Wrong Number Of Rows Returned By Subquery With Top Clause

Mar 21, 2007

I have a strange 'bug'.

I wrote a query to return the TOP 32 items for a key. Works fine:-

SELECT TOP 32 [my Disks Coefficients sub].[thier Disk ID] FROM [my Disks Coefficients] AS [my Disks Coefficients sub] WHERE [my Disks Coefficients sub].[my Disk ID]=1 GROUP BY [my Disks Coefficients sub].[thier Disk ID], [my Disks Coefficients sub].coefficient ORDER BY [my Disks Coefficients sub].coefficient;

I then plugged this into a query in the WHERE clause using In (Select Top .....;); [changing the =1 condition to pick up the correct id from the emcompassing query]:-

SELECT [my Disks Coefficients].[my Disk ID], [my Disks Coefficients].[thier Disk ID], [my Disks Coefficients].coefficient FROM [my Disks Coefficients] WHERE [my Disks Coefficients].[thier Disk ID] In (SELECT TOP 32 [my Disks Coefficients sub].[thier Disk ID] FROM [my Disks Coefficients] AS [my Disks Coefficients sub] WHERE [my Disks Coefficients sub].[my Disk ID]=[my Disks Coefficients].[my Disk ID] GROUP BY [my Disks Coefficients sub].[thier Disk ID], [my Disks Coefficients sub].coefficient ORDER BY [my Disks Coefficients sub].coefficient;);

This runs fine but the the number of items returned is for each key is less than if I run the Top query by itself for each key seperately? So when I run it stand-alone for ID 1 I get 127 rows (there are many equal coefficients); when I run it as a sub-query I get only 121 rows for ID 1!

Anyone any ideas?


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At Most One Record Can Be Returned By Subquery After Appending New Rows

Jun 18, 2012

I have a subquery on a table which got the previous and next rows from a table. This worked fine, until I started replacing my table with real data instead of dummy-data. I now receive the "at most one record can be returned by subquery" error every time I run it. I checked that I do not have any identical rows.

My query:

SELECT z.DateFrom, z.DateTo, z.ArticleID, z.retailerID, z.Actuals, z.Statistical, (SELECT y.Actuals FROM tblActuals AS y WHERE (y.retailerID=z.retailerID) AND (y.ArticleID=z.ArticleID) AND ((DatePart("ww",z.DateFrom,2,3)-1)=DatePart("ww",y.DateFrom,2,3))) AS ActualsMin1 FROM tblActuals AS z;

I append new rows via a VBA-script from another table.

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Eliminate The Number Of Rows Returned Per Each...

Nov 1, 2006


I have made a query from different tables; however, my query is returning about 5 rows for each person because some fields in the query return more than 1 row.

Is there anyway to fix this problem?

Thank you,

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Queries :: At Most One Record Can Be Returned By Subquery - Error 3354

Sep 1, 2013

At most one record can be returned by this subquery. (Error 3354)

This is my SQL:

SELECT Students.[Student ID], Students.[Student Name]
FROM Students
WHERE (((Students.[Student ID])=(SELECT [Student ID]
FROM [Student_Sports]
WHERE [Sporting Team] = [Forms]![SV_Teams]![txtTeam])));

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Queries :: Subquery Top X Of Random Rows Not Working

Jun 2, 2013

I'm doing a subquery to select the top 5 of products for each supplier. The selection needs to be done randomly on the products for each supplier. For this I have made the following query (based on Allen Browne's example):

SELECT tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp
GROUP BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
HAVING (((tblProducts_temp.GTIN) In (SELECT TOP 5 Dupe.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.SupplierID = tblProducts_temp.SupplierID
ORDER BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN;

The query returns a random number of products, but not a top 5. So for supplier X one time 3 products and the next time for supplier X 7 products.The query without the RND function, so just the top 5 works fine:

SELECT tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp
GROUP BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
HAVING (((tblProducts_temp.GTIN) In (SELECT TOP 5 Dupe.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.SupplierID = tblProducts_temp.SupplierID
ORDER BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN;

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Criteria Returning Wrong Results/WHERE Clause Length

Jul 19, 2006

Hi there,

I'm working on a select query that I have created through the visual query design window in Access 2003, I have multiple criteria but the query is not filtering the results properly.

I'm selecting only records :

where the DeliveryCountry field is within the EU - works
where the ProductID does not contain Repair, Upgrade or Rpr - doesn't work
where the Demo/Sale ID is 2 - works

I've viewed the code in SQL view but I still can't locate the problem, though I suspect it lies in the treatment of ANDs and ORs.

The SQL is pasted below (I have reformatted with indentations so I hope it is easier to read).

One thing to note: the reason the countries list is split in two is because Access did this automatically when I had one long list. Is there a maximum length for WHERE clauses?

Thanks in advance for your help!


SELECT Orders.ShipDate, Products.[Standard Tarriff Number], [Order Details].[Quantity]*[Order Details].[unitprice]*(1-[discount])*(1-[special discount]) AS [Line Total], [Order Details].Quantity, Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry, Orders.OrderID, [Order Details].ProductID

FROM Products RIGHT JOIN (([Demo/Sale] RIGHT JOIN Orders ON [Demo/Sale].[Demo/SaleID] = Orders.[Demo/SaleID]) LEFT JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID

WHERE (((Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Austria" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Belgium" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Cyprus" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Czech Republic" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Denmark" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Estonia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Finland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="France" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Germany" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Greece" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Hungary" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Ireland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Italy" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Latvia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Lithuania" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Luxembourg" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Malta")
AND (([Order Details].ProductID) Not Like "*Upgrade")
AND ((Orders.[Demo/SaleID])=2))
OR (((Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Austria" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Belgium" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Cyprus" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Czech Republic" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Denmark" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Estonia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Finland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="France" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Germany" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Greece" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Hungary" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Ireland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Italy" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Latvia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Lithuania" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Luxembourg" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Malta")
AND (([Order Details].ProductID) Not Like "*Repair")
AND ((Orders.[Demo/SaleID])=2))
OR (((Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Austria" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Belgium" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Cyprus" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Czech Republic" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Denmark" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Estonia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Finland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="France" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Germany" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Greece" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Hungary" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Ireland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Italy" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Latvia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Lithuania" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Luxembourg" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Malta")
AND (([Order Details].ProductID) Not Like "*Rpr")
AND ((Orders.[Demo/SaleID])=2))

OR (((Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Holland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Poland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Portugal" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Slovakia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Slovenia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Spain" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Sweden")
AND (([Order Details].ProductID) Not Like "*Upgrade")
AND ((Orders.[Demo/SaleID])=2))
OR (((Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Holland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Poland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Portugal" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Slovakia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Slovenia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Spain" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Sweden")
AND (([Order Details].ProductID) Not Like "*Repair")
AND ((Orders.[Demo/SaleID])=2))
OR (((Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Holland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Poland" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Portugal" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Slovakia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Slovenia" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Spain" Or (Orders.OrdDeliveryCountry)="Sweden")
AND (([Order Details].ProductID) Not Like "*Rpr")
AND ((Orders.[Demo/SaleID])=2))

ORDER BY Orders.ShipDate DESC;

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Automatically Highlighting Multiple Rows In A Subquery On A Form

Dec 3, 2004


I have a form with a subquery on it that shows all of the records that the form is based upon. The subquery and form are linked already, so whatever record I change to on the form, the subquery will follow. The records are chronologically ordered by date in ascending order. Depending on what day the form is on, I want to be able to highlight the rows/records of that particular week automatically in the subquery. I was just wondering what method I can use to do the highlighting/selecting of the records if there is such a thing. Hope I was clear...THANKS! =)


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Count Number Of Records Returned From Query

May 15, 2005

I would like to count the number of records returned from a query, but am unsure how to do this using VBA.

Any help appreciated.


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Counting The Number Of Records Returned In A Query

Aug 24, 2004

Hello all. I need some help calculating the total number of records returned in a query anytime i run the query.

I have a form that creates an SQL statement and changes the querydef at runtime and displays the results in a listbox. I want to include on my form a percentage of the total records from the table based on the records returned in the query Ex. (5/10) so I can use this information on a report.

What I am trying to ultimately acheive is to calculate an attrition rate based on the number of (clients that leave in a given period / total new clients added in the given period )

thanks for your help!


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Limit Number Of Fields Returned By ODBC Table

Jan 9, 2008

Hi all, I've searched this with no success.

I have a ODBC (Firebird) table linked using a DSN connection which has >300 fields. In Access, the linked table only show 256 fields (max for Access). Otherwise the link works fine. I have no control over the source Firebird table.

What I'd like to do is limit which fields from the Firebird table are shown in Access. I don't need all the fields, but I need some that are at the end and are not linked in the current setup.

I'm very much a novice at using ODBC, but can I somehow use SQL or some other method to specify which fields to show in the linked table?

Thanks for any suggestions,

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Reports :: Show Number Of Records Returned In Parameter Query

Mar 9, 2013

I am trying to use Dcount to find the number of records in a query and put it on a text box in the header of a report. The query is a parameter query. The button opens a form which asks for start and end dates, the query reads those dates from the form and the report displays the correct number of records that fall within the date range. The query is based on another query, which is based on the table. I tried =dcount("*","qryName") but I get #error. Maybe becauase of dates? or parameters?

Access 2010, Windows 7

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Queries :: Counting Total Number Of Returned Results From Query?

Aug 11, 2015

I'm trying to run a line of code after doing a Query Search that reports back the total number of results pulled from the search. I've dug around and found some useful code, but nothing that gives the results I'm needing. Most everything gives me the total number from the query. I'm also using a Split Form.

The process goes: Enter numeric search in Text10 and hit the search button to run the following macro: [studentID]=[Forms]![Query1]![Text10]

It then gives me the requested information.I have a second text box (Text19) that needs to display the number of pulled results. I've written VBA that only gives me the total number searched for studentID or for the entire Query.

Can I simply add an additional line to the Macro?

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Forms :: How To Get Subform To Grow Or Shrink Based On Number Of Records Returned

Aug 4, 2014

All; using 2010. How can I get a subform to grow or shrink based on num of records returned? Its a continuous subform. Tried changing Vertical and Horizontal Anchors as well as some VBA suggestions but havent been able to make any of them work.

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Queries :: Referencing SubQuery Fields In A SubQuery

Dec 3, 2013

We are developing a complaints tool. Each completed complaint needs to be signed off by 3 leads and I'm hoping to display the progress of this in a form. Obtaining the first is simple and I was able to do that relatively quickly. The subsequence ones are now giving me a headache as it doesn't seem I can reference the initial subquery field in the others.Here's what I have so far:



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Tables :: Consecutively Number Table Rows With User Determined Start Number

Jul 13, 2014

I have an Access2007/SQL Server 2012 system with 20 users for an insurance company. The company does most of its business via a network of vehicle dealers around the country. If someone comes in to buy a motorcycle, boat, or recreational vehicle at a dealership they need insurance to take it home, and our dealers send the quotes to us.

The dealers, in turn, receive payment from us each month for their efforts. Some are paid a % commission on the premium, some are paid for each quote they send regardless of whether the policy actually sells or not, and some are paid a set amount per sold policy. (Yes, that is relevant information!)

We already have reports that tally the amounts due each dealer based on their payment scheme, but last month our bookkeeper had to write about 650 checks manually because the check writing is not automated. She'd look at the report, and then enter name, address, and amount (in digits and words) into Quick Books and print the checks from there, a horribly tedious process. I've been asked to print the checks from Access. Basically one click would print all 650 checks.

I've opted to use a Make Table query to move the commissioned dealers amounts to a single location, and then to run two append queries to add the records from those paid per quote and those paid per policy. At the end of the day, one table contains all the information necessary to print the checks...except one.

The check number.

I need a way to sequentially number each record in the new table with a user generated starting point, the first check number.

By the way, the check blanks are on standard letter sized paper, three to a page, with tear-off perforations to separate them, in case that information has any relevance.

I think the best way to accomplish this is from the report itself. I've created a blank field on each record for the check number, and what seems most logical is that the sequential number is generated on print and written back to the table, rather than just generating all the numbers at once. That way, should print ever be interrupted, it will be easy to take up where we left off.

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Reports :: Generate Number Of Rows In Report Depending On Number In Another Field

Nov 4, 2013

I have a form where we fill in information for supply of equipment to employees.

Each item must be signed for on a printed report.

I am encountering problems trying to create enough rows in my report detail for each signature of the items supplied.

For example, on the form I will select the "equipment" - 4 hats supplied and 3 boots. On the report I want the equipment set as the group and the detail to be a number or rows which equals the number of selected items. therefore under the Hats group heading I want 4 blank rows which are made up of 3 text boxes - Print Name, Signature & Date and another group heading for boots but with 3 lines.

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Wrong Number Of Arguments

Jan 8, 2008

Can you help me? I get the error wrong type of arguments in my function as follows
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Call ANewDBWithPass("c:BELest", "secret")
End Sub

Function ANewDBWithPass(ByVal tName As String) '// adds the current date to the name of the database
Dim wsp As Workspace
Dim db2 As Database
Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
If Right(tName, 4) = ".mdb" Then
' Remove .mdb from the name
tName = Left(tName, Len(tName) - 4)
End If
' Add date and extension
tName = tName & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") & ".mdb"
' Create database
',Set db2 = wsp.CreateDatabase(tName, dbLangGeneral)
Set db2 = wsp.CreateDatabase(tName, dbLangGeneral & ";pwd=" & strPassword)
End Function

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Error - Wrong Number Of Arguments

Jul 1, 2013

Access 2010

I am trying to check for when a user trys to enter a duplicate number.

The control that I am checking is in a subform on the main form:

Main: frmCandidateInfo
Sub: frmTestInfo

Control on the subform is: RankOrder

I am trying to check the control entry against the table entry:

Table: tblTestEvents
Field: RankOrder

Here is what I have:

Private Sub RankOrder_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim lngRankDup As Long
lngRankDup = Nz(DLookup("[RankOrder]", "tblTestEvents", "[RankOrder]=" & Forms!frmCandidateInfo!sfTestInfo!Form!RankOrder, 0))
If lngRankDup <> 0 Then
MsgBox TestEventID & " already exists in the database"
End If
End Sub

I know that the error is due to the argument not being correct, but I am not sure how to fix it.

I have tried:

lngRankDup = Nz(DLookup("[RankOrder]", "tblTestEvents", "[RankOrder]=" & Me.RankOrder, 0))

lngRankDup = Nz(DLookup("[RankOrder]", "tblTestEvents", "[RankOrder]=" & [RankOrder], 0))

lngRankDup = Nz(DLookup("[RankOrder]", "tblTestEvents", "[RankOrder]=" & Forms!sfTestInfo!Form!RankOrder, 0))

But nothing seems to work.

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File When Formatted In Access Shows Wrong Number

Nov 7, 2013

I am opening an excel file from access and changing the formatting from "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" to number with 15 decimal places.Then I am linking the file to the database and subsequently doing a lookup on the date time on the access form against this table.The excel file when formatted from vba in access shows the wrong number

datetime = 03/05/2013 11:26
database number = 41397.4763888889
Excel file number = 41398.4763888889 (which would equal 04/05/13 11:26)

now if I do it manually then I get 41397.4763888889 or if the macro is in excel I still get 41397.4763888889.Also I have tested the code with manually editing the excel file and this works fine.

Private Sub Command288_Click()
Dim s As String
Dim t As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
s = LaunchCD(Me)
MsgBox (s)


also this brings up a form and then I select the field required for the lookup and with the button is pressed the rest of the code runs as follows.

Private Sub LoadData_Click()
Dim w As String
w = Forms![frmList1]![Combo0]
w = "[" & w & "]"
Dim dtA As String


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Number Of Rows Depending On The Value

May 28, 2006

Hi Everyone
I have been searching EVERYWHERE, but was unable to locate even the correct wording of my problem, so I decided to see if there is anyone here solve this riddle for me:

I have a simple table with 2 fields
ie :
George 5
John 3
I have the need to make a report that makes stickers and make 5 stickers with the name George on it and 3 with the name John etc...
I cant even think of a query that would produce 5 rows of George followed by 3 Johns (;})..
The actual problem is more complex than this ( many times ) but this is what is holding me back atm.

Thanks in advance people, and I would like to say that I have learned VERY VERY MUCH from this site alone , and within a month from starting to learn Access for the first time, I have succesfully made a database that is working just fine for invoices and keeping track of inventory....

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Any Limitation On Number Of Rows/records

Apr 2, 2008

Today a guy who has done some Access programming told me that an Access table has a limit on the number of records.

Whereas I was thinking the only limit is the 2 gig size.

Which one of us is correct here?

(Access 2003).

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How Do I Count Number Of Rows In Table...

Oct 4, 2004

I need to do a count of the total number of rows in a table or query. Say I have a table with 7 records, I want to be able to get total number of rows instead of the sum of the row and save it to some other table.

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Number Rows In Access Query

Dec 15, 2004

Simple question - All I need to do is display the row numbers of a query I have created....For example:

1 St. Joes
2 Holy Family
3 St. Peters

I am not looking to rank anything, I just want a constant row of numbers for about 115 records.

Thanks So Much.

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Filter Out Rows Based On Number Of Characters

Nov 23, 2005

I have an address database where people have been allowed to type in any characters they want in place of just leaving a missing field blank. For instance the Zip code was not a required field (don't as me why because I don't know. It just wasn't) so over the years when the person entering the data didn't know what the zip code was they would put a ?, a 0, a 000 or a period or what ever else they could think of at the time.

I would like to add a filter in my query where I could eliminate any thing with less then a certain amount of characters.

I thought something like this would do the trick

Zip: IIf(Len([V_ZIP]<5),[V_ZIP],"0")

But I am getting a data type mismatch in criteria expression. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Rows In A Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I need to write a code that checks if every 6 lines in a table contains a string. If it contains the string, then carry on looping, but if it does not, it will delete the current line and the previous 6 lines before it. The program should then continue looping through the entire table.

For example,


I need to find the string "apple" in every 6 lines. So, that means that the first 2 Apples are fine, but for the third one needs to be deleted as it contains 7 lines instead of 6.

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Forms :: Limit Number Of Rows In A Subform

Jun 20, 2013

I am looking for a way to limit the number of rows that are added to the subform of a main form. Is there anyway that the allowable number of rows be defined using a field on the main form.

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