Writing Parameter Queries For A Specific Set Of Data
Dec 12, 2007
I have a series of dates over several months, and I want to write a parameter query which will list only those from the month of August. I know how to write a general parameter query, but I can't figure out how to write one that specific.
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Nov 22, 2014
I am trying to create a query with a parameter on it, but on a date box, but only searching for a specific month, without regards to the year. So what I want is for me to run the query, a pop up box asks "which month?", I then put in Jan for example, and the results will show all records with the month Jan regardless of the day or year.
Is this possible? If so - whats the code I would use?
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Jan 23, 2014
I have query with a parameter [Category]. Based on this value i wish to select team data like if [Category]="Sale" then (team) in (1,9,5), if [Category]="Purchase" then (team)="7" else (team) in (1,9,5,7).
Both the fields team and category are from same table called 'rawdata'
Report displays the data datewise but it is grouping according to team,which is not what i required;
Date CntValues
12/1/2013 1 [team 1]
12/1/2013 3 [team 9]
output should be
12/1/2013 4
that is to avoid duplicate date values.
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Jun 24, 2015
I have a parameter query using a form to collect the data. I put LIKE and wildcard enclosing the parameter to bypass the criteria if the data box is empty. It works well. I have another parameter of date type that uses between two dates. How can I bypass the criteria if I leave the data boxes blank?
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Aug 5, 2014
In the following code I have a parameter 'RegionPrefix' that filters my data by the first 2 characters of the 'Queue' field. How do I populate the 'RegionPrefix' parameter so it returns all of my data? Currently if I leave it blank it returns nothing.
PARAMETERS RegionPrefix Text ( 255 );
TRANSFORM Format(Avg([Abandonment Rate]),"Percent") AS ABAN
SELECT [Call Summary Table].Year, [Call Summary Table].Month
FROM [Call Summary Table]
WHERE (((Mid([Queue],1,2))=[RegionPrefix]))
GROUP BY [Call Summary Table].Year, [Call Summary Table].Month
PIVOT [Call Summary Table].Queue;
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Apr 22, 2015
I don't want my user to type in the parameter value for a query in case of miss spelling. Therefore, I'm using a dialog box form with a combo box field. The row source of the combo field is a table with one field for the list. I've added VB code (Event Procedure) to a buttons on the dialog box which says to run a query after click. I've created the query for the info I need displayed and am using the forms combo field as the criteria.
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryRequestsbyBranch", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmDepartmentList"
End Sub
The query runs except I'm not getting any data.
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Sep 16, 2013
Is it possible to have a query that uses criteria to pull data from a specific table?
For example: IIf([Result]'"Negative",(tblNegative goes here),IIf([Result]="Positive",(tblPositive goes here].
The tables are just text, but the query would be too long if it was used.
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Jul 14, 2013
Query4 is the result from left joining of Query3 and Query1 and I would like to delete some of the null data in query 4
while I execute the following code
DELETE DISTINCTROW Query4.*, [working hour] AS Expr1
FROM Query4
WHERE (((query4.[working hour])=0));
I get the warning of "Could not delete from specific table"
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Jun 14, 2013
I have multiple buildings that I own. Each building earns a monetary amount each day. Some days they earn $0, some days they earn $1,000. This is all kept track in a data base in which someone manually enters the information each day.The three fields are:
I have narrowed a query down to one building, and I am interested in two things. How do I write a query that shows a 30 day peak (the most profitable 30 days). In other words. I want to see the following
Building: GNB Tower Date: 02/14/13 - 03/15/13 Profit: $25,162
The next thing I am interested in is a 7 day peak from within these 30 days. This shouldn't be too difficult if I can figure out how to query these 30 days, I can query 7 days out of those 30 days. So this bigger mind stumper is the first one.
out of a date range of months and months (Let's say 10/12/13 - 6-14-13).Once I figure this part out, I am sure I can figure out how to compile all buildings into one large report with their 7 day peak and 30 day peak.
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May 21, 2013
I'm taking my first database class and I'm working on a hospital project in which I need to determine which pair (one doctor and one nurse) has a decremental performance as weeks go on.
I have an "r" and "s" queries.
These are the fields:
I would like to find what pair had a "Good" result in week 1, "Average" in week 2, and "Bad" in week 3. My problem is that the results need to be in this specific order.
The professor told us to use a formula and I got the solution after building 6 queries that involved union, difference, and cartesian.
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Nov 3, 2014
I was just wondering if this is a possibility to do in one query or if it has to be run from a number of different queries.
I am currently developing a database from scratch for work (with very little Access experience).
The current query I am trying to run, if linked to a number of tables with different information.
What I am trying to do primarily is link stock to a specific "Host Name", "Serial Number" and "Part Description".
In the "Host Name" there is for example - A1-TX10-10001, B1-TX2-10004, C1-TX-10004 - The latter part of the name is a unique identifier number. The first part is the compartment in which the "stock" sits. So you may have all three components (A1-TX1, B1-TX2, C1-TX3) linked to the same unique identifier (10001 for example)
The serial numbers naturally are different for every single one and of course the srial numbers are linked to the "Part Description" - which will read something like....."C1-TX3 Transmitter", "B1-TX2 Combiner" etc.....
When I run the query like this the Host Name (which is also linked to the unique identifier on its own (10001) it returns everything under "A1-TX1-10001"
What I would ideally like to do is write a statement so that if the "Part Description" contains "A1-TX1" it will only return rows that contain "A1-TX1" in the Host Name and the same for "B1-TX2" and "C1-TX3" in the same query.
If "Host Name" contains "A1-TX1" to return "Part Description" to contain "A1-TX1"
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May 14, 2013
I have a table that is linked into access 2003. This table is updated by personnel in another location and I have to run a weekly report on engines that are below a certain performance level.
The column heading is MGT Margin and I have to list all of the engines that are below 20 degrees.
Can I run a query that looks at this table and produces a report of all the engines that are below 20 degrees?
I currently have to cut and paste each engine from the updated spread sheet every week onto a separate spread sheet and import that into access. If a query can be used to do what I am after I can use similar principles in other reports I have to run.
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Jul 3, 2014
My parameters are linked to a form and say:
[Forms]![FormName]![Field] or [Forms]![FormName]![Field] Is Null
Ordinarily this works fine in returning either the selected value or all values if left null.
I need to pull in data from a Crosstab query, which means setting my parameter labels to [Forms]![FormName]![Field].
The problem is that setting the parameter labels is conflicting with pulling all records if the form dropdown is left null.
If I keep my parameters simple and just say [Forms]![FormName]![Field] then the query works with the crosstab data, but I can't do that. I need to show any records if the dropdown is left null.
The crosstab data isn't specifically the problem but needing to set the parameter names seems to be
I think I may have found a workaround by labeling the column headings in the crosstab, which means I don't have to assign parameter labels
It would still be good to know if there's a way of making it work with the parameter labels but this will do for now...
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Mar 30, 2015
I have a reasonably complex query (3 subqueries into 1 main query) which gathers data from various tables into a single dataset based on a specified date.
I now need to generate a similar dataset but across a range of dates (a month) for reporting purposes. However, I can't just adapt the query and change the parameter from a "=#<Date>#" format to a "Between #<Date1># And #<Date2>#" format
The reason being, each date has to be treated individually and has to be queried as a standalone. It's to do with the type of data I have (one-to-many relationships between tables)
So what I really need to do is run the same query multiple times, for each date in scope, then stitch all of those datasets together into one 'giant' one.
How to do that in SQL (effectively, have one query produce the dates in scope, then join that onto the other query, passing each date as the parameter - I don't even think that's possible to be honest)
The other option I can think of is to use VBA to loop through the dates in scope, then use a QueryDef object to set the parameter and read the records for each date into a Recordset object. But then I have the problem of stitching all the Recordsets together, without looping through all the fields and rows each time.
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Aug 6, 2005
OK, I've tried everything I can think of with this combo box. I've searched the internet for days, even bought some big fat Access reference books and read them cover-to-cover, but I still can't get my database to do what I want. This newbie would *really* appreciate some help...
I am trying to create a database which I can use to store client’s advertising expenses. I currently have three tables: tblListings (which stores basic information about each client, with the field ListingID as the primary key); Advertising Rates (which stores the different types of advertising products and their prices, with the field ProductNumber as the primary key); and tblAdvertisingExpenses (which stores each “order” of an advertising product, including the client’s ListingID as a foreign key, date, the type of advertising, and the total cost - the primary key is an auto-numbered field called OrderNumber).
I have a main form called frmListings, which displays the client’s information from the tblListings table, and includes a subform. I wanted the subform to show only the advertising expenses corresponding to the ListingID (ie. client) displayed on the main form, so I based the subform on a query which displays all records from tblAdvertisingExpenses with a ListingID that matches the ListingID displayed from tblListings. So far so good - the records displayed in the subform change correctly when the record in the main form changes.
The subform returns info from the following fields in the tblAdvertisingExpenses table: Date, ProductNumber, and TotalPrice. I want users to be able to select a type of advertising from a combo box on the subform, which looks up the ProductNumber and Cost from another table (tblAdvertisingRates), and then writes the ProductNumber for that type of advertising to the ProductNumber field of tblAdvertisingExpenses, and writes the corresponding Cost to the TotalPrice field of tblAdvertisingExpenses (and the corresponding controls on the subform). The reason I want to write the Cost from tblAdvertisingRates to tblAdvertisingExpenses is so that I can update rates for types of advertising in the future, without having the change cascade through records where the old price has already been paid for the advertising.
My problem is: a) how to get the combo box to write these various values to other controls on the form, and b) how to write the same values to fields on the subform’s underlying record source.
I’ve tried having the combo box look up all the fields from the underlying table (hiding all except the description of the advertising) and setting the bound column to the field with the price. However, the price is not the uniquely identifying field, and the combo box only writes to the TotalPrice control if all the advertising options in the list have a different price.
Sorry if this is terribly confusing. I can provide more specific details (and screen captures) of the tables, queries, forms, and relationships (if I haven’t provided enough specific details already), and would really appreciate any help that anyone can provide. Help?!
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Nov 30, 2005
Hello All
I am creating a production line database for use on a touch screen (no keyboard or mouse) which has to be really easy to use. At the start of the week i got to the point were i thought i would test what i had done to date and have come across a serious issue.
I thought that the data from the forms i am using to input the data to the main table tblProductionDetails would write into individual records but although new records are created at the appropriate point e.g. when the comand button labelled START on frmDetailsCorrect is clicked the data is not writing to the new record that is created. I thought it would be an easy thing to solve but 20 hours later and much mucking about with DoCmd.Goto's etc i am no further forward. I have attached what i have done in the hope it is something obvious and somebody will be able to point me in the right direction.
The way the db is set up is that frmDayStart needs to be opened the command button clicked and then each form opens once the OK comand button in the top right of each opened form is pressed.
It is still a work in progress so a bit rough and ready but i need to get this fundimental problem sorted before moving on.
Any help appreciated (i am not looking for somebody to do the work on the DB just point me in the right direction or point out what the error might be).
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Nov 4, 2005
I updated the tables but I am still getting the old tables and their fields in the query builder. Please help me as soon as possible.
Secondly if you can tell me a cool link that can help me in creating different form fields like buttons, combo boxes, radio buttons along with database connectivity.
I will really appreciate your help in this regard,
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Nov 4, 2005
I updated the tables but I am still getting the old tables and their fields in the query builder.
Secondly if you can tell me a cool link that can help me in creating different form fields like buttons, combo boxes, radio buttons along with database connectivity.
I will really appreciate your help in this regard,
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Nov 9, 2006
Hoping someone can help.
Im using Access 2002 to revise my SQL. But it seems I have an issue with the way dates are being interpreted by Access whilst using SQL mode for Queries.
I typed the following code to add a record to my database:
INSERT INTO pt_mstr (pt_part, pt_added)
VALUES ('TimsPart', 01/01/2005)
Sure enough it creates the record. But for the field 'pt_added', I get the value '0/01/1900 12:00:43 AM'. (Nb I exported the data to Excel and this is how it interpreted it.)
Changing the date I am inserting into the database only changes the time value of this enlongated piece of data.
I imagine I have missed something really simple here.
Hoping someone can help.
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Mar 23, 2006
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the below statement ? I'm trying to pull the contents from a text box in a form. The text box is supposed write the contents to a field (memo data type) in a table. Thanks ! ! !
strComments = Forms![Payroll History]![Comments].Column(0)
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May 22, 2006
Hi Guys, I don't know Access very well but I know enough to generate a 2 dimensional database. The problem I have is that I have been asked to look at a travel agents database to create some additional letters. The problem is that they use a form which has an underlying data table called customers. When they create a record in the form all fields in the customers table are filled in except those on the form which derive their data by calculating two or more fields i.e Date Due is [Date of Travel]-70 (days), Balance Owing is [Cost]-[Deposit]. None of these derived fields fill in their corresponding fields in the customers data sheet.
I would welcome any ideas please. Thanks in anticipation
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Jan 27, 2014
I'm running pro bono a linked file database for a wildlife hospital in Australia. I have a Form in which there are several fields for vets to enter data about a wildlife patient. One of these is the Collection Plan (for the patient). This is a memo field from the TBL_Accession. The Collection Plan is written in straight English on the input form, but the data entered into the table is completely reversed, reading "etinuer ot ovra siht pu/p ot ronod". Translation for the line here is "donor to p/up this arvo to reunite".
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Sep 23, 2014
I wrote a basic query that allows 1 field to search another, and if there is a match, it spits it out, however, I am getting 20,000 matches. I want to add another level of query to reduce the 20,000 matches down to 1 or 2 or none...
So I consolidated a government list, publicly available, into 1 field, and created a table that I can use as my query against the large government list:
SELECT [Consolidated Denied Party Report].*, [Consolidated Denied Party Report].[31]
FROM [Consolidated Denied Party Report]
WHERE ((([Consolidated Denied Party Report].[31]) Like "*" & [Please Enter Your Search Term] & "*"));
this allows me to search for a word, like, create, and it gives me every single result however it also gives me hits to words like PROcreate, which is fine on one hand because it shows possible false flags, but it would be nice to also be able to query down a level.
I now want to have the query look at the word "create" but also look at another column that is say the country... Germany.. and if I have text in the second column, only give me a result if the word create and germany are in the same field.. if create and Italy were in the same field, it would not be a hit.
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Jul 14, 2007
so i have an interesting question and im hoping that someone can help on this one. i need to pull date from a specific table, no problem, that's written and working fine, next i need to be able to join the data from another table by a primary key, again no problem. third, i need to be able to select the date (using WHERE) for a specific date range. (i.e. i enter the date range of 01/7/2007 to 15/7/2007) and the query comes back only showing the data from that specific time, not the data from before or after. this is where my problem lies, all the entered data is being shown after entering my date range. i am going to include my SQL statement, just so you can actually see what im really talking about.
SELECT srealest.Name0, srealest.Dist1, SREpayments.Face2Pd, SREpayments.Penalty2Pd, SREpayments.[2paid], SREpayments.Face3Pd, SREpayments.Penalty3Pd, SREpayments.[3paid], SREpayments.Face4Pd, SREpayments.Penalty4Pd, SREpayments.[4paid], srealest.Map, srealest.Parcel, srealest.LeaseHold, srealest.TaxRebate1, srealest.TaxFace1, srealest.TaxPenalty1, srealest.TaxYear, srealest.BillNo, srealest.PdRebate1, srealest.PdFace1, srealest.PdPenalty1, srealest.DatePd
FROM SREpayments INNER JOIN srealest ON SREpayments.BillNo=srealest.BillNo
WHERE (((SREpayments.[2paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]) Or ((SREpayments.[3paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]) Or ((SREpayments.[4paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date])) Or (((srealest.DatePd) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]))
ORDER BY srealest.Name0;
any thoughts or ideas on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated!
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Dec 1, 2014
I am using Access 2010. How do I prevent the object typed into the textbox on a queryform being written to the table. The result from the name typed into the textbox on my query form correctly produces the result from the query, and my macros then produce the correct report, which I can either print or close due to the controls in the heading of the report. However, when I view the table, the name typed (only) has been inserted into the correct field as a new record in the table. Is there a macro I can add (I assume to an event in the query form) to prevent this happening?
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Apr 14, 2015
I have a table linked to SQL Server 2014. As SQL Server 2014 does not support calculated fields I created a query to use formulas. Now I want to write formulas on the existing fields ( TotalMarks ) of table Not to create new fields.
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