AcOutputQuery Command Is Erasing Query Contents?

Jun 11, 2015

I am using the following code to export query results to Excel.

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "QueryName", "ExcelWorkbook(*.xlsx)", strFileName & ".xlsx", True, , , acExportQualityScreen

This command is intermittently erasing the query contents (the stored query remains in the database however is empty)


Query is pretty basic / essentially as follows;
WHERE (Value Criteria, Form Reference Criteria - combination of ANDs and ORs)

Don't think it matters but on the same form that is calling this acOutputQuery command, I have a field with its control source being set to:

......ControlSource = "=" & DCount("*", "QueryName")

Why its occurring, debugging and code watching isn't showing me why its happening.

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General :: Erasing Text From Textbox Upon Enter Without Deleting Variable Value

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form that has a textbox in it. I enter text into the text box by scanning a bar code. I then use openreport.cmd to pass the variable in the text box to the report I generate. The report then has a button that when clicked references the variable that I passed to it.

Essentially the problem I am having is that when I set the textbox back to blank, it also erases the contents of the new variable created. I want to either delete the value from the textbox upon scanning the bar code each time, or highlight the value in the textbox for it to be deleted upon the first key stroke. I had read about setting focus to the textbox, but I have been unable to get that to work. Here is my current code for what I am doing.

Code in the form:

stPartNum = Me.ScannerTxt
Label = stPartNum
DoCmd.OpenReport "RptLabels", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal, stPartNum

Code in report button:

partnum = Me.OpenArgs

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Forms :: Use Query Name Variable Instead Of Contents Of Name

Apr 19, 2014

I have defined a recordsource based on a predefined query. Now I intend to use the SQL statement which works to produce other recordsources based on other queries. More concretely here is my code as of now:

Dim J1 As Long
Dim SQLRecordSource As String
J1 = Forms(ParName).MemID
SQLRecordSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW [MembersTbl].* FROM [MembersTbl]" & _
"INNER JOIN [ActiveMembersQy] ON " & _
"[MembersTbl].[MemID] = [ActiveMembersQy].[MemID] " & _
" WHERE [ActiveMembersQy].[MemID] = " & J1 & ";"

In the future instead of writing it like this:

Select Case QryName
Case "NonMembersQy"
SQLRecordSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW [MembersTbl].* FROM [MembersTbl]" & _
"INNER JOIN [NonMembersQy] ON " & _
"[MembersTbl].[MemID] = [NonMembersQy].[MemID] " & _
" WHERE [NonMembersQy].[MemID] = " & J1 & ";"

[Code] ....

I wish to write it like this (which does not work):

SQLRecordSource = "SELECT DISTINCTROW MembersTbl.* FROM MembersTbl" & _
"INNER JOIN QryName ON " & _
"MembersTbl.[MemID] = QryName.[MemID] " & _
" WHERE QryName.[MemID] = " & J1 & ";"

Is this possible ie put the name of the variable that holds the name of the query in quotes or sometimes put the name of the query instead of the contents of the name. If there is a contents function for variables in VBA that can be used by I doubt whether it exists.

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See Query Design FULL Field's Contents?

Feb 22, 2006


I have some queries that I created in 97 and convert to Access 2000.

However, when I go to query DESIGN view, I would like to see all the contents of long functions (iif) that I wrote for some fields as a result of running the query, but each field only shows a portion of it (as if it was truncated). I also use the "Zoom..." of that field or Shift+F2, still the same thing, only shows portion of it, the last portion was truncated.

Do any of you know HOW to show all, so I can check and revise if I need to, pllllllease.

Thank so much,

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Memo Field, Will Show Only Partial Contents On Query

Mar 24, 2008

Running 2007

I never ran into this problem before.
I have a qry, with showing totals (group by). One of the fields is called comments, which is a memo field. I am only seeing partial comments.

When I redesign the query and take out the "totals", I see the entire comments.

Is there a fix to this?

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Queries :: Parameter Query - How To Get Table Contents Between Dates

Feb 3, 2014

I have a parameter that I need to get a table contents between dates. In the query:

Birthdate: XXTable: criteria as follows: Between [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date:]

When run it gives me the Error - ! This expression is type incorrectly, or its too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables

I have tried almost everything. The formatting of the Birthdate is x/x/xxxx or shortdate. Will this affect the input thus affecting the outcome of the query.

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Contents Of A Field Based On The Contents Of Another Field

Jul 14, 2006

I'm making a form where the contents of a field is determined on the contents of another field in another form. I thought an IIF function would work, but when I tried it the contents says #NAME.

I put it in the control source.


Any ideas?


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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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How To Query The Caption Of A Command Button

Jan 24, 2006

G'day all

I want to create a form that will be the layout of my storage warehouse. I actualy have a layout on paper but was thinking of doing it on a form for the users to have a better view. The location of the inside warehouse have 60 location or Bin. The outside one has 80 Bins.
This will need 2 query. 1 for the inside Bins and 1 for the outside Bins. They are both the same query except for the caption of each command button.

What will be the beast way to create the query as to the criteria is to read from thee caption of the command button.
If the caption is 50 then give me everything in 50.

Hope this make since.

Thanks you so much.

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Command Button That Shows A Query

Aug 4, 2005

How would I go about in making a command button bring up a report to show a result of items for the end of the month?
For example, when a user clicks on this button it will bring up a report showing all the items that are out of date for the end of the month. I am having problems with the query as for months have different lengths e.g. 28/29/30/31 days. How would I make a query show the end result for each month correct as February if going to be different each time i.e. when it is a leap year. I have got far but having trouble with this part.
Hope you can help.

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Run Delete Query With Command Button

Nov 11, 2005


I have a delete query in my database which I would like to run from a command button on a switchboard. When I use the command button wizard, it does not show delete queries in the menu of available queries. If I create a command button manually I will need VBA code for the event procedure.

Can someone give me an appropriate code for running a delete query with a command button?


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Can I Place A A Command Button In A Query?

Apr 13, 2007


I have a query that is run off a form. When the query opens up there is a field you can enter data into. Once you close the query the data saves into the proper place in the table. That all works great.

I'm trying to make this as user friendly as possible. Instead of having someone go up to the "x" in the top right hand corner to close the query can I place a command button in the query that is very noticeable?

Any thoughts are most welcome



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Access Switchboard Command To Run Query

Oct 31, 2004

I'm working on an Access file. I know how to create a swtitchboad and have it appear when the file opens. The switchboad will have three commands. The commands will be:

1. Open a form called "FORM1" in add mode.

2. Run a query named "Query1" so that it will run a query that is the only query in the file. The query only lists ten items of information entered in the ONE most recently completed entry in ONE table.

3. Close the switchboard and then close the file.

I know how to do the first and third commands. Does anybody out there know how to write the code, or the macro, or whatever it's called that will do the second one?


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Query Works But Not With Command Button?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a query: qryNoSurgery with linked tables tblSurgery(many) to tblPatients(one) where tblSurgery!SurgeryDate criteria = Is Null. When I run the query by itself, it works perfectly. I get all the tblPatients data where SurgeryDate field is null.

I created a command button that opens a form, frmPatients, If I enter qryNoSurgery as the filter argument in the embedded macro and run it, I get a Msgbox which wants me to enter a parameter for qryNoSurgery!SugergyDate.

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Making A Command Button Of A Delete Query?

Feb 16, 2006


I'm having problems making a command button(Ta bort från engelska till svenska) of a delete query.
The name of the query is"Ta bort från engelska till svenska", which is also the name of the button on the form(huvudformulär)

Could someone please help me.
I'll enclose my zipped database.


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Queries :: Command To Print Selected Query

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to print selected query how can I do that what is the command for that ...

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VBA Code To View A Query From A Command Button Within A Form

Dec 20, 2005

I have set up a command button within a form and wish to output results from a query for a specific company. The query has been set up.

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Modules & VBA :: Append Query On Click Of Command Button

Oct 18, 2013

I would like to make an append query to piece together multiple tables into a holding table, once the command button is clicked.

a) how to make an append query in vba,
b) How to call an append query on click of a command button?

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Queries :: Cannot Emulate Saved Query With VBA (CurrentDB Command)

Dec 3, 2014

My issue is about a saved query which I would like to emulated with VBA.

The whole idea is to update a set of a table's fields based in the status of a control at a form; when the condition is met, the query takes the value of another field for doing the updates.

The original saved query is:

UPDATE EntradaPatiosDetalle SET EntradaPatiosDetalle.precio = IIf([Forms]![EntradaPatios]![patioCheckBox]=True,[precio_patio],[precio_pyme])
WHERE (((EntradaPatiosDetalle.idEntrada)=[Forms]![EntradaPatios]![idEntrada]));

The closest approach I can get to at VBA (which fails ), is:

CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE EntradaPatiosDetalle SET [precio] = " & IIf([Forms]![EntradaPatios]![patioCheckBox] = True, [precio_patio], [precio_pyme]) & ", [mayoreoCheckBox] = Null WHERE [idEntrada] = " & Me.idEntrada

I'm sure that the problem is at the code marked in bold..

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What Macro Command To Use To Close Query Results Screen

Apr 19, 2012

Am working with Access 2007. I have built a macro that opens several make table queries and exports the tables to excel spreadsheets. Macro functions properly, however the query results still show in the access database screen. What macro command can I use to close these screens after the action is done? I use the CLOSE command for each query but the results still show in the Access window.

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Have Subform Display Query Results With Command Button

Nov 13, 2014

I have a form with a subform (FindBuffer_Form) which I built from a Query (FindBuffer_Query) within the query criteria I have the following (Like "*" & [Select the main Batch Number] & "*")in order to search a particular number.

I want to be able to run the Query from a command button on the main form and have the results appear in the subform, If I have the Source object of the subform set to Query.FindBuffer_Query I get prompted twice to answer the Criteria before the form opens, after the form opens the subform is generated as per the search criteria.

Ideally, I want the form to open with no data in the subform run the query from command button and have the result in the subform.

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(Hopefully!) A Very Easy Question To Answer - Running A Query From A Command Button

Dec 27, 2005

Hi all

I'm currently working through developing my first database.

Basically, what I would like is for a query to run from a command button.

The query should look at a field in a table (a yes/no field) and report back the ones that have been filled in.

I know how to run the query from the access 'Query' window, BUT, I would like this query to run from a click of a command button on a form.

I've looked it up in a book, which explains about SQL, and didn't really understand it. I've also searched on here, but people talk about Macro's, and I don't know anything about them.

Can anyone help?


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Reports :: Create Query From Command Button And Export To Excel

Apr 22, 2014

In Access, it is possible to create a query from a command button and export to excel?

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Change Value In Query From Command Button Based On Selection In Combo Box?

Jun 3, 2015

I have a dashboard-style form that has a list box with tasks connected to a query with line items of those tasks.

I have another query that will only show the line item selected from the list box. This means the query will only have one line item.

I want to have a command button below the list box that, when clicked, will modify the solo item in the second query to change a yes/no field from no to yes.

How can I accomplish this? Also, how can I make a button that deletes the selected line item?

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Database Contents GONE!?!?

Jul 26, 2005

I go to open my Access 2000 database this morning and the contents: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros...all gone! The database file is still there, and when I go to view it's properties, I verified that it is the database that I created back in April and not somebody that overwrote my database using the same filename.

Is there any technical explanation as to how this could have happened? Or is it undoubtedly the result of human intervention?

I placed it on a network drive here at work.

I kept a copy thank god, but the copy is a couple weeks old and I'll lose alot of recent data. I've put in a request to have them restore the file from when it was last used Friday.

Just wondering what could have happened so I can prevent this from happening again.


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I Cant See A Table's Contents As It Is

Jan 21, 2007

sorry for the title. i didnt know what to write.
this is the situation:

i have a form where it populates a table in access (ssmdata) from an oracle table w_ssm_data). this works perfectly.

Then the form read the hole new table in access (ssmdata) to update a specific field.

If i open the access table (ssmdata) it is sorted by the flight fields. However, when the form reads the table in order to update the specific field the table seems to not to be sorted by the flight field.

More info:
The ssmdata table in access has many primary keys (flight, departure,arrival,caterer,frequency and aircraft).

If i take a look to the W_ssm_data table in oracle it is not sorted by flight and it is sorted in the same way the form is reading the ssmdata table in access.

table in access:
flight dep arr caterer aircraft frequency
1 a b a 111 67
1 a b a 222 134
2 c s c 111 5

table in oracle:
flight dep arr caterer aircraft frequency
2 c s c 111 5
1 a b a 111 67
65 t h t 252 1

when the update step starts it reads the access table as it looks in oracle. but if i open the table in access it looks sorted by flight.

thx 4 your hlp again, max

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