Another User Error Message

Jan 5, 2005

I am trying to create a realtionship between two tables so I can use both of them in a query. The problem is when I attemp to do this I get an error message that says "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." Problem is there is not another user. Anyone has an idea what the problem is and how to fix it???

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Repost: Error Message For One Db User Only

Apr 27, 2006


This is the second time I am posting this thread as I didn't receive any replies the first time. Since then, I've realized that the problem I've described below is happening on a computer that has a full installation of Adobe Acrobat 7.0. None of the other db users have this. Maybe this will help.

I have a split Access 2000 database. 15 users are able to view and enter data with no problems. One user is continually receiving this message:

The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost.

This message is peculiar to her pc. We're running Windows XP Professional.
She has not, in fact, lost the network connection as she can still access other files located on our network. The network administrator has no clue why this is happening. If I reload the front end application on her hard drive, she's able to use the database for a couple of days, and then the message appears again. Does anyone have any ideas? I would much appreciate any input. Thanks so much.


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Forms :: Password Validation - Message Pop Up With Specific Error User Has Made On Entry

Jan 6, 2014

I am looking at the public function routine, that validates the password entry. I want to know how i can make a message pop up with the specific error the user has made on entry.

Public Function ValidatePwd(varPassword As Variant) As Boolean
Dim blnValid As Boolean
Dim blnValidCriteria As Boolean
Dim intChar As Integer

blnValid = Len("" & varPassword) >= 4 And Len("" & varPassword) <= 12

[Code] ....

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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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Reserved Error (-1517); There Is No Message For This Error.

Mar 31, 2006

Does anybody know what this error message refers to?

"Reserved Error (-1517); there is no message for this error."

It just started happening today, and I haven't even made any changes to the database. It occurs when I hit a button I have to run a macro.

the macro does the following:
1) Shows all records
2) Requery
3) ApplyFilter.
The Where Condition for the filter is:

The weird thing is that it only occurs if the Form window is taller than 1/2 of my viewable area. If the Form window is 1/2 the viewable area or shorter, it works OK. This was running fine earlier today, but about 4:00 pm (03/31/06) this started happening.

If anybody knows what this error means, or how to get rid of it (I really need to use this window in full-screen) then please let me know.

-Thanks, Sean

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Send Another User A Message?

Apr 26, 2006

Is there a way to send another user a message within Access? (Like "Instant Messenger" or Lotus Notes "SameTime") If you have any experience or info I would appreciate some info.
Thanks in advance!

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*User Notification Message*

Aug 29, 2005

My database at the moment counts how many records of each Pupil is entered into the system. When a pupil has been entered into the system 10 times I would like a Notification Message to come up, are such messages possible?

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How To Send A Message For Other User

Nov 18, 2011

i have a access project and many user can login,

1- how can i share access database for use users Simultaneously.
2- how can a user send a message for other user ?

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Send Message To User When Entered Into DB

Aug 9, 2006

I have look around in the forums, but I haven't found what I was looking for. I just maybe didn't use the correct search criteria. But anyway this is what I am looking for.

When a certain user Logon into the database. I would like the have a message sent just to that one particular user. Bottom line is. When a report is due and that user is responsible for it, I would like a notification go to that user.

Can this be done and how would one go about this?

Again thanks

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A Warning/confirmation Message For User Before Printing??

Mar 12, 2006

Hi all,

I am building a simple db from scratch using the limited knowledge i have, and a lot of the information gained from searching these forums as a guest. I've now reached a point where I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, so any help would be gratefully received!!

I have a single table, single form and single report (told you it was simple;)). The table has nearly 2000 records and 2000 pictures (linked). On the form I can print every record with a single click of a command button. This is great, but I would like a message box to popup and confirm the print action, as this is gonna be expensive if its clicked on every record!!

If anybody can help, I would be chuffed!! I searched the forums and can't seem to find anything on this!!


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Error Message With No Error Number

Feb 1, 2006

Hello All,

I have been developing my database all one seems to be well exept for an error message which is attched.

If anybody can help me trap this error or offer some advice i would be greatfull.


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Modules & VBA :: If User Selects Wrong Value / Display Message

Feb 23, 2015

I have a field that is pre filled in with a value. The name is "Business".Then there is a combo box with various values. If the user would select a value that does not match with values that can be selected if in "business" a value is selected, it should show a message that the selection is wrong and user needs to select the correct one.

Example:If in the field "Business" the value "Food" is selected, then the possible values to be selected in the combobox would be: Fruit or Meet or Fast Food. If the value in "Business" would be "Wood" only selections could be made: Talble or Chair or Cabinet.So, if a user select "Food' in "Business" and in the combo box "Chair", it should show a message that the wrong selection was made and don't let them use the wrong one.

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How To Create My Own Message If A User Enter A Value Not Match With The Data Type?

Jul 26, 2006

In MS Access form, how can I create my own message if the user enter a value that not match with the data type of a field in underlying table? Thanks a lot!

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Forms :: Create A Message Box To Flash On Screen To Tell User That Update Code Is Running

Mar 6, 2014

I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.

The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.

It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.

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Error Message

Sep 28, 2005

While going to the design mode of a form, I regularely get the following message :

Microsoft Access can't run the macro or callback function 'fDesign'.

In my Dbase there is no macro with that name.
Can anyone tell me what this messages means and how to get rid of this thing.

Running Win XP, Access 2003 Sp1

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Error Message

Jan 23, 2006

I have attached a screen print of an error message I recieved on my access database. I finally got it to come up, but only after a few pop up boxes with this error message.

I do know the shared drive it is housed on went on the fritz. So I copied it and pasted it to my desk top. Grrr...I thought this message was due to the flipping shared drive. But now, I recieved it on my desk top too.

Anywho...can someone look at it and tell me what it means.

Thanks alot.

PS, i know my desktop has to much stuff, so don't go there. ;)

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Error Message

Apr 3, 2006

Hi can anyone help i keep clicking on a qry and it comes up with this message "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tblSTSLimits.Max Short'. but Max Short is correct can anyone help

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Error Message

Aug 9, 2006

Hi all,
I face a problem while openning a form.
It gave me this error message:

The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the foolowing error:
User-defined type not defined.

What to do?

Sorry for bothering you.

Thanks & Regards

Mark K.

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Error Message

Aug 23, 2006

I get an error message when I open access 2003 database "database contains a missing or broken reference to the cacview.ocx version 1.0

All help so far says to go to tools>references.
My tools in the help menu does not have references

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ERROR Message! Please Help

Oct 9, 2006

I have a table that keeps crashing. The only error message I get is "Invalid Argument". Each time, a single record will turn into "#Error". Each field says this in the row. When this happens, Access won't let me delete just that row,

Any ideas how to delete them?

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Error Message

Jul 11, 2005

I am getting the following message:

"you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression qryMaxDays.Days Between 0 and 50 as part of an aggregate function."

I have other queries just like this and they run with no problem. any ideas? :confused:

SELECT Count(qryMaxDays.Days) AS [Number Of], qryMaxDays.Days
FROM qryMaxDays
GROUP BY qryMaxDays.Days
HAVING (((qryMaxDays.Days) Between 0 And 50));

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Message Error

Mar 6, 2006

I am trying to Right Join two queries which are basically from the same exact table, but when I do that I get the following error.

ODBC--called failed.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The column prefix 'MS1' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. (#107).

The following is a copy of my SQL

SELECT PqryExpiredPolicy.Policy_Number, PqryExpiredPolicy.Orig_Exp_Date, PqryExpiredPolicy.Insured_Key, PqryNewPolicy.Policy_Number, PqryExpiredPolicy.Name
FROM PqryNewPolicy RIGHT JOIN PqryExpiredPolicy ON PqryNewPolicy.Insured_Key = PqryExpiredPolicy.Insured_Key;

I have looked for this MS1 and cannot find it. Any ideas where I should be looking or what this means?

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Error Message

Jul 21, 2005

I get the following error message when I open a form, but I cant see anything wrong:

Run Time Error '2447':

There is an invalid use of the . (dot) or ! operator or invalid parenttheses.

This is the code that causes the problem:

Private Sub Form_Activate()
If Me.SumOfTotalGVS > 16 Then
MsgBox "You have exceded the total amount of GVS on the CATT site"
Let Me.SumOfTotalGVS.BackColor = 255
Me.SumOfTotalGVS.ForeColor = 65535
Let Me.SumOfTotalGVS.BackColor = 16777215
Me.SumOfTotalGVS.ForeColor = 0
End If
End Sub

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Error Message

Feb 27, 2006

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this line of code please. Im trying to count the number of records on another form that is open. This is an On_Click command from another form.

Me.lblCount.Caption = "You have " & Forms![Armour_Selection].RecordCount & " Armoured Squadron(s)"

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Error Message!

Aug 11, 2006

Hello all,
I have an access application. I imported a form to it with all related tables and queries and modules from another application. Unfortunetaly, it didn't work.
It gives me this error message when openning the form:
The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting
produced the following error:
User-defined type not defined.

Sorry for bothering you.
Thanks & Regards

Mark K.

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Error Message

Nov 28, 2006

Hi folks,

i have a form that allows me to save mobile phone details.

The problem with this form is that if its incomplete and i click 'x' it shows me the validation message followed by an error message (which is attached with this thread).....

why is that? is there anyway i can exit the form (incomplete) without the valdation message or error message occuring???

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