Wrong Totals On Report
Sep 13, 2006
Hi there.
I have a report which has multiple pages with multiple running totals. It is an invoice style report producing an invoice run for all customers at once. The invoice detail lines are a subreport for each customer. Every time a customer changes a new invoice page is produced (grouped by customer). If there are no invoice detail lines for any one customer a total is still displayed using the IIF command to avoid #Error totals. A running GRAND total of ALL the invoice totals is displayed as a report footer. The problem I have is when I generate the preview report and flick to the last page to see the grand total it is there no problems. However, when I print it I get a different amount!!! If I then start leafing back through the invoices on-screen - say 20 - 30 customers - then go to the end again the grand total changes again! I know the grand total shown initially, when going straight to the end is correct as I have checked it with queries. The report is 630 pages long. Any ideas as this is driving me nuts! (I assume it has something to do with using the IIF statement or perhaps the subreports?)
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Jun 13, 2013
I'm trying to create a query that will sum the total time of a specific field. It seems to be doing it, however the value is off by by a couple minutes on all my examples.
- BusArrivalTime
- BusDepartTime
In my Query I'm making a new field like this. It correctly figures out the difference.
BusWaitTime: DateDiff("n",[BusArrivalTime],[BusDepartTime])
Next I'm displaying that Query information inside of a Report by putting this in the Text Box on the Report. It correctly displays the time in the Hours/Minutes format.
=[BusWaitTime]60 & Format([BusWaitTime] Mod 60,":00")
Lastly, I'm using another Text Box on the Report to Sum the Grand Total of the Wait Time for all my records. Here is what Im putting in the Control Source
=Sum([BusWaitTime])60 & Format([BusWaitTime] Mod 60,":00")
...and it's summing my records, but the value is off by a few minutes and I cant figure out why.
In my example, I have 3 records with times of 3:14, 1:35, and 3:20. It should be totaling a figure of 8:09 but its coming to 8:14 instead.
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Apr 10, 2014
I've done this once entirely by accident and can't seem to duplicate it...
I have a report. It has the following:
Report Header: Logo and title
Department Header
Supervisor Header
Group Header
Department Footer: Totals
Report Footer: Overall Totals for all departments
Here's my question.
I have combo boxes on my main form that filter this report. The combo boxes are referred to by the query that runs the report. How do I get proper unfiltered overall totals in my report footer?
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Feb 26, 2015
I have a cool little form for the use of the organization's treasurer wherein she enters checks and deposits. I have a query that generates a running sum, so each line in the accounting report based on the table has the account total as of that date. The query behind the report is exactly what I want and is in the correct order. For example, the four transactions for 9/15/2014 are in the order entered, and the line total is correct. The report insists on listing the 4 in the example in some other order with or without OrderBy specified. With code from someone, perhaps on this forum, I added the following to the OnPage event:
Private Sub Report_Page()
' Offset from right edge of Control where our
' Vertical Line will start - adjust as you desire.
' Expressed in Twips
Dim intLineMargin As Integer
The result is a beautiful report (albeit in the wrong order) with vertical lines all the way to the bottom of the page.If I remove the OnPage code, the report is still in the wrong order, so obviously that wasn't the problem. OK, I think it is corrupted. I open a new db, import all into it. Still in wrong order. So next, I begin to recreate the report from scratch. Hooray! Right order! But I still want the vertical lines between the columns. So now, I copy the OnPage code and paste it into the new report's OnPage code. I get error message: "Compile error: User-defined type not defined" with the line "Dim MIPSstr As udtPrtMips_str" highlighted. Ok, I delete all of it and reenter it line for line manually, leaving out the comments. Get the same error message. After trying to research it, the only suggestions were to add Activex reference which can't be the problem, because the other version of the report doesn't throw an error and both are in the same db.
I have attached a clip of the report and a clip of the underlying query. As you can see in the first capture.png, the check numbers are in the wrong order and the amounts in the Total line don't sync with the total above adjusted by the amount on that line.
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Aug 3, 2015
Query 1: has all the data (description, account, amount).
Query 2: sums Amount by Account No.
Query 3: combines Query 1 and 2.
Query 3 also has a join by the Account No. There is a report based on query 3.
Issue: I can run query 3 to equal 0 and generate the report correctly but when I generate the query to not equal 0 the report brings in all the data.
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Sep 30, 2013
I have a query[view] where I have six employee numbers, I left join these to an Employee table to retreive the names.
I've created a report that uses this query/view as its source. For some reason my report keeps making all six name fields refer to the same control source Employee.Name and not Employee_1.Name, Employee_2.Name, Employee_3.Name,.... respectively.
In design view everything looks fine but when I switch to report view the switch happens, it displays the same name in all fields. When I switch back to design view all of the fields have changed to the same control source.
why this is happening? My tables are in a SQL server.
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Jul 12, 2005
this is going to be kind of hard to explain...but here goes:
i have some values grouped in a header on a report. I need to be able to get totals for these values within the group... here is what i tried:
i created a new textbox, set the control source to equal the textbox i want to total up, and then set the running sum of the new textbox to "over group". this gives me the right result, however I only want the new textbox to be visible at the end of the group. so now what i essentially have is a textbox that keeps a running sum of another textbox...
how can i make the textbox only visible at the end of the group? i tried the "on retreat" event for the group so that it will make the textbox visible at the end of the group, but it didn't do anything. i'm not sure what "on retreat" does, but i guess it's not for that.
anyone have any clue as to how this can be done??
just to clarify, this is pretty much how i want it to be set up
0 <---repeating textboxes
1 <---
5 <---
8 <---
6 <---
1 <---
3 <---
24 <---new textbox for total
thanks in advance for your help
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Mar 16, 2008
I have a report that sum's up three colums:
=Sum[Totalhours] (text60)
=Sum[HolidayHours] (text61)
=Sum[SickHours] (text62)
the text60 etc are the name of the field with the sum function in.
I have these placed in the work date footer and they total up the colums ok.
What I need to do it add the Total Hours + Holiday hours + Sick Hours in the report footer to give me a total hours to pay then I will need to multiply this value by a Pay Rate.
I have tried:
Any help would be great as I am stuck on this one.
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Apr 1, 2008
I am trying to add hours entered in a short time format. For example 08:15 or 02:55. I also would like it to give a total number of hours beyond 23:00. Here is a table with a Name Column and Hours Column
How do I
A) write a query to add up the hours. I believe Heather would total 25:31 Hours.
B) Show this same total in a report?
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Dec 17, 2006
I have a field which is a tickbox - yes, no response.
In a report i want a total of the fields that are yes.
How do i do this?
I have tried things like = Count([Matrix is true]) but this just gives me an error.
Also is there a way (once again in a report) to find the total of all the fields that have the first three letters being MAT...?
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Jun 21, 2007
I have a report that shows property address in the address header. Then lists in the details all work done at that property.
I need to total the number of properties we have worked on. The problem I am getting is if we do two jobs at one property then the total property worked on number is increased by the extra job done at that property.
I am using the following in a text box on the report footer: =Count([houseno] & " " & [streetname])
Hope someone can give me a clue where I am going wrong.
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Jun 7, 2005
I have a form with 2 buttons on it, I'll call them button 1 and button 2. When I click on button 1 it calls a class that will go through and calculate some totals and then write them back to a table, all access to the table is managed through ADO. Then I can go over to button 2 and pull up a report displaying the totals. Although when I click on button 2 the report will be about half empty, only displaying 0's in most cases. If I close the report and open it again using button 2 all the data will be populated. What is going on here???
Thank you for any help
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Jun 24, 2005
Dear All:
=DCount("[Transcript type]","[TRANSCRIPTS]","[Transcript type]='Official Copy'")
The "Transcript type" is from a combo box where the choices are "Official Copy" and "Student copy".
The above is what I am using in a textbox in a report to return the total of "Official Copies" and Student copies" requested.
This report is based on a query where I have "Between [Start Date] And [End Date]". I can select the dates to give a total for a specified month.
Unfortunately, the report returns ALL totals of the "Official Copies" and ALL totals of the "Student copies" for records in the database and NOT the total for the requested dates.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Any help is most grateful.
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Jun 24, 2005
Dear All:
I am totally clueless on this one. Here is the statement I am using in a textbox in a report:
=DCount("[Transcript_type]","[Diplomas_requested_per_month]","[Transcript_type]='Official copy'")
This report is based on a query. The query is called "Diplomas_requested_per_month". The fields in the query are: "Transcript_type" and "Request_date". In this query there is Between [Start Date] And [End Date].
I am attempted to count the number of "Official Copy" for a specified month.
I am propted to input the start date and ending date, it works great when I run the query. But in the report, I get a "#error".
I am thankful for who have responded to the previous posting of this issue, but I am completely lost.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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May 8, 2013
I have a table with:
Invoice Number | Customer Name | Item | Item Cost | Invoice Date | Paid | Date Paid
Example of data:
AK001 | A Brown | Blue Car |1000 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013
AK001 | A Brown | Red Car |2000 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013
AK001 | A Brown | Yellow Car |500 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013
AK002 | A Brown | Black Car |1000 | 7/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013
AK003 | B Smith | Blue Car |1000 | 12/4/2013 | Yes | 25/4/2013
I want to create a report from this table that outputs as:
Invoice Number | Customer Name | Total Price | Invoice Date | Paid | Date Paid
Example of report from Example Data:
AK001 | A Brown |3500 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013
AK002 | A Brown |1000 | 7/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013
AK003 | B Smith |1000 | 12/4/2013 | Yes | 25/4/2013
Is there an easy way to do this.. or will I need to make a new linked table with the invoice number as a lookup?
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Aug 29, 2005
I have monthly reports developed from various query's and what I want to do is have a single report that I can display my monthly totals from each monthly report without developing a whole new report. I want to use the existing totals from the monthlies and have them all on one report. Can anyone help me?
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Jul 30, 2015
I am trying to get my totals from my subreports, and dividing the number by 2 or 4, and put the new number on the main report.
for Operator/Trainer Productivity, I used:
=([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report]![OPTotal])/2
for Auditor/Trainer Productivity, I used:
=([rptEmployEvaluationAuditor1 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditor2 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditor3 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditorTrainer subreport].[Report]![OPTotal])/4
These both work if there are values in all totals subreports. When one of them might not have a total, I get an error message.
I tried to use :
=IIf([Orders].[Report].[HasData], [Orders].[Report].[txtOrderValue], 0)
=IIf([Orders].[Report].[HasData], Nz([Orders].[Report].[txtOrderValue], 0), 0)
=iif([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report].[HasData],([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report].[OPTotal]+=iif([rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report].[HasData],[rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report].[OPTotal])/2
and the same idea for the second one. I tried both methods and did not work. I am not sure what I am missing.
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Jun 1, 2013
I've got a simple invoice database with 10 amount fields, that needs to be summed up intoa Total including Gst box on a monthly report.
Report only has Date, Invoice Number And Total Amount fields on it, so I need to pull the information from table and sum it into Total Amount.
ie. = sum ( t1 +t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + t7 + t8 + t9 + t10)
and sum above divided by 10% then added together to form total.
I'm just not sure how to do it, everything I've tried so far ain't worked.
Every example I've looked at is only doing maths with 1 field.
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Sep 11, 2014
I have some columns with hours. I want to simply display the total below each column. I would like to do this in the query results and in the reports that I create.
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Mar 13, 2013
I have an excel report which I would like to run through Access to drive trend analysis and compare with other similar reports. The excel report has a cumulative spend figure each week and not the actual weekly spend numbers, the budget figure also can change depending on the actuals.
Excel report:
Week 1
Product ID
Yearly Budget
Will I need to create a new table each week or can I link the file and it updates automatically?Can Access store the weekly data and just update it one week at a time?
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Dec 10, 2014
I have a Report that has calculated fields in the details section. I want to total those fields in the Report Footer. When I run the report I am prompted to enter the value for the calculated fields and the Totals do not appear. Access must be inspecting the report before it actually runs. And so, since the calculated fields do not exist until the report is run then Access doesnt find them during the inspection and hence prompts for input.
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May 28, 2015
I have a main report with 5 sub reports. There is a detail page for each company and a totals page at the end. The record source for each sub report is a Union query (combines the detailed information with the total information.
One of the sub reports displays currency amounts. The detailed reports display the currency correctly: $26,001 (no cents). The totals sub report does not display the currency formatting: 468934
When I run just the totals query the amounts display correctly ($468,934) by using the CCUR(TotalAmount) variable type conversion. The VarType for the amount field in the totals query is 5 (double precision).
When I combine the detail query and totals query into a Union query the detail amounts display correctly but the total amount is missing the formatting.
Here is the union query.
SELECT TblCompany.TblCompanykey, FormatCurrency(ProviderCostsRetrieval([TblCompanykey],1),0) AS TotalCost
FROM TblCompany
ORDER BY TblCompany.TblCompanykey
UNION ALL SELECT 9999 AS TblCompanykey, CCur(Sum(([QryRptProviderCostsDuringPeriod.TotalCost]))) AS TotalCost
FROM QryRptProviderCostsDuringPeriod
GROUP BY 9999;
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Sep 4, 2007
Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!
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Dec 28, 2014
I am trying to create a P&L statement in access. I know what I want to come out at the end. I am just starting to play with access and having trouble getting what I want to come out of it.
On the sales side I have a query that gathers all the revenue sources and calculates a total for each date. I then use a second query to just take out the data I want for the P&L report. I created a sub-report that displays the data I want. I use the grouping and grand total features to get the total into the report footer. So far so good.
On the expense side I created a form of a query to manage the one to many relationship to capture the data for expenses (one purchase with many line items). I created a query based of this query to get the relevant data for my expense sub-report. I created the sub-report and got everything looking and calculating the way I want it to. I use the same grouping and grand total features to display the data in the report footer. Still good.
I created a new main parent report with the two sub-reports (sales & expenses) on it and even was able to pull the totals from the sub-reports into the main (so currently the subtotals of the two sub-reports are displayed twice). Now when I try to use the textboxes I used to pull the sub-report totals into the main report to perform additional calculations (sales - expenses) I get #error. I have tried different things and gotten ?name.
Control source for the two textbox controls on the main that display correctly, but don't let me do any further calculations.
=[rptP&LSalesOverview]![AccessTotalsTotal Sales]
To do the subtraction I have tried using the references above, as well as just using the names of the unbound text boxes in the report that bring the totals into the main report.
As a work around, I tried to build one query with all the data from sales and expenses, but can't "filter" based on date and get the data I want in the query results because the two sets of data are not necessarily related. I either get a long list of records, or no records (I am currently only playing with about 5 days of data).
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Feb 18, 2015
Is there a way to have say five different reports that give out information and at the bottom the totals. I would like to take each of those separate reports to create one report with just the totals.
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Sep 21, 2005
Ok Guys,
Here goes...
all of a sudden now, when i open my form, its not displaying any of the previous data that i stored in it!! All the data is still in the table, and when i add data it goes into the table!! I checked properties and the record source and everything is ok there, what have i done wrong guys...HELP!!!!
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