Access 2007 / Filter A Continuous Form Using A Combo Box?

Apr 30, 2015

I am running access 2007 and have a continuous form that I am trying to filter. The table that I am pulling the data from has the following fields: Order_Date, Order_number, Model.

I want to filter based on Order_Date.

I tried creating an "after update" Macro builder on my combo box and using "Apply Filter" but I cannot seem to get my syntax right.

Filter is the name of my combo box

Here is my current setup:

Filter Name:
Where Condition: [Order_Date] Like [Filter]
Control Name:

However whenever I select a new date from my combo box it asks me to "Enter Parameter Value" for Filter, which I don't understand because my combo box name is Filter. I would think they would link up.

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Forms :: Combo Box Filter Continuous Form

May 16, 2013

combo boxes and continuous forms.I have a continuous form (works great), with two combo boxes that navigate (rather than limit/ filter the list) to the desired selection.One for suburb and one for postcode.

I have expanded the select criteria for the suburb to include postcode as some suburb names are used in more than one state. (I do not want to have to select a state, then suburb).I changed the column count to see the postcode next to the suburb, however when the selection is made only the first instance is selected.

Epping 2121
Epping 3076

If I chose Epping 3076, Epping 2121 is selected and the continuous form navigates to that suburb (rather than the one with 3076).Can I change this so that I can still search by postcode, or search by suburb and have the form navigate to the corrected suburb postcode combination?

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Forms :: Access 2007 - No Records Shown When Continuous Form Is Opened

Dec 21, 2014

IN Access 2007 when a Continuous form is opened there is no records shown.

Only after hitting the page down records are shown.

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Access 2007 / Combo Box To Update Tabbed Information On A Form?

Aug 29, 2012

I'm working with Access 2007 and am trying to make a form with multiple tabs that will update when a certain business name is selected in the combo box at the top of the form. I have tried looking up different codes to make the combo box update correctly but can't find anything. Right now I have this code in my After Update:

Private Sub cboBusinessName_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo myError
Dim rst As Object
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[GrowerID] = " & Me.cboBusinessName
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark


If Not rst Is Nothing Then Set rst = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Resume leave
End Sub

Here is a picture of the tabs and combo box.

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Forms :: Continuous Subform With Conditional Formatting (Access 2007)

May 15, 2014

I have a continuous subform with a fairly complex snapshot query as its record source. I have controls on the main form to allow criteria parameters for the query and a command button to requery the subform based on the selected criteria. I also have conditional formatting on a number of the continuous controls in the subform (the conditions are fairly straightforward, i.e. highlight if null, true/false etc)

When the subform is (re)queried, it seems to repaint several times (3 or 4 although it appears arbitrary to me) before it eventually settles. And it really louses up the aesthetics as controls flicker between colours; sometimes I even lose the background colour on parts of the detail section, or controls disappear altogether. And this continues as I scroll down the subform (or even click anywhere on it)

I don't mind that the query itself takes some time to run - of the order of a few seconds each time - but I'd prefer for the screen to wait until the query is completed, and all of the CF applied, before refreshing itself, instead of 'sweeping' top to bottom repeatedly. It's a snapshot query so once it's run, there should be no changes to the dataset.

I've tried Application.Echo but it has no effect whatsoever.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form With Combo Box To Filter Data

Feb 6, 2014

I have a modal form with a combo box and a search button.

When the button in pressed, the value of the combo box is the parameter of a query.

Copy and paste of the search button code:

Private Sub btnSearch_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

I've tested the SQL query produced by the search button and it works, but when I try to push the button, I receive an error on the following line:

Set qdef = db.QueryDefs("qryFilteredData")

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Continuous Form - Toggled Filter

May 10, 2005

I'd like to be able to filter a form (fed by an underlying query) by using a toggle button setup on the form itself. My simplistic pseudo-code would go something like this.

Default state
List all records where DateRemoved is Null.
Toggle state
List all reocrds where DateRemoved is NotNull.

Can anyone kindly assist.

Many thanks

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Checkbox Filter On Continuous Form

May 27, 2015

On my continuous form, I have a field that is a checkbox. I would like to place an unbound checkbox/radiobutton in the form header so that when the it is checked, it will display only records that are checked, and when it is unchecked, it will only display records that are unchecked.

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Forms :: Continuous Form Filter By Month Or Age

Feb 9, 2014

I have a continuous Form named frmBirthdays that lists People with a [DateOfBirth] field.

In the Form Header I have 2 Unbound Combo Boxes 1- cboMonthFilter which list the 12 Months of the year in Text NOT Number and 2- CboAgeFilter that has a list of Ages 0 -30 (which is all i require) and a Clear Filter Command Button.

I would like to be able to filter the people list by cboMonthFilter for anyone that has a Birthday in any given month.


I would also like to filter the people in the list by their age.

But never both at the same time.

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Forms :: Limit Filter To Current Row Of Continuous Form

Jul 28, 2015

I've built a basic inventory management system that allows a business to add products and the ingredients (and labour etc.) that go into them so they can work out costs and profit.We've run into a bit of a usability problem in the sense that they have 700 different ingredients and so adding them to products has become a little unwieldy as the lists in the comboboxs are massive.

What they've asked me to do is to add a filter combobox to the Ingredients subform of their New Product page that allows them to constrain the Ingredients by type, to make the lists more manageable. So if you imagine they are entering a record for a new cake and need to add Eggs as an ingredient they could either...

a) Scroll through the list of 700 ingredients as they do currently and find "Size 3 chicken egg".


b) Use a combobox on the ingredient row to pick "Eggs" which would in turn filter the ingredients combobox on that row from 700 ingredients down to a handful e.g."Size 1 chicken egg", "Size 2 chicken egg", "Size 3 chicken egg", "Size 1 duck egg" etc.

the filter combobox applies to all rows in the subform! Is there a clever way of telling the Filter to only apply itself to the current row of the continuous form?My code is...

Private Sub FilterRMs()
Dim mySql As String
If Me.RMTypeFilter.Column(1) = "999" Then
Me.FilterOn = False


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Forms :: Filter Combobox Continuous Form And Print

Mar 3, 2014

I have almost completed creating a continuous form which I want users to be able to filter though the records based on to/from date, badgenum and a response string.

I then want to have a button, btnSelect, that will select the remaining records and open a report based off only the remaining records.

1.) Everything on the continuous form works except when trying to filter a combo box, cboBadge, field name "BadgeNum". BadgeNum is data type "short text". I have modified the code below from the following Allen Browne link. It keeps throwing a debug on me.Filter = strWhere at the bottom of the btnFilter sub.

2.) As far as the btnSelect and printing remaining records, I guess I'm not sure where to start.. I currently have another print button that will print individual records only which works fine.

[URL] ....

Private Sub btnFilter_Click()
Dim strWhere As String 'The criteria string.
Dim lngLen As Long 'Length of the criteria string to append to.
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#" 'The format expected for dates in a JET query string.

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Sort Ascending And Descending And Filter Continuous Form

Mar 6, 2015

I'm trying to sort and filter a continuous form. Sort ascending and filters works perfectly fine. But my descending button doesn't work. I basically have a combo box which contains a field list. Then two buttons (asc. and desc.), then a text box for filter, a button to filter, and another button to reset filter. Here's my code:

Private Sub cmdAscending_Click()
If IsNull(Me.cboField) Then
MsgBox "Please choose a field.", vbOKOnly, "No field to sort."
Me.OrderBy = Me.cboField
Me.OrderByOn = True

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Filter Down To Specific Categories In Inventory - Scroll Bar In Continuous Form

Sep 9, 2014

I've got a continuous form that displays my massive 3,000+ inventory, with the option to filter down to specific categories. Some categories have 5 items, others have hundreds. The design I have used makes it look really tacky once I filter down to one of the categories that has 5 items, because there is no scroll bar.

What I've tried using is:

If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount < 10 Then
Me.Scrollbars = 2 'vertical only
Me.Scrollbars = 2
End If

But it still doesn't display correctly (nobar.png). This is probably my biggest headache right now, and every "solution" I've found, doesn't work.

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Continuous Form With Combo Box

Feb 7, 2006

I have problem and I've been picking my brains out with it. Here's how it is:

I have the folowing tables

Orders: IdOrder IdClient

OrderLineItems: IdOrderLineItem IdOrder IdProduct ChargeRate

Products: IdProduct Description

Clients: IdClient CompanyName

Now, what I want to do is the following: I want a form that will display all orders with all products.something like this:

IdOrder | CompanyName | Products

1 | ABC | ComboBox with products
2 | XYZ | ComboBox with products

How do I do it? It's easy with everything else, the ComboBox gives me headakes. I can't seem to link the Products to the correct Order so that each combobox displays only the items for that specific Order.

Thanx for helping!

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Forms :: Searching Data Using Combo Box On MS Access 2007

Aug 31, 2014

I am new to MS Access database and I am currently developing a DB with search function in a form for an inventory purpose, I have followed some VB codes from the web.

Here is my issue; when I try to search using the configured combo box in the form it gives me these sets of values, here is the screenie // (just add the http: before the forward slashes as the site wont allow me to post images or links yet)

Row source for data: "-1";"Office 2010";0;"Office 2007";1;"Visio 2010";2;"Visio 2007";3;"Project 2010";4;"Project 2007"

and here is the VB code:

If Not IsNull(Me.compName2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Computer Name] Like ""*" & Me.compName2 & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.cUser2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Current User] Like ""*" & Me.cUser2 & "*"") AND "

[Code] ...

I just wanted to eliminate the numbers and replace them with the actual values as name. ex. "-1";"Office 2010" instead of (-1) doing the search, it should be the value "Office 2010"

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Combo Boxe In A Continuous Form

Feb 6, 2006

Hi everybody,
In a continuous form, If I use a comboboxe with a criteria looking up a field in the same record, it seems that the combo boxe only looks up the value of the firsrecord, Iam not sure I understand why?
I was wondering if it there was any method to be able to use Cascading combo boxe in a continuous form.

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Hide Combo Box In Continuous Form

Jul 12, 2005

Is it possible to hide or show a combo in certain records in a continuous form. i.e if certain certain conditions are met.

At present I have if Check1 = true then Combo1.Visible = true

The trouble is it then displays the combo in all records.

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Cascading Combo Box In Continuous Form?

Sep 14, 2011

how to assemble cascading combo boxes in a continous form. I wasn't having any luck in my database so I decided to create a clean test database file and just try and get the concept to work.

I've got 3 tables, Products, Categories and Orders and the form is based on Orders. In the form you select a Category from a combo box and then when you click the Product combo box it should only display products in the selected category. Technically that works. But if you click any other combo box under Products it will always display the same products as whichever combo box you click first. Until you close the form and reopen it.

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Unique Combo Box Selection In A Continuous Form

Feb 20, 2006

Currently I'm working on a quote form in an inventory database. The invoice form consists of a main form with the customers information and a subform which is continous and is for selecting parts. Each part has multiple serial numbers which need to be quoted individually. Basically what I want to do is when you select a specific serial number on one record, I want it removed from the combo box on all other records in the continuous form. (either previous or new) How would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Slow Combo Box On Continuous Form

Feb 13, 2015

I have a Continuous form that is used to place orders in my Purchase order Database. I have a combo box with a Textbox over laid, so the users can type in the Textbox and it filters the combo box as they type. This is to search Nominal ledger codes that the current user has set up.

This has been working fine, but now finding issues as people have 400+ Nominal coeds set up. So there is a lag when the user is typing.Is there a better way of doing this? i have a similar setup to search a supplier but this is not a continuous form and the majority of objects are un bound.


Private Sub lstSelect_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstSelect.RowSource = "qryCurrentNominalNew"
End Sub
Private Sub lstSelect_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me.lstSelect.RowSource = "qryCurrentNominalNew"
End Sub


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Forms :: Combo Boxes On Continuous Form

Sep 2, 2014

I have a main form with a sub form in continuous form view. The main form displays across the top and allows the user to enter the required 4 fields of info and then tab to the subform. Here each record is a line where the user has a number of text boxes to enter the required fields. There are 2 fields that are combo boxes that are limited to the lists - the first combo box is Observation and when the user selects their choice the 2nd combo box refreshes and gives them the choices of Categories within that Observation.

I am stuck on how to make the combo boxes "independent". Right now, if the user is in record 1 of the subform and selects an observation, the 2nd combo in that record refreshes and displays the records correctly of the categories available for that observation. Then the categories are "stuck" on whatever observation was selected in record 1 when record 2 is created. If in the 2nd record (or any other) the user selects a different observation, the categories in all records display the choices for that observation.

The categories need to be reflective of the observation within each record.

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Problems Using A Combo Box To Filter Records In Another Combo Or A Sub-form

Nov 8, 2004

I have seen a few articles here and there on using a combo box to filter records in a sub-form and to filter records in another combo box, but I am not getting anywhere. I hope someone can belp

Exercise 1

For this exercise, I have the following tables:

tblClients containing client names
tblProjects containing some project details

I want to set up a simple form, so that the user can select a client name from a combo box on the main form which filters the project detail records in the Projects sub-form.
Once the user enters project details, I want this info as well as the selected ClientID to be fed back to tblProjects.

Exercise 2

I have the following tables:

tblProjects as above
tblWorkstream containiig names of workstreams and some other details.

Every project has one or more workstreams

I have a form where users will enter hours worked on each workstream. They will first select Project from a combo box on the main form. This should then filter records to be displayed in the Workstream Combo box, before they can then enter hours.

Please let me know if you need me to explain any part of this better.

Thanks in advance.

ps. I am a novice, so I'm hoping to do the above using default MS stuff, not with complex programming!!!


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Forms :: Combo Box On Continuous Form Updating Current Record Only

Jul 29, 2013

Combo box on continuous form should have the control source listed as the field on the form that will be updated. The Row Source, however, is a query that includes 2 things: the field on the form that will be updated (this part will be nonvisible in your form) and the table/query of selections you want to show up in the combo box (visible). Then ensure the Bound column is set to 1 and the Column count is set to 2 with Column Widths as 0";1"

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Reports :: Access 2003 - Filter Report Based On Combo Box

Feb 3, 2015

My Access 2003 Database contains the following objects:

1. tblTrackerData
- this contains over 1,000 student enrollment records.
One of the fields "QualCourseName" (text) contains the name of the Training Course that the student has enrolled in.

2. qryCourseNamesGrouped is a query based upon the above table with one field only - QualCourseName. This includes the names of the training courses and has been grouped so that only 17 training courses appear, not over 1,000.

3. frmParameter is a form that includes a combo box cboFiltered based on the above query AND a command button CmdFiltered to open a report rptCourseNamesGrouped and filter the report based on the selection made from the combo box.

I have added the following code to the OnClick event attached to the cmd button"
================================================== ======

Private Sub cboFiltered_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cboFiltered_Click
Dim stDocName As String


When I click on the cmd button, the entire report is opened, instead of the selection that I made in the dropdown list.

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General :: Filter Form From Combo Box

Jun 6, 2014

I have a form that has many fields with the same part number but with a different PO number


part number po number

1 3
1 10
1 15

What I want to do is select the part number and the po number together

Say part number I po number 15

At present my combo box only will select one of these IE THE part number ...

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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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