Check For Duplicate Record By 2 Fields

Mar 12, 2007

dear all

i managed to get checking for duplicate record by ONE field ie member_no

code :

If DCount("*", "runner", "member_no = " & Me.member_no) > 1 Then
MsgBox " This member is already exist!" & vbCrLf
End If

how i want to get checking duplicate record by TWO fields ie member_no and run_no ?

thanks in advance

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Duplicate Record And Increment Several Fields

Jul 3, 2006

I have a document database that often deals with multiple copies of a document. Each copy must have a record of its own. With the add new record form I would like the user to be able to add the extra copies automatically by duplicating the first entry "n" times but also incrementing the copy number field by one for each copy. Got the duplicate copy done OK but am stuck on how to increment the copy number. This database forms part of my yearly assessment and is due in a couple of weeks so would welcome some help.

many thanks

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Forms :: Creating Duplicate Record With Specific Fields Blank

Jul 21, 2014

I'm working on a form with almost a hundred various fields (it's what my employer needs). He wants to be able to create new records with much of the same information as the old ones by clicking on a button that will copy the information to a new record, then clear certain specific fields (or some process that will safely create the same result). I don't need specifics on how to write the same line of code for each and every field I wish to clear.

Say I have a form with 5 fields: part_number, part_owner, procedure, file_name, and date.

How could I copy the record to keep the fields part_owner and procedure the same, but clear part_number, file_name, and date?

All of the fields are from the same table (no, it's not normalized...).

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Duplicate Check

May 2, 2005

I have a form with a couple fields. i want to check to see if i have a duplictae field. the field is batch_ID. so if somoen tries to enter a batch_id thats already in the table a message box will popup saying duplicate record and it will take me to that record ?

Could i have an example please.

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Check If Duplicate Afterupdate

Nov 30, 2006

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows the VB to check if a value is a duplicate afterupdate?

Many thanks.

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How To Check If Value Entered Not Duplicate

Jul 28, 2005

Hi folks,
I have this situation: a table with patients information and IDs, and a table with evaluations for those patients (identified by ID).
I am trying to make it so that the user can't add the same evaluation twice. I want to do it by checking if there is already an evaluation for that patient with the same date.
I know how to show evaluations only for a patient, but I don't know how to check if the value entered by the user in the date field is a duplicate (case in which he shouldn't be allowed to enter it). I assume this is done somehow through the "validation rule" property? But how should the expression be?
Thanks a lot!

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Check For Duplicate And Error Message

Nov 29, 2006

I have a form - see attached image.
The first text box is called Job_No. When a number is entered here how can I check that the number doesn't already exist when the user tabs to the next box. Then if it does exist display a custom message to the effect "This already exists" and not the Access default duplicate error message.



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Check For Duplicate Data Before Importing

May 21, 2007

Hello All,

I have a database where a user imports data into a table monthly. She saves the Excel file and then clicks a button in Access to import the data. My instructions say to only click that button once, but so far, she has clicked it THREE TIMES, thus importing the data three times. How can I prevent this? Here is a copy of my import code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function ImportTableData()
On Error GoTo ImportTableData_Err

Dim strPeriod1 As String
Dim strMM1 As String
Dim strYY1 As String
Dim strYYYY As String
Dim strFormName As String
Dim strMDPath As String
Dim strMDFileName As String
Dim strDCPath As String
Dim strDCFileName As String

'No Warnings
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

'Import Current Month data in a temporary table
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEnterAgingDates", , , , acFormReadOnly, acHidden
strFormName = "Forms!frmEnterAgingDates"
strPeriod1 = Forms!frmEnterAgingDates.Period1.Value
strPeriod1 = Format(strPeriod1, "mmddyyyy")
strMM1 = Left(strPeriod1, 2)
strYY1 = Right(strPeriod1, 2)
strYYYY = Right(strPeriod1, 4)
strMDPath = "S:FinanceAccounting OperationsNational AccountsAccount Recs116405.100 and 117630.300116405.100-AR Due from PAR Plans NASCO"
strMDFileName = "MD AR Due from PAR Plans_" & strMM1 & strYY1 & ".xls"
strDCPath = "S:FinanceAccounting OperationsNational AccountsAccount Recs116405.100 and 117630.300117630.300-AR NASCO Refund Due from PAR Plans117630-2007"
strDCFileName = "DC AR Due from PAR Plans_" & strMM1 & strYY1 & ".xls"

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblData_temp", strMDPath & strMDFileName, True
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblData_temp", strDCPath & strDCFileName, True

'Append tblData_temp to tblData
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppend_tblData_temp_to_tblData", acViewNormal, acEdit

'Delete any blank rows that may have resulted from the import
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDeleteBlankRows", acViewNormal, acEdit

'Delete the temporary table
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDelete_tblData_temp"

MsgBox "The file has been successfully imported", vbInformation, "Files Imported"

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume ImportTableData_Exit

End Function

Thank you for your help!

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How Can I Check For Duplicate Entries After Leaving A Field?

Aug 30, 2005

I'm pretty new to Access, so please overlook any stupid questions :)
I have a data entry form that has one field that cannot be a duplicate. So, in the table I have it Indexed with No duplicates.
The problem is that the form doesn't notify the user that they have entered duplicate information until they close the form. So the 10 minutes they spent filling it out is wasted.
So, after consulting various posts, I did a BeforeUpdate event with the following code:
(the field that must be unique is called "LS Number", in the form "Q and D" based on the table "Q and D Database")

Private Sub LS_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo LS_Number_BeforeUpdate_Err

If (DLookup("[LS Number]", "Q and D Database", "[LS Number]=Forms![Q and D]![LS Number]")) Then
MsgBox "The LS Number you entered already exists. Enter a unique LS Number", vbInformation, "Duplicate LS Number"

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume LS_Number_BeforeUpdate_Exit

End Sub

When I test this by entering a duplicate LS Number, it gives me the error "Type Mismatch." Unfortunately, I have no idea what this means, nor do I know how to fix it.

Please help, my head hurts!

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If Statement To Check For Duplicate Entries With List Box

May 17, 2006

I have a problem where in a table called tblPatientLanguage
that contains three fields


a patient who is identified by PatientID can speak several languages
identified by the LanguageID.

The problem is with my current form and code

For Each varSelected In Me!lstLanguage.ItemsSelected
rs("PatientID") = [Forms]![frmPatientDemographics]![PatientID]
rs("LanguageID") = Me!lstLanguage.ItemData(varSelected)
Next varSelected

when the user click on the command button called cmdOK it will put the
data in the table "tblPatientLanguage" and corresponding fields. without
checking to see if there is already a duplicate languageID that corresponds to the
same patientID in the table

This has lead to duplicates in the table

PatientID = 9

if I look in the table I will see 7 entries that say

PatientID = 9 and LangaugeID = 7

I want to prevent this from happening with and if statement
I could make both the PatientID and LanguageID primary keys
this would prevent this from happening. But I would rather do it in
the VBA code? This way in will move thorugh the selections without poping an error and the person inputing the date. Any ideas sorry for being long winded. I attached the

PS. If looking at the database you have to use form frmPatientDemographics and click on the language link

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Forms :: Check For Duplicate Serial Field

May 12, 2014

I have a simple database that I put my execptions in for the day for scanning. Is there a way that my serial field on my forum can check to see if someone already scanned that serial for that day using the "On Lost Focus" event.

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Compare / Check If Records Are Duplicate Using Save Button?

Jan 9, 2014

I need to create a record of Users. I created a form with fields containing Username,FirstName,LastName & Email Address wherein the UserName is equals the value of the fields FirstName & LastName. I have a save command button and when I click it, I want it to be able to check if the new entry has a similar UserName that exists in the database, if it exists then it will allow me to edit the UserName and then save the data otherwise will allow me to save it.

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Check Data On Leaving A RECORD- Record, Subforms And All

May 24, 2005

I have an application that enters candidates in, who apply for a job.

I found that I can enter a candidate in, and if I dont enter at least an address type or phone type ( giving that candidate an address record, albiet a blank one (just a type of address) and a phone record) then the candidate wont have a sub record for addres or phone at all.

This is hurting my reports. They are set to pull the primary address and phone only, as we dont need to have 2-3 contact information for a candidate on a report This is how I found out that I had blank address and phone for some test records. I need to be able to check when a person does a number of things, that at least the combos for phone type and address type have been chosen as something. This will ensure that they have a primary address and phone, as I have code that takes care of all that. I tried putting the following code in the form's before update, but since it is calling to a subform, the minute I tab TO the address combo, I get the message. The form is updating before I get the chance to skip the field.

Here is the lay out. A user can enter in candidate, their address, phone, application and activities. Address, phone, applications and activities are all sub reports on a tab control. The user should be able to move freely within any record, and only be bothered when they try to leave, if important information is still empty. I dont want to control how they enter ('you must enter this first!' lol) just that they do enter it in the end.

What I want to do is check when the user is leaving a record.(closing form, going to another record, clicking the search button that opens another form etc) if either combo is empty (no primary contact info) then it gives the message and goes back to the combo that is empty.

Here is the code I have. If anyone can help me find the right place to put it, I would really appreciate it. Thank you,

If IsNull(Me.[subAddressEntry].Form![cmbAddressTypeID]) Then
msgbox "You must enter an Address"
Cancel = True
ElseIf IsNull(Me.[subPhoneEntry].Form![cmbPhoneTypeID]) Then
msgbox "You must enter a Phone"
Cancel = True
Else: Cancel = False
End If

If I can't figure this out, I am thinking of making a new address type and phone type. Call it "none chosen" and then make that a default selection. Then one would always be chosen...I think. I would like to avoid that though.

Thanks again.

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Help With Duplicate Fields Please!

Dec 9, 2004

Hi, doing my project at college, decided to do a EPOS simulator for my sisters business based around barcodes etc and tied to a database. i've just knocked up something after normalising my data to prototype it to see if it is viable. I'm having problems with duplicate field entries. My db consists of essentially 4 tables at this point:

User : user ID, User Details

Product: Product ID, Barcode, Description, Cost Price, Sell Price

Transaction: Transaction Number, Date, User ID, Transaction Total

Transaction/Product - a compound key which is to manage the many to many that exists between Product and Transaction tables.

I am wanting to allow multiple entries for the same item, i.e. multiple scans, not a single sacn followed by a quantity. I keep getting an error message though that syas I am duplicating fields. I have tried altering the Index property for the fields in the Product/Transaction table but htis has had little effect.

Any thoughts please as to how to do this? I have attached the db for examination.

many thanks, Lol :D

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I Need To Match 3 Fields For Duplicate

Sep 26, 2005

I am exporting an Oracle report to excel, and using an Access macro to import into a table.
The records contain some duplicate info that I do want to capture, but I don't want to import the same records. (I import the file on one day, and someone comes in and imports the same file later).
This would work if I could get the table to not duplicate if three of the fields are the same as an existing record. I tried using the index, but it reconizes any/all of the fields that duplicate.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Querying Duplicate Fields

Jul 14, 2005

Please can anybody help.
I wanted to have a form containing a list of members forenames and surnames in one record. I wanted to be able to input the members reference number and then the forename and surname would be automatically filled in.
I have achieved this through a query based on a table with ten foreign keys for the members. The query uses the members table ten times to join the ten foreign keys.
This works fine and the form runs with space for ten members and I can enter a members reference number in each field and their forenames and surnames are filled in.
The problem is that I wish to run queries with members surnames as criteria to bring out all records containing those members. How can this be done without having to set the criteria in the query in each of the members surname fields.

I know I can do this if I have a separate record for each member in the form
but I really need ten members in each record.
I hope this makes sense and somebody can help.

Thanks in advance

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Help Finding Duplicate Of Reversed Fields

Feb 14, 2008


This is my first post and i searched to try and find an answer on the forums but can't seem to find one so thought i'd ask to see if anyone is able to help. Sorry if this has been answered before and i've been a bit thick not been able to find it. anyway here's my question...

I have 2 fields i want to check in my database DOB1 and DOB2 (date of birth of applicant 1 and date of birth of applicant 2.

i've written a query that looks for any records where the data in DOB1 and DOB2 match the data in another record for DOB1 and DOB2. i hope that makes sense. this is what i've written.

In (SELECT [App1 DOB] FROM [Data] As Tmp GROUP BY [App1 DOB],[App2 DOB] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [App2 DOB] = [Data].[App2 DOB])

this seems to work but please feel free to correct me.

Now the part i'm struggling with is trying to find duplicates where the fields have been reversed. eg App1 DOB and App2 DOB are the same as App1 DOB and App2 DOB in another record but applicant 1's Date of birth has been stored as Applicant 2 and Applicant 2 is now stored as Applicant 1. i hope thats not to confusing.

Basically i'm trying to check for duplicate mortgage applications in the database but sometimes applicant 1 and applicant 2 are reversed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Tables :: Duplicate Over Multiple Fields

Sep 21, 2012

I have a table that is going to track people. First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth in three separate fields.I dont want to be able to add the same person in the table. How do i do this when the data is in separate fields.

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Reports :: Duplicate Fields Not Always Hidden

Feb 22, 2015

I have a report based on a query.

I have this grouped by a jobid.

For each field on the report I have hide duplicates set to yes. for each job id most of the line should be hidden except for a couple of fields (part used and description).

This works in 99% of cases but I occasionally I get the whole line repeated

I've treble checked that the fields are duplicates (they are) and am at a loss what to look for.

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Queries :: Duplicate Data From Two Different Fields

Jul 2, 2014

Any way to query duplicate data from two different fields from two different tables in the same access 2010 project. I first quried the first part since it combines the first 3 columns to create another value (i.e. 52 & 60 = 5260).

So I created the concatenative value but now I have to compare to another field to display what results are found in both the concatenative and the other (APN in the file). I tried using query wizard but it is for only one field. I understand you have to use joins but the destination filed is what gets me.

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Duplicate/Multiple Fields In A Table (Recordset?)

Jan 30, 2006

Hi All,

A bit new to this, any help most appreciated.

I'm trying to set up a table which will have multiple fields (a recordset? is that right, if so I don't know how to set one up in access). Its for a skill set which is utilised by specific lines in a production plant.

Each line in the plant has a set of skills required. I have a skills table (SkillID and Skill), what I want to do is have a Skillset which I can then link to each line

So for example Skillset 1 with a SkillsetID will also have in that table skill 1, skill 2, skill 3, but all taken from the Skill table. However that would involve having the SkillID field numerous times in the same table, but this cannot be done?

The idea is that for each line I can link the Line table to the Skillset table and that tells you what skills are needed for that line.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks all.

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Preventing Duplicate Data From Multiple Fields

Mar 4, 2008

Hello All,

I'm trying to limit the data entered into a specifc field, but also the data must be unique with respect to other fields.

Two fields: System A & System B.
Data entered into System A, can not be entered into System B.

Anyway to prevent this from recurring?
Would I use a validation rule?

Thanks in advance

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Deleting Duplicate Values Based On 2 Fields

Jan 3, 2006

Hi guys,

I have a question I've been trying to figure out with no luck. I have 2 fields, companyname and zip, these 2 fields may have duplicate values or they may be uniquei.e.

companyname zip
billybobs 68135
dilberts 68137
billybobs 68135

what I need to do is delete all of the duplicate records where both companyname and zip match. Is there a way I can do that with a query?

Any help is greatly appreciated



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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Duplicate Data Over 2 Fields

Dec 25, 2014

I currently assign multiple 'skills' to departments using a listbox and a combo using the following code

Private Sub cmdSaveReq_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


However as time goes on we may want to add new skills to the depts - ive used dcount to check if the data exists in one field before however how would it be possible to check to see if the data combination exists over deptid and skill

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Check Fields In Subform

Feb 25, 2005

I'm new to this forum and already I've got a question.

I'm made a form and a subform. I placed a field called 'status' in the form and in the subform I placed a field called status_subform.

If I've changes all the status_subform into a certain value I would like the status in the form to be updated.
I tried a lot of things with recordsets. I can find the number of recordsets, but I can't scroll through the recordsets, can anybody help me?

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Storing Data In Two Fields Without Allowing Duplicate Entries

Mar 19, 2005

I need to know if I can store data in more than one field, without allowing Duplicate entries.

Example: We have to send out letters with a claim number on it, sometimes we need multiple claim numbers on a letter, up to about 10 claim #'s is the most I've seen thus far.

We mail merge into Word to create the letters.

However, these claim numbers cannot be duplicated within the database and in order for this to work with the mail merge, I need several fields to store the claim numbers.

Fields are:

To be more specific. I probably have a bad data structure as I was kind of rushed and a little inexperience with putting the database together. It's for work and sometimes management just doesn't want to wait, they are so negative.

In brief, most everything is in 1 table and I know from reading this forum that I shouldn't do that, but that's another story.

Further, a claim# is tied together by the same claimant, the relationship code is what separates the claimant with the family, the insured id# is used for all claimants within the family.

You can also tie the claim# to a provider id#, some providers such as clinics and large hospitals have multiple providers that use the same provider id#, so a suffix code is used to separate the providers within that same #.

Please feel free to ask additional questions and I will give you the additional information you need to help me. Thanks again.

P.S. - Last year I created the database and this year I am improving it, so expect more posts from me in the future. I really appreciate all the help I get from everyone here!!!!

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