Can I Auto Export Stuff From Word To Access

Jan 16, 2006

we run a family business and i do all the quotations.

i have an access database in which i record these quotations and whether or not we got the job or not, and i have to input all the data manually.

i wondered if i could set a word document so that it would automatically export certain areas of the quotation (like the date, who it was to, what work we are quoting for, how much it would cost, etc) into the correct fields in my database.

can it be done??

any replies will be much appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Export To Word From Access

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to create an export to word but am having some trouble. I keep getting the following error;

Run time error '91'; variable or object of With block not defined.

This error occurs at Set TblWord = docNew.Tables.Add(Selection.Range, 3, 5)

I have a feeling its 'Selection' that is causing the problem but I can't work it out!

Dim AppWord As Word.Application
Dim DocWord As Word.Document
Dim TblWord As Word.Table


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Reports :: Export Access Report To Word?

Feb 27, 2014

Is there a way to export a report from Access into Word so that it keeps all its formatting etc. The only option shown is in RTF format.

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Export Access Report To Word Document

Jan 11, 2014

I want to insert access report in a word document, for this, I use this code:

DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "rptName", acFormatRTF, "C:ReportFileName.rtf"

But, when that output word file is empty, don't have any chart that was in access report.

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I'm A Newbie On This Access Stuff...

Mar 23, 2006

I have a table (Master) that contains columns such as MsgLocation, MsgName, MsgScript, and MsgTxt. I want to create a form where the user would have an area to type in a 'string' and when they hit enter (or select a button), a (background) query would execute a lookup on master "where MsgTxt LIKE %string%"... For example, if a user wants a list of all MsgTxt values that contain "Please hold" they would type in a box "Please hold" and the query would use %Please hold% in the search criteria.

I don't have a clue on the first thing to do to get this done. And I'm new at this...

Mary :)

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Export To Word

Jun 26, 2006

Boy am I frustrated.

I have searched the forums for similar problem but I was unable to find it.

I have some buttons that export the data from a form into a Word Document. It generally works but there are some issues.

I have Access 2003 but the people using it only use the runtime version of Access and the environment is Office 2000.

I have copied code from other examples and maybe missing something that is causing the issues.

1. When I export the record it is causing problems with the template. When I try to close Word it keeps asking me that I have modified that template. After pressing Cancel button twice it the save box disappears.
2. When I leave the code Dim objWord As word.Application I get an error message about a compile error User defined Type not defined.
2. When the users try to export a record to the specific word template I
created and a required field is empty an error message is displayed and then closes the application.

Any help will be appreciated. I am a newbie when it comes to code.

Sample code is below.
Private Sub Command1079_Click()
Dim objWord As word.Application
'Start Microsoft Word 2000.
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

With objWord
'Make the application visible.
.Visible = False

'path and name of the template your are using.
' objWord.Documents.Add ("U:Asset Strategy and Commercial PropertyCommercial")
.Documents.Open ("C:Documents and SettingsDadMy")

'This is for the bookmark that you created in the template

Selection.Text = Forms![frmTaskMaster_LeaseManagement]![Subject]
.Selection.Text = Format(CCur(Forms![frmTaskMaster_LeaseManagement]![CurrentRent]), "Currency")
.Selection.Text = Forms![frmTaskMaster_LeaseManagement]![VenDetails]
.Selection.Text = Format(CDate(Forms![frmTaskMaster_LeaseManagement]![RentNotice]), "dd mmmm yyyy")
.Selection.Text = Format(CDate(Forms![frmTaskMaster_LeaseManagement]![ReviewDate]), "dd mmmm yyyy")
.Selection.Text = Format(CCur(Forms![frmTaskMaster_LeaseManagement]![AskingRent]), "Currency")

End With

'If a field on the form is empty, remove the bookmark text, and
If Err.Number = 94 Then
.Selection.Text = ""
Resume Next

End If
objWord.Application.Options.PrintBackground = False

End Sub

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Recall - Export To MS Word

Nov 17, 2004

I have a template fax set up in Microsoft word and want to be able to export fields from my database (in form view) to the word document. For example, I have a 'purchase order No' on the access form which I want to send to the Word document. When exported I then want the user to be prompted to save the document as a new name so they do not overwrite the original template fax.

Any ideas guys,

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Export A Table Into Word

Mar 20, 2008

I have a table called "MPI_CODE" it has 4 columns. How can I export this to Word? By creating a new document first (Using Save dialog) then exporting that table to the word doc. Mainly looking for the code to export the table into word.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Export To MS Word Bookmarks

Mar 7, 2006

Hello friends, I have a good question for you.
I have a form in Access with a check box named chk1.
On the same form I have a code that export my data to a template in MS Word. I use bookmark to export my access data. No problem with regular data but cannot handle checkboxes. Basically I need help to export the check box value (yes or no) into a check box places in my word template. In this template I have a checkbox. If I doulble click in to it I get a window which allows me to bookmark the checkbox but when I export the access data, I will get a YES or NO priot to the checkbox in word. Is there any way I can solve this problem?

This is a sample of my code:

If Err.Number = 0 Then
objWord.Selection.Text = Me.chek1
Err.Number = 0
End If

Is the probkem in the Selection.text?

Thank you.

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Simple Export To Word Problem

Apr 12, 2006

Friend, I am using a code to export data from a table to a word document using bookmarks and have a problem with the SSN format.
When I export the ssn it shows in my word field in this way:
123456789. What I need it that it shows using the following format: 123-45-6789

This is the code:

If Err.Number = 0 Then
objWord.Selection.Text = Me.SSN
Err.Number = 0
End If

Any help?

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Forms :: How To Paste Export Chart To Word

Jul 17, 2015

i have a form which displays 2 charts, i am able to export them to word document but i donot know how to paste them one after the other. currently they get printed one over the other.

here is the code :


Private Sub cmd_Print_Click()
Dim MyChartObj As Object
Dim MyLineObj As Object
Set MyChartObj = [Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm]![Graph_Chart]
Set MyLineObj = [Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm]![Graph_Line]
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy


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How To Export Data And Then Import Into Word File

Oct 10, 2014

I have a database witch includes a continuous form (named frmExport). It could be very useful for me if i can find a way so to export data from access 2007 and then to import them into a word file.

Please note: The access data will be inserted into word table.

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Convert Export As Text To Tab Delimited (Word Merge)

Aug 3, 2005

I had to delete a database so I exported selected records using export as a text file thinking I would get some sort of delimited text file that I could later use. Instead I got some sort of fixed length file with .............. between records and | between fields.

I'd like to convert this data to a tab delimited file.

How would I do this?


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General :: Export A Query Of 14 Items To A Word Report?

Jun 17, 2013

Is there a way to export a query of 14 items to a word report. I have a table of 14 items in that I use as a query but it only exports 1 item to the report.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Picture Attachment To Word Document

Dec 17, 2013

I am trying to export an attachment item (Picture .jpg) to a word document. I have been exporting text to a word document successfully with below syntax "

With rst
strLandSalesID = Nz(.Fields("LandSalesID"))
strPhotograph = Nz(.Fields("Attachments"))

However, attachment do not work.

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General :: How To Export Report Or Table To Word Document

Jul 10, 2014

How do I export report or table to word document with check box so people can check them and send to me back. I can change my records.

For example

Delete ITEM
5540 (Chick box goes here, they can tick)

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Forms :: Export Single Record To Word To Print

Apr 14, 2013

I would like to have a button (cmdPrintIntroLetter) on my Client Details form that takes the client name, address and company data of the record that I'm currently viewing and putting it into an address box in a Word document.

e.g. when I contact a new customer and input their details into my form I want to then be able to send them an introductory letter (standard wording) from me with just the click of a button.

FAO: FirstName LastName

I've been faffing around with concatenating my address fields into an address textbox in a report but I really don't like using a report to write a letter, it just feels wrong - on every level.I also want another button (cmdEmailBrochure) which opens an email template using the records email address and inserting the name of the client into the body of the email.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Single Record To MS Word Template

May 25, 2015

I am working in Access 2013.I'll be performing a series of inspections at a number of intersections for a small community. The data being captured is consistent from site to site and lends itself to a database application, and what I would like to do is the following:Use forms to capture the data.Generate a report to preview the output for a single record. I may ultimately decide to set the report datasource to a query.Attach a macro to a button that exports fields from that record to a template based in MS Word.The first two bullet items I can handle with my limited Access capability. Each file has to be individually reviewed and saved, and each file will ultimately contain an electronic signature.

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Modules & VBA :: Link / Export Query To Existing Word Document?

Apr 10, 2014

Like the title says it:

Is it possible to link/export a query to a existing Word document?

I have several Word documents with text, and i want to place the data of a few query's in those documents in a certain place.

Is this possible true vba or another way?

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Modules & VBA :: Quick Way To Export ALL VBA Code To A Text File / Word Document?

Aug 4, 2014

Is there a quick way to export ALL VBA code to a text file/word document?

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Use Auto Complete Feature When Typing Word In Middle Of Field

Feb 26, 2014

I'm working with a DB to enter orders for picking. I have an item list that I'm linking to when entering orders, and bringing in the data from the item list such as item location etc.

It's setup right now that when I type the first couple of letters into the item field it automatically brings up the matching items and if I click enter it completes the item and brings in the other fields from the item list.

Example: If I type in 'tom' I get back 'tomato', 'tomato sauce' etc. and when I choose the right one and hit enter it fills up the rest of the required info such as item location.

What I would like it to do is have the auto complete also check for middle words.

Example: when I type 'alm' it returns 'almonds', 'almond milk', but don't return 'container almonds' or 'container roasted almonds' etc.

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Auto-Insert Data On Export?

Dec 1, 2007

when I am exporting in fixed width format (.txt file), is it possible to automatically include in the outputted text file:

a header of the current date and time, and
a footer that will say how many records are in a certain table?

edit: when i say header and footer, I mean the first and last entries in the text file


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Modules & VBA :: Auto-export Query Record / Row To Text File

Oct 24, 2013

I have 3 queries that provide the same printer information. Each one is queried by a different field: IP address, asset tag, and serial number. This may not mean anything in the long run, though I figured it is worth mentioning.

The users need to be able to quickly query a printer utilizing one of those criteria and then copy and paste it into our ticketing system. Is there a way to automatically export the record from the query to a text file? I have extensively searched online and have tried to come up with something but I have found that I don't know where to start. This is the code for the query:

Dim intCount As Integer
intCount = 0
If DCount("Location", "Phone numbers Query") > 0 Then
intCount = intCount + 1
DoCmd.OpenQuery "", acViewNormal, acReadOnly

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File Export Auto Cell Width?

Jun 26, 2014

I have the following code to export a query into a excel file:

Dim outputFileName As String
outputFileName = "C:AccountSpreadsheet est.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Q_Search_Invoices", outputFileName, True
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
xlApp.Workbooks.Open "C:AccountSpreadsheet est.xls", True, False
Set xlApp = Nothing

This works almost exactly how I want it to work.

The only thing wrong is that the columns are all the same width and they are all to narrow.

Is there a way to make the columns automatically become the width of the longest text within them (exactly what happens when you double click on the side of a squashed column in excel)?

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VBA Stuff Up

Oct 16, 2006

In trying to write code to automatically hide database window I have completedly stffed up and now have code that closes the database window everytime I startup, hence closing the database.

Does anyone know how to disable VBA or somehow keep the database open??

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Wierd Stuff..

Oct 25, 2005

Recently I've been having a problem with Access (2003) that I can't seem to get around. If I click on "NEW" to create a new query, do some editing, then go to close, it prompts me as to whether or not I want to save, which would be ok, if it would let me choose NO!!

I only get OK or Cancel options. I've NEVER had this problem before.
I have not done any updates added any addons. Is there some hidden trick here or some way to get around this cause its really annoying.


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