Auto Colours??

Nov 18, 2005

Hi all,
Is it possible to have different colour fonts in forms automatically?

i want the user to add numerical data into the form but the middle numbers must automatically be coloured red. these numbers are then matched to stickers in the same format for easy identification.

it should look like this 878802

any suggestions?

Many Thanks

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Tab Colours

Jul 7, 2005

Hello. I have just added some tabs (pages) on one of my forms. The problem is that the background is gray and I cannot seem to change it. How would I go about changing the background colour of each seperate tab(page)???

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Feb 24, 2006

Is it possible to create a combo box showing colours. I don't mean the wors Blue, Red etc I mean a list of actual colours?

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Scroll Bar Colours

Jun 23, 2005

Is it possible to change the colour of scroll bars in subForms?

Seems odd that you can easily customise all the colours, yet have to settle with a horrible looking grey scroll bar!

Any help or a 'work-a-around' to the problem would be welcomed.


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Row Colours In Report

Oct 25, 2004

I got the following code from:-

This is to give me alternating row colours in report detail section but cannot make it work.
Please could someone tell me where I am going wrong?
Not sure where to put the bit "Private m_RowCount As Long"
The Rest apparently goes in the report detail section OnFormat event.

Private m_RowCount As Long

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
m_RowCount = m_RowCount + 1
If m_RowCount / 2 = CLng(m_RowCount / 2) Then
Me.Detail.BackColor = 15263976 'Change value to the color you desire
Me.Detail.BackColor = 14811135 'Change value to the color you desire
End If
End Sub

Thank you Guys and Gals.

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Access And Form Colours

Feb 28, 2005

Hi there,

I have being creating some forms with Access 00/02 and I have come across one for me particular strange and somehow annoying item “Colours”.
My question here now is, how would it be possible to use instead of the say ”Back Color: 65280 numbering” a colour scheme similar use in web design i.e. hexadecimal or where at least could I find a list of colour numbering??? as used in Access.

Thanks aktell

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Alternative Colours In A Form

Mar 15, 2005

Hi I've got some code from

It allows for alternate bands of color to be displayed for alternative records in Forms in Continuous View. I've looked in this forum for other alternatives to this but the only ones that are available change the background of a control rather that display a whole row that is filled with colour. So therefore the background of the row is say in red, the background of the text controls are in red.

I've managed to put the code into my form and download the class. The only problem is that I can't seem to set the colour in the actual class file - it's all a little bit confusing! Can you help? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........... :D

You can download the sample database from


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Colours In Continuous Form

Dec 20, 2006

I have a continuous form which has a combo box limited to green, blue, yellow, red, purple and N/A (for blank).

It is possible to make the back ground colour = what is entered into the combo box?

I have been searching and searching and have seen conditional formatting everywhere but it wont help as i need 6 options. I only have basic VB skills and usually can only hack and change not write from scratch:o

Anyone able to help me please.

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Very Basic Question - Form Colours

Apr 3, 2005


Got a simple question really...

Designing a form and I have boxes where the data is entered.

The form background is grey and i would like the data boxes to be grey
as well, unless the box is "active" meaning its selected.

ive done it for one form but i can't remember how on earth i would do it on another from i need to do.

Many Thanks

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Changing Button Colours In Access

May 19, 2006

Does anyone know if the command buttons in access 97 forms can be changed?


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Reports :: Format 25% Of Records With Different Colours

Apr 30, 2014

How do I format:

First 25% of records - Gold
Second 25% of records - Green
Third 25% of records - Yellow
Fourth 25% of records - Red

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Relate List Of Colours To Unique Product Id

Jun 13, 2007


I want to select a product then be able to select a colour from a list that relates to it.

I want the colour lists to be different for every product. (clothes)

Whats the best way to do it?



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Background Colours On Forms Other Than Normal Options

Aug 1, 2005

I'm wanting to get a very, very pale shade of gray as the background colour for an Access form, as well as for several text boxes on it. This is so that users can distinguish editable regions (white bgs) from uneditable ones (light gray bgs).

The default colours that pop up in the menu choices are too dark for this. I've tried using a tiled image for the background of the form, which works fine. But I'd like my uneditable textboxes to be selectable (so users can copy data) whilst being that colour too, which can't be done.

Therefore I'm looking for either the number code for a very very light gray colour (Access' default lightest is "12632256") or some sort of translator tool to let me know how on earth these numbers relate to anything in computing -- I mean, what do those numbers represent? Are they html=no, hex codes=no, rgb values, no... I mean, how is Access coming up with those numbers? I've tried just getting a light gray using trial and error and can't figure it out (even ended up with lime green at one point - very nice on the eyes lol).

Anyone shed some light on this? :rolleyes: :D

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General :: Logo On Report With 2 Colours One Word

Apr 20, 2014

I have a company logo that has 2 colours to its name

I want to put that logo onto me report. I have tried but I am unable to do this

company name APICAPACITORS, API IN RED CAPACITORS BLUE ,is it possible without making 2 words

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Mouse Move Event To Lighten/Darken Colours

Dec 8, 2006

Hi guys,

i saw a sample DB here somewhere but cant find it now...on the mouse move event (when hovering on an image) it made the colours lighter (as if someone has shone a light on the button). Just wondering if anybody knows the code for this event?


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Forms :: Choose Custom Colours With Conditional Formatting

Sep 6, 2013

I'm using access 2003. I've got a textbox placed ontop of an image that I want to make it seem to disappear on a conditional format.

The back color property of the textbox I want to set is "13160660". How do I choose this colour when applying conditional formatting as I only seem to be able to choose from the swatch of 40 default colours and no option to define custom colours.

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Forms :: Allow User To Change Form Colours And Captions Each Year

Jul 28, 2014

My database has a front end that uses forms to allow the user to navigate within it, each year we create a new database which is based on the previous year's database but with all the variable information removed.

Within the database each form has a caption that starts with '2014-15' then goes on to say the form name.

Most of my forms also have a yellow background, (last year it was pink).

Both these areas were set up so that each year our users can distinguish between our databases, as they may have last years and this years open at the same time.

What I would like if possible is to know whether I can get a user to change both these things from within a form. So something along the lines of a button that when clicked would check all form captions and if within the caption it finds 2014-15 then change it to 2015-16 (or whatever the user specifies) but keep the rest of the caption.
I would also want the same type of thing to happen with the colour so again within the background of the forms, if you find colour X then replace it with colour Y.

If this can't be done within a front end form, then could it be done behind the scenes, and if so how would I go about doing it?

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Auto-trim / Auto-crop A Picture & Screenshot

Mar 20, 2006

we use access database for printing lab reports. and a small graph is also printed on this report from another software(not an access application).

what i have done is that first we print the txt report from access and then use the same paper to print graph on it. I have alligned the report in such a way that these two reports fit perfectly.

we have to print twice and sometimes the graph is deleted in the other application, so we have to make the graph again.

what i want to do is:
1) prepare graph in the other application.
2) take a screenshot of it.
3) save this as an image file (jpg or bmp)
4) reference this picture in the access application and print it with the report.

So the problems are:
1) when i take a screenshot, how do i save it as a file,
2) how do i just get the area of the graph and remove all extra space. (usually all the other space is white as background)

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Auto-insert And Auto-update Help

Sep 1, 2005

Hi all!
I was wondering if you guys can help me out with this one:

I would like to have data auto-inserted from a particular colum in table 'x' in to a defined column in table 'y'. similary, I'd like to achieve auto-updation of this data as well as deletion. Can anyone please provide some guidelines?

A little more detail :

I have a column "Client ID" in the table client_personal_info, the rows of which I'd like to have updated in the "Client ID" column in the client_business_detail table.

So if say, ClientID_1 is a row that has been added by the user, I'd like to have it auto-inserted in the client ID column in the client_business_detail table

thanks in advance for your help

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Modules & VBA :: Name Auto-Correct Off But Auto Changes Appear

May 22, 2014

Access 2010 keeps changing the Capitalization of objects when I don't want it to.

For example "Cancel" becomes "cancel". Later it will be changed back to "Cancel".

There is also a table with a field "FULLNAME". Several Queries build a field "FullName". As a result FullName, even in places like Application. CodeProject.FullName get changed to Application.CodeProject.FULLNAME.

(Track Name AutoCorrect is off. ) It is especially irritating because I export the code to text files and check it into source control. Sometimes dozens, or even hundreds, of files will show up as changed because Access did it's rename thing.

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Appending Records With A Desired Auto Number In A Table With Auto Number

Oct 26, 2005

Here is my issue. In a table with an Auto Number index some records have been deleted. I have been able to recreate them along with their original auto number. The problem is that I do not know how to append these records forcing the original auto number. I have tried changing the auto number field to a number field in the table, this works except I cannot change it back to auto number.

I am sure I’m not the first with this question or issue. I did search through a couple hundred entries about auto number before I posted this question.


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Auto Day

Mar 11, 2005

Is it possible to have a select query which has a where function that automatically includes the Day?

In this case I don't mean the date, but something like "Tue" or "Wed".

Or is this only possible to have the user enter this himself?

Greetings and thanks again,


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Auto Fill

Jun 8, 2005

I've tried googling this, but I can't find anything helpful. I have five columns in my 'Main' table. In each row, column B, C & D are solely dependant on column A. And column E is completely independant of all of them. I want to be able to select a choice in column A using a drop-down menu (which I know how to do) and have columns B, C, & D automatically fill themselves in (which I don't know how to do). Column E I would just manually enter.

How do I get columns B, C, & D to automatically fill themselves in my 'Main' table. I would select a value from a drop-down menu in column A and want everything else to fill in. The values for A,B,C,& D are all in seperate tables with an ID and linked to their respective fields in the 'Main' table. Appreciate any help.

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Auto Update Of A Db

Nov 24, 2005

If am a developing the db and just making alterations to forms and reports etc on a developing copy. Is there anyway i can auto pull and replace the ones in the live db rather than going into the live db, deleting all the forms etc and then importing it?? can it be scripted or somethign like that?


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Auto FE Update

Dec 21, 2005

hi all
i searched for this but didnt get it clear. how can i update the FE for my users?

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Auto Number

Dec 29, 2005

I make a data base every year for work orders that my work does for our customers, I have every thing set up and it looks great except for one field, last year I was able to make it do an auto number once I put the date in. for example first box work Order # ___ second box date once I put in the date an work order # would fill in the w/o# box and it would follow what ever the last work order # was (12600). for example I need the year 2006 TO START OFF WITH # 12601, What querie/option do I need to accomplish with this info.

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