Zero Count Query Working With Null

Dec 15, 2004

I have a database that I maintain the history of our football league in. What I am trying to do is count each team and the number of wins in each year

The query works fine except in the cases where the team had ZERO wins. Then of course it returns nothing and screws up the other queries when there is a hole for a year.

2 Tables in the database

(other fields not relevant)

RESULT (either WIN, LOSS or TIE)
(other fields not relevant)

I want to count the number of wins and return it to this query EVEN IF THE NUMBER OF WINS IS ZERO (0).

When I run the query I receive

The query returns this:
2000 Westside 6
2001 Westside 3
2003 Westside 1
2004 Westside 3

In 2002 Westside was 0 wins -11 losses and the query not finding any WINS in 2002 did not return a record.

How do you get the query to show
2002 Westside 0

Current SQL Query
SELECT Information.Year, Information.Team, Count(Scores.Result) AS CountOfResult, Scores.Result
FROM Scores INNER JOIN Information ON (Scores.Year = Information.Year) AND (Scores.Team = Information.Team)
GROUP BY Information.Year, Information.Team, Scores.Result
HAVING (((Information.Year)>2000));

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Tables :: Append Query Not Working / Null Values?

Sep 24, 2014

I have an append query created to add files to a table from an imported excel file. The table to which I am appending (SubTBL) has a field names Observation. This field is not required. There is a relationship to another table (ObservationTBL) which has 3 records. The information I am trying to append includes 7000 records, about 4000 have observations assigned and they match the information in the ObservationTBL. The remaining 3000 have blank records for observation. When I run the append query, only those with observations are appended. The rest are not added because of "key violations". I removed the relationship between the ObservationTBL and the SubTBL and the append query runs. Then when I try to re-do the relationship it fails "Violates referential integrity rules".To be clear:

1. The records without an observation are blank. (There are other fields in this append that have blank fields also and they are not causing any problems)
2. The field observation is NOT set to required.

Is it not allowing Null records?

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Queries :: Query Stops Working With InStr Null Value

Feb 7, 2015

I have a question about errors on null value.I have made a small database for tryout, it has to be implemented in another one.And the small database is working.I have one table where there is one field called BatchInput.I scan a barcode into it and let two query's breaking it apart. I scan this batch into the table field

BatchInput: 20 MAY 2004H149-082-79 A4147011A05

Then I have my first query (Qrybreak1) extracting the date and deleting H14

Date: Left([BatchInput];11)
PartCertNr: Right([BatchInput];Len([BatchInput])-14)

The result is this:

Field date: 20 MAY 2004
Field PartCertNr: 9-082-79 A4147011A05

The second query (Qrybreak2) I look for the first space:

space: InStr([PartCertNr];" ")

Then with the result I cut it into two pieces

PartNumber: Trim(Left([PartCertNr];[space]-1))
CertNumber: Trim(Right([PartCertNr];[space]+2))


And query (QryResult) even wont start, giving a popup with Invalid procedure call..How could I handle Null on the part where there is no space after the partnumber (missing Certnumber)?

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Queries :: Multi-field Query Not Working When Some Fields Are Null Value

May 22, 2013

Access 2010. I've had to learn it at work because our DBA was let go and I was the only one willing to give it a go. Read a book or two and picked up some stuff on the internet.

Here's my problem:
I have a simple table -Employee with 4 fields. FirstName, LastName, Office and JobTitle. I have form called Form1 that has 3 control fields cboJobTitle (a combo box that is populated by a query that finds all the unique values of that field in the Employee table), cboOffice (same as above) and txtName (a text box to allow user input) that are used as the criteria for a multi-field query triggered by a button at the bottom of the form. The idea being that you could do a search using this form to find all the employees in one office or all the accountants in one office, or any other combination.

The main search query has the following criteria for each field -
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboOffice] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![cboJobTitle] & "*"
Like [forms]![Form1]![txtName] & "*"

It works great...until I enter a record where one of those fields may be null, such as if I leave the JobTitle blank.
If I have two employees in an office in one city and then do a search for all the employees in that office, it only returns one record and ignores the one that has the null value in the JobTitle field.

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Linked Count Queries / One Null Query Blanks Out All The Rest.

Dec 17, 2007

Hi all,Desperate for help on this.The query below ran like a charm for this years database which was full of entries, but when I did a quick test run for next year with limited entries the 'Temp' table fields were all blanked. All the individual queries, 1 through 9, work fine on their own and work fine in this linked form when there is enough data in the database to cover all the fields. Apparently if only one query is blank all the fields will be blank.For instance if there are multiple registered households, table ‘1’ would normally show a count of those households, but if none of those households have children, table '2' which counts children will be blank and in turn blank out all the rest of the fields including table ‘1’.I've tried the ‘is null, '=0" and ‘nz’ routines on the Count(Tablename.Fieldname)'s, but can't seem ‘to get them to output a value of 0 in the null fields. I must be doing something wrong. Any and all help would be very much appreciated.SELECT Year(Now()) AS ProjectYear, [1].CountOfClaimID AS Households, [2].CountOfPersonID AS Children, [3].CountOfPersonID AS Participants, [4].CountOfSponsorID AS SponsorsTotal, [5].CountOfHouseholdID AS Sponsored,[6].FamiliesWithChildren, [7].SponsoredFood, [8].SponsoredGifts, [9].SDSD INTO TempFROM (SELECT Count(Household.ClaimID) AS CountOfClaimID FROM Household GROUP BY Household.RegStatus HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1))) AS 1, (SELECT Count(Members.PersonID) AS CountOfPersonID FROM Household INNER JOIN Members ON Household.HouseholdID = Members.HouseholdID GROUP BY Household.RegStatus, Members.Status HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Members.Status) = "Child" ))) AS 2, (SELECT Count(Members.PersonID) AS CountOfPersonID FROM Household INNER JOIN Members ON Household.HouseholdID = Members.HouseholdID GROUP BY Household.RegStatus HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1))) AS 3, (SELECT Count(Sponsors.SponsorID) AS CountOfSponsorID FROM Sponsors GROUP BY Sponsors.SponsorStatus HAVING (((Sponsors.SponsorStatus)=-1))) AS 4, (SELECT Count(Sponsorship.HouseholdID) AS CountOfHouseholdID FROM Sponsors INNER JOIN Sponsorship ON Sponsors.SponsorID = Sponsorship.SponsorID GROUP BY Sponsors.SponsorStatus, Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear HAVING (((Sponsors.SponsorStatus)=-1) AND ((Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear)=Year(Now())))) AS 5,(SELECT Count([Table0].HouseholdID) AS FamiliesWithChildrenFROM (SELECT Households_All.HouseholdID, IIf([Children]>0,1,2) AS FamChildrenFROM Households_AllGROUP BY Households_All.HouseholdID, Households_All.ChildrenHAVING (((IIf([Children]>0,1,2))=1))) as Table0) AS 6,(SELECT DISTINCT Count(Household.HouseholdID) AS SponsoredFoodFROM Household INNER JOIN Sponsorship ON Household.HouseholdID = Sponsorship.HouseholdIDGROUP BY Household.RegStatus, Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear, Sponsorship.FoodHAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear)=Year(Now())) AND ((Sponsorship.Food)=-1))) AS 7,(SELECT DISTINCT Count([Household].[HouseholdID]) AS SponsoredGiftsFROM (Household INNER JOIN Sponsorship ON [Household].[HouseholdID]=[Sponsorship].[HouseholdID]) INNER JOIN (SELECT Households_All.HouseholdID, IIf([Children]>0,1,2) AS FamChildrenFROM Households_AllGROUP BY Households_All.HouseholdID, Households_All.ChildrenHAVING (((IIf([Children]>0,1,2))=1))) as Table0 ON [Household].[HouseholdID]=[Table0].[HouseholdID]GROUP BY [Household].[RegStatus], [Sponsorship].[SponsorshipYear], [Sponsorship].[Gifts]HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear)=Year(Now())) AND ((Sponsorship.Gifts)=-1))) as 8,(SELECT DISTINCT Count(Household.HouseholdID) AS SDSDFROM HouseholdGROUP BY Household.RegStatus, Household.SDSDHAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Household.SDSD)=-1))) as 9; Thanks much,aldo

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Working With Null Value

Sep 19, 2007

if a field contains some null values, then how to replace each of these null with its previous value ? eg:
Phone No Bill date Amt Pending
222000 2-2-07 3456/-
null 17-2-07 2356/-
224000 12-2-07 1235/-
null 08-2-07 456/

now i want to fill the blank below 222000 with 222000 and 224000 under 224000. how to do it? plz guide me for office 2003.

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'Null' Check Not Working!!

Oct 23, 2006

I am putting a check whether the inputted value in a text box(txt_id) is filled or not. If it is 'null' then it should not execute the insert statement but somehow the check for the null value is not working. Can someone tell me why??

Private Sub cmd_inserer_Click()

If txt_id.Value = Null Or txt_id.Value = "" Or txt_id.Enabled = False Then
info = MsgBox("Veuillez remplir champ « Id »", vbInformation)

ElseIf txt_id.BackColor = &HFF& Or txt_libelle.BackColor = &HFF& Or txt_description.BackColor = &HFF& Then

info = MsgBox("Veuillez remplir tous les champs fausses!", vbInformation)

MsgBox txt_id.Value
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "INSERT INTO objectif ( id , libelle,description) values ('" & txt_id.Value & "' , '" & txt_libelle.Value & "','" & txt_description.Value & "') ;"
db.Execute strSQL


txt_id.Value = ""
txt_libelle.Value = ""
txt_description.Value = ""

cmd_ajouter.Enabled = True
cmd_modifier.Enabled = False

End If
End Sub

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Is Null Not Working, But Does Work If Change To <1?

Oct 5, 2007

I have a query, and it has been working just fine, till today. I have it based on a field being null. This field shows null in the table, it is a text field but it is a 19 digit number if there is anything in there. The fields didnt come up in the query when it was based on Is Null. But if I changed it to a <1 they came up just fine. and After further testing, the change works just how I had it working with the Is Null or so I thought. Any ideas on the WHY behind this, I am really curious about it, thought I would get some opinions on why this happened.

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Code Ot Working, Brings Out Null Value

Dec 8, 2006

Can anyone see why the sql code below is not working, it works up unitl

StrSQ4 = DLookup("[D Status]", "tbl_Delupdate", "[Cylinder Barcode Label]='" & Stringy1 & "'")

But when i try to get the latest date for that Cylinder Barcode as shown below it does not bring out a value

StrSQ4 = DLookup("[D Status]", "tbl_Delupdate", "[Cylinder Barcode Label]='" & Stringy1 & "'AND [Date of D Status]=#" _
& DMax("[Date of D Status]", "tbl_Delupdate", "[Cylinder Barcode Label] = '" & Stringy1 & "'") & "#")

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Forms :: IS NOT NULL Not Working In Control Validation Rule

Apr 15, 2014

I am using Access 2010 on Windows 7 (64-bit).

I have create a table clients that contains multiple column i.e. Id, First Name, Last Name, Starting Date, Company , while defining the table I did not mark REQUIRED property of any column

I have created a form based on this table "CLIENTS",

I create the company as combo box and taking the list from COMPANIES.ID

I put the validation rule as IS NOT NULL and put validating text Select Company from list.

If I marked REQUIRED property of this column in table definition as YES then it displays system generated message with tablename.controlname, while i want to display my own message.

But when i input the data and leave the Company column blank the validation is not executed.

There are three columns in the form on which I want to apply the same validation.

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Still Working On A Count Problem

Jun 28, 2005

I have a report that is to count the number of times a field has been selected.

Some of my fields are in option boxes, some are individual boxes. The option boxes do not add up. On my report I get an *error* on all the option box totals. If I request a record from a certain date, the query is correct but the option boxes are not adding.

In the properties of the field on the report (can you tell I am a newbie?) I have

Why won't it print the total on the report?

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Count Not Working Properly

Nov 20, 2007

Dear Access Mates:



This statement is in an unbound text box but it does not return the proper total. It is counting only the "MSED's" and not "MS's".

This information is from a table.

Is the above syntax correct?

Many thanks to all.



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Count Of Null Records

Jul 29, 2006


Been taking abreak from Access for a few years now and cant get my head round my problem.

I have been asked to manipulate data from a Training Recods database.

Basically, training consists of 26 modules, there are currently 180 people who need training. Each person has been assigned a unique number, once a module has been completed, the date it was completed is entered into the database. There are currently lots of modules which havent been completed, what I need is a way of pulling that data from the DB.

I need to know how many people need to complete each module. For example, Module 1 might need to be completed by 15 people, Module 2 might need to be completed by 27 people etc.

I have enclosed the DB with the table and the form that I am looking to populate with the data.

Anyone have any ideas, I just can't get my head round it!!!!

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Count Null Records AND......

Feb 16, 2007

Hi guys,

I know how to count records so that null records would be counted but I do not know how to do this:

I have customers and works. I want to create a query that will show ALL customers and number of works done for that customer (sometimes there is no work done for customer).

How can I do it?


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Count Null Values

Jan 26, 2007


I am using the following code to count records in a table:

Dim myCount

'Looks the data with criteria 1 in table

myCount= Nz(DCount("[Myfield]", "[mytable]", "[myfield]='1'"), 0)

'Returns sum in text box

Me.[txt1] = myCount

My table will also contain no records in the myfield. Is there a way I can count null values? Thanks.

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Count Working Days Between 2 Dates

Nov 5, 2007

I've had it before, but can't find it.

basically something like this --

DateDiff("w", StartingDate, EndingDate)

that also makes sure date is not in tblHolidays.
anyone knows how to acomplish this ?

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The Count Function Not Working Properly.

Oct 6, 2005

I am using the “count function” on an MS Access 2003 Form field. The count function seems to be working fine except it is not placing the result into the table field.

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Can someone show me the proper format for using the count function used on a form field, where the result is to be placed in a table field?

Please Help!!!

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Null/empty Field Count

Nov 30, 2007

I have the query below and it returns the number of cases for eache of the case status (open, closed or private) Some of the cases have no status, the field is empty. Is there a way to count the number of cases which have no status in the status field?

Can someone tell me how to do this?

Count([Report table part one].CaseStatus) AS CASES,
[Report table part one].CaseStatus AS STATUS

FROM [Report table part one]

GROUP BY [Report table part one].CaseStatus;

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General :: How To Count Last Values Which Are Not Null

Jun 21, 2014

I need to count all values after "0" or null value of a rows in query of a table.I have attach Table.gif..Actually in need to get the duration of debts continue of a supplier as following sample.

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Queries :: Count Returns Null Instead Of Zero

Sep 12, 2013

I have a count column in this query, and i would like for it to return a zero instead of null if it doesnt find anything to count. Here's the SQL for the query.

SELECT Documents.Status, Count(Documents.Document) AS CountOfDocument
FROM [Request Details] INNER JOIN Documents ON [Request Details].Request_ID = Documents.Request_ID
GROUP BY Documents.Status, [Request Details].Contract, [Request Details].CDRL, [Request Details].Change_Cycle
HAVING (((Documents.Status)="No Record") AND (([Request Details].Contract)=[Forms]![Report Runner]![Contract]) AND (([Request Details].CDRL)=[Forms]![Report Runner]![CDRL]) AND (([Request Details].Change_Cycle)=[Forms]![Report Runner]![ChangeCycle]));

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Count Working Weeks In Selected Month

Jun 2, 2006

I think i am missing the obvious but cannot seem to get this one....

I am trying to get my form to return a value of the amount of working weeks in a month i.e. a 4 week month (like june - 4 mondays) or a 5 week month (like may - 5 mondays).

i can calculate the number of full weeks using the control source..

=Int(DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) / 7)

but this does not work for the 5 week months?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Count Total Working Days Of Month

Mar 5, 2014

I have a table with two fields named as "Month" and "Bank Holidays". I have put names of the month in this table for 2014 and the corresponding bank holidays of each month. Now I want to write down the piece of code that will execute when a button is pressed and check the current month of the year and then display the total working days ( After subtracting bank holidays of that month and weekends of that month from the total working days of that month).

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Queries :: Unable To Count The Number Of Null Fields

May 16, 2013

I am trying to create a clean database and code to generate a report.

I am trying to count the number of null fields in one of my queries:

However, because of this expression, I cannot carry other fields with it. So the end result looks like:

But I would really like it to spit out the following information:

Total Not Fixed: 241
Department: Sustaining Eng

is there a way to create an SQL query to simply add data: I have tried the following:


ALTER TABLE qrySustainingEngNotFixed2 ADD Dept TEXT(25)
Insert Into qrySustainingEngNotFixed2 (Dept) Values (Sustaining Eng)
SELECT TotalNotFixed, Dept
FROM qrySustainingEngNotFixed2;

The above isn't working. Keep in mind that I want this is just for display purposes. I pondered making a custom table and then making a Union Query, but I'm trying to do this all in one SQL statement.

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Query With Is Null Returning Not Null Records

Apr 18, 2006

Hello all,

A bit of a weird one, I've got a query and the criteria for showing records is that one particular field is null. However the query is showing records with the values in the field chosen for the Is Null.

Not sure why this is happening, has anyone come across this problem before?


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Queries :: Join Results Of Unmatched Query With Matched Query To Include Null

Mar 24, 2013

I am trying to do the good 'ol sales report (query) to include customers with no sales.

I have a customers table, account number table, sales table & sales (line) detail table. (all linked in that order)

If I run a query to show customers (in the customer table) with account numbers, that works

An unmatched query to show customer without an account number works (but of course the unmatched account number field isn't shown).

How can I get the two two be shown together with the "unmatched" having a null or 0 for their account number?

I am guessing in principle, the resulting solution can be modified to show customers without sales alongside those with sales?

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Modules & VBA :: Switch Function - A Null Makes Whole Column Null

Nov 16, 2014

I do not understand what is happening here. I have foll0wing line in a calculated query field:

m: Switch([EmpID]<5,1) ' run Query 18 in attached example, A2007/2010

this produces 1 for all EmpID<5 and Null for all other EmpID's. All as expected.

But if I do this:

m: Switch([EmpID]<5,1,[EmpID]>=5,Null) ' run Query 19 in attached example

then the entire column is set to Null

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