Access Upsizing Wizard Help

Aug 19, 2005

I'm just after getting my web site designed and I want upsize my present database which is MS Access to a MSSQL server can anyone help? I'm totally new to databases so I need step by step help!

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Upsizing Wizard

Jul 27, 2007


It's much as I thought it would be. MS Access is limited for a mid size database application. I have developed this mid size database for the medical clinic I work for. I didn't want to do it, but they saw some of my personal projects I created and pretty much told me to come up with something.

Well, the good news is, the database itself works exactly as designed, meaning it does its job very well. The bad news, and I knew it would happen, is instability. When I first started creating this program, I had no idea how many people would be using it at once. That, and after reading through these forums for the last few months, I realized that Access wasn't the puppy to be creating this database in. As it stands, about 130 - 150 systems access the database (about 3 times more than I originally forcasted.)

I'm sure those of you who have done something similar knows the next thing I'm about to say...... yep..... mysterious run-time errors - locked database from time to time - owc (office web component) errors...... etc. etc. These errors pretty much happen during peak hours.

I am pretty positive it's because access wasn't designed to handle such a load..... which led me to a researching a resolution. The answer that may be my savior is the upsizing wizard included with ms access. We do have MS SQL server running on a server...... I was just curious if anybody's ever used the upsizing wizard; either that, or has anyone ported an access project to sql. (This is a big program, and would hate to have to reprogram)

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Access Upsizing Question

Nov 28, 2007


I get some strange index when I upszing a Access to SQL Server

This is part of report

Loading objects into database...
Analyzing metadata...
Preparing schema TESTTAB.dbo...
Preparing table TESTTAB.dbo.[Conversion Errors]...
Preparing table TESTTAB.dbo.[MSysCompactError]...
Preparing table TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpIDNum]...
Preparing index TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpIDNum].[tblAmpIDNum$IDNumber]...
Preparing table TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpSurgery]...
Preparing index TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpSurgery].[tblAmpSurgery${B1914EFC-E9F2-4DB8-B238-6D45DA5F1D4B}]...
Preparing index TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpSurgery].[tblAmpSurgery${DB7FC1FE-6735-42D8-96C0-B3C03372F49E}]...
Preparing index TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpSurgery].[tblAmpSurgery$AmpLevelID]...
Preparing index TESTTAB.dbo.[tblAmpSurgery].[tblAmpSurgery$AmpSurgeryID]...

What the number B1914EFC-E9F2-4DB8-B238-6D45DA5F1D4B mean?



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Upsizing Access Question

Jun 30, 2007


I have been using front-end back-end database, which consists of three .mde files connected to an .mdb backend on a Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Professional network. The database is a flat-file. Because of problems associated with record corruption, related to multiple users and memo fields, I am looking to upsize my backend to MySQL or SQL Server both of which I know little about. Additionally I am hoping that upsizing will help alleviate the slowing down I am currently experiencing as the back end grows.

My question is am I looking in the right direction will either of these correct my problems and if so which of the two should I use.


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Access App Kills SQL SERVER After Upsizing

Aug 11, 2005

Your help is very appreciated.

*I upsized ACCESS 2002 (tables only) to use SQL SERVER 7.0 as backend.
(linked tables).
* Almost all the ACCESS forms are bound type forms.

Now, I have two problems:
1. Other applications (not ACCESS ones) that use different dbs on the same SQL SERVER , are slowed down / halted.
2. My SQL SERVER license is limited to 8 "user counts". When there are 8 instances of the ACCESS app, any additional connection request is refused (from any app).
(I can't afford buying more "user counts").

I suspect that beacuse the forms are bound, it hold connection open as long as the form is used.
Also, each ACCESS app instance, opens its own connection.

The solution that I see, is to use unbound forms(disconnected), and opening the connection in code using connection pooling.
Would you recommend on this solution?
do you have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot

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General :: Upsizing Access Database To SQL Server Error

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to upsize the access database to sql server ,i have an odbc connection and when I try to move the tables,all the data is moving except one table "tblproductinfo" . I have attached the table data and error.

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Unable To See Relationship Diagram In Database After Upsizing From Access 2003 To SQL

Nov 9, 2011

I have upsized from Access 2003 to SQL Server 2008 R2 using upsizing wizard. Everything works fine. But I don't see relationship in SQL SErver 2008 R2 if I go to database. But I set relationship in Access 2003 before upsizing it.

Amso I don't see relationship (diagram) in Access 2003 , which I was able to see before.

So do I need to again recreate the relationship amongst the table in Access 2003 Or SQL SErver 2008 R2 ? I thought, if you link tables, everything should be taken care but i don't see relationship structure any more.

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Access Wizard Crashes App

Feb 2, 2005

I have been having this issue with two different
versions of Access, firstly XP and now 2003.

The issue is every time I open a blank database, and
click on the "create using wizard" option, access crashes
while trying to set up the wizard. When I view the
dump rep, it all seems to point to msaccess.exe.

AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 11.0.5614.0 AppStamp:3f3c8e3c
ModName: msaccess.exe ModVer: 11.0.5614.0 ModStamp:3f3c8e3c
fDebug: 0 Offset: 000ef3ba

I have uninstalled and re-installed Office onto
different drives etc, but still no joy.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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Access 2007 Control Wizard

Jun 20, 2007

I am new to access. When I try to create a control with control wizard, it advises that it will embed a macro that will not run nor be editable in Access 2003 or prior...
What do I have to do to get a control placed that CAN be run by those...? I do not know how to write code, and am really just feeling my way thru this...thus far unsuccessfully, I might add. More on that in the Forms forum...

This is just one of a billion questions I am slowly exploring.

Thanks for any assistance.:o

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Access 97 - Error When Using Report Wizard

Jul 16, 2007

Hi all,

Using Access 97 :( to create a fairly simple database for a couple of users.

When setting up a report using the wizard, I am given an error message of "No Current record" when I try and Finish the wizard.

I have re-installed Access 97 - which I thought would have most definatly fixed the problem - but doesn't seem to have done the trick.

Any thought are welcome?

Thanks, Neil

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Access 2003 Package Wizard

Jul 18, 2007


I have just started to use the Access 2003 Package Wizard and I am having big problems, my problem is that any Access App deployed at work is installed under C:MIS, but in there wizdom!!! MS have decided not to allow you to have anything but what they think you should have as the default install location.

I have even gone into the source code and found where the default locations are, but the problem is that you have to add the entry to both a table and an XML file, the table is easy, but trying to find where and what I need to add to the xml, so far has turned out to be impossible.

Can anyone help, or is the best solution going to be to use a third party installer.



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Access 2007 Label Wizard

Oct 24, 2007


I am trying to create some labels, I go through the wizard, and when it comes to selecting the field's from the "Available Fields" the address field is not there, everything else is. I have tried all sorts, how do I get the address field to appear in this list, so that I can choose it.:mad:

Thanks in advance..

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Importing Data Into Access Via The Wizard

Feb 16, 2008

Good morning all,
i have a feeling this could be a simple yes or no answer,, at the moment i am using the 'Import Data Wizard' to pick-up an excel file that is up-dated on a daily basis, this file always sits in the same directory and always has the same file name, ideally i would like to have an action button that draws the data in without having to use the wizard each time,, does anyone know if this is achieveable? if so, anyhelp would be much appreciated.
as always, many thanks

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Mar 5, 2007

I have a MS Access 2003 database that is getting corrupted frequently. I am following all the rules to avoid this problem but it keeps boring me with "Access can´t recognize this database format" and I lose all my data.
I´ve sent the db to experts to try to recover it and they told me that it was impossible. So, I´m planning to change my Backend (BE) and keep my Access Frontend (FE), because I like Access very much.
My question: what is the best solution for BE?
SQL Server? Firebird? another one?
I hope by changing the BE I won´t have problems anymore...
Thanks in advance

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Advice On Upsizing To SQL

Sep 25, 2005

Would anyone be willing to have a discussion about upsizing a large split database to SQL? I've managed the split using the wizard and it went very well. The problem is the performance, the form is really slow on opening and as it scrolls through records.

All my queries are saved. I would imagine it's the way I've built the form and base queries that's causing the problem and wondered if anyone would be willing to have a look at it for me and see if they can make any suggestions.

I'm struggling blind with this one.


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Upsizing Wirard

Mar 17, 2006

After Loading MSDE and running the upsize wizard should I be able to create an ODBC link to the data using a SQL driver?

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Victim Of It's Own Success; Upsizing Question

Mar 20, 2006


I have developed a couple of database applications. This started as a small thing but now is growing to the point where I've got to make some decisions and would appreciate some guidance.


Front end: 4 Different GUI's as local front ends.
Back end: Intranet network share on Win2k desktop (limited by O/S to 10 connections at one time)

Going forward, about 30 users will have access to the front ends and will all need concurrent access to the back end data. At some point, I would like to generate web pages from the data in the back end database and have the back end machine also be the web server for this.

So, what are my "best" options for the back end?
I was thinking of getting Win 2k3 Server running SQL server to drive the database.

The ability to integrate security with existing infrastructure would definitely be a plus, which I believe Win 2k3 can do.

I don't know very much about Win 2k3 or SQL server, but am willing to invest in learning the ins and outs as long as I can get it up and running with the same functionality I have now (with relative ease) and scale it as my capabilities with the OS and SQL server increase.

To be honest though, I am a little scared about how much I'll have to change my existing applications in order to make it work.

Your suggestions, comments, experiences most welcome and valued.



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Upsizing Creates Huge MSSQL

Feb 1, 2005

I am upgrading a .mdb to MSSQL. The .mdb is 17MB, but the resulting MSSQL is 72MB. Tried using both the Access Upsizing Wizard and Enterprise Manager DTS. I have done this a number of times before, but never ran into this problem. Any ideas what coule be going on, and how to fix it?

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Upsizing Database To SQL - Tables Being Skipped

Feb 3, 2014

I am attempting to upsize an Access database to SQL 2005 Server. All of my tables are "skipped" why?

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Sql Wizard To Sql Vba

Dec 13, 2007

guys, can someone help, i copied this sql from the wizard window, i'm trying to put the sql in a vba code here is what i did, the select is not working it has syntax, can someone help?

Dim mySQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim x As Long

Set db = CurrentDb

mySQL = "SELECT change_order_tbl.serial_num, Max(change_order_requestor_tbl.change_order_effect ive_date) AS MaxOfchange_order_effective_date" _
FROM change_order_requestor_tbl INNER JOIN change_order_tbl ON change_order_requestor_tbl.change_order_id=change_ order_tbl.change_order_id
GROUP BY change_order_tbl.serial_num
HAVING (((change_order_tbl.serial_num)="abc"));"

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mySQL)


x = rs!countoffield

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Look Up Wizard

Mar 4, 2005

I have a table that shows all the company's PC's, and another table that shows all the software. I have a smart look up for a the PC's that when you click on it, it will show you all the software loaded to that machine. however, there is so much software loaded to these machines that when the look-up is clicked you can not read all of the software because it is listed horizontally. Is there any way that you can have the look-up view vertically. Any other ideas would be much appreciated.

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Package Wizard - Where Is It?

Jun 9, 2005

Ok, I have Acc2k3 professional with Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System which according to MS includes the Microsoft Office Access 2003 Developer Extensions ( that are required to package an MDE/ADE file using Acc2k3.

The question is how do I run it? I cannot find anything to do with packaging or deploying an Access file anywhere, not only in Access but ot the system and on the Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System cd.

I should point out that my PC has VB.NET 2003, Office 2003 (prof) and Office 2000 (prof - Access only) installed on XP SP2 (I believe that all relevant SPs and critical updates have been applied). I have tried upgrading my project from Acc2k to Acc2k3 and all to no avail.


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Need Help With Package Wizard

Dec 15, 2005


I hope someone can help on here with this.
I am having problems using the package wizard. I can run through the first couple of steps on the package wizard, but when it asks for a language to cache, it fails to install the necessary files.

I have found the resolution on the MS KB site about copying the files to the HDD, and the renaming the exe file to SETUP.EXE, but whenever I select this file to cache, I get the following message:-

'C:SourceSETUP.EXE' could not be copied to 'C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMicrosoftAccessADE11Cache1033SETUP.EXE'.

Verify that the source file exists, that you have write permissions on the destination folder. etc

I don't think it is permissions, as it does copy the msi and cab file to that particular folder, it's just the SETUP.EXE file that it doesn't copy over.

Has anyone ever experienced this before when using the Package Wizard?


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Wizard Missing

Dec 20, 2005

I am running Access 2000. The control wizard is not available. It does not come up when I add a command button for example. How do I get it turned on?

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Need Help With Security Wizard

Apr 11, 2007

HI, I am using Access 2003

I tried using the security wizard and I think I, I know I should have read up rather that trying to set it up. I printed the security report so I can get back in to the db but now all db's on this pc require me to log in now. How do I remove this security? Can I just delete the security db that was created by the wizard?

Thanks for your help.

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Map Table Wizard??

Feb 21, 2005


I want to manipulate a few tables and make them into one table, but I don't want all of their fields. I heard that I could do it with "map table wizard" from the top of the menu. Where can I find it? Or, can anyone recommend me what I should do better?

I use Office 2002.


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