Can't See Any Fields In Query Wizard

Feb 15, 2006


I'm very new to access, but eager to learn.
I have created two tables. When I try to create a query using the query wizard, or when I try to create a report also using the wizard I don't see any available fields. I click on the table, but I see no available fields.
However, when I go to design view, I'm able to see all the fields.
Does anybody know a sloution to this problem.


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General :: Lookup Wizard - Two Fields In Drop Down List?

Oct 14, 2014

I've managed to use the lookup wizard to show me two fields in the drop down list, first name and last name, but when i select a record I can only see the first name in the cell, not both.

Is there a way to display them both together?

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Unmatched Query Without Wizard

Feb 5, 2008

How to I find unmatch records between 2 related tables without using the default unmatched query wizard in access?

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Query Record Wizard HELP Please:D

Feb 21, 2008

I have a class assignment for which I have to get a total for prodprice/qty and Commission. This is driving me nuts. I've read ms help to death and every attempt is a failed attempt.
I added the total row, clicked expression, used both the expression builder and text book examples and help from assecc. which I understood I needed to add in the criteria =[prodprice*qty] I am so lost here... this is a have to class but not what I wanted to be doing :eek: if anyone has a clue let me know and thanks so much...
I attached a scrshot of the table as bad as it is :D

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Queries :: How To Use OR Condition In Query Builder Wizard

Aug 19, 2014

I have to three fields in my query wizard, lets call them A and B and C. The condition for the query is either A or B is Null and C is Null. Im not sure how to do this though becuase A, B and C are different fields. I wrote

Is Null


under the criteria of A and B and C, but this specifies that A,b and C is Null, how can I make it so that C must be Null and either A or B or Both.

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Forms :: Query / Report Wizard On Nav Form?

Jul 8, 2015

I'm working on a db for work. On my Nav form, I have two tabs- each tab has cmd btns that open up different search or data entry forms. I also have a few reports that can be opened based on a query I created.

The last thing I want to add is a control/button that opens the query wizard so the user doesn't have to navigate to the "Create" tab of access. The reason behind this is that one user may not know how/where to find the query/report wizard.

Is there some VBA code or Macro I can create to add this functionality to a button ("Create New Report" or "Create New Query".)

I'm using Access 2010.

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Queries :: Wizard To Create A Find Duplicates Query

May 29, 2014

I used the wizard to create a find duplicates query. I know for a fact that 15 records are duplicates. I'm getting over 300 records. When I dumped the data into Excel and did a pivot table to count the number of records by account number only 15 had a total count of 2. All others only had 1. Why are the ones with no duplicates showing? I just want to see the 15.

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Queries :: Recordset Is Showing As Empty But Query Wizard Returns Records

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to write record set contents to excel. My query runs perfect in access query wizard, but recordset showing as null. My VBA code


Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim recordst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim appXL As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook

[Code] ....

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Lookup Fields Using Lookup Wizard

Mar 2, 2005


I wonder if anybody can help me.

I have a table called ITEM, within ITEM I have three fields ITEM NUMBER (Key Field), Item, Cost,

I have another table called INVOICE ITEMS, Within INVOICE ITEMS I have six Fields, INVOICE NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST, Amount, Total Amount.

I want to use Lookup wizard to complete the fields ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST from the ITEM table.

Is this possible?


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Reports :: Use 1st Query To Populate Fields Then Use 2nd Query To Filter Fields

Apr 30, 2013

Any way in report that I have 2 reference queries just 1 is to populate all details and 2nd query to filter details and will be the final reporting information???

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Forms :: Total Query - Count Of Fields Based On Data In Other Fields

Jun 28, 2015

I have a query that creates counts of fields based on the data in other fields, basically it tells me that in a table there are two entries with value ABC????? and three of DEF????? , the query works perfectly.

When I create a form to display this data and base the form on the Query I keep getting a message box asking for the ID (key field) from the base table.

If I type * in the box (to denote all values) and press enter I get the results expected.

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Sql Wizard To Sql Vba

Dec 13, 2007

guys, can someone help, i copied this sql from the wizard window, i'm trying to put the sql in a vba code here is what i did, the select is not working it has syntax, can someone help?

Dim mySQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim x As Long

Set db = CurrentDb

mySQL = "SELECT change_order_tbl.serial_num, Max(change_order_requestor_tbl.change_order_effect ive_date) AS MaxOfchange_order_effective_date" _
FROM change_order_requestor_tbl INNER JOIN change_order_tbl ON change_order_requestor_tbl.change_order_id=change_ order_tbl.change_order_id
GROUP BY change_order_tbl.serial_num
HAVING (((change_order_tbl.serial_num)="abc"));"

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(mySQL)


x = rs!countoffield

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Look Up Wizard

Mar 4, 2005

I have a table that shows all the company's PC's, and another table that shows all the software. I have a smart look up for a the PC's that when you click on it, it will show you all the software loaded to that machine. however, there is so much software loaded to these machines that when the look-up is clicked you can not read all of the software because it is listed horizontally. Is there any way that you can have the look-up view vertically. Any other ideas would be much appreciated.

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Package Wizard - Where Is It?

Jun 9, 2005

Ok, I have Acc2k3 professional with Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System which according to MS includes the Microsoft Office Access 2003 Developer Extensions ( that are required to package an MDE/ADE file using Acc2k3.

The question is how do I run it? I cannot find anything to do with packaging or deploying an Access file anywhere, not only in Access but ot the system and on the Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System cd.

I should point out that my PC has VB.NET 2003, Office 2003 (prof) and Office 2000 (prof - Access only) installed on XP SP2 (I believe that all relevant SPs and critical updates have been applied). I have tried upgrading my project from Acc2k to Acc2k3 and all to no avail.


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Need Help With Package Wizard

Dec 15, 2005


I hope someone can help on here with this.
I am having problems using the package wizard. I can run through the first couple of steps on the package wizard, but when it asks for a language to cache, it fails to install the necessary files.

I have found the resolution on the MS KB site about copying the files to the HDD, and the renaming the exe file to SETUP.EXE, but whenever I select this file to cache, I get the following message:-

'C:SourceSETUP.EXE' could not be copied to 'C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMicrosoftAccessADE11Cache1033SETUP.EXE'.

Verify that the source file exists, that you have write permissions on the destination folder. etc

I don't think it is permissions, as it does copy the msi and cab file to that particular folder, it's just the SETUP.EXE file that it doesn't copy over.

Has anyone ever experienced this before when using the Package Wizard?


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Wizard Missing

Dec 20, 2005

I am running Access 2000. The control wizard is not available. It does not come up when I add a command button for example. How do I get it turned on?

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Need Help With Security Wizard

Apr 11, 2007

HI, I am using Access 2003

I tried using the security wizard and I think I, I know I should have read up rather that trying to set it up. I printed the security report so I can get back in to the db but now all db's on this pc require me to log in now. How do I remove this security? Can I just delete the security db that was created by the wizard?

Thanks for your help.

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Map Table Wizard??

Feb 21, 2005


I want to manipulate a few tables and make them into one table, but I don't want all of their fields. I heard that I could do it with "map table wizard" from the top of the menu. Where can I find it? Or, can anyone recommend me what I should do better?

I use Office 2002.


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Lookup Wizard

Mar 10, 2005

I have three fields that I would like to have access the same table using the Lookup Wizard. I am unable to get the query to work.


The Fruit table has 5 records, let's say: orange, apple, banana, kiwi, strawberry.

The first field -- Fruit1 -- would use the Data Type Lookup Wizard referencing the Fruit table.

The second field -- Fruit2 -- would also use the Data Type Lookup Wizard referencing the Fruit table.

The third field -- Fruit3 -- would also use the Data Type Lookup Wizard referencing the Fruit table.

The bottom line: a person will have a choice of 3 fruits.

Again, the problem is that I cannot get the query to work where I choose =banana for the criteria for all three fields. Banana might be person one's first choice, but it might be person two's second choice, etc. I'm looking for all the bananas no matter which choice it is.

Your assistance is appreciated.

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Print Wizard Help

Nov 4, 2005

Print Wizard Help (

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Form Wizard

Nov 30, 2005

I have just started on Access: creating 2 tables with primary keys and one-to-many relationships, and 2 simple queries. I want to create a form but can never complete the wizard or auto-form or else because it crashes with the pop-up message "object variable or with block variable not set" ? what does this mean?
thanks for your help.

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Combo Box Wizard

Aug 25, 2006

I've been building a database with Access. When I added a combo box to a form, it used to pop up a wizard which would guide me through selecting the data the box displayed and what happened to the selection the user made.

It has now stopped displaying this wizard.

How can I turn it back on?

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MSGBox Wizard Or Add In?

Aug 31, 2004

is there such a thing ? that helps you build the msgbox of your choice then gives you the code to support what you have designed?

is there an addin or wizard about to do this ?

if so where can i get it please


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Report Wizard

Jun 7, 2004

Howdy All!!! I am receiving the below error message:
"You have chosen fields from record sources which the wizzard can't connect. You may have chosen fields from a table and a form a query based on that table. If so, try choosing fields from onluy the table or only the querry."

OK here is what is going on... I have a table that is linked to a *.txt file. This *.txt file comes from our AS400 and is the root of all my information. It has 2 pieces of information in it that I need to seperate out and then eventually join back together. It is a space delimited file. The 2 pieces of information are:
1) Header (Dates, Vessell, and Container information)
2) Body (Product information and qty of each Container)

The mapping looks like this:
1- A Record Name = mid(1,5) [Ref. Example:ISPDD]
2- Unique Key = mid(6,7) [Ref. Example:0000001]
3- Container Number = mid(13,10) [Ref. Example:MK03000001]
4-Arrival Date = mid(23,8) [Ref. Example:06092004]

1- A Record Name = mid(1,5) [Ref. Example:ISPDT]
2- Unique Key = mid(6,7) [Ref. Example:0000001]
3- A item code = mid(13,6) [Ref. Example:007529]
4- A item color = mid(19,3) [Ref. Example:015]
5- Item Qty = mid(22,6) [Ref. Example:111111]

What I did is wrote 2 query's. One that looked at the *.txt file and produced results on [Like "ISPDD*"] to give me just the HEADER information. I then added the criteria from the space delimited mapping above. I did the same to pull out just the BODY information, again adding the criteria to the query from the space delimited mapping above.

Now that I have the two pieces of information, I want to run a report and combind the 2 together in a more reader friendly format. In doing so I received the error message above.

I then tried having the query's create a new table after they run (one Header Table and one Body Table). Once that completed I created a relationship between the 'UniqueKey Header' and 'UniqueKey Body'. This actually worked but, when I receive a new *.txt file and run the query it gives me read only/cannot delete files because of relationships. Needless to say I am in a bind. Hopefully I shared enough detail to help me with my problem. Many thanks in advance for the help. One other piece of info, This *.txt file can contain many headers and boddy information. I have received one that had at least 10 different Unique keys that had to be linked together.

Best Regards

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Need Help With Packaging Wizard

Jul 31, 2005

I am at the point were I want to package and distribute my application to other users. My application uses several .bmp files and other resources that I have stored in the OFFICE11 file because you have to reference the location of the objects in VBA Code where access can find it.

What I cant figure out is, how do I get the package wizard to install the resource files I include with my program to where I want them (OFFICE11) so if the user installs the database at a different location than the default location which is C:Program FilesApplicationNameI'mDistributing, the program will still run because the resource files can still be found by the program in the OFFICE11 file.

Make Sense?

A more advanced problem I am experiencing:

Is there a way to have a run time distributed application automatically find and repair it's link to the back end if the back end gets installed to a network instead of the default Local C: path?


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Lookup Wizard Won't Look Up!

Sep 26, 2005

I will try and explain this as simply as possible.

I have a lookup table that is purely dates so the field is Clinic_Date, the format is date/time, and the input mask is set to short date.

I have a table called appointments. I have a field called appt_date which I am trying to make a look-up field by using the wizard to look up from the clinic_date table. However I an getting the error message "You have entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property l." (thought it doesn't look like the letter "l" but more like a long vertical line).

What on earth could be going on?

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