aleady has the means to print member lists and invoices, but no letters. I would like to also have the capability of writing a letter to one or all of the members directly from the data base.

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Can't Write Data To Local Table

Mar 12, 2008

I have a form based on a query where I want to document the status of certain records. The original data is on a SQL server so I am linking to it in my query. I have a local table with the added fields to document my review and status. My query has both tables in it and are linked by the report number. So I have join properties to show all records from the SQL database and only the records in the local table that match. So initially the data in my local table will be blank. I want to use the form to add comments on the status. The problem is, when I type in the form fields nothing happens. It's like the query is confused and won't let the form write back to the local table.

So my question is, do I have my query set up properly so that I can read the fields from the SQL database and yet write in my comments to the local table. I am using a select query.

Thanks for the help.

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Combo Box Data -- Write To A Table

Sep 27, 2004

I'm having trouble with some code. I have two combo boxes on my form. When a user selects a value in the first combo box, I want it to find the information for the corresponding record in the table. Then, in the second combo box, if the user selects one of two values (two full names), I would like that value to be written to the table for the corresponding record of the first combo box. I'm not sure how to transfer data from what the user selects in the second combo box to the table. I've inserted a command button called "Update Table". When user clicks on this button, the table should be updated with the 2nd combo box's value. Please help!

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Write Data To Two Tables From One Form

Apr 14, 2006

Can anyone help? I need to write data from a single form to two separate tables simultaneously.
The data will need to overwrite existing data in the first table & add a new entry in the second.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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General :: Access Data Export Into Excel As Data Linked To Excel

Oct 21, 2012

how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"

Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.

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Modules & VBA :: Looping Through Records To Collect Data And Write To New Table

Jun 27, 2013

I am the first to admit I struggle with looping through records.

I am trying to loop through a table and collect external income data and write it to a new table.

My issue may be the way the table is laid out. ???

The attached pictures show the tables. The tblExtInc is where the data are. I am trying to create a table that looks like tblExtIncYr that shows each year and separate entries by item.

How would I loop through tblExtInc and grab ex:$2000 every year for upto 100 years but only get the $1000 for year 6,7,8 only?

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Modules & VBA :: Write Select Query That Will Search The Data From Bottom To Top Of Table

Dec 3, 2013

see below the code . The select statement searches the Printpoolno value from the top to bottom in table tblmaster. As in my table tblmaster there are thousands of records and it takes long to search for that Printpoolno from the table . Is there anyway we can write a query that will search the table from bottom to top as the Printpoolno will always be in the bottom records and not in the top records.


Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long


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Push Data From Current Record In Form Into A New Excel File, Using Excel Template

Sep 10, 2007

I searched the archive and didn't find quite what I was looking for, so..

I have an Excel 2003 spreadsheet work-in-progress being used as a template (developed by others) to prepare project cost estimates in a complex regulatory environment. We are 'modelling on the fly' for a number of projects until we are comfortable with the estimate model, after which time I intend to incorporate our 'stable' estimate methodology into Access. Meanwhile, I am 'stuck' with the Excel spreadsheet.

I have a project tracking database (Access 2003), and I want to be able to track my estimates. I do NOT want to embed my spreadsheets into the db, just a filelink. There can be more than 1 estimate per project.

Ideally, the user should be able to define a project in the Access db (or select one already defined) and click a 'make estimate' button, which would generate a new Excel file in a predefined directory (based on the present version of the .xlt file), give it an appropriate filename (based on the Access ProjectID and estimate sequence number for that project if there were others already), open up that workbook in Excel, and then autopopulate some cells based on information showing on the original form in Access!

A separate button for 'Open existing estimate' will eventually be required, but I think I could do that if I can get someone to walk me through the steps required above.

I am somewhat familiar with vba in Access, but am an absolute rookie when it comes to excel.

Edit: I left out that I would also add an appropriate record to a table like tblEstimate which would contain the link(s) to the estimate(s). This table will obviously contain a FK to tblProject

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Copy Data To Excel New Excel Workbook.

Sep 15, 2005

sorry to post again my question but just cannot find a solution.
I have a table and would like to copy data into a template in excel. I know that the code will have to make a copy of the template and then copy the data into the new workbook into sheet1.

My table (table1) has 3 fields: SSN, FNAME and LNAME.
I want to copy these fields into cells B1 (for SSN), B2 (for FNAME) and B3 (for LNAME).
I will use a combo to select the recorset to copy.

My problem is how to copy data into the template. I understand that it is necessary to run a copy of the template and then copy the data into the new xls file.

Is there a way I can do this via code? Code help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Import Data From Excel Monthly - Not Manual Input All Data?

Jan 5, 2015

I was assigned by my manager to design an Access database system that is able to import all data from excel file monthly and creating charts & tables to analysis how each sales people and industry perform.

We originally have a big excel master sheet that has more than 10 sheets. I tried to import the current excel into access, but then i realized that this is not gonna work. because for next month, there will be new data and I can't do the whole import process over and over. Plus, after this system is designed, the users will be someone who has no knowledge in access, so i need to create a user-friendly system for them to use.

My questions is:since the data is always cumulative number, if I imported current excel file into access, when the next month comes, how to update the new data into excel. p.s. EXP. Mike's sale volume is different each month, and with the access system, for that column, it will be a cumulative number, like the total from the month of November to this month. how do i achieve this kind of update/import goal?I tried to link the excel to access, but by doing that, I will not be able to set relationship or change the attributes of any data type in access.

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How To Replace Old Data With Import Excel Data?

Apr 15, 2007

Hi, i am a new comer. i have a table for students' comment for the first semester. however, in the 2nd semester i want to replace them with import data from excel to this table, but on the same student there are 2 rows of records (1 is 1st semester and 1 is 2nd semester).

how can i replace the new data to the old data? or how can i delete all the old data in the exsiting table so that i can import a new excel file?


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Excel Data

Nov 25, 2005

I have been thinking about using some excel data in access. Reading the access help I noticed that it is possible to copy & paste data into access, is this a good way to go? Does excel data import easily and work ok in access?

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Data Taken From Access To Excel

Nov 16, 2005

I have a database that works as a sales system. From a table in the database I run a query that calculates the totals for that day.

Date……….Dept 1…..Dep2

What I need is:
1.You click a button
2.It copies the date and finds it in the excel spreadsheet as the sheet will already have a field called date.
3.It will then copy the Dept 1 figure and Dept 2 figure into the spreadsheet where the date matches (in a certain column)

Can this be done?

Kindest Regards


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Importing Data From Excel?

Dec 5, 2006

I need to import 1600 people from excel.

as the program that we use to use was free and setup for what we needed. That has the ability to create a excel sheets with the 1600 people on.

Now all the fields are different, and i'm not sure how to do it.

When importing do you get the option to put the fields in the correct place, or do i need to edit them? and then import.

Another thing the address layout with fields will be completely wrong. I believe it used separate fields for each line of the address where in my DB i use 2 fields 1 address and 1 postcode.

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Importing Data From Excel

Apr 15, 2007


I am trying to import some data from excel to a new table in access. When i am running the import wizard in access i.e. File->Get External Data -> Import, as soon as i select the excel file (which has a sheetname of Sheet1), i am getting an error that i can not import since there is an invalid character 'Sheet1$'.

I tried renaming the sheetname to various other names, however, everytime i am getting the same error with the dollar sign being added at the end of the sheetname.

Any ideas what's going on please ?

Thank You in advance.

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Importing Excel Data

Jan 28, 2008

I am trying to import Excel data into an existing Access table. I keep my Excel spreadsheet in the same format as my Access table and when I import data that attaches at the end of my Acess table it works fine.

But I am now trying to import Excel data into the same existing table into rows that had cells left blank for entry later?

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How To Export Data To Excel

Mar 17, 2008


I am new to access application need some help, I have a table with around 100,000 rows and i want to export this to excel in two separate sheets of 50,000 each , i tried applying filter to see if i can pick some unique values was not successfully, pls advise on this how this can be done


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Appending Data From Excel

Jan 4, 2006

How do you import data from excel using fields that already exist? In other words, I need Access to append the data to the records rather than try and add it to the recordset and throw a tizzy when duplicates are created.


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Importing Data From Excel

Nov 15, 2007

I have a table which I need to import from Excel into Access, but I only want to import the first character from each cell of one of the columns. Is this possible?


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Data From Excel To Access

Jan 5, 2005

Hi I was wondering if there is a way to import the data stored as a excel file to ms access table. For ex:

I have a spreadsheet that has three columns:

Country city population

Each country would have multiple cities.

My Access table "cities: has a similar structure like this. Is there a procedure I can write to copy the data into the Access table from the spreadsheet without having to do it manually?

Please advise.

Thanks in advance

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Export Data To Excel

May 24, 2005


Suppose I have a recordset as follows:

Order No. Item Qty
001 a 10
001 b 10
002 a 5

Can I export the recordset to excel on seperate worksheet (same workbook) by different order no?

I mean Order No. 001 in one worksheet and Order No. 002 in another worksheet.


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Export Data To Excel

Dec 22, 2005

I’d like to export ADDRESS field into a cell (or cells) in an Excel spreadsheet based on the DATEkeyed-in a specific cell. There may be numerous addresses for the same date.

Spreadsheet Cell B7 = 6/12/05

Returns from the tblConstDate Access Table into a cell (or cells) in the spreadsheet:
1206 Wisconsin Ave.
1224 Wisconsin Ave.
1313 Wisconsin Ave.


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