Back Button On Switchboard

May 15, 2006

is it possible to create a back button on your switchboard so from your main switchboard your subwitchboards or your sub sub switchboards you just click the back button to go the the previous switchboard?

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Back To Main(default) Switchboard

Nov 15, 2006

after i open a form using the switch board, i need to click a button to close the form and return back to the default switchboard.. what code do i need to put in the button to do the task?

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Different Button Images On Switchboard

Mar 3, 2005

Is there anyway to set differentbutton images for each section of a switch board.

Say I have a main switch board with "Customers", "Orders" and "Products". I want each one of these buttons to have an image.

However, when you click on "Customers" you go to the customers swicthboard, which then has "add", "delete" and "edit". I would like these three buttons to have images, but different images to those on the main form.

I hope that is clear.

Is it possible to do this, and if so how?


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Switchboard Question.. With A Button.

Mar 29, 2005

I am trying to make a button that will open a 2nd menu in the switchboard.

Is there a way I can do this?

I know there's a DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard" but I am wondering if I can open a 2nd menu this way?


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Switchboard Needs A Password On One Button

Feb 7, 2007

I have created a database where my boss wants a password on the one button to limit access. Is this possible. The button actually opens the Database Window (no one else knows the bypass to open it F11)

Thank you

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Back Button

Jun 2, 2005

I have some parameters set up the user needs to enter information. Is there any way to put a back button on these parameters, so, if the user makes a mistake, he/she can just go back one step. :confused:

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Switchboard Button Name Wont Change

Aug 31, 2005

hello, I have a main switchboard that has a button which opens another switchboard, the button is labelled (has the caption) “Reports” but the trouble is when this other switchboard opens the button on here also has the name “reports” but I want it to be named: “open employee report” and if I change the name of the button on the other switchboard it changes it on both switchboards :mad: , anyone know of a way around this?

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Adding A Button To The Switchboard Should Be Easy, Right?

Jan 3, 2006

Hi! Everyone on this forum has been very helpful so far, and I could really use some expertise now. I'm trying to update an existing DB designed by someone else (no longer here). I need to add a button to the switchboard for 2006, but I don't understand the code that has been written for the form I am trying to update. I've posted the code below. If anyone can help me decipher it enough to add my button, I would really appreciate it. My new button should be the 9th one. Thanks in advance:

************************************************** *
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Minimize the database window and initialize the form.

' Move to the switchboard page that is marked as the default.
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [Argument] = 'Default' "
Me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
' Update the caption and fill in the list of options.

Me.Caption = Nz(Me![ItemText], "")

End Sub

Private Sub FillOptions()
' Fill in the options for this switchboard page.

' The number of buttons on the form.
Const conNumButtons = 9

Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intOption As Integer

' Set the focus to the first button on the form,
' and then hide all of the buttons on the form
' but the first. You can't hide the field with the focus.
For intOption = 2 To conNumButtons
Me("Option" & intOption).Visible = False
Me("OptionLabel" & intOption).Visible = False
Next intOption

' Open the table of Switchboard Items, and find
' the first item for this Switchboard Page.
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Switchboard Items]"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [ItemNumber] > 0 AND [SwitchboardID]=" & Me![SwitchboardID]
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [ItemNumber];"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

' If there are no options for this Switchboard Page,
' display a message. Otherwise, fill the page with the items.
If (rst.EOF) Then
Me![OptionLabel1].Caption = "There are no items for this switchboard page"
While (Not (rst.EOF))
Me("Option" & rst![ItemNumber]).Visible = True
Me("OptionLabel" & rst![ItemNumber]).Visible = True
Me("OptionLabel" & rst![ItemNumber]).Caption = rst![ItemText]
End If

' Close the recordset and the database.

End Sub

Private Function HandleButtonClick(intBtn As Integer)
' This function is called when a button is clicked.
' intBtn indicates which button was clicked.

' Constants for the commands that can be executed.
Const conCmdGotoSwitchboard = 1
Const conCmdOpenFormAdd = 2
Const conCmdOpenFormBrowse = 3
Const conCmdOpenReport = 4
Const conCmdCustomizeSwitchboard = 5
Const conCmdExitApplication = 6
Const conCmdRunMacro = 7
Const conCmdRunCode = 8

' An error that is special cased.
Const conErrDoCmdCancelled = 2501

Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

On Error GoTo HandleButtonClick_Err

' Find the item in the Switchboard Items table
' that corresponds to the button that was clicked.
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Switchboard Items", dbOpenDynaset)
rst.FindFirst "[SwitchboardID]=" & Me![SwitchboardID] & " AND [ItemNumber]=" & intBtn

' If no item matches, report the error and exit the function.
If (rst.NoMatch) Then
MsgBox "There was an error reading the Switchboard Items table."
Exit Function
End If

Select Case rst![Command]

' Go to another switchboard.
Case conCmdGotoSwitchboard
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [SwitchboardID]=" & rst![Argument]

' Open a form in Add mode.
Case conCmdOpenFormAdd
DoCmd.OpenForm rst![Argument], , , , acAdd

' Open a form.
Case conCmdOpenFormBrowse
DoCmd.OpenForm rst![Argument]

' Open a report.
Case conCmdOpenReport
DoCmd.OpenReport rst![Argument], acPreview

' Customize the Switchboard.
Case conCmdCustomizeSwitchboard
' Handle the case where the Switchboard Manager
' is not installed (e.g. Minimal Install).
On Error Resume Next
Application.Run "WZMAIN80.sbm_Entry"
If (Err <> 0) Then MsgBox "Command not available."
On Error GoTo 0
' Update the form.
Me.Filter = "[ItemNumber] = 0 AND [Argument] = 'Default' "
Me.Caption = Nz(Me![ItemText], "")

' Exit the application.
Case conCmdExitApplication

' Run a macro.
Case conCmdRunMacro
DoCmd.RunMacro rst![Argument]

' Run code.
Case conCmdRunCode
Application.Run rst![Argument]

' Any other command is unrecognized.
Case Else
MsgBox "Unknown option."

End Select

' Close the recordset and the database.

Exit Function

' If the action was cancelled by the user for
' some reason, don't display an error message.
' Instead, resume on the next line.
If (Err = conErrDoCmdCancelled) Then
Resume Next
MsgBox "There was an error executing the command.", vbCritical
Resume HandleButtonClick_Exit
End If

End Function

************************************************** ******

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Simple: How To Use This Code With Switchboard Button

Feb 3, 2005

I found this simple password code that I use to open some forms:
Code:Dim x As Stringx = "password"Dim y As Stringy = InputBox("Enter password for form")If x <> y ThenMsgBox ("Invalid password")DoCmd.CancelEventEnd If
I would like to use it in a switchboard button, but the following statement is
OnClick already "=HandleButtonClick(4)". How can I incorporate this statement
with the code?

(I guess I don't really understanding how the auto-switchboard works.)

As always...Thank You

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Database Back By Button???

Mar 6, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to make a database back up by a click of a button in a main form in the database? (so a customer does not have to go tools/database utilities/back up database)

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Backup Database By Use Of Command Button On Switchboard

Sep 3, 2004

Is it possible to create a command button on an Access switchboard that will automatically backup a database? What code would I need? The command button wizard doesn't handle this task.

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Toggle Button, Focus, Switching Back And Forth

Feb 6, 2006

Here's a little design problem, all of my VB script works fine, it's just a design problem:

Toggle Button (onClick) {
if pressed in, unlock protected field, pass focus to protected field
else (if not pressed in), lock protected field

Protected Field (lostFocus){
When Focus is lost, protect field then reset toggle button
See, there's no way that I know of for Access to tell what field has focus at any given moment. It lies inert until an event fires off then it responds. You can't wake Access up and tell it to go do something. So, Protected Field has to lock itself when it loses focus.

Here's the problem. If a user unlocks the field but then decides not to make a change and clicks the toggle again to lock the field, first Access fires the script to protect the field (locking it), then it resets the toggle button, then it registers the toggle button click which unlocks the field. See the problem? If the user changes their mind about changing the field and then tries to lock the field, it ends up unlocked. I need something that will work whether the user is good about it or whether the user is in a rush and forgets about it.

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How To Disable Back Button Of Record Selector

Aug 17, 2005

How can i disable back button of record selector, i dont want my user to fiddle with the data which is already entered.

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Forms :: Button Back Color Change When Pressed

May 10, 2013

Is it possible that once the command button "Send Cost Request" in red is pressed it will change to green?

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Apr 14, 2006

Hi All, looking for some help.

I am looking for a way to link a help file to a button on the switchboard. I have several pages that all work well and open up the required forms and reports but I would like to add a help file to a button. Any idea would be appreciated thanks Williebear.

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Aug 10, 2005

hi everyone,

I am new to MS Access. I've created a database and now i want to add a switchboard to launch whenever i open the database file. i created the switchboard form and table following the access help. but i can only view the switchboard when i manually open the switchboard form. can anyone tell me how to make the swithboard launch automatically? i'm using access 2003


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Nov 14, 2005

I have a main switchboard, with a few Open Form command buttons on it, but what i would like to have is another button to bring the user to another switchboard screen giving the option to open a few Reports (obviosly the button on teh main switch board would read "Report Section), can this done, and also how would i go about putting Back or forward buttons withing the second (report Section) screen so the user can nav. to back to the main screen?


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Switchboard Help

Dec 12, 2005


I have created a new switchboard but don't know where it is. When I create it using the Switchboard Manager and then click close, it doesn't appear under any of the options. I have also set is as default but it fails to appear on startup.

Silly question I know. Any ideas?

Many Thanks

version: MS Acess 2003

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Jan 10, 2006

Was wondering how one might go about creating a swithboard similar to the Northwind one found in the sample database. Thanks

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Help With Switchboard

Jan 31, 2006

Brief Summary,

I have limited experience in Access but have a bit more understanding of databases and tables. I am helping a friend create and access database to track the time his employees spend on different job sites. i am using a template from Microsoft called "Time and Billing" I am going to be manipulating the structure a bit but other than that the template should work fine.

My main struggle is I need to have a screen that the employees access that takes them straight to add / edit a time sheet. i want the rest of the data, reports, views to be password protected. Ideally the switchboard would load up to a page that had a button from employees to click on where they would be taken to the form and a button the owner could click on, enter a password, and be taken into the back-end where the main switch board and the rest of the data resides.

If anyone can help me out that would be great. Oh yeah, The Access database in is Access 2000 being used on a machine running XP Pro.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Feb 22, 2006

Ok, so I will sound like the dumbest person but essentially what is a switch board?

I have searched this place I have searched google but no luck, all I get is that its a menu to navigate, so basically a form with buttons that open frm's qry's etc... I have made a main menu with a basic form so whats so special about a switchboard.


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Mar 13, 2006

I have two queries. I have a delete query and an append query. Is there anyway that I have these two queries run on a switchboard.

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Mar 15, 2006

Help - I made a switchboard and it went wrong, so deleted all of the sub switchboards and the switchboard icon in the forms window.

I have now made a new one, but I can't get it to appear in the forms window.

Any ideas?
Shellie xx

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Feb 26, 2008


Can anyone tell me what the advantage (or difference) is in using a switchboard rather than just creating your own form and using command buttons etc?


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Apr 9, 2008

When I make a switchboard is there any way you can go to a table? or can you just go to a form or query? and when you make a switchboard and you have a button going to the form how can you go from the form back to the switchboard?

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