Combo Box Dependant On Text Box

Feb 7, 2006


I would like to know how can i reference a combo box to the value of a text box on the form it is for a purchasing system.

if i select product one i only want the the order quantity for that item to show and the same with the price field as all the reorder levels and cost information is stored in a table. i have created queries only selecting the product code and reorder quantity and the product code and the cost price.

hope someone will be able to help


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Updating Combo Box Contents Dependant On Other Combo Box

Nov 15, 2004

I have created a database that is used to track various programs that our organisation runs, and keeps a record of which Division the program is in.

at the moment I have a main form which has a combo box that lists Divisions, then I have a subform that has a combo box on it that lists the purchasers.

what I would like to do, is to have the Purchasers list update when a Division is selected in that main form, as depending on which Division is chosen the contents of the Purchasers list changes drastically.

Is anyone able to offer some assistance?

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Combo Box Value Dependant On Value In Control

Apr 22, 2014

I have a control called Pnummer (its personell number).After a user enters this number i want my combobox called Kenteken (Licenseplate number) to fill with only the licence plate numbers of the employee from the table Parkeerbeheer (Parking management).Should be simple enough, its like cascading comboboxes but then with only one combobox.So i put this code in the afterupdate event of the Pnummer control :

On Error Resume Next
kzlKenteken.RowSource = "Select parkeerbeheer.kenteken " & _
"FROM parkeerbeheer " & _
"WHERE parkeerbeheer.pnummer = '" & fldPnummer.Value & "' " & _
"ORDER BY parkeerbeheer.kenteken;"
I have left the rowsource blanc as above code handles that.

The only thing that comes to mind why it doesn't work is that the table bound to this form is NOT the source where i pull the licenceplate numbers from.

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Displaying Records Dependant On Combo Box

Jun 8, 2006


Any ideas on how to autofill the rest of a form when i select from a combo box?

ie when i choose a name from the list i want the rest of the form to populate with the rest of the data relevant to the selection.


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Make A Field Visable Dependant On Combo Box

Sep 18, 2006

I am very new to Access and all that it entails but I have really learned a lot viewing everyones posts. I cannot seem to get my current problem solved.
I am trying to have a combo box appear depending on a preivous combo box selection.

1st combo box is "ApplianceCombo"
2nd combo box is "SpeedCombo" Set to Visible = No

1st Combo Box has
Washing Machine etc

If they choose Washing Machine I would like my 2nd combo box to appear which they can then choose

Hope I have explained this well enough.
Thank you in advance for any help

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Dependant Information

Apr 14, 2006

How Do You Do Dependant Fields?

Example being:

I have a list of Stores of which there are 4 Formats (Super, Extra, Metro, Express). Each of these formats have their own specific grades.

What i want to do is when entering a new store via a form, In the Format box i would choose one of the formats from a combo box then when i progress to the Grade Entry, i would only want to see the Grades for that particular Store Format.

Would i need to have different lookup tables for each of the format grades & how do i achieve the above?

Ive seen this done on Airline web sites, ie select outgoing airport then the destinations change to only those that can be reached by flights from the Outgoing airport.

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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Required Field Dependant On Another

Sep 12, 2006

Quick question for you.
I know how to set a required field, but how do I edit two field so that they are dependant on each other? IE. How do I set my form to make FIELD1 required ONLY if FIELD2 is empty and vice versa?
Thanks very much and I hope I've explained myself correctly.

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Date Dependant Data

Jun 18, 2007

What's the correct syntax to search for in the forums, for this question.

Have a customer database, where the customers records are split across two tables. The second table holds the customers address; when this changes I need to record the date so that in the future, any invoices etc always have the correct address on them for that particular date.

I have a cross tab query which works quite happily and when you create the record it adds a date/time stamp. However what I cannot seem to figure out is how to save any ammendments to the address etc as a new record, whilst not adding a new record to the non "dative information" such as Name, DOB etc. The PK for table2 is made up of the Customer Number And Date/Time Stamp. At the moment any changes I make to the existing record in table2 simply over writes the edited fields..

Can I do this through the QBE, or does this have to done using recordsets?

Anyone help please?

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Lookup Field Row Dependant

Mar 18, 2005

Hi Everyone,

I have a question about lookup fields. I have the tables below. The main table is [vid] and i reference other tables like [manufacturer], [model].. etc. to fill in [vid]. I have pull down lookups for all of [vid] but it is showing all models, makes, etc. I need helping making the lookup row dependant. For example when I am in [vid] and click on the [model] combo box for vid=1, I only want to see the models for that manufacturer(Ford), so it will only show mustang, escape, and navigator; not all of the models. For vid=2, when I click the pull down for model I only want to see Gm Models, corvette and cavalier. So this is what i mean be row dependant. Is this possible?

Thanks so much in advanced,

vid,year,mft, make, model, submodel, ...
2,2005,GM,Chevrolet,Cavalier, LS
30,2005,ford,Lincoln,Navigator, base


1, Mustang,Ford
2, Escape, Ford
3, Corvette, GM
4, Cavalier, GM
5, Navigator, Ford
6, Wrangler, DCX

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Dependant List Boxes

Feb 26, 2005

Hi, im kind of new to access and im not sure whether this is possible or not, but i have a problem which needs to be solved by 4 list boxes on the same form.

The first list box will have 4 choices in it and depending on which one is chosen the second list box will be updated. This continues on to the 4th list box, which when a choice has been made a new form will open with the relevant information from the tables.

I hope this is enough information to enable someone to aid me with my problem, thankyou very much for your time.


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Make One Field Dependant On Another

Jun 2, 2006

i have a fault logging system for a school. i am trying to change a background Colour of a field to red when another field contains certain values.

any ideas much appriciated :)

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Form Field Dependant On DDLB

Apr 26, 2005

I have a list box containing various items. I would like to have another field return a numeric value depending on what is selected in the list box. For example, if Closed is selected from the list box, the other field would return a 1. How can I do this. The new field also needs to be linked to a table so the values are saved in the table. Thanks for the help.

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Hiding Controls Dependant On User

Sep 15, 2005

Is it possible to hide text boxes/controls on forms dependant on the user ? I have a had a (quick) look at access security and it appears that it just enables read/write access to objects not controls on the objects.

Many Thanks in anticipation

Dave Smith

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Pictures Dependant On Current Record

Jan 17, 2006

I would like to somehow put the link to the picture in a field in a table, and then have the picture change depending on the record I am viewing (which is altered by the combo box pertaining to another field) ok thanks!

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Change Colour Dependant On Field Value

Jun 28, 2006


First please accept my apologies if this has been done before. In the attached database I am going to have a form which is continous what I am looking to do is change the colour of the box which is in the background to the associated colour from the quote table for example

if they choose water then it will look at the TBLQuoteType and change the box colour to the colour which has been assigned to that value.

Hope this explains it ok I will continue to try and figure it out but I thought I could also use your expert knowledge.


Thanks again

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Add Record To Second Table Dependant On Query In First

Sep 2, 2007

I am sorry to have to ask. I have been researching for the last two weeks and still can't find the solution.

Could you help me. I have a web page in asp, which has a "submit" button. When this is pressed I want to access a MS Access database called "Passliabcapture"
within this single database - I want to examine each record in one table (results), and then dependant on the results of the examination (ie if the value of a status field - "D"), add a new record to a second table (transaction file), and then continue looping through this function until the end of the first table.

Sorry if it seems simple - but I think I am - simple that is...

The code I have tried is as follows. All I get is an error saying

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/jon.asp, line 10

INSERT INTO "Transaction File" (Policy_No, Insured Name, fin_totalmnthpremium, ActionDate, Daterun, Description)

[If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "SUBMIT" Then

Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objconn.Open Application("passliabcapture_ConnectionString")
obj_rs.Open "Results"",Transaction File", objCon, 1, 3, 2 ' adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

INSERT INTO "Transaction File" (Policy_No, Insured Name, fin_totalmnthpremium, ActionDate, Daterun, Description)
SELECT Policy_No, Insured Name, Transaction Amount, ActionDate, Daterun, Description, FROM "Results" WHERE Status = "D"

Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage")
Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID")

End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set objCon = Nothing

&nbsp; <html><head><title>Debit Run Page</title></head><body style="background-image: url('_themes/expeditn/exptextb.jpg')">

<input name="Submit1" type="submit" value="run"> </body></html>]

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Some Newbie Queries About Choice Dependant Fields

Aug 7, 2005

I have a database i am playing around with in Access 2003

I should state im new to Access

Anyway i have a field with a dropdown menu with the choice of Yes or No

I want another field to be populated from an entry in the table Extras called ElectricityCharge but only when the Yes is chosen above

Had a look around and cant see any sort of If then type function or anything of that ilk, how can i do this ?

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Generating A Numbering System Dependant On Other Feilds

Apr 20, 2007

I have used and maintained Access databases in the past but this is my first experience with building a new database. I started by borrowing every Access book my Tech department has on hand and going through them. I have gotten to the point where my tech department can not help me because my question is beyond their own knowledge. I have searched through many different website’s forums and have failed to find what I am looking for. It very well may be out there and I am using the wrong terminology in my searches. The most important piece of information to be stored in my entire database is of course the one that I am having the hardest time figuring out how to set up.

I have a table called “Document Index” which will be a master log of every document that passes through my department. This table has the three fields which are important to my problem/question.
1. The “LOC” field represents the location at which the document was logged. The “LOC” field has a working validation rule that only allows a “D” or “S”, representing the department head’s office or the site office.
2. The “DUO” field value represents the three digit unique number assigned to a project by another department (accounting)
3. The “ID Number” field is a unique number we will assign to each document that is this table’s primary key. It is also where my problem sits. The “ID Number” format has been decided upon by my boss and the rest of the office has already begun stamping these ID Numbers onto every document (which I will have to go through and enter once the database is complete). I am stuck with the format as it is shown in the example below.
“ID Number” format is: value of “LOC”- value of “DUO”-number

I know what I want the field to do but I have no idea how to turn my ideas into the proper code to see if it works. So here is my idea of a solution with example values entered.
A.Fill in form for “LOC” and “DUO”
B.At this point Access would run a behind the scenes search and return all ID #’s that had a that “LOC and “DUO”
C.At this point Access would run a behind the scenes search through only those records found in step B to find the highest “ID Number” previously assigned
D.At this point Access would make a calculation: adding one (+1) to the “ID Number” found in step C
E.At this point Access would insert the result found in step D into the “ID Number” field of my current entry (which until this step the record only contained the “LOC” and “DUO”)

For example: if my first 4 entries had this info:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
S410S-410-1 Priate's Demands
D415D-415-1 Cinderella’s Birthday Invitation
D410D-410-2 Peter Pan’s Response to Ransom Note

Then I complete step A by typing into the form:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
S410S-410-1 Priate's Demands
D415D-415-1 Cinderella’s Birthday Invitation
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note

Access would execute step B finding:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note

Access would execute step C finding:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note

Access would execute step D finding:
D-410-2 + 1 = D-410-3

Access would execute step E:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
S410S-410-1 Priate's Demands
D415D-415-1 Cinderella’s Birthday Invitation
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note
Then I would finish entering the information for that record.

I would appreciate any help you can offer, even if just pointing me in the right direction or correct terminology for my searches.

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Hide Fields On A Form Dependant On Contents Of Txt Box?

May 16, 2005


How can I get access to hide certain fields or controls on a form if a certain field has no data?

Allow me to explain further:

I have a form that displays data = frmPlantMain
and a associated image = Image1
The image is stored outside of the db as a jpeg and the field in the record source table (Image1) contains a link to the image. For example: C:databasePicture1.jpg

There is also a hidden text box that contains the message "No Image available" = lbl_NoPix
This would be displayed in place of the image if no image has been inserted.

I also have a seperate "insert new image" command button = cmdInsertPic

If the current record has a image then I want to have the controls Image1,lbl_NoPix & cmdInsertPic hidden. This seems fairly easy but it gets more complicated now.

If there is no image I would like these controls visable so that the user can add a new image. I would then need the record to be requiried or refreshed to reflect the fact that a new image has been added.

This is where I fall down - I do not know how to tell access to look at the field in the table (Image1) and if there is no linked or associated image then set the visable propertys of controls a,b & c on the form to true.

I hope I have explained my problem correctly and I thank you for your time in advance.



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Forms :: Dependant Drop Down List From Date

Mar 21, 2015

Is it possible to have a drop down list dependant on the date selected? The form has date, then period time. Would it be possible for the period time drop down list to change if the date is selected on a saturday?

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Forms :: One Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box And Text Box Uses

Jun 4, 2013

I have been creating a form, based on only one table. Here I am displaying data as text boxes and subfrom from the same table. At the beginning, I was interested in controlling the display of the data according to the combo box (in this case is the PO number). Now, I would like to add another combox box which is the year (I have a column with the date, and also I have a column that shows only the years digits in my table) Also, I have a subform that display the data from the same table specifics records that I want. It means that I want to pick the year first, and then in the combox box of po number shows only option of that year, and hence the text boxes and subforms change accordingly to the two combox boxes.

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Forms :: Lookup Value Dependant On Previous Field Entry - Requery?

Jun 21, 2015

I'm creating a database which contains information for keeping dog grooming clients. It has 3 tables, table 1 is customer, table 2 is dog, and table 3 is booking.I want to be able to choose the customer table and within that you can see the pet linked to that customer and within the dog table you can see any bookings with that dog.What I have done is linked the pet and booking table to the customer details via mobile no. being the primary key.

I want a form called appointments which contains fields *ID, date, mobile, dog name, grooming stlye and other. What i want to happen is this, once the mobile number is entered, i then when it to lookup the mobile number in the dog table and pull the pet name from that, then in the dog name box it will then provide a drop down of dogs related to that mobile number.

I understand a query needs to be made in the dog name field, so in that field i created a query to look up the mobile no. in the appointment table, and to then lookup the pet name in the pets table. This kind of works. The two problems are this, the drop down in the dog name field shows all of the dogs in the database not just the ones assigned to the mobile no. in the field before. If i choose one of the dogs not related to that mobile it changes the mobile number in the field before to the relevant one (but i don't want to be able to see the dogs which arent related to the mobile no. in the field before.The other issue is that on one of the customers there are two dogs, now on the drop down you can see both dogs, but it will only allow you to select the dog that was entered first into the database. If i select the other dog it simply chooses the data for the one first entered.

I have read about doing Requeries on the afterupdate of the field and attempted this by choosing the dog name field and in the afterupdate telling it to requery pet name (I've also tried mobile), this hasn't worked. I have a feeling I'm getting a bit confused by which fields i'm supposed to use etc.

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Text Box Printing Combo Box ID Instead Of Text Value

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to print on report the value of combo box which is based on the query

SELECT qryDept.DeptID, qryDept.Department
FROM qryDept;
with formula

But my problem is its printing ID of the combo box instead of text value which is name of the dept. say HR

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Combo Box And Text Box Help.

Jun 25, 2006


I have a combo box on a form with three values, when I select one of the values I want a text box to show a corresponding value.

The combo box has three values for different types of memberships; under18, over60, and standard, these have different prices. So what I want is for when one of the values is selected the text box will show the price.

Any help on how to do this? The database is below.

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Amend Top Value Via Text Or Combo Box

Jan 23, 2007

Is there a way whereby I, or another user, can amend the ‘TOP’ value of a query via a Combo or Text box entry on a form? I have searched this Forum for a solution to this very problem but have had no success. I understand how to achieve this via the queries ‘SQL’ view but cant figure out a way to do it by the way that I have already described!!

Your advice or a ‘pointer’ in the right direction would be extremely well received.

Thanks for your time.

Have a nice day...

Kind Regards


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