Check Box Based On A Data Field

Jun 14, 2006

When a part number is set up in our manufacturing software, the user clicks a check box to mark the part as purchased. I'm creating a similar form and want to have a check box display the same information. The manufacturing database stores the check box as Y when checked and N when not checked.

I tried 2 different ways to add code in the BeforeUpdate but neither is working.

First Example:

if Purchased = "Y" then check295 = True
else checkbox295 = False

Second Example

If Purchased = "Y" then check295 = -1
else checkbox295 = 0

What changes do I need to make to this code to get it to work? Thanks for your help,


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Changing A TxtBox To A Check Box Or Similar, Based On A Field In Db

Feb 22, 2006


I have

Form with 3 list boxes.
1st LB populates 2nd etc.

The 3rd LB value chooses a field.
The Fieldname Table has field "Field Type"

I want to change the Text box next to the List box to this entry in the Db.

Ie. If I choose a field in the LB, say "Done?", then to update that field it needs to offer me a "yes/no" field type
Therefore it changes the TextBox to a Checkbox (or combo with Yes and No as options)

Any ideas?

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Queries :: Mark Disappear Field Data Based On Field Data Last

Oct 15, 2014

How Mark disappear field data based on field data last.

Example:I have a field type in the name and on behalf of another field No.

In the case of the Type-B data is deleted Number field, which is before the character.

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Check Box Is Checked Depending On A Data Field?

Nov 9, 2005

I have a data field (status) that is either Graduated, Terminated, or Current. I also have a report that has a check box representing each (such as a check box for graduated and another for Terminated etc).

I am trying to get the report to read the status and check the appropriate box in the report.

I have tried this in the control source of the checkbox
but this does not work

I have also tried this on the OnOpen

If [status] = "terminated" then
termcheck = true
termcheck = false
end if
end sub

But this does not work either - what am I doing wrong :confused:

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Automatically Check Yes / No Box Depending On Data In Another Field?

Oct 9, 2012

I have a form (Access 2010) that we use to keep track of client data. When I enter a number equal to 6 or above in one field (Client Rating and this field is actually formatted as text because it could be 6 or 6a, b, c or 7 or 7a, b, c, etc), I want anything =>6 to automatically check a box in another field which is the Watch Indicator box (a yes/no box), how would I do this?

I tried to create an expression like the below on the Watch Indicator check box and it does not work - not sure why - it did not say it was incorrect, I think I may have it in the wrong place?

I used "After Update" on the Yes/No Box

=IIf([R Rating]<=6,Yes,No)

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Tables :: Check Box Field - Store Only Two Possible Data Choices

Oct 7, 2014

Is it possible to create a field in a table that stores only two possible data choices: a check or null value ?

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Modules & VBA :: Check If A Field With Number Data Type Is Blank

Feb 26, 2015

The DolphinBatchNo has number data type but the following sql statement doesn't capture the ight records. it doesn't check id dolphinBatchNo is blank.

strsql="select * from `MasterTBL` where PolicyNumber>=" & TxtFPolNo & " and PolicyNumber<=" & TxtLPolNo & " and PolicyStatus='Live' and DolphinBatchNo is null order by PolicyNumber"

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Queries :: Field Header In Query Based On Other Field Data

Jun 28, 2013

I have two tables that are joined - called A and B. A has two fields, "PLACE" and "RAND" and is joined to B via field "RAND". Other than "RAND", B has several fields named 01 TOTAL, 02 TOTAL, 03 TOTAL, etc...for about 60 fields.

The "PLACE" field in table A has data that is 01, 02, 03, ect.... How do I structure a query so that whatever "PLACE" is, I can match the XX TOTAL value? In other words, i need to have the query field header be somehow dependent on the value in "PLACE".

Is this even possible?

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Update A Field Based On Data Entered In Another Field?

Jan 9, 2015

I am wanting to update data in one field which is being pulled in from another table based on an entry in another field in a form

Attached is the database. In the sales form I want to enter a customer ID which will then pull in the customer name from the customer table and put it in the Customer Field in the sales table.

I know I am duplicating the data by having customer name in both tables which is bad database design!

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Sum Data Based On Date Field

Oct 3, 2012

I have several related tables in my report, but need to add a calculation for several of the fields based on a date. The data includes a date as mm/dd/yyyy and then three additional fields with bonus payments, vacation hours and vacation payments. I want to be able to sum the bonus and vacation information by year. This is part of a much larger report that includes much information about specific employees over a three year period. The data I am trying to sum looks like this:

PPE Bonus_Pay Vac_Hrs Vac_Earn
1/10/09 1212.00 8 532
4/21/09 834.00 8 532

Similar entries for a three year period.I tried grouping but the result tripled the summed numbers.

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Auto Data In One Field Based On Other Fields?

Feb 27, 2008


I have a table that is used for project progress. One of the fields is named "Completed". I would like to know if it's possible to auto fill the data in the "completed" field based on three other fields within the same table.

ex: If field 1 = Yes, and field 2 = Yes, and filed 3 = Yes, then field "completed" = Yes

I'm open for any ideas, I'm new to access and am not sure how to get this started.


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Restricting Data Entry Based On The Contents Of Another Field

Sep 22, 2005


I have two tables which contain the following fields (simplified);

Table 1:

Table 2:

The tables are related (one-to-many) through the ID field.

In operation, the user first enters the Startdate and an Enddate for a patients' hospital stay in Table 1. Following this, the user enters the Startdate again in the Unitdate field in Table 2 and selects a Treatment from a drop-down list. After this, the user enters the following in the Unitdate field and selects a treatment. This is repeated in consecutive order until the Enddate is reached.

The end result looks like this;

Table 1:
ID Startdate Enddate
123456 01/01/2005 04/01/2005

Table 2:
ID Unitdate Treatment
123456 01/01/2005 Ventilation
123456 02/01/2005 Ventilation
123456 03/01/2005 Haemofiltration
123456 04/01/2005 Ventilation

Does anyone know if there is any way to restrict the Unitdate field in Table 2 to only allow dates to be entered that are between the Startdate and Enddate fields in Table 1? Ideally, I would like the Unitdate to populate automatically with the dates, starting with the Startdate value and ending with the Enddate value and filling in all the intermediate dates. Also I would like to make sure that there is no way of having duplicate dates in the Unitdate field.

If anyone can help, I would be extremely grateful.

Best wishes

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Forms :: Verification Rule Based On Data In Another Field

Mar 5, 2015

I want to set a rule where employees cannot change the "Status" from "Active" to "Closed" if there is no date entered in the "Actual Closure Date" field.

The 2 fields I am trying to create a rule for are called 'Actual Closure Date' and 'Status'.When we raise an incident the 'Status' is set to 'Active' and the 'Actual Closure Date' field is left blank as it hasn't yet been closed.What I want to do is prevent people setting the 'Status' to 'Closed' when they havent entered a date in the 'Actual Closure Date' field.The Form name is called 'Issue Details' and the information is stored in a table called 'Issues'.

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Question On Query To Flag A Field Based On Calculated Data

Apr 25, 2005

I have a table with numerous fields including timeIn and timeOut field (these are date/time format). I need to find out how many people were clocked in during each operating hour (based upon their time in and time out). How can I run a query that will allow me to use the times in and out to 'flag' each hour that each person was on duty (a new field for each hour) so that I can run a count on the completed data for every hour?

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Forms :: Show Table Data Based On Date Field?

Jan 30, 2015

I have a form that each day needs to be filled in by staff of their activities.

By selecting a date, I want to the textbox to display the contents of the comments memo pad field in the table (tblToday...columns are t_date and t_comments).

My very limited access and previous SQL knowledge has eluded me and cannot fathom how to get the text box to show data based on the date selected?

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General :: Make A Field Based On Data From Multiple Other Fields

Feb 19, 2013

Let's say I have a table called "Courses" which among other things has "Completed"(Yes/No) and "Category"(Text).

Now, there also another table "Progress" which has similar columns.

I want Progress.Completed to reflect if all courses of the specified category have been completed.

How would I do that? I'm new to access ...

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Tables :: How To Keep Data From Importing Duplicate Records Based On One Field

Sep 11, 2012

I'm able to import new data from excel just fine, but I can't import updated data from excel due to duplicates not being allowed for a particular field. Is there a way to keep from importing duplicate records based on one field, but still import data from other fields where the information is different from the excel file?

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Auto-populate Data Into Field Based On Information Typed Into First Record

Sep 3, 2014

I'm trying to figure out a way to get my access database to auto-populate data into a field based on the information I type into the first record.

So what I'm looking to do is that when I type a name into the UserName Field it will automatically fill in the rest of the field with the same information.

To clarify I'm looking for a way so that when I type something into one record it will fill the rest of the field in with that same information.

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How Can I Configure A Table To Auto Data Entry Into Fields Based On A Previous Field

Aug 31, 2006

My situation is this. I have 3 tables that I have imported from my mainframe system, between these 3 tables I have the data of product code, description,supplier code, supplier name, order method, and ABC code.

I am trying to create another table that I can capture daily Out Of Stock data for products.

What I would like to do is to enter the product number in the first field of my new table, and then the remaining fields will auto populate with the correct details based on the product data stored in the parent tables that I have imported.

How can this be done?

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Forms :: Disabling Fields In Access Based On Data Entered In A Previous Field

Sep 9, 2013

How to disable fields in Access based on data entered in a previous field? For example if "yes" is chosen from a drop down show "Date field" if "no" is chose hide "Date Field".

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Forms :: Check For Duplicates Based On Name

Aug 7, 2015

I have a form (MemberDetails) and I want it to check if the member I'm adding has already been added, or at least give me a warning that the member might be a duplicate. I have a FName field and LName field that I would like checked (together). I know it's possible because I've seen it done on the Address Book template, but they have it set up to where the First & Last name are saved as one field in another table.

Expression used in the template, here it is.

=IIf(DCount("*","[Contacts Extended]","[ENV_NUM]<>" & Nz([ENV_NUM],0) & " And [Contact Name] = '" & Replace(Nz([Contact Name]),"'","''") & "'")>0,"Possible Duplicate","")

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Reports :: Date Or Value Based On Check Box?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a report that pulls a date from a query, but they'd like an option where if they don't want to enter the date, they can check one of 2 checkboxes. Check box 1 would return "N/A" and checkbox 2 would return "TBD.I've never had to do anything with more than 1 checkbox.

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Query Based On Multiple Criteria With Check Box's

Nov 18, 2004

I have a table(Product Change) with these fields:
Tracking Number
Approved (a check box)
Engineering (text box that represents department)
Purchasing (text box that represents department)
Quality (text box that represents department)
Production (text box that represents department)
Customer Service (text box that represents department)

I want my query results to show all records that have the "Approved" check box...checked, and then only the records that have one of the Department fields with a null value.
So I'm looking to see only records that are "Approved" and out of those....only the records with at least one department field empty(Null).

Any help doing this is SQL view would be great...or even design view.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box Based On A Check Box Value

May 6, 2014

On a form I am making, I have two combo boxes. Box 1 has "Title" and Box 2 has "Full Name". In the table associated with FullName, there is a Check Box name "Still Attached".

What I am trying to do when choosing a "Title" in Combo Box 1, I would like only the people with that "Title" and a check in "Still Attached" to be available in the drop down list.

I have tried and I can get combo 2 to filter by title, but not by the "Still Attached" value.

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Mail Merge Based On Check Boxes

Sep 16, 2012

I have an access database that has 10 items that can be checked if a certain criterea is met. I need a way to generate an email that inserts a sentence relating to each checked box if that box is checked.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup - Check Value Of Yes / No Checkbox Based On Username

Dec 22, 2014

I'm trying to find a code that will allow me to check a value of a yes/no checkbox based on a username.

What I want to happpen is:

1. The code looks to see if the username that is entered in "txtUsername" field on the form matches the "empUsername" value on the table "tblUsers."
2. If there is a match, I want it to look at the value for the field "Admin" on "tblUsers" to see if the value is checked as true.
3. If the value is true, I want it to open a specific form "frmAdmin." If it is false, I want it to open a form "frmMain."

VBA codes not recognizing the Admin field and instead taking all users into the frmMain.

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