Change Logon Info At Running Time(using Ms Access)

Feb 28, 2007

hi there,
I'd like to ask the solution for my problem.
I made a new project using ms access 2003,crystal report 9, and visual studio 2005.

I just made a simple access dbase with 1 table(Table 1) and protected with password, o I forgot this table has 2 field(id and desc).
After that I made simple report that using DAO connectivity(save data with report option is disabled).

At last I made simple program(windows app) using visual studio 2005.
I put the CrystalReportViewer component, and these is the code :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace prj
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void crystalReportViewer1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\Report1.rpt";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.UserID = "Admin";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.Password = "12";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\db.mdb";
crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo[0].ConnectionInfo.ServerName = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\db.mdb";

and the problem is when I move the access database file to other location, the viewer shows a box to be confirmed by my UserID and password,
my question is how must I write in the program so that the box doesnt come out.


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Change Logon Password

Oct 18, 2005

Previously posted in General but got no response so decided to move to forms area.

I want to hide as many toolbar options/menus as I can on startup, so the user is very limited as to what they can do with the database.
I am using the multiuser logon option so each user has their own user name and password.
By hiding the menu, it also locks out the option to change their password.

I want to give users the ability to load the User and Group accounts/change logon screen only.

What I was thinking was calling this option from a command button on a form.
ie, Once clicked, it takes you to the generic Change Logon screen with the need for the menus to be enabled.

Can this be done?
If not, is there an alternative.



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Why Is Access Running A Query 2 Time's Before It Get's Results

Sep 28, 2005

Good morning,

I am having some kind of problem. A query in Acces that is used to find results in the DB is asking 2 time's te input.

And there is no way that the input boxes is asking to do this twice..

here is the Query,

SELECT tblHotlines.Hotlinenummer, tblHotlines.Vestigingsnummer, tblDealers.Postcode, tblHotlines.Datum_hotline, tblBestellingen.Chassisnummer, tblBestellingen.Onderdeelnummer, tblBestellingen.[Uitleverings datum], tblBestellingen.[Vervangende auto ingezet?]
FROM (tblHotlines LEFT JOIN tblBestellingen ON tblHotlines.Hotlinenummer = tblBestellingen.Hotlinenummer) LEFT JOIN tblDealers ON tblHotlines.Vestigingsnummer = tblDealers.Vestigingsnummer
WHERE (((tblHotlines.Vestigingsnummer) Like [Geef het vestigingsnummer op] & "*") AND ((tblDealers.Postcode) Like [geef evt een gedeelte van de postcode:] & "*") AND ((tblHotlines.Datum_hotline) Like [Geef de datum op:] & "*") AND ((tblBestellingen.Chassisnummer) Like [Geef het chassisnr op:] & "*") AND ((tblBestellingen.Onderdeelnummer) Like [geef evt het onderdeelnr op] & "*"));

Qhat could be the problem that Access is running a Query twice before getting results

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Determining Actual Running Time Of External Application In Access

May 3, 2014

I want to run an external application (a batch file) ... and want to run it by clicking on a command button on a form. That part is all fine, using the Shell command. I can determine the start time of the application (also fine with now() function) .. but want to find out how long the external application ran and log that "run time" into my database.

The part I don't know about is the .. really the ending time. How do I determine how long the application really ran for / ended ? I imagine I can use datepart to determine the difference in the start and end times. Or would I use a timer control. (but I cannot find the timer control in Access 2010).

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Access Security Logon Help/Issues

Nov 4, 2005

:confused: :(
I think I am in the correct area of this forums, if I am not, please forgive me. Anyway, this is way over the top of my head and I need desperate help! Here goes…..I am finally finished exporting an Excel spreadsheet that contained over 6,000 entries into a continuous form in Access 2003, and before I move it to the shared drive, I have a few questions/concerns.

I work with a group of employees totaling 15. Out of the 15 of us, 4 will be issued editing rights, and the others read only rights and I will be the administrator/creator/owner of the database. Here are my concerns:

1. It is a MUST that the 4 with editing rights be able to work in the same form, (the form consists of daily updates i.e.: (purging, entering, deleting and fixing of data) in different areas of this form, and maybe at the same time?

2. In addition, will the 4 of us be able to save the updates entered separately, and have the most recent data which was entered updated for others to view? (I know in Excel we were able to do so).

3. Will the users with read only rights be able to fill out other forms in the database or should I assign some degree of editing rights?

4. Also, although rare, will there be a problem if all 15 employees are in the same database completing other forms at the same time?

5. We have a few employees who work from home and log into our system via Citrix. Will they have a problem logging into the database and completing the forms?

This is where I am TOTALLY CLUELESS and need help DESPERATELY!! Is there a step by step way of doing this? (please say yes! please say yes!) I am sure I will need to create a shortcut for all users and I will also need help on how to do that also. Currently, there is no user id or password set up for anyone of us since we have a specific shared drive designated for our group/department.

I welcome any suggestions you may have.


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Help With Running Query From Info Keyed In Form

Feb 22, 2005

I need help to figure out how to create a form that includes a place to enter date ranges (A start and an end date: the field name in the table is CrossClampDate), patient name, and case number as a search. I have just taken 3 levels of Access classes and saw an example of this, but we never went into it and from the Properties box for all parts of the form I still can't decipher how it was done.

Basically, I want to run the operations a query goes through by inputing this information in a form.

I have created an actual query that performs this operation, and it works. But I am prompted for each criteria separately in individual pop up boxes. I just need to streamline this operation for the users.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

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Change User In Run Time (without Restarting Access)

Mar 8, 2007

Hey guys!There is any possibility of changing user on the run without restart ms-access and prompt for user again?Cheers!:)

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Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Logon Failed When Select MS Access Database

Jun 13, 2012

I am getting the following error when connecting Crystal reports with MS Access.

Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer.
Logon failed.
Details: ADO Error Code: 0x
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Description: Unspecified error

I have select following options in crystal report -> select OLEDB (ADO) , database name as filename.mdb , db type as Access.

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Name Change Prevents Query From Running

Nov 13, 2006

I have the following query, named "Query9" (Right, I didn't assign it a name when I first created it). Its SQL is:

FROM LindActivity AS LA
FROM [qry_DSRCB] as Q;

Both LindActivity and qry_DSCRB are queries, neither of which makes any reference to "Query9".

This query runs fine. However, when I change its name to PCBStack, it can't find Query9.FMLNo. If I change its name back to "Query9", it runs fine again.

Also, if I copy the SQL from Query9 and create a new query, PCBStack, and paste the SQL into it, it runs fine.

Anyone have any idea what is going on? I am using Office 2003 with Windows XP

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Running Sum For Time And Group?

Apr 11, 2007


I'm trying to calculate some running sum queries in preparation for some charts on a report.

I have:
tbl: Spencerdaily

I am trying to calculate the running sum of milesdriven for each year per vehicle. If I use the following I get the same set of sums repeated for each vehicle:

SELECT spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]) AS [Year], DSum("milesdriven","spencerdaily","DatePart('yyyy', [datein])<=" & [Year]) AS Mileage
FROM spencerdaily
GROUP BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein])
HAVING (((DatePart("yyyy",[datein]))>2001))
ORDER BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]);

I tried this but it didn't work:

SELECT spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily AS vehiclealias, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]) AS [Year], DSum("milesdriven","spencerdaily","DatePart('yyyy', [datein])<=" & [Year] & " AND [vehiclenumberdaily]<=" & [vehiclealias] & " ") AS Mileage
FROM spencerdaily
GROUP BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein])
HAVING (((DatePart("yyyy",[datein]))>2001))
ORDER BY spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, spencerdaily.VehicleNumberDaily, DatePart("yyyy",[datein]);

What am I doing wrong?


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Running Time Total

Oct 13, 2004

I am trying to put together this report where I can see how many hours the printers were running in a month's time. The sum property for this is working up until it reaches 24 hours then it starts all over again. How can I get it to keep adding hours when it gets to 24?

For example: 20:35 + 6:25 = 3:00


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Modules & VBA :: Date And Time Functions Not Using Current Info

Jun 30, 2014

Encountered a situation where the Date and Time functions in VBA are not using current data? I have VBA code that uses Time to determine certain actions. A new associate took a copy of that code and started tinkering with it to complete a project I assigned. Now, his copy of the code returns old data for the Date and Time functions. It returns 5/27/2014 for Date and 7:15:42 AM for Time. The Now function works properly.

Additionally, running the Date and Time functions in queries works fine. I've compacted and repaired the Access database, I've checked the references, and I've checked to see if he assigned values to variables named Date or Time, but I don't see anything wrong. What am I missing?

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Allow Multiple Users Using The Database And Changing Info At The Same Time?

Feb 5, 2014

I have an access database and I plan on splitting it so the FE will be on each users workstation and the backend will be in a folder on the server. But is there anything else I need to do to allow for the possibility of multiple users using the database and changing info at the same time?

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Running A Procedure Based On Time

Jan 6, 2005


How do you run a procedure that activates at a set time?
I want to run a procedure that moves a log file to an archive directory at midnight (or at anytime after this when the PC is next turned on).
Thanks for any help...

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User Logon Name Or ID

Feb 7, 2006

How can you get the user's logon name or ID?

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Logon Screen

Nov 28, 2006

Hi, i want to add security into my database, but i dont want to use the built-in workgroup security.

Is it possible to create a login screen that will allow different access rights depending on the username? If so can sum1 please help me with the code?

Cheers Guys :)

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Logon Password

May 8, 2007

Every time I open up access I get a logon box which asks for the admin password. This applies to any database project I open. I for the life of me can't figure out how it was turned on, but it still has the generic password associated with it(thank god).

I am trying to rid myself of having to type it in every single time I open up a database project. I have tried to delete it in the security section of tools and it won't allow me to delete the admin.

This is incredibly annoying because neither of the database projects requires a password, and I am not even the one that created the projects. I am merely a user.

Any suggestions on how to rid myself of this annoying problem?

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Major Logon Problem

Oct 7, 2006

I use MS Access a lot for my work but a few days ago when I opened Access it asked for a username and password. I didn't set anyway passwords so tried to log on using the username: admin and a blank password which didn't work. I have tried every username and password combination that I could have used but nothing seems to work.

Is there anyway for sorting this out so that I can use Access again?

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2007 Logon Screen?

Mar 8, 2007

This 2007 is driving me to drink.

Convert from 2003 to 2007 a few minor problems.

Did not save in a accdb and accde file format.

The users I had listed in wrkgroup did not come over. Ok no problem I will add them.

I located the users amd Permissions in 2007.

My question when I add the users and assign the permissions, will they get a log on screen like it did for 2003?

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Security Logon And Filtering Records

Feb 19, 2007

I have a database that I have secured by using Access 2003 user security. I need for the database to allow the user to login and once they have logged, to open a form and filter out only their open "tickets" - records.

How can I do this?

Thanks in advance.

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Change Values In Several Records At The Same Time

Oct 30, 2005

Hi all!
This is kind of a philosophical question :)

I’m doing some changes to a “CRM”-database, and need to make a function that changes values in several records in one operation. The problem is, I have now idea on how to approach this problem.

One example; I have made a simple invoice function in my db, which works well. But now I send a lot more invoices then when I made the function. I’ve made a form, which prints the invoices, and I can print several in one “operation”. How can I, in the same operation, also change the status of the invoice record so that it says “Printed”?

If you have any suggestions on the method e.t.c.? Thank you!
(I'm using Access 2000)

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Forms :: Fields Empty On Logon Form?

Jul 19, 2013

I have a logon form that always contains a value in the user name and password fields. How can I do it that these two fields are empty when the logon form is displayed? When I put this code in a program text12.value="" then it delete user name in database.

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Tables :: Field And All Records Change Same Time?

Mar 12, 2015

I need to change my all field information at the same time. For example :


This is my field and i want to change there b instead of a (of course there is 5000 records)

Is that possible ? how can i do that ? or can i change at the same time 1by1 its not an option.

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Forms :: Date Change Based On Time

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form and I want the dates to be displayed based on predefined time. In this case, I want my form to show present date from present day's 7:00 AM to next day 7:00 AM.

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Queries :: Change Format Of Date / Time?

Aug 5, 2013

I am struggling to change the format of 2013-07-29 11:33:03.6160000 to show dd/mm/yyyy

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Forms :: How To Change Am Or Pm Based On Time Entered

Nov 1, 2013

I have a form where I am capturing StartTime and EndTime of certain events. I have set the input mask as 99:00 >LL;0;_

My users think it is too much to enter am or pm. What they want is the system to calculate the am pm based on the time entered.

If the time entered is between 8:00 to 11:59, the system should save it as 11:59 am and if the time entered is between 12:00 to 7.00, the system should save it as 7.00 pm.

How can I make this happen.

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