Writing To A Table Linked From SQL Server
Dec 8, 2006
Hi all,
wonder if anyone can assist me with this the SQL Server
security/write (?) issue. The SQL Server Admin has created a table for our Dept. to use and via SQL Server I can get access to it using the username and password she supplied to me. I can also link to this table in Access 2002 via ODBC which is the way I am using to write to SQL server tables. I have developed an Access application to allow one of our staff to be able to write data to the SQL Server table at a click of a button, however when I open the table the 'add new record' button is greyed out, I can not add any data to the table.
I explained this problem to the Admin as well as the way in which we access the table and she is certain that the problem lies in Access but i'm unsure how that can be the case.
Has anyone experienced this problem before ? Is there a fix and if so how is that implemented ?
Should I also post this in the SQL server forum ?
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 31, 2006
I used ODBC to link the tables from SQL Server to MS Access.
When I link the table, it popup the message:
Select Unique Record Identifier
To ensure the data integrity and to update records, you must choose a field or fields that uniquely each record. Select up to ten fields.
It force me to set up at least 1 field for primary key in a table.
How can I skip it? I do NOT want to setup primary key of the fields in a table.
Please let me know, thanks.
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Jan 13, 2014
I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"
This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).
I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.
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Jul 21, 2006
I am rebuilding an application for a client and I have an Access table that I am using as a temporary table. Once the user is done entering information into the temporary table through a form, the user presses an update button that appends the records using an Append Query in Access to an SQL Server Table.
The following error message occurs:
"ODBC -- insert on a linked table 'linked tblname' failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'linked tblname' when IDENTITY INSERT is set to ON. (#545)
I am using a form, subform combination to record a bill with many details. The bill summary is posted into a tbl_TransactionsMain table in SQL Server using the ADO AddNew method. The PK for the tbl_TransactionsMain is then entered into the temporary table in Access. When the temporary table records are appended into tbl_TransactionDetail the error message occurs.
What is also interesting is while typing out this post I thought to test the error by manually trying to run the query. The query worked like a charm! :confused: When the orginal error occurred off of the form I tried to run the query manually and it failed. I am guessing that this might have something to do with the ODBC timeout.
I think SQL Server/ODBC connection is not liking how I have a set of records in an Access table with foreign key numbers assigned when I am attempting to append the records. I am new to SQL Server and any ideas are most appreciated! :)
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Feb 4, 2015
In Access2010 I have created a linked table to a SQLServerExpress database.I have a user in SQLserverExpress with only reading rights.This linked table is used in a form which only shows the information. When opening the form, it prompts for the SQLserverExpress username and password.How can I configure the linked table so that it logs in automatically with the SQL user I prefer so that the user does not need to enter a user / password?
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Aug 16, 2013
I have a fe that has 5 tables linked to a backend db on the server.I want to add a new table to the fe that is linked to a second db on the server? What I have tried.I have created the tbl_called in the fe.when I right click on it and go to Linked Table Manager I do not see it on the list. The only tables in the list are the 5 I linked before. Why is tbl_called not showing up??
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Nov 2, 2007
Is it same thing about speed and other issues to have ADP application that works with SQLserver and to have a MDB (or MDE) application that has no querys but works with sql views instead?
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Jan 12, 2008
I am in need of some assistance regarding SQL Server ODBC links and security. This is for a project at work...
1) I have an MDB that has linked tables through ODBC to a SQL Server 2000 database. This is how I chose to write this multi-user application (instead of the ADP method).
2) My IT department created a user ID that the application will use to connect to the database. They chose this method instead of having to create many user accounts with varying permissions. I have programmed permissions within the application.
3) After linking the tables through ODBC, it defaults to my Windows User ID for the connection. Because of this, I have used a connection string with the application's User ID/Password and perform a RefreshLink on all linked table definitions on startup to ensure valid connection.
This is successful, but my IT department is seeing that another user is attempting access to the SQL Server database--the username in the LDB/MDW file! This is what I don't understand. If I open the database without going through workgroup security, the word "Admin" is passed and the authentication fails. If my users would login through the MDW file, their user IDs would be passed and again, authentication will fail as they are not valid users (only the application ID would be valid).
What is really going on here? :confused: How can I prevent the "Microsoft Access User ID" from being passed through the ODBC link?
Here is a sample of the connection string I'm using:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=ServerName;PersistSecurityInfo=Yes; AnsiNPW=No;Database=DBName;Uid=Username;Pwd=Passwo rd;
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Feb 1, 2006
Hi you geniuses!
I just had to upsize my loved and complex Access database to SQL server 2000 and had to link all tables via ODBC into my client Access database.
I used to use pessimistic locking on all tables when the tables were in an Access database before - worked fine ...
but now my client Access database uses "No Locks" on these tables because they are controlled by SQL server 2000.
Does some genius know how to change this bad behaviour? :confused:
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May 24, 2006
I created a database in Microsoft Access and then upsized it to SQL Server afterwards.
I now need to add a new column to a table in the database. So I added the new column in SQL Server using ALTER TABLE command. This column is a foreign key which has an associated parent key in another table which contains a description of the column.
Case_ID Foreign_Key_Field_ID
1234 78
Foreign_Key_Field_ID Foreign_Key_Field_Desc
78 Describes the ID 78
I also setup a CONSTRAINTREFERENCE between the fields in these 2 tables.
I then relinked my tables using the Linked Table Manager to pick up the change to the table I altered (Main_Table). I also linked to the new table I created (New_Foreign_Key_Table).
My problem:
In Access if I create a new table I can select the lookup value for a field in the Table Design view Lookup tab. However, I altered my table in SQL Server and then linked to it again to pick up the change. Now when I view the linked table in Access it does not have any lookup value AND it's not possible to change this for a linked table.
Is there some piece of SQL I can use in SQL Server to change the lookup value for the field in my table OR have I approached this the wrong way. Should I have modified the local table in Access and upsized it again?
Otherwise if I select all values from my Main_Table in a form it displays the Foreign_Key_Field_ID instead of the Foreign_Key_Field_Desc because the lookup value has not been set to Foreign_Key_Field_Desc
This posting is a bit long - I hope it makes sense.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks
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Apr 16, 2007
We are sharing an Access 2003 database amongst two departments that contains twelve (12) tables that are SQL Server linked tables. Nine (9) of the tables work just fine for people in both departments. Three (3) of the tables cannot be opened until the user refreshes the link(s) using their ODBC DSN.
We do not understand why nine of the tables work without issue but three will not.
Has anyone ever run into this issue before? Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
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Jun 27, 2013
I'm trying to store files on a linked SQL Server table, much the way I would using the Attachment data type in Access. (I couldn't use the Attachment data type, though, due to size restrictions - we're storing about a gig a week.)
Almost everyone says to store the attachments on a file system and save the location - I can't do that because of varying permissions. The files HAVE to be stored in the SQL Server table for security reasons.
So how do I do it? I've tried converting the files to binary and updating the recordset that way, but it always comes back as null. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Public Function Test(strFile As String) As Boolean
Dim rsAtts As dao.Recordset
Dim ifilenum As Double
Dim btAR() As Byte
Set db = CurrentDb
[Code] ....
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Dec 19, 2006
My access database's tables are currently linked to an excel document. My question is, how do I move my database to the network? Currently when I move the the database to the network no one can open my tables because the link goes to my documents on my computer which they can't access on the network.
So how do I move the database and maintain the link between the database and my tables?
Thanks in advance,
Ryan Smith
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Aug 31, 2007
I am trying to build a Form that will show an estimate (then eventually will be moved to a project if customer and employee aggree to price and project) in a Form F_Estimates is a M_Customers(Customer_ID) (Based on a Table) and thier info in a Subform. Also is the "projected costs" from parts out of the Parts(Part_ID) (Based on another Table) in a second Subform as a list that I need to calculate $$$ in
(Dang that still sounds evil and definately NOT understandable even after edit... so)
Here's some basic info
EstimatesandParts - Table
EstimatesandParts_ID : Autonumber
Estimate_ID : Number
Part_ID : Number
Parts - Table
Part_ID : Autonumber
PartNumber : Text (not a number due to some part#s have letters in them)
PartName : Text
Unit Price : Currency
Description : Text
Estimates - Table
Estimate_ID : Autonumber
InvoiceNumber : Text (again can have letters in it)
EstimateDate : Date/Time
EstimateTime : Date/Time
Employee_ID : Number
Customer_ID : Number
ProblemDescription : Memo
Customers - Table
Customer_ID : Autonumber
FirstName : Text
LastName : Text
CompanyName : Text
Address : Text
City : Text
Province_State : Text
Postal_ZIPCode : Text (CDN Postal codes are letter num letter...)
you can see the link table in the EstimatesandParts Table
Now I want to use that link to populate a subform in the F_Estimates form
SF_Customers - SubForm
(all boxes atm are text boxes on this form till I figure out the Parts section then will use same base for this so I can pick any customer in the database to be the customer for this estimate. Also will have ctrl button for making new customer with customer form and a refresh on Focus Gain bit of code)
SF_Parts - SubForm
Default View -Continuous Forms
(want it to be a list of parts that I can grab prices and descriptions from then in a bit of code to calculate a cost of parts)
Part_ID : Combo Box
Control Source - Part_ID
Row Source Type - Table/Query
Row Source - SELECT Parts.Part_ID, Parts.PartNumber, Parts.PartName, Parts.UnitPrice, Parts.Description FROM Parts ORDER BY Parts.Description;
(Pulls info from the table Parts for input into a list of parts to be used on that project)
PartName : Text Box
UnitPrice : Text Box
(here's where I run into problems due to the fact that the form is not based on the parts table but rather the link table EstimatesandParts so I can't propogate the info to the 2 other text boxes, ps I dont care if they cant be text boxes and have to be linked or some other type I'm not "set" just need to find out how to make it work )
(have tried a couple things to complete this task)
Me.txtPartName = Me.Part_ID.Column(2)
Me.txtUnitPrice = Me.Part_ID.Column(3)
(works AWSOME ... for ONE ROW then propogates the second selection to the first and second and third selection to first second and third and so on ...)
(tried to make control source for the txtPartName to)
(Doesnt exist .. akkk, cant use ActiveForm either as it doesn't focus on the SubForm but the MainForm ... cry)
F_Estimates - Form
(all basic Text Boxes)
(Combo Boxes Select Customer and Employee from list of present ones of each)
(Both SubForms on the main form)
Now this is an Exerp from my entire Database I like to work on one small problem at a time and I have made this its own little database till I figure out the problem then I will bring the info I learn back into the rest of the database and go from there ...
Hope you can help I have a feeling I will need to make a recordset and go from there but I'm just not able to wrap my head around that for some reason
Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL help that I get from here
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Nov 17, 2006
I am fairly new to msaccess programming and am trying to build a stock control system for my business.
I am happy with everything I have done so far but there is one thing I cannot figure out.
I have set up so that the user can click a button and remove the relevant number from the stock level. The buttons are for removing 1, 5, 10 or 20 (there are reasons for these numbers). However I would also like the button to take information from the form (which is referenced to a query) and write that information, along with an autogenerated id number and the current date/time to another table. This is for our record keeping, so that we can record what is selling well etc and when the last one was sold.
How do I do this?
I have gone through the help files and my books, but I think the problem is I don't know where to start looking.
I also want to add a button that will add items to an order table. Again by taking the information from the form and writing it to another table. With this one a message will appear asking for the quantity to be entered. It will also check the order table to see if the item is already there and advise if it is.
Any help gratefully received.
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May 17, 2005
I hope this makes sense?
I have a main form with a button that opens a new form. On the new form I have 5 fields. 1 of those fields is the Employee ID which I have the form getting from the main form (IE the Control Source is =Forms!Search_Employee!Employee_ID )and the other fields are bound to my table for the new form. I am unable to get the Employee ID to show in my table, it is not updating or writing the value to that field. Not sure if there is code or how I should or can get this field to write to my table. Any Ideas or be very appreciated. Thanks anyways guys I igured this one out. I was able to set the dafault value to point ot my main form so that my Control Source could point to my table and it worked.
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Oct 18, 2005
I have a check box that gets ticked when 'work complete', it adds the parts/service totals and fills in the 'parts total', 'vat' and 'total' fields.
This works fine but I need it to write the values to the table as well rather than just displaying the values in the fields so reports can be produced etc.
Anyone know the easiest way to do this?
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Apr 26, 2007
Hi all,
I need to figure out how to have two calculated fields written to the database table instead of just being displayed in the form.
The user selects a number from 1 to 5 in the first field, and a number from 1 to 7 in the second field. The first calculating field multiplies these two numbers and displays the result. The second calculating field determines where the resulting number fits in three ranges of numbers and displays the result as Low, Medium, Or High.
My problem is the calculated results are be displayed in the form but not being written to the table. I cannot create a report to display all the High results, etc.
How do I update the calculation field formula to write the results into the table so I can create queries/reports on the calculated data?
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Jan 16, 2013
I'm using Access 2010 and am trying to pass a variable in a form field and store it in a table i.e. I have a customer database with various fields: Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Customer_Address etc. After selecting a particular record i.e. Customer_ID = 20 l need to store the record number '20' in a temporary table. I presume that l could then use Dlookup to read the info back at a later stage.
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Apr 17, 2015
I have a ms access application in Front End and linked tables to sql server 2008 r2 in back end.. every time I open my application the linked tables ask to me for the user and password of the sql server user of the odbc conection. I want to connect to my sql database without login every time the user open the application, I know that can be possible if I start session from vba code...
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Mar 23, 2006
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the below statement ? I'm trying to pull the contents from a text box in a form. The text box is supposed write the contents to a field (memo data type) in a table. Thanks ! ! !
strComments = Forms![Payroll History]![Comments].Column(0)
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May 22, 2006
Hi Guys, I don't know Access very well but I know enough to generate a 2 dimensional database. The problem I have is that I have been asked to look at a travel agents database to create some additional letters. The problem is that they use a form which has an underlying data table called customers. When they create a record in the form all fields in the customers table are filled in except those on the form which derive their data by calculating two or more fields i.e Date Due is [Date of Travel]-70 (days), Balance Owing is [Cost]-[Deposit]. None of these derived fields fill in their corresponding fields in the customers data sheet.
I would welcome any ideas please. Thanks in anticipation
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Jun 6, 2013
I am trying to write some fields to an access table definition. It is working for the most part except that I want to write some of the fields as dbText and others as dbDate. For some reason it is writing all of them as dbDate and I don't know why.
additionalColumns = Array("a","b","c","d","e","f")
'add additonal columns to report
For i = LBound(additionalColumns) To UBound(additionalColumns)
MsgBox additionalColumns(i)
If additionalColumns(i).Value = "a" OR "b" Then
Set columnNames = xlsht.Cells(1, additionalColumns(i))
Set FieldName = tb1.CreateField(additionalColumns(i), dbDate, 10)
tb1.Fields.Append FieldName
Set columnNames = xlsht.Cells(1, additionalColumns(i))
Set FieldName = tb1.CreateField(additionalColumns(i), dbText, 150)
tb1.Fields.Append FieldName
End If
Next i
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Sep 21, 2011
I need to create a table with names of controls on my forms.
I'll use that table to apply user rules.
Any solution to write the table automatically using VBA code ?
I know how to populate a combobox...
DoCmd.OpenForm YourFormName, acNormal, , , , acHidden
Dim c As Control
For Each c In YourFormName.Controls
[Control-Name].RowSource = [Control-Name].RowSource & c.Name & ";"
Next c
..., but not how to write a table.
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Nov 3, 2014
I concatenated 2 fields CR_Numbers: = CR_Number & [Sub Number] to display 12.01: from 12 and 1. I am now wanting to lookup the CR_Numbers to edit or add information into other fields.
I want to use a pop up form to edit/add data without having the form add an entire row to the table. How do I reference the Table ID so that it will go to the equivalent row to add the data in?
Main Table = Change Request
Email Table = AORB_Email
Fields in Form!AORB_EMail: Change Request (CR_Numbers), Priority (Pri_Name), Hours (Hour)
I plan on using the Priority and Hours in the email to set some dates and expiration times as well as in the subject of the email. I have figured out the email setup, and if I manually fill in the Priority and Hours fields everything works as it should.
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Jan 5, 2005
This is the first time that I have done any major work with forms. After I thought I had finished a problem came up. There are several forms that are use to input information into a table. When the form is opened it grabs an automated number for tracking. The problem is, that if the form is opened and then closed it creates a line of data with all null values.
What I would like to do is have the form open, the user fills out the information, and upon pressing the "save" button, the data will save to the table. I think I need to have each text box write to a variable and then save on the click event. Or I could be completely wrong and need to do something else.
i'm guessing this is something I would learn in Forms 101 if i had ever taken that type of course
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