Access Doesn't Allow Change Primary Key In A Linked Table

Sep 28, 2015

Currently we have a web based order taking/inventory system. Every night they export a .db to an FTP server and every morning I download it (I automated this part, it replaces the older file). I link to this database (using SQLlite3 to ODBC driver) from an Access database for specifically this purpose.

When I originally created it I had to go through every table and create a unique identifier. Unfortunately I chose poorly in some cases. I can't figure out how to get those primary keys changed to the correct ones. I've tried recreating the ODBC connection, tried a new database and new ODBC connection, tried killing the connection waiting a day (for the new .db to download) and recreating the connection and trying it in a new database.I know access doesn't allow you the change the primary key in a linked table.

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Linked Image Path Change Doesn't Work?

Mar 18, 2008

Hello. I've searched and read a few threads concerning image controls on forms and haven't been able to find a solution to my problem (yet). Anyway, I have a form with two image controls (imgOK1 & imgOK2). The previous and current setting of the "Picture" property for both images is set to "C:MOMGraphicsfilename.bmp". The location of my images has changed and will change for each user which is "C:Documents and Settingsuser.nameMOMGraphicsfilename.bmp". I'm using the following code to set the .Picture property on form load:

Dim ImgPath
ImgPath = "C:Documents and Settings" & Environ("username") & "My DocumentsMOMGraphics"
Me.imgOK1.Picture = ImgPath & "imgButton-OK1_25%.bmp"
Me.imgOK2.Picture = ImgPath & "imgButton-OK2_25%.bmp"

When the form is opened, an error stating that the image located at "C:MOMGraphicsfilename.bmp" cannot be found; once for each image control. Then the form loads and .Picture properties appear to be set correctly as they are displayed fine. I've tried to clear the .Picture properties for both image controls using the properties editor but the original path returns as soon as the property loses focus. Is there a way to programatically set this property and make it stick so the errors are not displayed?

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Linked Table Manager Doesn't Relink ODBC Tables.

Sep 15, 2006


The scenario. Two PC's, one older than the other, both running Windows 2000 (SP4) and Office 2000 (SP3). I use Access as a front end to a MySQL database, connections are made using ODBC.
I recently altered the structure of a table and attempted to re-link the table in access using the Linked Table Manager on the new PC. All that happened was the hourglass came on and never went away. I tried to do this on the old PC and it worked fine first time.

Any ideas why I can't get it to work on my new PC? It's quite important as I won't have the old PC with me much longer :-(



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Primary Key In A Linked Table

Jan 23, 2005

I am setting up an access frontend to an excel worksheet. I am creating linked tables using the excel input fields. I find when I have created the tables I can't create a primary key as access won't allow modifications to the linked table. Has anyone any suggestions as to how I can set a primary key on these tables. Thankyou

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Linked Table With Primary Key

Dec 14, 2005

I want to have a table linked with an excel doc (which is easy to do with the wizard) but I want this linked table to have a primary key (which the wizard does not allow) because this table will be in a one-to-many relationship

How else can I do ?

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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Queries :: Field In Table Doesn't Change When Edited From Query

Mar 29, 2013

Users are viewing a record on a form that gets it's data from a query. I want to make it so that if they edit that record from that form, a last updated field will timestamp the date/time that the record was edited. I added a lastupdated to the source table which of course adds it to the query and so it's on the form.

But whenever i access the form and change something, the lastupdated only shows the time the record was created (which is from a different form based directly on the table). Whenever I edit any other field data in that query based form it changes in the table. Why not the Lastupdated?

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One Primary Key In One Table Linked To Two Foreign Keys In Two Different Tables!!!

Sep 22, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to model my database to create relationships between different tables in my database. During the process of doing so I ended up having one primary key in table A linked with to foreign keys in two different tables ( table B & table C) and both of those two table are junction tables to break out many to many between many other tables

Now for some reason!!! I feel that there is something wrong with my logic mapping and modeling of the relationships between tables due the fact of having one primary key linked to two foreign keys in two different tables :(

Is my intuition is right? should such case be considered as indicative of wrong modeling of relationships between tables in a single database
And if so what is the disadvantages of that link (talking down the road) when the database if fully populated? :confused:

By the way I am new member and new to database, so please take it easy on me :o

Many thanks

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Change Primary Location Of Access Database?

Jun 3, 2013

I created a database that I want to move to a server for others to access. When they open it, it says invalid path. It's looking for my desktop. How do I get this whole database moved to a shared location on a server?

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Change Primary Key / Data In Related Table

Oct 18, 2011

I am new to access 2010. I need to change the primary key in a table ("stations", Primary key is "station number"), because future entries will result in double entries for this primary key.

I have another table ("species&stations") which has records of Species for each "station number".

So I created a new Primary key for the "stations" table, now called "species id", being a bit better in defining a unique station (as it contains the year and the species number, i.e. "451_2010")

Now the table "species&stations" references/(is in relationship with) the old primary key, identifying a station number for each record.

How do I get it to recognise the new primary key from the "stations" table, and keeping the records (over 1000...) with all there info.

Approach so far: I tried to create a new field in "species&stations", which should look up the new primary key from "stations" and then autofill the field. i did not manage this though

I attached a screenshot to make the relationships more clear!

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Change Linked Table With Vba

Mar 16, 2006

Is it possible to change which table in an external database that my linked table is pointing to using VBA? (Access 2000)

Example code appreciated!


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Change Source For Linked Table

Jan 24, 2008

I have a linked table and want to change it's data source to another table entirely -- ie: different file name.

Can this be done with linked tables, or can you just link to another file with the same name but in another directory? If linked tables have this limitation, how would you accomplish what I'm trying to do. I want to keep the same name for the linked table.

Ultimately, I want to populate a listbox with the different files in a directory and change tblSource to point at the chosen data source.



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Need To Make A Change In A Linked Table

Jun 16, 2005

This question will surely show my amateur Access skills... I have to add a field to a linked table. However, the table doesn't save my changes. Is there something I need to do before I make my change?

I get the error message "Table 'name' is a linked table with some properties that can't be modified. Do you want to open it anyway?

Any ideas? Thank you! :confused:

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Why Doesn't Primary Key Show Up On Datasheet View

Sep 18, 2015

I have an ordinary table with 20 fields and in the design view the primary field is shown as an auto-number, but it doesn't appear in the datasheet view.

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Change Linked Table Connection String With Code

Aug 9, 2006

I would like to use code to change the connection string for linked tables in my front end database. I have tried using the connection property of the TableDefs collection, this seems to work while I step through the code but does not change the existing connection property. Any suggestions?

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How To Change Item Source For Multi-valued Field From A Linked Table To A List

Feb 16, 2013

I am using MS Access 2007.

I have created a multi-valued field "Product Category" that lookups data items from a linked table. So, the Data Type for the multi-valued field "Product Category" is Number.

Now I want to change the Data Type of "Product Category" from Number to Text, and make a value list that I can type values in and can provide the same data items as the linked table.

How to change item source for the multi-valued field from a linked table to a list that I can type in values? Is there a feature provided by MS Access 2007 can enable such a conversion?

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Tables :: Change Item Source For Multi-valued Field From Linked Table To List?

Feb 16, 2013

I am using MS Access 2007.

I have created a multi-valued field "Product Category" that lookups data items from a linked table. So, the Data Type for the multi-valued field "Product Category" is Number.

Now I want to change the Data Type of "Product Category" from Number to Text, and make a value list that I can type values in and can provide the same data items as the linked table.

How to change item source for the multi-valued field from a linked table to a list that I can type in values?

Is there a feature provided by MS Access 2007 can enable such a conversion?

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Modules & VBA :: Label As Button Doesn't Change Focus

Jan 20, 2014

I'm using a label as a button so it looks nicer, but if I press it without officially exiting the last text field I was in, then that text field doesn't update, so the vba believes it's blank or whatever it was.

I could manually setfocus to a couple different fields or have a teeny field thats hard to see to set focus to, but these both seem roundabout.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2391 Field F1 Doesn't Exist In Destination Table - Access 2013

May 3, 2014

I'm getting error 2391 field 'f1' doesn't exist in destination table

Dim FileBrowse As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim sFile As String
Set FileBrowse = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

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How Do You Change Primary Key?

May 31, 2006

How would I go about changing the primary key to a different field in a table? :o Thanks for any help!

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Change Of Primary Key

Jun 28, 2007

How do I reassign a new PK for may tables.. they're already related and there about 2,000 records on the Main Table and like 6000 records on the related table.... I used a wrong PK and I want to create a new (long Integer Auto-Number) but I don't want to lose what I've done already.

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Forms :: Data Entry - How To Show Current Date That Doesn't Change The Next Day

Jun 27, 2013

I am extremely new to Access. I have my database up and running ok(ish) and would like to know if in my data entry form, I can have the "Date Entered in Database" box display the current date that does not change from day to day. I know you can use the "Now()" function but won't this just change everyday?

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General :: Copy Data From Local Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table?

Jan 13, 2014

I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple


DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"

This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).

I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Change Primary Key And Update Data?

Jul 25, 2007


Firstly, I am very much self-taught on access, so there are several gaping holes in my knowledge, and my database structure is probably not wonderful! I have been learning as I go along, so in the initial stages I have built in several problems which I am now discovering!

My db is designed to track suggestions - i have a table where the idea, progress etc is stored [tblIdeasBank]. This contains an 'originator' (person's name) which is linked to a second table, where the names are stored [tblPeople].

Originally I set up tblPeople with the Primary Key as FullName (e.g. Joe Bloggs) (guaranteed to be unique with the small number of people that would be involved), and a second field called InitialLastName (e.g. J Bloggs). It is this second field that is stored in the tblIdeasBank. Data verification came from the user having to select a name from a drop down box, so there is no actual 'relationship' between the tables. (Didn't realise how useful they were at the time!)

The db has been so successful :confused: that it is now going to be rolled out across the company, which gives me two problems. To populate all the names, I need to import them from Excel, where I will have FirstName and LastName. I have now realised that it would be more sensible to just store these, and create InitialLastName where needed. Also, I may well have duplicate names, so I need to create a unique ID, and a proper relationship. (Yes, I know I should have done that in the first place).

So, I have:

.FullName (Primary Key)

.Originator (stored as InitialLastName)

And I would like:

.PersonID (Primary Key)

.IdeaID (Primary Key)
.Originator (stored as PersonID)

With a One-Many relationship from PersonID to Originator

Any ideas how I would go about doing this and changing the Originator for each idea from InitialLastName to the relevant PersonID number, without corrupting the data?

I have searched through Google and various groups, but cannot find a useful answer, so any pointers gratefully appreciated!



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Change Primary Key To Auto Number?

Nov 19, 2011

Can I change the primary key currently set to my products description to an auto number? I'm trying to make things right, also does the foreign key get an auto number?

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