Calculated Expression

Aug 16, 2005

I have two email addresses in a table one personal and one work and a question asking which to use, I have a query running from the table and have an IIF expression creating a field which looks to see which one to use (that all works fine !) anyway my client has now asked for an extra field in the query which combines the two email addresses, as in; so that I can run an email to both addresses at the same time. fraid I just can't figure it out ! I'm sure it's obvious, I can't find a similar question posted either, I've tried the expression builder using AND for the two email addressses but just end up getting -1 in field when I run the query, not the two email addresses separated by a ;

Anyone any ideas

many tks


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Need Help With A Calculated Expression/data Table.

Mar 30, 2007

I am very inexperinced with Access, please be kind.
My problem is that from the form view the simple division of 2 #'s are placed in the correct text box I selected, but I am unable to get the value to enter into the data table. Please help.

Thank you

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Queries :: Expression Builder Calculated Yes / No On Dates

May 8, 2013

I having a problem with the expression builder in a table.I got a lot of fields with dates and I what a calculated field so I can see if any of the dates are newer than 7 days.I have been trying this formula:

IIf([Field1]or[Field2]or[Field3]<"Date() -7";true;false)

But it don't seen to work.

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Tables :: Calculated Column Expression Formatting

Nov 4, 2013

I've now since moved everything into one table but i need formatting of my calculated field (I'm new to all this).

Below are the 3 expressions working independently of one another, I just need them combined in to one if possible. As I am getting an "invalid syntax" error or "too many arguments" when I try to get it working

PHP Code:

0.5*IIf([Type]="Offlist" And [APP_LINE_OFFA]>3,1,0)+0.2*IIf([Type]="Offlist" And [APP_LINE_OFFB]>2,1,0)+

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

IIf([Type]="Aged Report", Abs([EP_DETAILS_AGED]*0.2+[REF_DETAILS_AGED]*0.2+[GEN_NOTES_AGED]*0.3+[SPEC_INS_AGED]*0.3),0) 

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Tables :: How To Change Values Within Calculated Column Without Changing Expression

Jul 31, 2014

Currently I have a calculated field in my table; however, under certain circumstances I need to change the value to another value which is not related to the calculation. I understand that the calculated fields are read only (why is that?), so I was wondering if there was any way to change values within a calculated column without actually changing the expression itself.

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Queries :: Calculating Bonus - Expression Using Sum Of Another Calculated Field In Query

Mar 28, 2015

I've can do this on excel but don't know how in Access. I'm calculating bonuses. My table has salaries, and my query simply multiples each salary amount by a % to get the bonus amount. But I need to calculate adjustments to the bonuses using the sum total of the bonuses my query calculated:

Salary (from table) Bonus (calc'd by query) Adjustment (to be calced)

100,000 1,000 Sum of total bonuses/salary*4%
90,000 900

How do I capture the total of my calculated bonus column to use to calculate the adjustments in my right-most column?

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Queries :: Filter Error With Calculated Fields - Missing Operator In Expression

Jan 9, 2014

I tend to work with large amounts of data (extracts from company systems) and I create a lot of Access/VBA based tools to automate processes.

I have an annoying error which has always appeared but I don't understand the root cause of it.

When viewing a query, if I filter, I get an error message pop up (though after clicking through the error I can still use the filter function):

"syntax error missing operator in expression 'name of field'".

This seems to happen when I add several calculated fields. Here are some examples of the conditions and calculated field formulas I'm using in this current one:

Not Like "*_ZZ*" And Not Like "*test*" And Not Like "EP_*"

Calculated Field:
Audio Ref Guide: IIf(Left$(Right$([TBLdata]![Script Resource],2),1)<>"_","?",Right$([TBLdata]![Script Resource],2))

I get the impression that its more of a bug with Access as the formulas aren't complicated really but need confirmation on this and if there is a way I can avoid it.

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Writing An Expression In The Expression Builder

Jun 8, 2005

Good day all

Heres what im trying to do:

in one textfield i have =Count(*)

this returns all the records in my db.

now i want to split it up. i want to count all the records for each month.
my field name is datein_now but its just a normal textfield and not a date field.
example in field: 05/02/02 10:24:31 AM.
also got a datein textfield:05/02/02
i had
Count(*) where datein_now between 05/05/01 and 05/05/31

please help


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Basing A Calculated Field On Another Calculated Field

Apr 12, 2006

My query contains two calculated fields [TaxSavings1] and [TaxSavings2], which are based on some currency and number-type fields in one of my underlying tables.

I just created another field in my query which looks like: [TaxSavings1]+[TaxSavings2]. Instead of adding the two fields, it actually lumps the two numbers together. For example, if [TaxSavings1] =135 and [TaxSavings2]=30.25, it will give me: 13530.25. I need it just to simply add, i.e. answer of 165.25.

Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks in advance.


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Calculated Value

Apr 6, 2006

I have a table that contains 2 columns:

1 = Deduction Reference Code
2 = The Value associated with each Code.

for example

Deduction Reference Value

999997 10000
666 6000

Code 999997 duplicates the value within code 666 so I wish to set up a caluclated value to say:

If deduction reference = 999997 then the value of 999997 minus the value of deduction reference 666.

I have tried several statements but none of which seem to work.

Can anyone help?


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Expression Help

Mar 15, 2006


I'm using this expression...


I want to add to it the ability to exclude five one week periods which are school vacations.

How can I do that?



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Expression Help

Oct 22, 2006



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Help With Expression

Jun 11, 2007

I have got the following code as an expression for a report:

=Int(([Amount])/50000)*50000 & " - " & Int((([Amount])/50000)+1)*50000

How do I get it to pick figures greater than 50,000 and then figures greater than 100,000 plus?

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Any Help With This Expression?

Jun 25, 2007

I need help setting up an expression. I need to set the default value = date + 2. But this also needs to take into account working days. I am just having problems with the syntax for this, as i would normally do this in VBA and do not have much experience with Expression Builder. And yes it does have to be done in Expression Builder.

I know this is horribly wrong... thats why I am asking for help.
IIf ((WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) = 1, (DateAdd("d", 3, Date)),(DateAdd("d", 2, Date))) OR IIf (WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) = 7, (DateAdd("d", 4, Date)),(DateAdd("d", 2, Date))) OR IIf (WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) < 7 AND IIf (WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2, Date)) > 1, (DateAdd ("d", 2, Date),(DateAdd("d", 2, Date)))

I need 3 If statements:
1 for if its Saterday
1 for if its Sunday
1 for if its neither.

In VBA I would do something like this:
If WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) = 1 Then Box = Date() + 3
If WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) = 2 Then Box = Date() + 4
If WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) > 1 And WeekDay(DateAdd ("d", 2. Date)) < 7 Then Box = Date() + 2

Please any assistance would be appreciated

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Expression Help

Feb 11, 2008

Hi All,

could i get some advise on an expression i need in a query?

i have 5 fields

i need another field that will give a value on a condition. the condition is that if LabsDed isNull, MatsDed will be divided by Ttreat otherwise LabsDed will be divided instead. can this be done? if so, how could i do it?

many thanks,


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Expression Help

Jun 14, 2006

I need an expression for a table. I'm making a game database and for the ID input I need an expression.

For example if have a XBOX game I want the ID to be X1 or X2 etc, same goes for pc games, GameCube games: PC1 or PC2, NGC1 or NGC92 etc.

I thougt it would be "X???" Or "PC???", but that doesn't work.
Does someone knows?

Please help.

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IIF Expression

Jan 9, 2007


Maybe i am totally confused but here is initially what i have and what i want to do.

I currently have a db for carrer development-- i have three fields

Last Review Date
Next Discussion Due

My next discussion due is on the fly-- i did a dateadd (by one year) from the last review date to get the current result for the next disussion due--

here is what i want to do with the status and am confused with how to do it--
i want the status to have three options-- completed,overdue and upcoming--
i want these to be autogenerated but am unable to find what expression i need-- as the IIf expression only gives the option of two possible results--

so how would i go about doing the expression with having three possible outcomes?

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IIF Expression

Nov 10, 2005

I am trying to execute a query that calculates a retail pricing off the whsl pricing. This is the excel calculation i use: =IF(F2<10,(SUM(F2*4)),(SUM(F2*2))). I changed the IF to IIF, and replaced "F2" with "[WHSL PRICE].

However, I am getting an error that the "category" expression is not included in the function (when I have all the fields in the query) or the function if I have just the field I am trying to calculate in the query. Can somone help me understand what I am doing wrong.

I would also like this calculation to save in the table, if possible. As I use this information to update my fields in my web database.

Best Regards,


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Expression HELP!!

Mar 1, 2006

Ok, I have a query that has a range of number for 1 - 126, I need and an expression that will flag sub-ranges in the list of numbers.

Example I want to group or flag results 0-25 as one group, 26-50 as another, 50 - 75 and 76 -100.

Any ideas? I statred with an IF than expression, but I can't figure how to indicate each range.


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Expression Sum IIf

Mar 3, 2006

;) I want to create a field named ErrorCases that sums the rows meeting the following conditions: The row has a ValidityReason = 2 and for the same row ExpValidity is either null or 3. I want a count of the rows meeting these condtions.

Here is the formula I have constructed that does not work.

ErrorCases: Sum(IIf(([ValidityReason]="2" And [ExpValidity] Is Null) Or ([ValidityReason]="2" And [ExpValidity]="3"),1,0))

Any suggestions?

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IIf Expression

Jun 1, 2006

I having some trouble trying to use an expression in my query,
I have 3 indivisual exoressions in 3 fields I which work perfectly, however I want only 1 field produced so I tried placing 1 after the other as below:

Sector: IIf([SpacePos]=3,Left([PostalCode],[SpacePos]) & Mid([PostalCode],[SpacePos]+1,1)),IIf([SpacePos]=4,Left([PostalCode],[SpacePos])+"" & Mid([PostalCode],[SpacePos]+1,1)),IIf([SpacePos]=5,Left([PostalCode],[SpacePos]-1) & Mid([PostalCode],[SpacePos]+1,1))

I have also tried Or inbetween them but no luck either, I get the "contains invalid syntax" errors etc.
Any advise appricated

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Jun 23, 2006

How can i write an expression in a query field that will return the following text; "A","B","C","P" and "F" Base on another field when the values of that field are <=44.44, between 44.45 and 54.44, Between 54.45 and 64.44, Between 64.45 and 74.44 and above 74.45 respectively?

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Fix The Expression

Jul 20, 2006

How do I fix this to specify each table
Description: [level] & " " & [room] & " " & IIf(IsNull([direction]),[location],[direction] & " " & [location] & " " & [fixture] & " " & [note])

Description: [level] [level table] & " " & [room] [room table] DOESNT WORK


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Expression Help

Oct 22, 2006




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More Expression Help

Oct 22, 2006


this expression works fine in my querry....but i need to add to it...if the user doesnt choose 2...if he chooses 1 then i need the sylvania part number or if he chooses 3 i need the phiilips part i used this expression


but i get do you you string the expression...or what should i do to fix

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Is There A Possible Expression

Feb 3, 2007

I was hoping that someone could at least tell me if this is possible.

I have a table that (among other fields) has an integer field (call it X) and a date field call it Y).

I was hoping that I could create a query that captured these two fields (no problem), but also included a third, build expression field.

This latter field is supposed to be a sum of the previous X-values up until the current record date Y-value.


If I have the following info


1 jan-3-07
3 jan-5-07
23 jan-5-07
12 jan-19-07

Then the query would be built so that the results would look like one of the following


1 jan-3-07 1 jan-3-07 1
3 jan-5-07 4 jan-5-07 27
23 jan-5-07 27
12 jan-19-07 39 jan-19-07 39

I can't seem to be able to build the right expression to achieve this. I can easily code this through a form using VB, but I assume it is equally possible through just a query.

I would be grateful for any and all help people can provide,


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