After Replication Or Syncronization Query Is Missing From Replicas

Sep 21, 2004

I have an Access MDB which uses a number of queries, reports, forms, and tables, and a module. When I make a new replica of it or try to synchronize it, several of the queries don't get put into the replicas. The data, however, appears to be synchronized perfectly.

I'm wondering if our use of replication is causing the problem. I have the database application running on three computers so different people can add data. The computers aren't networked. What we do to synchronize is copy the file used on one computer onto a CD-R, then copy that back onto the main computer, and then synchronize it there. Then we reverse the copying to put it back on the secondary computer. Am I doing this wrong?

Any idea of how to fix this problem?

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Replicas And Synchronizing

Dec 21, 2006

hello. can anyone help me with replica conflicts?
i need to work with 10 replicas and synchronize with a master, but anyone can make changes and modify the records on the other replicas. is there a solution for that? why access doesn't recognize the changes as a conflict?
Thank you all.

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Synchronize To ALL Replicas

Jan 30, 2008


Is it possible to synchronize to ALL replicas using a command button in one shot from the Design Master?? I've read various posts, and it doesn't sound like anybody has found a solution for this. Found solutions for doing it one at a time, but was wondering if anybody has found a way to synchronize to all replicas without any user interaction other than hitting a button.


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Replication Query ???

Jun 28, 2005

I have replicated my Access 2002 database and moved a copy to my laptop. (on a wireless network) - so far so good.

Here's the problem l can replicate FROM my PC to my LAPTOP - GREAT !!!

I can't replicate the other way :confused:

My PC is running XP and my laptop is running 2000.

Does anyone have any ideas ? i have a feeling it is probably some security setting in XP but l'll be damned if l can find it.



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Query With Replication ID Parameter

Jul 8, 2007

Hi All,

Can anyone tell me what is the data type to be used for the replication ID of a query parameter? I want to retrieve values from a table where the ID is the replication ID but I dont know what is the data type to be used for my query parameter.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks.

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Queries :: Query To Insert Missing Rows From Another Query / Table

Oct 8, 2013

I am using an Access 2010 DB to keep track of a schedule. Essentially, at least one person needs to be signed up to work for every hour of every day in a week.

Days with 7 records
Hours with 24 records
Workers with as many people that sign up to work the different hours
Schedule signifying the worker, day, and hour which are signed up.

As of now i have a query that relates these results and gives me a line detailing the worker/time information for the slots that are signed up for.What I'm TRYING to do is to create a query that gives me BLANK worker info when there is no one signed up for a particular hour.Currently my Schedule table has the following:

WorkerID | DayID | HourID
1 | 5 | 12
4 | 5 | 13
16 | 5 | 15

What I'm looking to do is have this table matched up with another table (or query) that provides every combination of day/hour. When an day/hour combination is skipped, the query will be able to "fill in the blank" with a row. Like this:

WorkerID | DayID | HourID
1 | 5 | 12
4 | 5 | 13
| | 14
16 | 5 | 15

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Missing Records (and Missing Updates)

Oct 7, 2005

Hi all

This is an ongoing problem I have had for 4 weeks now.

I have made a a system thats acts like a clock In/clock out Out system.

the structure is somthing like this

All fields apart from ID (autonumber) and username (String*255) are Date field (there are a few others like DateOfTimesheet etc but they arnt important here)

When a user arrives in the morning they make a record which they use for the day

They then have a form with a whole bunch of buttons which simply updates the correct field. For example they click the "Sign in for the Day" button and it updates the correct field with the current time.

Everything was going fine until people noticed that every now and again a sign in time dissapeared.

I have hacked myself to death trying to solve this problem but still the updates go Astray.

Now each time a time is updated the process goes somthing like this

1. the user opens their timesheet for the day (the RS is SNAPSHOT and no locks)

2. User Hits a sign in/out button
3. The record source is changed to "" and all buttons hidden (to ensure the record isnt locked and to make sure you dont do two things at once)
3. The table is updated with the new time (using some dynamic SQL)
4. The table is repeatadly checked using a DO loop to make sure the the correct time went in.
5. when the returned time value of the field matches the varaible used to update it, the form is returned to normal and the user carries on his/her merry way (if it never matches the screen should crash but this never happens).
6. A New record is added to another table called "tblbugfixinglog" which records which field was updated and when. This is so that I have two records in two different ways (figured if one went astray I could pull it back off the other)
7. Another new record is added to yet another table called tblSQLRecord, which simply logs all .RUNSQL statements that are executed.

I thought that the two extra tables (and the check that the record had been updated) would help me track down where the records are going missing, but this isnt the case.

Now it appears that some records arnt being added to tblBugFixingLog and to tblSQLRecord either and some of these tables are getting quite a few #ERROR's in them..

None of the tables are related to any other and i've no idea how #ERROR lines are appearing in a table that has 1 function... to recieve new records ... no editing, no viewing, no deleting.

Does anyone have any idea how these updates/inserts can go missing or create #ERRORs.
I've built plenty of Databases in my time and have never come across this.
__________________________________________________ ______________

This is the function I use to add a record to tblBugfixingLog and tblSQLRecord

Private Sub AddBugLog(ByVal TimesheetNumber As Long, ByVal FieldUpdating As String, ByVal NewFieldValue)
Dim TempSQL As String
TempSQL = "INSERT INTO tblBugFixingLog (TimeAndDateOfEntrySERVER,TimeAndDateOfEntryPC,Fie ldUpdated,NewEntry,UserID,TimesheetNumber,Computer AssetNo) VALUES (" & _
"#" & Format(ServerGetTime(Environ$("LOGONSERVER"))) & "#," & _
"#" & Now & "#," & _
"'" & FieldUpdating & "'," & _
"'" & NewFieldValue & "'," & _
"'" & GetNTUser & "'," & _
"'" & TimesheetNumber & "'," & _
"'" & fOSMachineName & "')"
' MsgBox TempSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblSQLRecord (Username,DateAndTime,Screen,TheSQL) VALUES('" & LoginInfo.sUsername & "','" & CStr(Now) & "','Add Bug Log function','" & CleanData(TempSQL) & "')", False
'CleanData is a function that removes ' and " from the SQL string so i can easily add the SQL string into the table
DoCmd.RunSQL TempSQL, False
End Sub

Public Function CleanData(ByVal DataToClean As String)
Dim TempData As String
Dim i As Integer
TempData = ""
For i = 1 To Len(DataToClean)
Select Case Mid(DataToClean, i, 1)
Case "'"
TempData = TempData & "`"
Case """"
TempData = TempData & "`"
Case Else
TempData = TempData & Mid(DataToClean, i, 1)
End Select
Next i
CleanData = TempData
End Function

__________________________________________________ ____

I have no idea how this can create #ERROR lines in the table when it is just added to and nothing else.

Does anyone have any clue to what may be happening here.

(Oh yeah and no matter how hard I try, I can't replicate the problem.... works for me every time no matter how harse I am to it!)

Please save what little hair I have left and give me some hope


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Missing Row In A Query

Jan 13, 2006

I have what seems to be a fairly simple question.

There are two tables in my database. A and B. Each table has the same criteria: Name, Number, and Date.

I have created a formula in my query which will add the Number fields together when they both have the same name. My problem is that when there is not a row for a particular name on table B, the calculation does not list that row in the results.

I would like for my calculation to insert a zero in the space and add Number.

I have tried the Nz function, but this results in a missing name and date and just the numbers are shown.

How do I get the results to show a row where the name is only on one field and still make sure that it places a zero in its spot and add the zero and the other number together based on the name.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


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Missing Null Value In Query

Jan 4, 2006

Yes, another of my query troubles. I am running a query that is showing the number of demos booked, number of demos executed, then the percentage of demos executed. I have 2 demos that have 1 or 2 booked, but they have not been executed. They should show up in the query so I can get a percentage for them, but they do not. Here is my SQL:

SELECT [Promo count].PromoNo, [Promo count].[# of Demos], Count(Query6.Status) AS CountOfStatus, IIf([CountOfStatus]=0,0,[CountOfStatus]/[# of Demos]) AS Percentage
FROM [Promo count] INNER JOIN Query6 ON [Promo count].PromoNo = Query6.PromoNo
WHERE (((Query6.Status)="E"))
GROUP BY [Promo count].PromoNo, [Promo count].[# of Demos];

Anyone know what may be going on?

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Query Help - Missing Something Simple

Feb 23, 2007

I have an ID field that is text. Here are some example ID's. The number is generated automatically and the letter is added by the user.

I need to start numbering new id's automatically. I don't want to repeat numbers so I need to know which numbers have been used. So I am trying to remove the letters preceeding the numbers. However I can't seem to get rid of the records with more than 1 letter. Here is the what i've tried in the query -

test2: Left([ID],3)
newnum: IIf([test2]="A" Or [test2]="C" Or [test2]="F" Or [test2]="H" Or [test2]="R" Or IIf([test2]="RMA",Mid([ID],4),[ID]),Mid([ID],2),[ID])

after that is run this is what i get -

They are fine except the last one - MA18941 needs to be 18941.

I know I am missing something simple

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Missing Records In Query

Jun 13, 2007

i have a query that contains two tables one contains the member details the other their transactions. the query is to show all members and transactions however if there is no transaction then the member details do not show - -the query only shows members with transactions . the query does have grouping to give totals of the transactions

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Missing Operator In Query

May 30, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with a query.
Just for info, I export some table from SQL to access. The same query in SQL work fine but when I try in Access come out this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid'.

The query:

SELECT tbl_Style.STYLECODE, tbl_Info_1.Infodata AS [Fabric Type]


tbl_Info ON tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN

tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid

I appreciate your help.


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Record Missing From Query Report

Feb 17, 2006

i have made a query.. when executed it returns 4 results..when i view the report however (made using the wizard based on that query) only 3 results are displayed..i then add a record to the database... the query returns 5 results.. and again the report only displays 4 results...i believe that the first record entered into the database is missing from the report.. but it is present in the query.. could i have accidentally deleted the first record from the report when i was altering the layout in design view??anyone come across this before?is there a general rule with reports based on queries that only display results with certain criteria or something??

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Showing Where Data Is Missing In A Query

May 25, 2007

I want to use a column in a query to show where data is missing in other fields.

In excel I have used this statement:


Basically, I have two fields PRICE and WEIGHT. I want a column in the query to show 'Error' (or any kind of flag) when either (or both) of these fields are blank.

Hope this makes sence.

Any advice?


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Query Problem (missing Operator)

May 29, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with a query.
Just for info, I export some table from SQL to access. The same quary in SQL work fine but when I try in Access come out this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid'.

The query:

SELECT tbl_Style.STYLECODE, tbl_Info_1.Infodata AS [Fabric Type]


tbl_Info ON tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN

tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid

I appreciate your help.


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Query To Find Missing Records

Aug 13, 2007



Table A has records 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Table B has records 1,2,3,4,5,6

How do I create a query that returns values 7,8,9,10 for Table B when I compare Table A and Table B?

What sort of query do I need? I tried the "Unmatched query" but this did not get the result I wanted.

Thanks for reading.....


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Query To Show Missing Records

Jan 24, 2008

I have a table for stock with two fields, KEY and DESCRIPTION; a table for manufacturers with two fields, KEY and NAME; and a third table which links to them both with a many-to-one join with three fields, KEY, STOCK-KEY and MFR-KEY. What I am trying to do is write a query that for a given manufacturer (entered via a parameter) shows a single line for all stock records that are NOT linked to it via the third table. I am sure it should be simple but all my attempts fail to exclude stock linked to the manufacturer if it is also linked to another manufacturer. Any ideas?

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Queries :: Missing Data Query

Sep 3, 2014

I have a master table that holds all of my data. The table details what qualifications someone is holding.I would like a query that would enable me to produce a list of people who DO NOT hold a qualification.

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Replication (or Not)

Aug 8, 2005


I have received a replicated db --- that is all
(not a master) I want to know if any one has experience in "unreplicating"
a db and what steps I take to unreplicate this db. I know (more or less) what replication does for you, but I have never done it !!



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Replication And FE/BE - When To Do What

May 26, 2007

Hi folks,

Thanks to the many of you who have helpped me get this far. I am finally ready to deploy my database! I would not have gotten this far in just a few months if it were not for your helpful advice. :D
One of the final stages is to place the database on the organization's server and to put FEs on each of the work stations. I've read a bit about replication and splitting of databases but I have one question I haven't found answered here...

What is the best time line for doing this?

Do I replicate the data base and then split it?
Or do I split the data base and then make replicas of the FE?

Does it matter?

Also - is replication truly needed for all data bases - I have a test copy in which I split the Access file, then just copied each front end to 2 machines and it seemed to work okay. Am I missing something that will come back and "byte" me in the keester?

Many thanks again for previous help and for your answers to this question.


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Oct 28, 2004

Need some advice on Replication of a backend mdb please. I currently have a client/server app - works great. The users now need to collect data from their internet as well as entering data themselves in-house. Situation... can not link tables from web mdb file IS dept forbids link through firewall. How might I be able to keep the data synchronized when the original backend resides within the firewall on the file server and the other needs to sit on the web server? OR ... is there another approach to allow data entry from both the internal users concurrently with data entry from the web. I'm scratching my head and my deadline is looming. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Query For Missing Values From Training Database

Dec 2, 2006


I have inherited a database that contains details of staff training data and the tables contain the following:

Personal Information Table:
EmploymentStatus (this contains either Staff, Operative, or Supervisor)

Training Courses Table:
Course Name
Course Description
Supervisor (Yes/No)
Operative (Yes/No)
Staff (Yes/No)

Training Courses Attended Table:

Each of the courses in the Training Courses Table should be attended by one or more of the groups identified in the EmploymentStatus field (ie. Supervisor, Operative, Staff) and the relevant field in the Training Courses Table is flagged eg.
Training Courses Table:
CourseID, CourseName, Supervisor, Operative, Staff
100, basic safety, Yes, Yes, Yes
101, safety management, Yes, No, No
102, working with ladders, No, Yes, No
103, VDU, No, Yes, Yes

I need to identify which individuals have not attended the courses that they should have been completed (ie. compare courses attended with the list of courses associated with the EmploymentStatus associated with individual staff members, and identify which courses have no attendance dates).
How can I structure the query, I can't see how to do this with the existing tables, but I think it should be possible, but my Access expertise is just not good enough to work through this.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Record Missing Using Work Week Query

Feb 25, 2007

I got a problem regarding query work week in database.
The database contain data of year 2006 and 2007. When i query about work week, some record is missing.

i wrote the sql statement as

There is one record missing... which is 31/12/2006 record.

So any idea to eliminate this??

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Missing Records When A Table Is Included In A Query

Mar 1, 2006

I am working with a normalized database that has MANY tables. Most of these consist of lists of options to select from for the primary table. The primary table is linked to the secondary tables (and those to tertiary tables) by Primary Key ID fields, and the other tables contain additional information.

For Example, the Name list table is related to the Actions table by the SSN field, and the Actions table is related to the PayStatus table by an ID number collected by a lookup field.

When I pull all three tables into a query to display all the information related to a particular individual an his action, there are more records if I remove the PayStatus table from the query. It seems to only pull reports for which a PayStatus has been selected.

How can I get the query to display ALL the records, whether or not the individual has a pay status? Whether or not the individual has one is irrelevant, but I want his name to be displayed, whether or not he has one.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Modules & VBA :: Missing Operator On A Delete Query

Dec 2, 2013

I'm trying to find a solution for this without success..I have this code:

CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM Type WHERE Project_ID =" & Me.Project_ID & " & AND (Type = '" & Me.Txt_Type & "')"

and I'm getting this error message:Syntax error(missing operator) in query expression 'Project_ID = AND (Type = 'Webinar')'

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Replication Problem

May 5, 2005

hey there i want to make a MDE compression/compile but i get a msg that i cant compile a replication
how the f*** i remove the replication, cuz i no longer own the master file

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