Button Specifc Record

Sep 29, 2006

i would like to create a button on a form that will open another form and a specific record...like record 19...if u tell me a code....i could write in record 19....

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Go To A Specifc Record On Another Form

Jul 28, 2006

i have datasheet display on which double click event i added following

Private Sub Name_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim frmMyForm As Form
Dim stDocName As String
Dim rs As Object, strCriteria As String
stDocName = "frmEnterRecipes"
strCriteria = "[Name]=" & "'" & Me![Name] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
Set rs = Forms![frmEnterRecipes].Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst strCriteria
Forms![frmEnterRecipes].Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

want to open "frmEnterRecipes" on double click of a selected recipe in datasheet,..........works fine........but

when itjumps to open "frmEnterRecipes" it displays the desired perfectly well, but all of them so that one can cycle around all 1000 of them,

i want to accomplish, when i double click it opens that and only one recipe in edit mode , not all of them. (I am using the same frmEnterRecipes as add and edit mode through switchboard).

i hope i explained well..

thanks in advance

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Prevent Next Record Button From Opening New Record

Apr 25, 2006

I've got a form/subform showing employee/position details. I've disabled the regular record navigation buttons and put in ones of my own. If I'm advancing through all the position records for a particular employee using the next record button, when it gets to the last record, the next button advances to a new blank record. Because I'm prepopulating new record fields with previous record values, the users sometimes don't realize they've just created a new record. Is there a way to advance through records without advancing past the last record into a new blank record? I still need the ability to add new records on this form using the add record button I've created.

Any help is much appreciated!

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Can't Get Next Record Button To Move To Next Record

May 7, 2013

I am trying to create a one(employee) to many ( assignment) database. In the form under Employee when I click next exmployee it goes to the next employee but shows the same assignment for the previous employee, how to do I get so they move together?

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Locking A Record Via Button

Mar 24, 2006

Hi all,

I have created a form using Access 2003 which users have to enter data into.

What I want is a button on the form which will display "lock record". When the user clicks this it will lock the record so that another user can’t accidentally change the field values. If they do want to change the field values the will have to press another button displaying “unlock form”

Is this possible and how?


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Appending One Record Using A Button

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all. I've done a search for my problem, but its rather specific so I thought I'd just go ahead and post it.

I'm trying to set up a Verify type thing. A handful of users are able to "verify" the correct data in a form that has been inputted by other users. I want these "verifiers" to click a button on the main form and by doing this, all of the data in the form will be sent to a totally different table (I know this isn't efficient and you're not supposed to have the same data in 2 different tables, but it's the best thing to do in my situation). Right now I have a button that is tied to a Append query. It works, except for the fact that everytime someone hits the button it copies over every single record on the table again and again. So my small database of only 1000 records or so shot up to 2000 when the button was hit twice and 3000 when it was hit 3 times and so on.

Is there any way to append one record - specifically the record the user is currently accessing on the form?

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How To Add Record Thru Command Button In ADP

Feb 21, 2005

Hi all,

In access database project where my tables are linked from MSSQL server, how can I add record from the FORM itself using command button. Bcz it is not like mdb files in access that you can just drag a command button onto the form and take an action like add, delete, print or find rec. I just came to know it from immediate window using following SQL line;

Docmd.RunSql "Insert........

This is ok but how it could be done thru a command button on FORM.

Thanks in advance.

With kind regards,

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Add Record Only On Button Click

Sep 7, 2006

I was wondering if there is any way to control a user's input in to a form such that data entry does not automatically create a new record. Is there any way to collect all inputs in the text/combo boxes and create the new record only when a button is clicked? Cheers, David.

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Forms :: Add New Record Using A Button

May 11, 2014

My database has a table 'CCProgress' which contains just 3 fields (ID, Level, Date), and I have a form which I want to use for adding new records to this table.The form contains the 3 fields plus 2 combo boxes for choosing the relevant ID and Level codes. Date is just entered manually.Up to this point everything is fine, but I can't figure out how to write the 3 fields to 'CCProgress' when I click the 'Add New' button.I have tried various ways via the OnClick event for the button but without success. I am sure the answer is quite obvious but I just can't seem to see it.

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General :: Add New Record - Button

Jun 4, 2015

My Add New Record button doesn't work....The backstory is a little complicated but essentially this was an Access 95 database that was upgraded through office 2003 to Office 2007 a few years ago (.accdb converted). The database became corrupted post Office 2010 installations a few weeks ago but today I have loaded a restored database onto an XP Machine with Office 2007 and the same issue occurs (ruling out Office 2010 as the cause).

I have an Add new record button on the form, it doesn't work with the code:


DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

This always brings up the message: "You can't go to the specified record.".I have tried adding a new button to add a record via the wizard, I receive the same results.I have tested adding a record via the table, that works fine.

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Button To Navigate To Next Record

Jan 10, 2014

I have a button to navigate to the next record. I also have a button to add a new record. I want the next record button to be able to navigate to the next record but I don't want it to be able to create a new record if I click the button while being on the last record. I want it to stop at the last record, making my add a new record button the only way to create a new record. How to do that?

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Button To Create New Record

Oct 14, 2011

I would like to create a button with a macro that will bring up a blank form to create a new record (as opposed to going directly to the datasheet table). There are options to Save a Record, Refresh a Record, Search for A Record, Delete a Record and Show All Records, but I don't see a macro to create a new record.

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Auto Delete Record Button

Oct 7, 2005


I have created a button which when clicked imports a table from Excel into Access. Every month the users want to click on this, they want to update the Access table with the updated info in the excel table. My problem is that the whole table is imported again and not just the new rows which have been added in excel. I was just wondering if there was a way to have a button which when clicked it clears all of the records out of my table in access, instead of manually deleting them. So that my users can just click this and then click the import button.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Find Record Command Button

Oct 26, 2005

I know you can create a find record command button really simply, which when clicked will display the find and replace window.

What i want to do is create a command button that will search a specific field that i specify in a report for the criteria i enter.

i.e i have a customer information form, which contains

Tel etc

what i want is a button that when clicked brings up an input field that allows the user to type the name of the company into this field, then when either the enter key is pressed or another button on this pop up window the matching record will be displayed or a error window stating that there are no matching records. Can anyone help me with this.

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The Delete, Add, New, And Next Record Button; How Do I Get Ride Of It?

Aug 24, 2005

I want to remove the record buttons at the bottom of my form and only have a submit button. I will have a form for editing, because I don't want people to have edit access, only new record. Can this be done?


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Disable New Record Button On A Form

Jan 9, 2006

is there a way to disable the new record option (>*) at the bottom of the form...i want my users to be able to search all records through the form sometimes, but not add any new ones accidentally (or intentionally) while doing so. :confused:

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Deleting A Record Through A Button In A Form?

Mar 15, 2006

Help needed! (Apologies if this is a stupid question !)

I'm making a database for my OCR A2 coursework.

I have a table set up for tenants, and have created a form through which the user can delete a record from that table.

I have a look up combo box, to select the record (tenant) for deletion, and a command button - using the wizard that came up I have selected "delete record" - but it doesnt work! It doesn't delete the record i have selected.

Why Is this not happening ? It also doesn't bring up a warning box saying "you are about to delete one record" or something similar?

Thanks xzxx

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Command Button - Add New Record To 2 Subforms

May 13, 2006


I have a form that contains 2 subforms:

Purchase Order (Supplier, Order Date, Tel etc)
Purchase Order Details (Item Description, Quantity, Price etc)

This way I can have several items in 1 purchase order.

I now need to create a 'New Purchase Order' button. I've tried doing this but it only creates a new record for the form where the button is placed i.e. if the button is in the 'Purchase Order' form a new record is created for Purchase Order but NOT purchase order details.

Is there a way I can get the button to add a new record to 2 forms at the same time?


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Delete Record Button On Form

Jul 31, 2006

I have created a form and have put a delete button on it to delete the active record. This works fine in that it deletes the record as required.

However, at the top of the form is a combo box which can be used to find records. Once a record has been deleted, it is still listed in this combo box but as #Deleted!. Closing down the form and reopening it corrects this and the #Deleted! entry disappears.

How can I get around this? Possibly by making Access refresh the form after the delete command? If that's the correct solution, how do I do it?! Otherwise, is there a better way.

Thanks in advance,


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Add/Delete Record Button Error

Aug 2, 2006

I am creating a form that includes an add and delete button on the form. I have two other databases that these buttons work with. Using the same VB code (and name of the button) in my current database gives me the following error:

"The express On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Microsoft Office Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

*The express may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure].

*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro."

My VB code is as follows for the two buttons:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub add_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_add_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_add_Click

End Sub
Private Sub delete_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_delete_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_delete_Click

End Sub

Any ideas on what may be the problem and how to rectify this error? All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Button To Open Form New Record

Aug 8, 2006

hello everyone,
i have 2 tables have Relationships with each other and i have a form with a listbox and has the surnames from table1 in it
i want a button to open the job information form on new record and i want it to have the client number in it all ready if i click on one of the surnames from the listbox
tables names
tbl Client Detials = have clients information
tbl job information = has job information
both have client number feild and have Relationship

form i want the button on is called frm client splash and the form i want it
to open is frm job information
its hard to tell u srry i hope someone can help me

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New Record For This Contact - Command Button

Sep 7, 2006

Hi all,

I have a database for customer enquiries, and there is one record per product that the customer shows interest in. I want to have a button on the enquiry details form that creates a new enquiry but automatically fills in the contact details from the previous record.

Please also note that I do not wish to "normalize" this so that there is a seperate table for contacts and another for enquiries; it's much easier from our point of view to have the whole enquiry in one record, especially as this is a stand-in database before a fully integrated CRM is implemented. In any case most of the other data (e.g. product, category etc) is already stored in separate tables.

What sort of method do I need to use to create a Command Button that:

-Creates a new record
-Copies and Pastes data from selected fields into the new record?

I tried using the command button wizard for sample code but I got paste errors which were pasted into a new table, and I don't really understand the process of how this works as the Commands are numbers from a list (apparently in the macro window), which I can't find.

I'm using Access 2003 but the database file is in A2000 format. The code is below.

Thank you!

Private Sub ContactAddEnq_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ContactAddEnq_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70 'Paste Append

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ContactAddEnq_Click

End Sub

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Locking A Record Via An Option Button

Oct 11, 2004

On my form is an option button called "optClosed". When the option button is selected, I want to lock the current record so that data cannot be changed. Is this possible?

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Delete All Record Using Command Button

Nov 7, 2004

Hello all:


Private Sub DeleteRecords_Click()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute "Delete * FROM tblJune 2005 applicants;"
End Sub

I am trying to delete all records from a dabase created in access. When I click the command button, I get this message: "User-defined type not defined"

Any suggestion on how to fix this error?

Many thanks in advance,


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Delete Current Record Button

Dec 11, 2004

read other threads, read and used the codes, but it wont work.

i want: in a form, the record i´m looking at, when i press the "delete record" button, that the current record is removed from the table.

only thing i´ve achieved is deleting all the records (godbless backups!)

it all looks pretty clear but if you need more info just ask.


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Move Record Via Command Button

Mar 9, 2005

I have two table tbl_Employees and tbl_Femp my users use a form daily and now with help of baxter i'm finishing up on a new one. On my old form it was bounded and with a two step process check box and command button my users would send former employees to the former employees table, well i'm now using an unbound form and with the same script it will select all records and try to move them to the former employees table. here is my code:

Code:DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70Exit_saverecordcommand_Click: DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Femp(FempID, FempLast, FempFirst, FempAdd, FempCity, FempZip, FempHomePhone, FempSSN, FempDOB, FempRank, FempRetCategory, FempComments, FempHireDate, FempRetDate) Select EmpID, EmpLast, EmpFirst, EmpAdd, EmpCity, EmpZip, EmpHomePhone, EmpSSN, EmpDOB, Rank, RetCategory, EmpHireDate, RetDate, RetComments from tbl_Employees where Retiredarchive =Yes"DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * from tbl_Employees where RetiredArchive = Yes"
Can some1 please tell me where i'm going wrong? thanks in advance...

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