Year Days No. 1 To 365

Aug 16, 2005

Hi All,
i need ur help, i have working on database in which one of form/table i m using the day code(e.g 1 to 365). i want that these day value are automatically add on next day.......

For Example:
Today Date: 17/08/2005 Day Code: 229
2nd Date: 18/08/2005 Day Code: 230
3rd Date: 19/08/2005 Day Code: 231

i just want when date chenge, day code is automatically chenged.


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Queries :: Calculates Number Of Days / Month / Year

Sep 15, 2013

I am building a report and need to know the coding in the query (or in the report) to achieve the following.

Currently, in my query - 3 fields that work fine:

AppDate - dates of set appointments (Appt)

MonthNo: DatePart("m",[App_Date]) - get Month value

YearNo: DatePart("yyyy",[App_Date]) - get Year value

What I need is : EXACT coding to get these counts to show in my report:

January 2013
12 appointment (there were a count of 12 appts in January)
over 23 days (there were 23 days where appts were booked in January)
of 31 days (total number of days in the month of January)

February 2013
18 appts (there were a count of 12 appts in February )
over 19 days (there were 23 days where appts were booked in January)
of 28 days (total number of days in the month of February )


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Queries :: Counting Days Between Dates - Vacation Period And Work Days

Sep 11, 2014

I have a form called subfrm_vactions

rowsource is a query called qryVacations

the query should calculated two things

1 - the difference between start_vac and End_vac in days to calculate the vacation period and put the value in field called Period (working well)

2-the work days which the period between the last day in Previous record (End_Vac) and the (Start_Vac) in the next record (didn't work)

the result is the difference between (End_Vac) and (Start_Vac) in the same record which i don't want

simply i want to calculate the work days.

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Reports :: Count Number Of Days Each Week (7 Days) Person Has Worked

Jan 24, 2014

I have to count the number of days each week (7 days) that a person has worked - simple enough.

But - what if they come off the job within the week?

I have been using the DateDiff function which is fine.

In the database they have a Mobdate and a DeMobDate but if the DeMobDate falls within the week the whole thing falls apart?

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Trouble Implementing The Regular Days And Sunday Working Days?

Dec 14, 2004

Hello everyone,

I have problem with my code here. I am using this code to determine if the LogDate with a weekday of Sunday can be declare as Sunday Work or Regular Work. The 1st week of my entry can determine if the LogDate is Sunday then compute if it reaches a 7 days working, if he is absent even 1 (one) day in his previous working days within the week. His Sunday LogDate is considered as Regular Days instead of Sunday Work. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in this code?

The problem here is the computation of 7 days after 1 week. There should be a 7 days computation every week per month in able to declare Sunday Work or Regular Work. I tried this code but it did not work on 2nd week, 3rd week and 4th week of the month.

How come on 2nd week, Sunday (LogDate) is not considered as Sunday Work even he completed the 7 days (working days) per week? I need help on this ASAP Thanks


Below is the code i'm using for defining Regular days and Sunday Working Days:

Private Sub LogDate_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim dteToday As Date, dtePrior As Date
Dim i As Integer

dteToday = LogDate
dtePrior = DateAdd("d", -6, dteToday)

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [HolidayDate] FROM tblHolidays", dbOpenSnapshot)

rst.FindFirst "[HolidayDate] = #" & dteToday & "#"
'See if the date entered is a holiday
If rst.NoMatch Then
Holiday.Value = 0
Holiday.Value = 1
End If
If Weekday(dteToday) = vbSunday Then 'If dated entered is a Sunday determine if
Dim strSQL As String 'it will be a regular day or a Sunday

strSQL = "SELECT [LogDate] "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tblLog "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [LogDate] >= #" & dtePrior & "#"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [LogDate] <= #" & dteToday & "#"

'Create a recordset of records from date entered and 7 days prior
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

i = rs.RecordCount 'Count the number of days between the two dates

If i = 7 Then 'If there are seven days then it is a Sunday
Sunday.Value = 1
Sunday.Value = 0 'If less than 7 days then it is a regular day
End If

Sunday.Value = 0
End If

DayofWeek.Value = Format(dteToday, "dddd")

End Sub

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General :: Convert Weekend And Holiday Days To Work Days

Jun 14, 2013

Is there a way i can convert the weekend days into working days for example.

5/4/13 1:30 PM is on saturday what function can I use to make this day read 5/6/13 8:00 Am which is monday. Same thing for holidays.

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Queries :: Number Of Days Between Two Dates With Irregular Days Worked

Apr 14, 2014

I have a form where a start date is inputted (Inputfrm , StartDate) and a form where the end date of the process is recorded (Inspectionfrm , EndDate) and these both record in the table InputTbl as StartDate and EndDate respectively.

I have created a union query which shows a list of all the dates where there is work recorded (WorkingDatesQry and the column of list of unique dates is "WorkingDate"), and as we run a highly varied schedule depending on time of the year and order numbers I cannot just use a query which says Monday-Friday or Tuesday - Saturday.What I am trying to do is to find the number of days between StartDate and EndDate where there is a date recorded in the WorkingDates query.

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Queries :: Missing Days - Creating Table With 31 Days Of Zero Values

Apr 3, 2013

Client has asked me to create a report showing summary of monthly sales by day. That was easy. I created a query for the month the user selected and then summarized and group the data by day. Client like the result but would like to see zeros on the report for non sales days. Non sales days are days like holidays and there are no sales.

I am thinking of creating an table with 31 days of zero values and then join the two tables in a query? Or, should I create a temporary table with code and then merge the two tables which the existing query which I can then use for the report?

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Date Add Problem (calendar Days Vs Working Days)

Dec 4, 2006

I have a query and I need the records to display 3 working days before the 15 working day deadline.

I used the following in the criteria box below the received date field and it doesn't pull the correct number of workdays, it's pulling calendar days instead.


Can anyone help, thanks for your time!!!

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Date Add Problem (calendar Days Vs Working Days)

Dec 4, 2006

I have a query and I need the records to display 3 working days before the 15 working day deadline.

I used the following in the criteria box below the received date field and it doesn't pull the correct number of workdays, it's pulling calendar days instead.


Can anyone help, thanks for your time!!!

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HELP: Changing Dates To FY (fiscal Year) And YTD (year-to-date) Values

Apr 25, 2006

I have a huge table with transaction dates. I need to slice and dice
this data (sum, %'s, etc), but group by FY. Our fiscal year is from
7/1 thru 6/1.

For example:
1/8/2004 = FY 2004,
8/12/2004 = FY 2005,
2/3/2006 = FY 2006

THEN . . . . I need to also isolate certain periods, for example July-
March for YTD (year-to-date) analysis and compare YTD of 2006 with that
of 2005.

What do you suggest? Many thanks.


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Sum Of Current Year Minus The Year Of A Date In Past?

Apr 25, 2014

I'm trying to add a couple of fields to the Contact database in Access 2010.

In the Contacts table, I created a field called "Sobriety Date" that has dates formatted like 12/27/1995

I am trying to add a calculated field called "Years Sober" which should be the current year minus the year in the 'Sobriety Date' field (1995 in the example above).

I have been trying to tweak this:

SUM(DatePart("yyyy",[Date]) - DatePart("yyyy",[Sobriety Date]))

but it's not working. Keeps giving me "The expression that you entered is not valid for web-compatible calculated columns"

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Calculate Days In Advance Or Days In Arrears

Dec 26, 2006

I rent out a property , on the rental statement I have a field [Datepaid], [RentpaidFrom] and [rentpaidTo]. I would to have a field that can calculate the rent that is paid to show if the rent is in arrears or in Advance. I guess the code would be something like (datediff ???? etc) but i have no idea what it should be. the calculation should appear on the query as i.e.2 days in arrears or 12 days in advance etc

your help would be much appreciated

merry christmas to you all

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Percentage Of Year Employed - Prior Year

Aug 1, 2005

I trying to figure out how to make this query work. I have a simple database that is being used to show employee employment information - name, hire date, salary, bonuses, etc. Everything is just about done but they want me to show what percentage of the prior year the employee was there. In other words if an employee was hired 4/20/2004 they want me to show the percentage of 2004 they were employed with the company. I've tried just about everything I can think of but nothing seems to give me the right answer. I am also showing the percentage for the current year (2005) and that works ok. Just can't figure out how the calculate it for a prior year.

This is being done in a query and we're using Access 2000.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Queries :: Determine Date Given Day Of Year And Year

Jul 3, 2014

I have fields [DayOfYear] and [Year] can I somehow produce the dd/mm/yyyy from this. I know how to do it in Excel but the Asscess function Date() is a little different.

I.e. if [DayOfYear] =152, [Year] = 2014 then [Date] = 2/6/2014

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Year And Date - Show Day Of Year As Three Numbers

Jan 10, 2012

I'm going to try using the year, day of year, hour & minute (24 hour clock) as a report number. It's set up in a field on a table. Right now I have....

Default Value =Format(Now(),"yyyhhnn") 'which works but not exactly how I would like

yy = Last two digits of the year
y = Number of the day of the year (1 to 366) 'can this show three digits all the time?
hh = Hour in two digits (00 to 23)
nn = Minute in two digits (00 to 59)

For instance, right now for Jan. 10th, 2012, 1306 hours the result would be 12101304 which, for all intents and purposes works, but I would prefer the "day of the year" to always be represented by three digits and not just when it hits day 100 of the year.

I would prefer to see 120101304

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Calculate Working Days Between 2 Days

Mar 14, 2006

Dear All,

I'm new to VBA coding. A code below is copied from a friend of mine and I can't make it work. How to call up this function in my form. In my form I have 3 text boxes (StartDate, EndDate and NumOfWorkDays). My form is based on a table.

Please anyone who would help me on this, kindly give me the step by step procedure as I am really novice. Thanks in advance.

'*********** Code Start **************
Public Function WorkingDays(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date) As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_WorkingDays

Dim intCount As Integer

StartDate = StartDate + 1
'If you want to count the day of StartDate as the 1st day
'Comment out the line above

intCount = 0
Do While StartDate <= EndDate
'Make the above < and not <= to not count the EndDate

Select Case WeekDay(StartDate)
Case Is = 1, 7
intCount = intCount
Case Is = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
intCount = intCount + 1
End Select
StartDate = StartDate + 1
WorkingDays = intCount

Exit Function

Select Case Err

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_WorkingDays
End Select

End Function

Can someone please direct me to the right path.

Your help is highly appreciated.


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Add 1 Year To Year Part Of Date

Mar 14, 2006

I have a query based on payment date which I have extracted the Year part as a seperate Field StartYear, but I want to now add EndYear which just adds 1 year to the StartDate. e.g. EndYear = StartYear +1. Anyone kow please I know i's proably simple but I keep getting syntax errors.

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Last 45 Days...

Aug 25, 2006

I have a Date field [TESTDATE]

I would like a query that shows the last 45 worth of data entered into the system. How would I do this? Thanks.


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Days Between

Nov 30, 2006


I have a table which has a start date and an end date on it: e.g. 25/10/06 to 3/11/06.

I want to set up a query to calculate the number of days between those two dates, but only for the month of October: so it would only come to 7 days (not 10 days).

How do I do this please??

Also: once I have the formula worked out, how can I write it so that a user can enter the month they want to query (e.g. october)?



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Urgent!! 7 Days From Now

Jan 27, 2006

how do i make a query that only shows things with a date in them of only the previous 7 days?

this is urgent due to needing submition in 3 hours time

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Query For Last 7 Days - Mon To Mon

Mar 18, 2008

trying to think my way around this one. i am in search of a query that will allow users to see what they have ordered within the last week (7days max) which starts on monday of each week eg if they run the query on thurs, they will see mon, tues, weds & thurs and not just 7 days from thurs [Date()-7]

i'm assuminging its gonna be something like if day=monday then query will = date() else if day=tuesday then query will = date()-1 and so on.....

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Help With Business Days

Mar 19, 2008

Good Afternoon All,

I am in need of you help in calculating this. Basically, I don't want the code to count zero. For example, today is 3/19/2008 - Date() should equal = 1 and not zero..

Here's some more examples:[lastfollowup] being 3/18/08
Date() - [LastFollowup] = 2

Here's my code:
DaysOpen: ((DateDiff("d",[LastFollowup],Date(),2))-(Int(DateDiff("d",[LastFollowup],Date(),2)/7))*2)+IIf(Weekday(Date(),2)>5,5-Weekday(Date(),2),0)+IIf(Weekday([LastFollowup],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([LastFollowup],2)>Weekday(Date(),2),2,0)

Thank you,


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Working Days

May 10, 2005

Can anyone help
I have one field that you enter a start date
the next field is the start date that adds 28 days to give a due date
but this includes saturdays and sundays which i dont want i only want the working week/day.
Please help

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Working Days

May 22, 2005

In my queries i have two fields

1st Field is called Termination Date
2nd Field is called Due Date:
3rd Field is called Date Completed:
4th Field is called (+/-):

Termination Date = I enter a date such as 20/05/05
Due Date = Automatically fills in using the expression below 17/06/05
The Due Date has an expression builder i.e.
Termination Notice-Due Date: [Termination Date]+28

Date Completed = I enter a data such as 18/06/05
(+/-) = Automatically fills in with -1

The problem is that Termination Notice-Due Date Automatically filled in using the above expression but it counts saturdays and sundays i dont want saturdays and sundays counted in the +28

Can this be done or iam i going nuts

please see attached this might help


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Counting The Days

Dec 1, 2005

could someone please help me. ive tried all sorts of things and now im loosing the will to live.
under the data protection act i have 40 days to produce requested files in a hospital. the problem is that my little database that has been working away for 2 years is not capable of flagging up any files that are gone over the limit.

i need to run a query that will bring up all files not completed in the past 40 days. or reaching the forty day limit.

ive tried <now()-40 or <date()-40 in the critieria of the date rquested field. ive also tried kicking the machine when my boss isnt looking. that didnt work either.

im sure this aint rocket science.


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