Combining Info In Tables For A Query

Sep 25, 2005

Hi there,

I just can't figure out how to solve my next problem. What I need to do is to make a query showing all the country's next to germany(nr.5) with their capitals. There are three tables which I can use, nr.1 showing the country_id's with their "neighbour country's", nr.2 showing the name of the country's with their capital_id's and nr.3 showing the name of the capital with their corresponding country-id.
Is there anybody who could help me with this problem, or has some suggestions? If you find this message unclear, i would love to e-mail you the tables.
As i am dutch my english isn't that good.
Thanks in advance

country_1 country_2

idname capital_id
1Belgium 1
2France 4
3Netherlands 9
4Luxembourg 14
5Germany 6
6Italy 12
7Denmark 15
8United Kingdom 11
9Ireland 16
10Spain 17
11Portugal 18
12Austria 19
13Sweden 20
14Finland 21
15Greece 22

idname peoplecountry_id
1Brussel 1370001
2Antwerpen 4970001
3Gent 2357001
4Parijs 21762432
5Lyon 4184762
6Berlijn 34000005
7Bonn 2930005
8Munchen 12670005
9Amsterdam 10380003
10Rotterdam 5760003
11Londen 66780008
12Rome 28260006
13Milaan 15150006
14Luxemburg 790004
15Kopenhagen 4820007
16Dublin 5260009
17Madrid 320000010
18Lissabon 80700011
19Wenen 151200012
20Stockholm 65100013
21Helsinki 48400014
22Athene 100000015

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Combining Tables In A Query

Sep 27, 2006

I am rather new to access and only have a public education, so be gentle. My problem is I have made two tables within access. The first one is names and other information (5800 accounts). The second one is names and phone numbers (2300 accounts). The names are in the system exactly the same for both tables. All the names on the second list are contained within the first list. I need to create a table or query that will match the names with the phone numbers and also show me the names that I do not have the phone numbers for. Basically I need a list that has 5800 accounts, shows who has a phone number and who does not have a phone number. I have made a relationship between the two tables based on the person’s name. I used the code below and put the code in the “criteria” and “name” block. However, I received no results. When I remove the code from the query I receive only the results from list 2 (2300 accounts) and no data from list 1. Any Ideas?

FROM [5480 Master Data] INNER JOIN [5480 Meal Collection] ON [5480 Master Data].name=[5480 Meal Collection].name

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Combining 2 Different Tables To Create A Query

Sep 26, 2006

I am rather new to access and only have a public education, so be gentle. My problem is I have made two tables within access. The first one is names and other information (5800 accounts). The second one is names and phone numbers (2300 accounts). The names are in the system exactly the same for both tables. All the names on the second list are contained within the first list. I need to create a table or query that will match the names with the phone numbers and also show me the names that I do not have the phone numbers for. I would really like to have one massive table that contains all the information from both lists. I have made a relationship between the two tables based on the person’s name. Any ideas? Thanks.

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Queries :: Combining Tables In A Query

Jul 9, 2014

I have an invoice form that is from tblInvoice, and on that form i have 5 subforms all tied to 5 tables, tblRepair1, tblRepairs2, etc. When we get service done at a shop the user can enter up to 5 repair types, which all five tblRepairs are joined to the InvoiceID of the tblInvoice.

the issues is one user might put oil change in repair 1 and tire rotation in repair 2 and the other 3 repairs not used. another user may use all 5 repairs and put oil change in the repair 5 field. What i want to do is query a repair type, Oil change, and get every InvoiceID record that has oil change in it regardless of what repair table it was stored in, or in other words regardless of if it was entered in repair1 or repair5.

i have tried to "step down" the criteria referencing the cbx on the search form but if queries blank. I only want the records that have an oil change in them but still want to see all the repairs that were done with it.

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1 Query Pulling Info From Multiple Identicle Tables

Feb 14, 2007

Hi guys.
For my coursework I was told I need complex queries to gian high grades.

This is my problem:
I have many many tables all identicle. They have the same field names just different information on them.
I wanna be able ot query ALL those tables to bring 1 result which I will then make a report out of.

I have tried everything, I fidled with the relationship but can't understand it.

Oh, and the tables have been linked form excel. I know i can't edit it then, but i dont need to.

I would really really apretiate all responses as this needs to be done asap.

Thanks in advanced.

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Unmatched Query To Find Changed Info Between Tables

Aug 24, 2012

I am importing the updated Employee Roster information from Excel to a table called "Weekly Roster Check" (contains new info). I have a table called "Current Chit Board" that has an Employee Roster that I update every week (contains old info). I want a query to find employees who are promoted and their title has changed. then I want to run an update query to update these results to the Current Chit Board table.

Every method I try, returns either no information or information that is not what I want.

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Queries :: Creating Query To Pull Info From Multiple Tables

May 7, 2013

I have DB used for inventory for many different categories. I have a table and form for the following: Location, Printers, Pc's and many more.

What i am trying to accomplish is to have a advanced search form that will display how many pc's and there makes and model from selecting the location name or Cost center from a combo box.

So an example would be I want to select MPP-WDF from the combo box click a button and it will return the number of PC and there makes of model's and some other information in a list of records.

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Combining Tables

Feb 19, 2006

I have just started using MS Access to enter customers into a database. I constructed the database and delegated the .mdb file to my coworkers so that they can enter their customers as well. Now I would like to combine all the customers entered by all the employees into one general table/database containing all of the customers entered by all of the employees. If anyone knows how I would go about doing that I would really appreciate the knowledge. Thank you.

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Combining Tables

Feb 1, 2005


I want to join (combine) two tables that have only identical column fields in common into one master table. There is no relation between the two tables. This master table I will use afterwards as basis for a excel pivot table. How can I do this?

Suppose I do not have identical column fields. Is it still possible to combine the tables and that in the new table the missings are filled with eg zero's.


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Combining Tables... HELP!

Feb 22, 2007

:confused: I need help desperately. I have two tables I am trying to comine in a query. Seems easy enough right? Yet the simple task has become impossible. I have two tables with the same feild for data, both containing 8 coulmns. Ex:

Table A-January
Data: 1,2,3

Table B-February
Data: 4,5,6

I'm trying to create a query that will contain the data 1,2,3,4,5,6 but am getting 11111111111,222222222,33333333333,4444444444,55555 55555,6666666, or getting 1,3,5. I've tried refining the data in many ways, even tried just created a table. Hand keying it in seems rediculous due to the end numbers being over 10,000. Any advice??? Please??? :(

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Combining Data From Two Tables

Jul 5, 2005

As the title suggests I would like to combine the data from two tables.

The first table records customer orders in fields - Part No / Quantity / Reqd Date Of Delivery

The second table is an output from a scanning s/w package we recently installed.

This provides the following data - Pack Qty / Part Number / Date Scanned.

The first thing I did was create a simply summing query to add up all the pack qtys for a specific part on a specific day.

Now comes the hard part.

What I want to do is sort and combine both tables in chronological order.

Where the part number & date for an order and a delivery match, I require the record to be combined to one record (in this query).

Where it does not match, then it should remain as two seperate records.

So for example if you ordered 100 footballs for delivery on 11/11, and we delivered 110 footballs on 11/11, the query would return:

Footballs 11/11 100 110

If the delivery was early / late we would get:

Footballs 11/11 100 0
Footballs 12/11 0 110

Now this last bit is where my queries (simple cross table queries) falls down as I only have three options when creating the join properties, ie both match, all from left table or all from right table, whereas I want all from both tables even if they do not match.

Maybe a query is the wrong way to go, but as the table from the scanner s/w is updated on a daily basis it would seem to me to be the best way forward.

Can anyone help?

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Combining 2 Tables Into 1 Using Queries

Nov 13, 2006

I've been asked to make a DB for our production. We have 2 sources, of which have similar field names and collect completely different data, but can not be linked. I don't want them to be linked either, I don't think. The only thing I want to do is to take the 2 tables I have from my 2 sources and combine them into one. I'm using the first table in a make table query and then creating blank fields in the query also, so I can append the data from the second source in the "all production" table. The only problem I'm running into is that I can only get to 26 fields in the make table query, I need 31 fields to get everything. I tried creating a new query and not using any tables, and I was able to get to 16 fields. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is there another way I can get a table created will all fields I need and append the data from both sources? I would need to be able to re-run this daily which is why I was trying to do it through a query. Thanks for any help/ideas. It's greatly appreciated!

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Combining Records From 2 Tables

Jan 3, 2008

Hello all,

I have two MS Access tables; table1 contains installing records (fields = serial, installdate) and table2 contains de-installing records (fields = serial, deinstalldate). Tables are structured as followed:

serialX installdate1
serialX installdate2
serialX installdate3

serialX deinstalldate1
serialX deinstalldate2

I'd like to combine the above two tables to get:

serialX installdate1 deinstalldate1
serialX installdate2 deinstalldate2
serialX installdate3 null

Is it possible? Right now, whenever I joined the two table on serialX I got 2 deinstalldate's for each installdate, e.g.:

serialX installdate1 deinstalldate1
serialX installdate1 deinstalldate2
serialX installdate2 deinstalldate1
serialX installdate2 deinstalldate2

Thanks in advance for your time and help! I'd appreciate it!

Best regards,


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Tables :: Combining Several Tables Into One Table

Aug 23, 2013

I have 10 tables. None of them have any entries in them. Just field names. Is there a way to combine them all into one table.

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Tables :: Combining Fields In Different Tables

May 29, 2014

I'm creating a database which would automatically assign a unique workorder number in the "WorkorderNumber" field of the "Workorder" table. Note: this will not be the Primary number for the work order.The WorkorderNumber will be developed by combining fields from the "System" table. Fields used to create the WorkorderNumber from the "System" table are:

1) Location [currently in the field is "MAX"]
2) CalendarYear [currently in the field is "2014"]
3) NextWorkorderNumber [currently in the field is "1"]

I need the following to happen to the "WorkorderNumber" field of the "Workorder" table:

a. I need the field to read as followed: Max-2014-00001
b. I need the number 00001 to autonumber to 00002 on the next entry of a new request. [MAX-2014-00002].
c. I need to be able to control how the "WorkorderNumber" field populates by changing the "CalendarYear" and "NextWorkorderNumber" fields within the "System" table without messing up prior workorder numbers already populated.

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Combining Tables To Make One Big Table?

Oct 11, 2006


I have several small tables that I want to make combine into a big table.

How do I do this - is the only way by using a query?


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Combining Multiple Columns Into One Longer Column (without Combining Fields)

Jul 17, 2013

I trying to combine three columns that I have into one column without combining fields.

Currently what I have:
(see image below)

What I want:

The list I have will be much longer and will be changing frequently, which is why I can't just go on excel and manually do this.

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Combining Rows From Multiple Tables Into A New Table

Nov 21, 2006

I have three tables, with the following data (fields separated by "-" here):
Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Total A/R
Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Total Overdue
Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - > 90 Day Balance

I would like to combine these tables into one table with the following field names:
Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Balance

When I append the data, it comes out like this:
Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Total A/R - Type of A/R - Total Overdue - Type of A/R - > 90 Day Balance

I would like this new table to include all rows from the original tables, sandwiched on top of each other. As far as I can work it, the Append Query only adds the data as add'l columns; not as add'l rows. I tried changing the field names entirely, so that the final field in each table is called "Balance." However, I still get the same result as above - the columns are added, instead of rows. I swear there's a way to do this, I just can't remember it!

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Tables :: Combining Two Text Columns Into One In A Table?

Aug 16, 2013

My Approach database contains records relating to nearly 800 sites in London. There are radically different amounts of data held about each site. The database contains a lot of different tables, each containing a different class of information. Not all the sites listed in the database have information in all of the tables.

The unique thing that holds it all together is the unique site reference number. Unfortunately this is split into two separate columns in the Approach database, "Reference" and "Suffix". Not all sites have a suffix. (The purpose of the suffix is to identify sub-sites which are subordinate to the main site reference, but need to have their own individual records.) Because many sites have no suffix, most of the fields in the second column are blank.

In order to link all the tables together in access I need a Primary Key which is unique to each site. In this case the reference/suffix number is the obvious (only) candidate. There is no problem using two different columns to create a primary key. The problem I face is that it doesn't like the fact many of the fields in the second column are blank.

My solution to this is to combine the two columns into one. That would give every site a unique reference, and none of the fields in the combined column would be blank. Can I work out how to do it? All I want is a new column that displays the reference and suffix (if any) in a single field, no spaces.

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Tables :: Combining Fields To Create Unique ID

Nov 14, 2013

How i would best combine values in a table to produce a 'primary key id number.'

For example: the first letter of a city in the ID and the next number available/auto number - Portsmouth -> P233

I know i can create this in a query however i want it as the unique ID for that record entry in a table. If that doesn't make sense i can try to elaborate some more.

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Tables :: Combining Year And Number Field

Dec 13, 2012

I have a database that uses a field for the year (but I'm using a fiscal year that will end June 30, 2013) and another field as an autonumber. I use the year and autonumber as my reference number (i.e 2013-0001). I'd like to be able to combine these fields to generate the entire number. Also, I'd like for the year to add 1 beginning July 1st of each calendar year, and the autonumber start over at 0001 (i.e. 2014-0001 on July 1, 2013). Is this possible, and if so, how can I do it?

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Combining Fields Form Different Tables Into The Same Column On A Listbox

Mar 15, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I hope I'm posting in the right place, I've been trying to solve my problem using queries so I thought it might be appropriate here.
I have a database for a health care service which contains among others the following four tables...

Table 1 contains client details, primary key [ClientID] plus other client details.
Table 2 contains Episode of care details, primary key [EpisodeofcareID], [episodeofcareDate] etc...
Table 3 contains all test results for assessment 1, primary key [CoreID], [CoreDate] plus numerous scores for individual tests.
Table 4 contains all test results for assessment 2, primary key [HonosID], [HonosDate] plus numerous scores for individual tests.

Table 1 is linked to Table 2, and Table 2 is linked to both Table 3 & 4.

I have set up a search procedure whereby the user enters a clients name which then opens a list box of all clients with that name. When the client selects from the listbox I want a second listbox to open which has three visible columns. One giving the date of each episode of care for the client, the second giving the date of each assessment completed and the third giving the name of the assessment carried out.

I'm managing to get the date of the Episode of Care to display on the first visible column but I'm getting stuck on the next two. This would seem to involve somehow combining data from different tables into individual columns on the listbox. For example I need the second visible column on this listbox to list all the dates of assessments for the chosen client from tables 3 & 4. (e.g. [CoreDate] and [HonosDate]). Column three would then give the title of the assessment next to the date in column two. None of the tables have a field listing titles as this is determined by which table the data is entered into. I've been trying to solve this by queries without much success.

Could anyone give some ideas as to how I could solve these problems?

Many Thanks


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Modules & VBA :: Combining Multiple Tables Of Similar Type?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a database which is importing several Excel workbooks, each with multiple worksheets. Every workbook has 20 worksheets, with the same 20 worksheet names. When they are imported they come in as one table for each worksheet, named tblWorkSheetName_X with X starting at 1 and increasing for each worksheet brought in with the same name. So if the worksheet names are A-T I have tblA_1 through tblA_6 and likewise for B - T.

I would like to combine all of the tables which come from similar worksheets into one table (one table per name).

I.e. I want to combine the data in tblA_1 through tblA_6 into a singular tbl_A and likewise for tables B through T. So in the end I will have one table for each worksheet name A-T. t how to code this successfully?

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Combining Date Columns From Different Tables And Retrieve Data

Aug 17, 2012

I'm trying to retrieve information from 3 tables (Order, Receive and Issue) to one table as Inventory Table/Query. it looks like as follows

Order Table:





Receive Table:





Issue Table:





I'm looking for Inventory table/query which will give all of the data per date, which is like the following












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Options To Get Info From Tables

May 16, 2005

It seems that there are a few different ways to get info from the tables when developing an applications that i know of:

4)selects without any of the above

I lean towards the last 2 but I need to know this: is there any advantages in using ado as opposed just sql?

For instance i ran this sql:

Private Sub Command0_Click()

Dim SQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String

strCriteria = Forms![form2]![Text1]

SQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ((('" & strCriteria & "'))"

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmClinic"
Forms![frmClinic].RecordSource = SQL
End Sub

it worked fine. I could see how a beginner would prefer to use queries over sql but I would prefer to use sql in vba. I've read that dao is older and I should use ado instead. So that leaves ado vs. the way I displayed it in the above code. So which way should I go? If I'm over looking queries or dao in favour of ado/sql, just point out their advantages if you don't mind.



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Form Getting Info From Two Tables...

Jun 7, 2006

************** edit: Fixed!!!! *************

The database I'm working on is coming on nicely, thanks to some valuable help from this forum. But I've got a couple of new problems that I just can't seem to get my head around. Really hope someone out there can help!


I have two tables (well, there are more.. but there are two main ones with the important data on them). The first is a list of Customers (you know, the usual Name, contact, telephone etc...). The second is a list of jobs for each customer.

After starting from scratch, I created a nice looking form wth control tabs that on one page shows you the customer information and on the second; the job history for that customer. I then have a third tab which lets you add new jobs. So I'm all chuffed because that is the basics of what I wanted it to do.

However, I need a hard copy of the job report to print out and give to an engineer to fill in or to print in future should a customer wish to see it.

Try as I might, the reports function didn't look as if it was something that could be "designed" the way I wanted it to look. So, I figured another form was in order.

I started by building a query which included all the fields from the two tables mentioned above in it; I.e. So it would pull up a Job Printout by a workorderID number. That way it would show all the company info PLUS the detail of that one particular job.

Problem is this: I can see from the query in table view that the Jobs are listed; but alongside them is a straight listing for all the companies in the database. Basically, the Company who received the job in question is not being shown by the query.... if you follow me. (Apologies if I'm explaining this like a fool).

Question 1 then... is how do I fix this? Is this something to do with these arcane relationships things?

Question 2: How do I create a button to print that one "form" by workorder ID.

Question 3: Did I do the right thing by using a "form" or is there a better way to create a "report" for printing that can be formatted the way I want (with logos and stuff)

Thanks again peeps!

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