Zoom Feature In A Form

Jan 1, 2015

I would like to add a zoom feature to a form. If I size the window down to the point where it cuts off some of the fields, I enabled the vertical and horizontal scroll bars for the user to navigate throughout the form to see everything they need to. However, is there a way to size the contents in the form down, in other words, zoom out so even if I size the window down, I can see everything in the now smaller window?

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Can You Zoom In A Form To Fit Screen As With Excel

Feb 3, 2005

I have a form that is too big to view on one screen without scrolling down, is it possible to shrink it so that I can view it all, similar to the facility in Exel? I have tried the Scale & Resize MDE solution that is suggested in the threads but this only resizes your original to fit other screen resolutions - neat idea but it is not what I want as it still shows the original form nut pro-rata to the screen size.

I am not distributing the app so anything I do local to my machine to get it to work is fine.

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Updating A Form Based On A Query Using The "total" Feature

Aug 24, 2004

I have set up an ACCESS database of journal articles. Each article has one or more authors. I have created a form listing the article title, the name of the journal etc. Included is a subform listing each of the authors. The authors are listed in the order that their names appear in the article. I wrote a query to sort the articles alphabetically according the name of the first author (in the subform). The main form is based on this query so that all the articles are sorted according to the name of the first author. However, the query uses the “First” feature in the “Total” row on the query. The use of this feature precludes me from updating information in the form that is based on the query. Is there a way around this problem and if so what is it?

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Zoom Function

Feb 27, 2006

I have taken great advantage over coding in the "Zoom function" when a user double clicks on a large text box, so data entry is easier (for memo fields and such).

On the double click event, I add the following code:

SendKeys "{+F2}", True

Works great.

Only problem is, one user discovered if they tried to enter a hard return, the enter key activates the "OK" button, which closes the zoom box.

Is there anyway to code around this, or a seperate zoom function that will allow a hard return?

Thank you,

T.J. Bernard

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How To Turn The Report Zoom To 100%?

Jul 15, 2007

How can I make the default zoom of the Report to 100%. Is there any way?


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Enable View -->Zoom

Sep 13, 2007

Hi there,

The View --> Zoom is in frozen state right now.I am trying to enable the View--> Zoom function but i dont see any option anywhere to set it on.

Please advice.


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Embedded Excel OLE - Need To ZOOM!

Sep 29, 2005

I have an embedded excel workbook on an Access form (Access 2002)

I would like to change the zoom of the excel "view".

I've tried this:

' xlCharts is an embedded XL workbook
xlCharts.Object.Parent.ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
I get an error that says:
"Unable to set the Zoom property of the Window class"

However, if I READ the zoom level, it works fine. The zoom property of the window class in excel is read/write, but this may not be the case for embedded OLE objects. Is there another way? Does anyone have any ideas?

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Forms :: Zoom In PDF On WebBrowserControl

Jan 6, 2014

I am trying to zoom in a PDF document that opens in a webbrowsercontrol on an access form.I currently am trying to use SendKeys for the zoom in. Here is the code I am trying to use for zoom in. The problem I am having is that when I click cmdzoomin, the PDF rotates clockwise, doesn't zoom.


Private Sub cmdzoomin_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
SendKeys ("^{+}")
Exit Sub


The odd thing is that my zoom out button works fine. SendKeys ("^{-}"

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Locking Zoom % On Report Preview

Dec 6, 2005

Every time a report is opened, it displays the page at 100% - thus allowing you to view a small portion of the document.

Is there a way to lock the zoom at 75% to view the overall page upon opening the report?


John D

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General :: Code For OnClick Zoom A Image

May 5, 2015

I am new to VBA for access. I am working on a form as a user interface. I have added an picture to the form. It looks small, and not clear because of the size, and each image has different size. I would like to know if there is a VBA code that will allow me to click on it, and then it will open in another window so it is bigger with the right sizes. I attempted like this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Prova", , , "Campo1=" & Campo1

but don't work

Prova is another form and Campo1 is the field with the picture.

I also need to save about 120,000 images. I wonder if the best solution is to use the attachment for the field type or another. What format should I Whereas in the mask I preview. And if Access internally saves the images or not.

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General :: Can Open Print Preview In Zoom With VBA?

Aug 19, 2014

Can you force print preview to open in zoom 100% mode with VBA?

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Tables :: How To Display Large Print In Zoom Box

Mar 22, 2015

I use Access 2007 and Windows XP

When I want to display a Zoom box by Shift + F2

The Zoom box appears small print, while the text field has been seized in Arial 12 type.

How to display in large print in the zoom box

As it was entered into the original table?

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AutoLookup Or Maybe Other Feature HELP>???

Feb 23, 2006

I'm trying to establish a ticket/citation database for a college security office at which i work at. I have two tables, table 1 includes the ticket information (date of ticket, citation number, *tag #, amount etc.), table 2 includes Repeted offenders information such as (name, address, city, zip, phone number, student ID# etc.).
I would like to have a table or query(preferably table) which automatically matches tag#'s to student information as soon as a new ticket is entered, *if the student information is available.
Thanks a lot in advance

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Cancel Feature Help

Jan 31, 2006

Hi, I want my user to be able to "cancel" his entry. At first I tried just deleting the record they were working on. But that added numbers in the auto number "ID" field, and I also needed the feature for editing, so deleting wasn't an option. As of now I have something that works, but is kind of messy. I made a mirror "temp table" that I write the record to. If they "save" i append/update the record to the regular table, then delete it from the temp, if they "cancel" I just Delete it from the temp. Was wondering if there was a cleaner way to do this ?

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Cancel Feature

Oct 12, 2006


After looking through the forums, i couldn' really see the answer i was looking for.
I have a form, that users can enter in details (with an auto-number created which is assigned to each record). Once they have entered the detials, theres a 'save' button which will save the record - which is fine. I also have a 'return' button which should return to the previous form and doesnt save the record. But as it stands, the record is saved when i click this return button. How do i make it so that the record isnt saved untill the save button is clicked? so if i return from the screen (pressing the return button), the record isnt saved (i.e. a cancel button).

Thanks in advance :)

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Access Help (Lack There Of) Feature

Sep 23, 2006

Periodically, I use the Access (2000) Help Tab (as a last resort) to get an answer. In certain situations I get the message "Selection not associated with any topics." For example, this happens when I look up in Methods Reference either "Connection (ADO)" or"Fields (DAO)".

I assume that this issue may be caused by not having a reference file checked under Tools in the VB window. Specifically references to DAO and ADO help files. I Have the "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library" and "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" checked. Also based on Allan Brown's (http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html) website, I do not appear to be missing any references. Obviously something is missing. Any thoughts?

Update (9/29/2006)DAO Language Reference (http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A25F.asp)

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Import Feature Not Working Properly...

Sep 12, 2005

Hey all, I have a strange problem that I can't seem to find the solution for...

At my work we have a number of computers running W2k with Office 97.
We daily have to import excel spreadsheets into Access.

This is never usually a problem as obviously as soon as you click import the import spreadsheet wizard appears.

But on one particular machine it doesn't.

Basically on this computer Access will import the excel file, but won't bring up the wizard that lets you say what to import, whether the first row contains a header, the data type for each field etc, it just asks you to select what sheet you want, then imports it, no options.

Now the ironic thing is that usually this is not a problem as the file is still imported without any problems, but the other day we had a file that once imported was all messed up, all fields all over the place.

When done again on a different computer there were no problems so I'm assuming that this peculiar way of importing is to blame for messing up the data.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this? I have tried dragging the accwiz.dll over the regsvr32.exe and it says it's registered successfully, and I have checked that it is the correct version number, what am I missing?

It would make more sense if it just didn't import, then you could better understand how to fix it, but it's the fact that it does import, just not in the 'usual' way that bothers me. How can I make it bring up the proper import spreadsheet wizard?

Kind Regards

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How Does The Quick Search Feature Work?

Dec 20, 2006

I need to implement a Quick search feature in my employee application.

So that when any text is typed into the textbox, it searches the db for a match:


It returns the record in the employee table that consist of the text typed in the search box. Most websites have this quick search feature (blanket search..is that what it's called?) and a link for advanced search, where they can select specific fields to search.

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Command Button Feature Not Working

Mar 24, 2007

I was trying to incorporate the changes suggested by a member of this forum into my Form. I opened the Form in Design View. I clicked the Command Button and placed the mouse at the insertion point. The command button also appeared. Thereafter, nothing happened. Earlier, whenever I placed a command button, it asked for action to be performed in relation to that command button. But now nothing happens and I don't know what to do. Please tell me how I can bring back the feature.

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Trouble With Export Feature In Access

Sep 6, 2005

I have a form whose fields are calculated based off VBA code, including fuctions, SQL, etc. Because of the nature of my form, I cannot save the calculations to a table before exporting to and excel spreadsheet.

When I use the File>Export feature of Access and save to and Excel format, I am not able to change the format of my numbers in Excel. For example, I have tried to highlight some of my exported numbers, right-click, and change the format to currency in Excel (or even decimal places). In order for excel to change the format, I have to select the cell, place my cursor in the edit window, and hit enter.....then the format will change.....is there any way to avoid this?

Please let me know if this isn't clear, and I'll attempt to explain it better.

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General :: Use Feature To Split Database

Jan 22, 2014

i have created a database and just use the feature to split the database. i then set a password on the back end database. however now when i use a macro to open a form in the front end it won't open the form and just says incorrect password.

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Access 2007 - Compact And Repair Feature

Dec 30, 2007

Does anyone know where the Compact and Repair feature is to be found in Access 2007? It was on the Tools menu in Access 2003, but I can't find it in 2007!



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Modules & VBA :: Integrating Sms Feature Into MS Access 2013?

Jun 18, 2013

I'm currently working on a project which requires integration of sms feature in ms access 2013.

The sms provider which i use for sending sms is smsglobal.

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Modules & VBA :: Drag And Drop Feature Added To Databse

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of trying to create a DragNDrop feature in the Access database that I've built. I have 3 employee with several different txt boxes all side by side and I need to be able to drag and drop the job from one to another.

I need to create a class module to do this but my problem is I don't know how.

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General :: Work Offline Feature In Split Database?

Feb 20, 2013

Any way to "work-off-line" in a split database, and then sync the data when one is done working?

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General :: Web Database - Create Search Feature For Just 2 Of Fields

Aug 13, 2014

I have a web database that I am trying to create a search feature for just 2 of the fields. The search is for a certain date and also a shop are the 2 fields I would like to have the search run for.

Once the search has been run I would like to generate it into a report.

I have already created the report/ form and the query. I am not sure where I need to go from here. I have created the from with the date and also a combo box for the list of the shops and then a button that says search that will go to the report. I just need it to show all the particular items that show the date and or shop. If you leave them both blank it will run a report and show everything. Then if you just put a date in it will run a report with just that date or the same with the shop.

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