Combo Box To Fill 3 Fields On Form

Oct 5, 2006

I have the fields City, State and Postcode in my Member's table. My Member's form has the same 3 fields.

I have the CityLookup table which contains the City name and relevant State and Postcode.

I want my users to be able to either select from the combo dropdown list to select a City or start typing the name and the name will be autofilled from the list - then the correct City name, State and Poscode will automatically fill the fields on my form.

i have looked at a number of combo box methods and can not get one to work for me.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Auto Fill Fields In A Form Using A Combo Field

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to auto-fill address info from a combo field. I'm using a select query on a table for the information. It appears to work for the first field (Firm Address1), but then stops working on all the other fields.

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Using Combo Box Selection To Fill Other Fields

Mar 12, 2005

I am new to Acces programming and have been tasked with making a database for work. I is a very simple database. What I need it to do though that I can't figure out is. Once the table is populated with information I want the user to be able to select a record from my combo box and then all the rest of the information from the record will automatically display in the correct text field so any changes can be made to it. So I have say Combo Box John Smith and when he is selected I want text field DOB to automatically fill with 01/01/1960 as that is what was put in there when he was first entered.


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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Fill In The Fields Using Combo Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form (Project Form) with (Project_ID,Applicant_ID,Project_description, etc). To make it easier for the user who may not know the Applicant _ID when he/she is adding a new project for the applicant, I want to put a combo box with the Applicant Names in it, and once the Applicant Name is chosen, the Applicant ID will be filled out automatically and be saved in the Project Table.

My Approach so far was adding a combo box with two columns(Applicant ID, Applicant Name), and basically adding the following code:

Private Sub Combo36_AfterUpdate()
Me.Applicant_ID = Me.Combo36.Column(0)
End Sub

This approach works well, when I select an applicant, the Applicant ID will pop up correctly. However, This ID is not being saved in the Project Table.

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Forms :: Adding Fields In A Table And Having Output Fill Fields On A Form

Jan 29, 2014

I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.

SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay
FROM [Tble-wcDelays]
GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID
HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));

That is the query.

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Zero Fill Form Fields

Jul 15, 2005

I want a quick-n-dirty method of filling char or numeric fields on a form with leading zeros. Can I do that without VBA?

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Auto-Fill Text Fields In Form

Jan 10, 2012

is there a way to have a form set to either auto populate fields based on the FIRST FIELD? For example: if the user type in the STUDY ID, the other fields like (first name, last name etc..) are auto-populated/auto-filled? and if the STUDY ID is new and not in the table, then the users simply fill in all the fields/complete the form and save? And I would also like a message box to show when I am typing the STUDY ID that would say something like: this person is on the system already. Click YES for this person and NO to add the user?...

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Forms :: Auto Pop / Fill Based On Combo Box In A Form

Oct 22, 2014

I have created a form based off of one table. I have added an unbound combo box so a user can select a department's number and would like department name and accountable officer to auto pop/fill based on the dept number selection. I'm not sure what I need to put in the "After Update" in the properties in order for this to work.

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Dynamically Create Text Fields In Form And Fill Data

Mar 30, 2007

I want a help on this complicated issue:

On running a select query with "a*" of names in a table:
Results are : America, Argentina

Now I want this to dynamically create 2 text fileds in a form and fill America &".snp" in first and Argentina &".snp" in 2nd filed.

It is not regarding subform to display data of query result.

This I am going to use to add attchment for outlook email session as being discussed in my Email from access with attachment thread.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Use Form Fields To Fill Numerous Records Under Same Column

Feb 2, 2015

I am using .FormFields to fill a quotation template in Word, but the subform I am retrieving the data from has rows of records under each column and I need to send more than just the first row to fill the required bookmarks in Word.

The code I'm using is

Set doc = appWord.Documents.Open("S:TemplatesQuotation Template - Test.doc", , True)
With doc
.FormFields("FirstName").Result = Me!FirstName
.FormFields("FirstName2").Result = Me!FirstName
.FormFields("LastName").Result = Me!LastName
.FormFields("LastName2").Result = Me!LastName

[Code] ......

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General :: Auto Fill Multiple Fields In A Form From 2 Tables

Apr 3, 2015

I have two tables, "Summary" and 'POC Information". In the "POC Information Table I have all my Contacts Information (Name, Title, Phone, Email, etc...) and I am trying to assign 2 POCs to each of my multiple projects located in the "Summary" Table. I am using a Form called "JCIDS Tracker Input Form" as the link. So far I am able to assign one POC by a combo box that lists "Full Name", then it autofills the other information...Phone Number, Email, etc... The problem come into being when I want to assign a second POC to the same Project...I can assign a name, but it won't correctly autofill the rest of the just autofills in the information from the first POC that was selected.

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Forms :: Matching ID Fields To Auto Fill Form Field

Aug 30, 2013

The table ProductInfo has an ItemID, and its corresponding Quantity.The table Orders has a PO column, an Item# column, a OrderQuantity column, and the column Item#CurrentStock which holds the Quantity of the selected item, for 3 items.I have created a form that has a ComboBox populated with the ItemID's from ProductInfo, that when selected populate the corresponding Item# in the Orders table.

I would love if the Quantity(stock) from ProductInfo would automatically fill the Item#CurrentStock field on the form when the ItemID is selected from the ComboBox.But all of the fields only relate to Item# from the first ComboBox!?!?I have tried =dlookup,

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Forms :: Students Details - Form View Automatically Fill Fields

Oct 25, 2014

I prepared students details in access, but when i look the form view students particulars looks automatically (like name, age, weight and address). But what i need is students details has to come after I enter the name.

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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Having Some Subform Fields Auto Fill From Mainform Fields

Nov 2, 2005

How can I get some mainform fields' data to be the first entry in a subform? From the mainform, I would like the Head of Household name and date of birth to be carried over to the first entry in the HouseholdMembers subform.

The two forms are tied to separate tables. For each household member I need to be able to enter full legal name, date of birth and some additional pieces of information such as income and source of income.

What I'd like to avoid is making the users enter the Head of Household's name and date of birth twice. Is there a way to carry that information over to the subform?

Thank you, Charlotte

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Combo Box Fill In Text Box..BUT!

Oct 26, 2006

I know how to base the combo box on a query, and in the after update enter

Me.[txtboxName]= Me.[cboName].Column(1)


I want to bound the combo box to a control source.

How can I achieve that?


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Fill Multiple Fields

Feb 11, 2008

I have an order form that requires me to change the current promotion we're running continually. I need to populate all rows based on the update changes of one textbox. Is this possible? Right now when I update the promotion text box, it only updates the text for row one.

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Automatically Fill Fields

Nov 7, 2007

hello all, any help greatly appreciated.....

I have two tables in the same Access 2003 database.

Table1 is called "Clients" and has address type fields, e.g. street_name, postcode, etc. It also has a field called CYPAN_area.

Table 2 is called CYPAN_Postcodes and has two fields; postcodes and the CYPAN area that postcode belongs to.

I want to create a function so that when someone enters the postcode in table1, the database searches Table2 and identifies which CYPAN area that postcode belongs to and automatically populates the "CYPAN_area" field in Table 1.

any tips greatly appreciated


PS I'm only a novice so I don't know anything about VBA etc, but I understand excel type formula

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Automatically Fill Fields

Nov 21, 2005

I'm kinda new at ACCESS, and I've accepted an assignment that is giving me some trouble. For beginners, I could use some help as follows:
I am constructing a data entry form that is keyed on PID (Personal ID). I would like to be able to have certain fields in my form (Name, Title, Department, etc.) fill in automatically from information already stored in a different table, also containing the PID (which I can set as key). I would like this action to occur either when the PID field has reached 3 characters or when the PID field has LostFocus.

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Automatically Fill Fields

Jan 16, 2006

Is it possible to have some fields filled in automatically as soon as a certain value has been entered into another field. e.g. if a town is entered in one field, then the postcode is automatically entered into the next field.

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Partially Fill Key Fields

Oct 29, 2006

I have a mainform Transactions with TransactionsID and a subform Site Details with SiteID. For non-database related issues (my users like things the way they are) at the moment I have to use text strings for the key fields instead of autonumbers.

SiteId begins with the TransactionID number (the program does check for uniqueness for TransactionID). At the moment the user copies and pastes the TransactionID into the SiteID textbox, and then just needs to add the site name.

I would like the SiteID to have the TransactionID partly filled in, so that one more step is eliminated. I have tried using forms!fTransactions!TransactionID, but I get #Error. I have also tried copying the TransactionsId text box onto the Site Details form and setting the property to invisible, and then using the forms! and I still get #Error. My first attempt was to change the data control of SiteID to TransactionID, but that didn't work either - it changed all the SiteIDs to their respective TransactionIDs. Fortunately I was working with a copy (rule number one of database design) and no harm done.

Is the issue that I am dealing with is that SiteID is a key field and that key fields can't be calculated? If so I will long for the day when all my key fields can be switched to autonumbers.

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Quickly Fill Fields DOWN With Same Value?

Apr 24, 2014

I'm wondering if there is a way in Access 2013 to - for example - enter a value in a date field and then highlight it and drag it down to populate all the records in the table with that value, as can be done in Excel?

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Combo Box / Fill Text Boxes

Feb 20, 2006

May I start by saying Hi and that im just embarking on understanding Access 2003. I do know a little about DB as I have built programs in VB6 using databases. But now onto my problem which seems a simple one.

I have a Db called delivery. With columns as below. Mtno being the key.

Mtno Orderno Description Quantity Customer

I populate a combo box with Mtno, but on the click event of the combo box i wish to populate textboxs from the other columns.

Code used.

Private Sub Combo0_Click()

Me!text2 = Combo0.Column(1)
Me!text3 = Combo0.Column(2)

End Sub

text2 gets populated and updates on the click event of the combo box but text3 doesnt. Niether do the other text boxes when I put the code in.

Help me understand this please.

kind Regards


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Use Access Table To Fill VB Combo Box

Jan 20, 2005

I have a VB6 form that I want to fill with data from a field in an Access DB. I get the connection and the first field, but want the whole column to show up as the combo box items so that one can be selected, then when saved, populate and/or update another Access table. Can anyone help me cause the whole column to display instead of only the first record? TIA--Ed

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Auto Fill From Selection Of Combo Box

Sep 13, 2006

I set up an Access database to track visiting families. Each person in a family is inserted as a seperate row in my table. The table has the following columns: Visitor # (which is an auto #), Head of household, last name, first name, phone, email, address and etc.

The first person I enter when a family visits is the head of the household. I set up a quiery with a pull down combo box in my form so when I enter a new entry I can select a head of the houshold to assign each person to. Since I put the head of the household in first. I can then select that head of the household (this way I can track each family member seperate but still know they belong to the same family). So if we have a family visit that has a husband, wife and a child. There are three entries each having a head of the household as the same. When I use the query to select the head of the household in the combo box I would like the information that is the same as the original "head of the household" entry (address and phone #) to be automacially filled in from the husband's initial entry.

How can I do this? I read some other post with some VB in them like "Me.TextBox = ComboBox1.Column(3)" but I don't understand the syntax too well since I'm new at this.

Any help would be appreciated.


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I Need A Combo Box To Fill Text Boxes.

Dec 5, 2006

Hello I hope someone can help me on this one.
This is something I am not getting an understanding on and need some help.

I made a form that holds all information for our customers.
I want to make the Company Name box into a combo box so when I change the
Company Name in the combo box it populates all the text boxes on the form with
the correct data.

I for the life of me do not know where/how to even start to do this.

I would attach my database but I cant seem to get the file small enough. I have deleted the large table and it is still 7megs. How do I get it small enough to attach it?

Thanks for the help.

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