Cbo Keeping The Same Entries On All Records And Not Changing

Aug 2, 2005

Can anyone help me please?

I have a combo box which displays the primary key. It then takes the other values from the cbo and then displays them in other text boxes in the form.
This is great.

I am trying to keep the values in record 1and then move on to record 2. reecord 2 has the same values as in record 1 (the values from the cbo!!!) I am trying to keep the values in record 1 and then go to record 2 and select different values in record 2 from the same cbo. Record 1 and record 2 as well as any other record contain the same values from the cbo.

I am stuck - I am not sure how to rectify this problem so that I can choose different values. The cbo is based on a query from other tables.

Please let me know how to do this as I am still finding this tiresome.
Many thanks.

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Tables :: Changing Field Data Type But Keeping Data

Oct 23, 2013

I have a field in a table that is comprised of mostly numerical data but some records are text.

I want to convert this field to numerical only and make a new field to put the textual data in.

However converting the field will delete the textual data. What is the easiest way to convert the field but save the textual data AND append the textual data to the SAME record that they were in originally in the new field?

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Drop Down List Is Changing All Entries

Jan 31, 2006

I have a drop down list where you pick from 6 recruiters. i put it on my candidates from and when yiou change a recruiter on one candidate then all the candidates get changed to that recruiter. Any ideas what i did wrong?

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Tables :: Keeping Records Rather Than Deleting?

Oct 31, 2014

If a user wishes to delete a record, rather than deleting the record i'd like to change its status to not current for instance.

The reason being that the information in the records may be useful for statistical use.

I added a yes/no field to the table and then added some code to a delete button to change the yes/no.

I can't seem to hide these records from my forms (using filter) but I could be going the wrong way about it.

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Forms :: Changing Combo Box On Form To Allow Entries As Well As The List?

Jun 3, 2014

How do I change a combo box that I have on a form so that it will allow entries as well as edits?

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Queries :: Excluding Records - Keeping Nulls

May 2, 2013

I have a table of around 6000 records comprising 4 fields (A,B,C,D).

- Each field can contain numbers or Nulls.
- Each record can comprise all numbers, a mixture of numbers or Nulls, or all Nulls.

I'd like to build a query that excludes all records that contain any number from a small list of numbers.

This sounds very simple but I am having problems when trying to include records that have Null's in my query output.

For test purposes I tried to exclude all records that contain the numbers 1 or 9 (these numbers can be present in any field).

This works perfectly, in isolation, on Field A (i.e. 1 or 9 but not Null are excluded from field A):

WHERE Table.A Not In (1,9) OR Table1.A Is Null;

When I try to copy the above, referencing fields B-D, I run into problems - no matter how I try to alter the Boolean operators.

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Queries :: Keeping Records Of GST Transactions - How To Do Calculations In Query

Apr 5, 2013

I am trying to keep records of GST transactions.

I have a problem in figuring out how to do calculations in a query.

How to have the calculation in the attached MDB and Document for field #105_SubTotal and the field #115_PaymentEnclosed.

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Reports :: Table With Several Entries - Merge Non Blank Records

Jun 24, 2013

I have a report that is derived from a table (tblDocs) the structure of the table is:

EmpId docType docDate comments
(number) (number) (Date) (text)

This table will have several entries for each employee. There will only be a few times that a comment will be entered. On my report, I will have a field for the comments and I would like ALL of the comments for each employee combined into one text box in the report There will be blank entries in most of the records). I think the control source for this might be a query, but not sure. I set the properties of the text box to can grow.

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Changing Records

Dec 21, 2004

Hi, I'm in the process of making a super simple database (3 - tables). I have run into a problem with two of the tables. The relationship between them is one -> many. Say, I have a record in the (one) table which contains a primary key that is also part of a compound primary key in the (many) table.


tblEx1 - (1 side of relationship)

tblEx2 - (many side of relationship)

If I create a record in tblEx1 and type in some BS for the "red(pk)" field, and I then go to tblEx2, fill in all the fields, and also type in the same BS for the
"red(pk)" field, and come back at a later date, and want to change the value of the "red(pk)" field in both those tables for a certain record, it will not allow me. It doesn't matter which one I go to first. Would I have to delete the relationship everytime to be able to change the value for the "red(pk)" field in either table?

On a related question. In the above example when your doing data entry I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. It seems odd to me that I would have to type in the field for "red(pk)" in both tables, isn't their a way it can automatically figure out to put the same value from the first table into the next one since thier in a relationship.

Sorry if the above is confusing, and stupid. I'm just asking cause I did a whole bunch of records and I have to modify the name of the field which is the primary key, and I don't want to have to delete all the records and re-enter them; that would be a big time waster. Any help is appreciated.

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Changing Order Of Records

Feb 10, 2006

I am making a database that requires a list of all the crew people in our company. This list is not sorted by alphabetical order but by order of significance (or frequency of) crew person. This list is rather lengthy and if I add a crew person it can only be added to the bottom of the list. The only way I have been able to do this is by manually resorting and retyping the list. Is there any way to add a row in the middle of a table (like I can in Excel)??

Thanks, Joe

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Changing Records Through Queries

Aug 19, 2005

Whenever I have a form that is based on a query, I am not able to edit the data in the form. Is there any way to change that? I have all allowances set to yes and Data Entry also set to yes. The form contains data for a single record.

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Manually Changing The Order Of Records

Mar 20, 2005

I have records which represent tasks and the tasks need to be scheduled. They can be ordered to some degree by sorting the table on specific fields and then by sorting parts of the table by specific fields, however, the final ordering needs to be done manually as it cannot be done by a field sort. So, how can you move records around manually? It would be like a CUT and PASTE INSERT. Thanks.... Lester

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Cascading Combo Box Changing Records

Jul 13, 2006

I have attached a Microsoft inventory db that I have attempted to alter and apply to my needs.

I added cascading combo boxes to allow the users to make selections of products specific to categories. Once the category is selected in the CategoryID combobox the cascaded combo boxes ProductName & SerialNumber become populated with the products that belong to the category selected in CategoryID. This works as it should.

The problem comes after a record is selected and an attempt to switch categories is made. For example, say an inventory transaction for the product named "V1" which belongs to the "Special" category is entered. As soon as I switch back to the "Routine" category with the combobox, the product "V1" is now associated with the "Routine" category.

I know Access is just doing what it's supposed to but I need to find out how to prevent the category information for products from changing when a new category is selected in the first combobox. I've tried requeries, gotoRecords and various other commands without luck.

I have attached my db in hopes that a solution can be reached more efficiently.

Thanks in advance.


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Changing A Field Value For All Records In A Query

Mar 9, 2006

I have a query that pulls records from a main table based on a check box and I need a macro or code that will set the field value as if it were unchecked.

BTW I am self-taught and new at this so don't make fun of me if the question seems stupid.


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Forms :: Changing Multiple Records At Once

May 13, 2014

i have a splitview form that has a sub form which is a continuous form. On the continuous form there is a start and end date for each record. i would like to be able to change all the start dates on the continuous form by selecting a date once and hitting update or something like that.

so what i have going on is i have designers building scaffolds and adding articles to the scaffold (thus the continuous list) then a few months down the road the site planner will schedule the scaffold to be built and torn down. this will be done on this split form noted above. once that is done i need to have a date and an action applied to each article in the scaffold because i need to track usage of all the material per peice on a job site.

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I Need To Change The Enabled Property After Changing Records

Nov 23, 2005

Hi Guys,

i have a problem i hope some one can help me with.

i have a form with a sub form on it, and i want to disable everything until the user clicks a 'edit' button to allow the information to be changed.

i am just testing it at the moment, so i set one text box's enabled property to false. then i added a button with an on click event with the following code:

Me!userid.Enabled = True

when i start the form, the userid box is disabled and when i click on the edit button, it enables it fine.

however, when i change to the next record, the userid box remains enabled. i cant find where to put the code to set it back to false everytime i change the record.

i should also let you know i am a beginner, so please be gentle!

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Changing The Order Records Are Displayed In A Subform

Feb 27, 2006

Hi everyone. I need help on this one

I have a form with a subform. The subform is basically the sale history of the item on the main form (The main form shows a record and then the subform reports its history). This all works fantastic, except that on the subform, every time a new record is entered, it goes to the bottom of the previous one, so after a while, if I want to enter more history into the subform, I have to scroll down through all the older ones to get to the more recent ones.

How can I do it so that in the subform the most recent entry is always at the top and each time a new record is entered, the older ones move down one. This way the most recent records are always on display and older ones move down as they become less important. Likewise, the empty record used to enter data is also at the top!


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Changing A Command Button According To The Number Of Records

Nov 13, 2007

I have a subform where you can add multiple records. i have a command button labelled NEXT (which obviously navigates to the next record) but I only want this to be enabled when there is more than one record.

I am OK on the enabling bit but how do you specify if the record number >1?

Does someone have time to start me off on some code?

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Tables :: Changing Multiple Records Using MS Access?

Aug 28, 2013

I am connecting to a table in our accounting software using MS Access ODBC Connection. I would like to change the value in a table for every record in the table 7,000+. In the latest version of the software a new field was added to the Vendor Table that by default is unchecked. I would like to have this field checked for each vendor. Is there a way that I can change all the records at once instead of going row by row to make the changes?

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Forms :: Changing Y / N Field On All Records In A Table

Aug 12, 2014

I am creating a database where I will select recipes from one table and then create a shopping list through related ingredients from another table. I want to be able to clear all selected recipes before I start a new class.

For example, I have 100 recipes and am using 10 this week, but next week i am using a different 10. To create a new grocery list I want to clear all of this week's selected recipes before selecting the new bunch of recipes.

Is there a way (I am assuming a macro would be used) to insert a command button that would change all y/n values of the recipes table to no?

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Queries :: Update Query Not Changing All Records?

Apr 24, 2013

i have an update query that looks for a product number, updates the cost, and re-calculates the price in two columns based on the salesman's margins. the problem i am having is that it seems to be hit and miss on the first run. if you run it again, it runs the calculations on all the fields. (it has to check / recalculate 16,000 rows.) should this query have vba to make it loop thru the table.

here is the basic layout of the query:

table 1 is newproductq
table 2 is Products
Field: PriceIn
Table: newproductq
Update To: [Products].[Cost]

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Creating Two Tables - Old Entries And Weekly New Entries?

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table in access which is updated weekly; I need to create two tables from this updated table.

1st table will consist of all the new entries for the current week

2nd table will consist of all the entries from the previous week - an amalgamation of all the entries which are not from the "current week" (table) For example; the table below shows the two entries from last week.




This week I have three new entries New entries




So when I run the same query next week I will get something like this.

Old Entries






How do I get a query /queries which divides up the weeks new entries and also all the old entries.

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General :: Changing Existing Database From Overall To Monthly Records

Nov 8, 2013

I'm altering a database to have certain fields be recorded monthly.For example: instead of a client's file having "Total X Purchased" it would now be "Total X Purchased - Jan", "Total X Purchaed - Feb".

I want to spin the monthlies out of the master clients table & in to ex. tbl_clientsJan, tbl_clientsFeb, etc. but still have them linked; & have a "Totals" table that aggregates data from all of the tables (adds them up).

I have an existing form, & I was thinking of just creating tabs for the months & subforms in each with their sources as the month tables, & removing the fields that don't change month-to-month (e.g. client name), with relationships between them. I would start by copying all of the master table data in to the month tables & allowing edits from there.

the company doesn't track when the transactions occurred; I'm unable to group them along those lines.I'm new to Access & don't want to make a mistake.

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Forms :: Updating Cost Without Changing Previous Records

Apr 11, 2014

I have this estimate database for a construction company. In this database I calculate how much will a project cost. It's pretty much complete the only problem that I have is trying to figure out how to update the cost of a trade without affecting older records

Example let's say we have a painter that makes $15/hr in project A,B,C,D,E we decide to give him a raise so project F would have a new amount for painter. The problem with that is that it will affect record A-E

I don't want that my department wants to go back and view a history of records. Also take a look at my database it's my first time creating one ...

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Forms :: Changing Data Entry Value To False To Edit Records

Mar 19, 2013

I have the main form open up where the Data entry is set to YES so it opens in New Field. I created a button to change the value of form's Data Entry to NO. It works. Changed the form so I can navigate through entered fields. I have created a drop down to filter a specific field "Claim#" and it will open that entry.

The drop down only works if I set the default form's Data Entry to NO. Dropdown works and I can select Claim#. But if I open the form with DataEntry set to Yes, and I click on the button to change the value to NO, the form changes but the drop down field does not pull up the proper information. The button code is.

Private Sub EditButton_Click()
Form_MainForm.Form.DataEntry = False
End Sub

The Claim drop down has this event after update

Private Sub ClaimSearch_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

I'm missing something. Like I said, it works without having the button change the value.

Access 2010

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Keeping A Log!!

Mar 8, 2005

hello all,

How does one keep log of what are the changes made to the access database in terms of the updates, appends etc..

please do help..

Thank you

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