Anyone help
I have 2 combo boxes cd group and cd name when I select CD group the records only associated yo that cd name display with that group.
Anyway, also the name of songs form works too,. So then now when I go from record to record the records display right with the songs and not with the cd group and name when I select Mormon Tabernacle Chior and name God Bless Ammerica it disaplys for all the records any help.
I am designing a database to keep track of workers for a haunted house. I have a Roster table, a table of all the nights we are open, a table of Spots in the house, and a table to record who works what nights and what spot they are in. This table has a Room combo box and a Spot combo box. The Room combo has a Row Source of SELECT DISTINCT SpotsAll.Room FROM SpotsAll ORDER BY SpotsAll.Room; The Spot combo is then populated with VB code all the Spots that are in that room. That works fine. This is what I'm trying to accomplish: When a Spot is assigned to a Worker for that night, I want that spot to no longer be available in that list FOR THAT PARTICULAR NIGHT. So, lets say Joe Somebody works in Spot 1 (out of 4 lets say) of the Library Room, when we assign another person to the Library room, I don't want Spot 1 in the Spot list.
Can this be done with a query or VB code? If I'm not making sense, please let me know. I can also upload the Database I am creating so that you can play around with it and see what I mean.
(I have attached a word doc. that shows the table relationships.)
I have a form that we are creating to issue project numbers. We have about 80 different clients. I have set up a combo box for the client name, where we can choose the client from the drop down menu. We want the form to filter according to the client name that you choose. For example, if you pick Lawrence as the client name, the next combo box is the project name and I want it to only show the project names that have been assigned to Lawrence in the past. Can someone please help me on how to do this and if it is even possible at all? Thank you so much for your help!! I have been wrestling with this for about a week and a half now.
Please help. My inability to achieve this is very frustrating.
I have a tabular form based on a query, which returns a large number of records. I need users to be able to filter the records to display data relating to what they have entered in a number of combo boxes.
For example I have fields showing Product ID, Manufacturer ID, Purchase Order number and due date. Each of these fields has a corresponding unbound combo box where users can select values that appear in the table. I need to be able to filter the form based on what is in these combo boxes. I.e. Filler for a product ID to show all purchase orders numbers and due dates relating to that product ID or filter for a manufacturer ID and due date to show all Product IDs and purchase orders relating to that a manufacturer and date.
Ideally this would be achieved by pressing a command button.
The query, table and combo boxes are all built and work fine but I am unable to get the filter to work, I am using Access 97 and am not very familiar with visual basic. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a sub form that I enter date range in 2 text box's txtstartdate and txtenddate this is filtering field "date raised" and I have combo box call cboclient this is filtering field "client name" this code is behind a command button after hitting the command button it open's the report and it show's all records with in the date range and with client name enter in cboclient works great. problem is I have now added another cboclient2 to filter client name twice so now I enter a date range in txtstartdate and txtenddate put a client name in cboclient and a client name in cbocleint2 hit command button it open's the report but doesn't apply the date range to cboclient2 it just show's all records with that client name
Code: Private Sub cmdPreview_Click() 'On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Remove the single quote from start of this line once you have it Dim strReport As String Dim strDateField As String Dim strWhere As String Dim lngView As Long
I'm attempting to filter my form with combo boxes. I've added the below code, but the if statement that checks if one of the combo boxes is null won't work. If the combo box is null or "", it's supposed to assign a wildcard to the variable. But it doesn't pass the test and goes straight to the Else statement. I've highlighted the if statement that keeps failing in red.
Code: Private Sub btn_Search_Click() 'create variables to store the combo box values Dim str_Country As String Dim str_Vendor As String Dim str_Survey As String
I am using master/child form for data entry for packings and the details for this packings (i.e. the products inside a packing is entered in subform and packing master is entered in main form ).
In the detail subform i use a productId field which has look up from 1000 products , so i want to filter that particular combo box based on different types from product master ( from which it choses the products).
How many ways are there to filter that combo box based on different types ( which i have in product master as type,design,material etc).One way of which is combo boxes on main form.
I have three comboboxes and I want to have the first one filter the second one and the filtered second one filter the third one.
Filtering the first one on the second one works, but when I whant to add a third one to it, it just shows blank spaces on the third one.
What I did to the first and the second combobox :
1: I pressed the second combobox. 2: Went to rowsource. 3: filled criteria in on the value i whant to connect the first combox to the second combobox ( [Forms]![Thetableimin].[1stcombobox]. 4. requery the second combobox in programcode on the first combobox.
What I did to the second and the third combobox:
1: I pressed the third combobox. 2: Went to rowsource. 3: filled criteria in on the value i whant to connect the second combobox to the third combobox ( [Forms]![Thetableimin].[2ndcombobox] 4. requery the third combobox in programcode on the second combobox.
How do I make a third combobox that uses the filtered values of the second combobox to filter the third combobox.
I thought I was in the home stretch of my project, everything worked great when I was messing with 200 records. Now that I'm messing with 2000+ records, things are very slow. So a search form redesign!
I have a form (frmSearch) that has a subform (frmSubSearch) embedded in it. The frmSubSearch is a datasheet only that is just pulling its info from a query (qrySearch). qrySearch has about 8 columns of data in it.
On the main form I have a combo box that is feeding its list from the qrySearch using a SELECT DISTINCT statement. So a user selects an item in the combo box and my After_Update fires. This sets a filter on frmSubSearch. I have three of these combo boxes that can add to the filter and they work great so far.
But I want to have the combo boxes filter themselves based on whats left on frmSubSearch. So if a user selects something in the 2nd combo box, the sub form filters and updates, but then I want the other two combo boxes to only have valid selections, and not something selectable that would wind up giving me a blank sub form result.
I have tried using .Requery in various ways, but its not working. I have also been looking into the idea of Cascading Comboboxes, but these don't seem to quite fit what I'm trying to do.
I am creating a query that should filter records of events based on multiple fields. The filters should work with any combination of field criteria, but only two of the four field are working properly, as follows:
1. a text box for searching with event name (free text) - this is working; 2. a combo box to filter events by country name - this is working; 3. a combo box to filter events by event's keyword (category) - this is NOT working; 4. a combo box to filter events by year - this is NOT working
I have two questions. I have a form with 2 combo boxes. The first pulls from a simple list. Once you make a choice, the second combo box is then filtered by the first. This works correct, except that once a choice is made in the first, the filter is locked. If you change the first combo box's value a second time it does not effect the second box. The query that I am using for the second combo box has two columns that pull the first 50 characters of a pair of memo fields. Quote: SELECT MSSS.SS_ID, Left([Application_Name],50) AS Expr1, Left([Description],50) AS Expr2, MSSS.Site_Code FROM MSSS WHERE (((MSSS.Site_Code)=[Forms]![Edit or Delete Requests]![Combo6])); These fields are then used to populate 2 text fields using an event procedure. Quote: Private Sub Combo10_AfterUpdate() ' Display Partial Application Name and Description based on choice Me!txtApplication_Name = Me!Combo10.Column(1) Me!txtDescription = Me!Combo10.Column(2) End Sub This is working fine, but it starts the next problem.
I need to change the form to include the entire memo field into a text box. I was using the columns of the second combo box to fill them in. Since the combo box is limited to only 50 characters, i could only grab part of it. I am guessing there is a much better way to accomplish what I need, but I am too inexperienced with forms and vb to come up with it. Below are the fields I need from table MSSS Business_Name Application_Name Description Acronym Level_1_Support Level_2_Support Escalation_process Troubleshooting Priority Links Modified Disabled
how I can modify this code to make it filter results in a combo box by what the user types in to search for.
Private Sub txtSearch_AfterUpdate() With Me.RecordsetClone .FindFirst "[FirstName]=""" & Me.txtSearch & """ OR [Lastname]=""" & Me.txtSearch & """" If .NoMatch Then Beep
Hi, I need help on my search command. I am hoping to be able to use a combo box or a list box coming from a table as my criteria to use to filter records from a form and present it a subform/subreport upon clicking the command button. Ideally I should have a form wherein I will have a either a combo box or list box for my criteria, a subform/subreport, and a command button. When I select a particular item on the combo box or list box and I click the command button, the subform/subreport would show me records matching only the particular criteria I selected.
I tried using several approach but it's not working, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Please help me, I am just learning how to do this all by myself.
First Approach: I tried using a list box to list all the countries I have available from the country table and a command button so when I select a country from the list box and click on the command button I will be able to show on a datasheet view only records matching the country criteria. This is the code I used: __________________________________________________ _______________ Private Sub Preview_Click()
End Sub __________________________________________________ _______________ But everytime I click on the command button Preview, I am always asked to enter parmeter value then when I type the country that's when it shows the record in forms format matching the criteria country but when I dont type anything and click ok, it just shows a blank form and indicates it's filtered but no record is showing. But I click cancel, it shows a Run-time error '2501'. why does it still have to make me type the parameter if I have selected it on the list box already?
Second Approach: On the form: I used a combo box, a subform/subreport and a command button. On the combo box I have to show different countries available on my country table. on the subform/subreport I have used my a form created from a query. I want to select from the combo box a particular country and used it as my criteria to filter the records I have on my subform when I click on the search command button. I tried following the sample given by gromit but it doesn't want to work on my database.
This is the code I followed: __________________________________________________ _______________ Private Sub btnClear_Click() Dim intIndex As Integer Me.cmbCountry = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnsearch_Click() Me.frmqrybyCountry1.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qrybycountry" & BuildFilter
End Sub
Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant Dim varWhere As Variant
varWhere = Null ' Main filter
'Check if there is a filter to return... If IsNull(varWhere) Then varWhere = "" Else varWhere = "WHERE " & varWhere
' strip off last "AND" in the filter If Right(varWhere, 5) = " AND " Then varWhere = Left(varWhere, Len(varWhere) - 5) End If End If
BuildFilter = varWhere
End Function __________________________________________________ _______________ After selecting on the combo box and click on the command button it just shows all record. It doesn't seem like it is reading what I selected from the combo box as my criteria to filter the records. What could be I be doing wrong? Honestly, I dont understand what is happening to the code here especially the BuildFilter function.
Please help me, I would really want to figure this problem out. Thank you so much.
I have three identical Combo Boxes which show the names of the classes in our school. They are just three copies of the same combo box. What I want is this: I choose three different classes from these three boxes. Then I want a button at the bottom which when pressed, should show the records of these three classes separately. Preferably, as three columns.I have made the Combo Boxes, but am stuck at the button to perform these actions.
I have a main form which has 4 combo boxes all based on tblPeople. Combo0 is skill Combo1 is discipline Combo2 is crart Comb03 is active
The sub form is a datatable list of the tblpeople.
How do I apply the filter to the datatable. I am assuming I need to build a sql statement somewhere like SELECT from tlpeople WHERE me!combo0 = [tblpeople].[skill] and me!Combo1=[tblpeople].[discipline] etc
Is there a sample database? or can somebody tell me how to go about this.
Background: I have a continous form linked to a table and I have 3 combo boxes on the form (linked to fields on the table). The combo boxes are called JOB TITLE, SCHEDULE and SHIFT. The source for the combo boxes are queries named respectively as LKUPJOB, LKUPSCHEDULE and LKUPSHIFT. For the three combo boxes listed abpve, the bound column is the first field of the underlying query and the column width of the first field is set to 0" (so that the second field of the query is displayed).
The way things should work is that for each record on the form, the LKUPSCHEDULE and LKUPSHIFT queries (queries for the SCHEDULE and SHIFT combo boxes), the queries are filtered based on the bound field of the JOB TITLE combo box. The name of the bound field for the JOB TITLE combo is called Labor_Rate_ID.
Problem: Unfortunately, It seems like the value of the labor-rate_ID in the first record (i.e. first job title combo box) determines the query list used by the SCHEDULE and SHIFT comboboxes for all the other records on the form. That is, even though the form has lots of records displayed, the combo boxes for each record don't have a complete list to work with.
Hence, the SCHEDULE and SHIFT combo boxes for some records are showing a blank (since available otions in the combo query list don't match the value in the table for that record.
Can anybody tell me how to get a continous form to refress the list for each record on the form.
I also don't know whether the Requery command for a macro could work and how to use it. I think though, that this problem can't be solved by a macro.
Basically, the question is around what kind of code will let you manipulate the properties of individual controls of a form at the Record level.
I have a table with the following 5 fields. (Service Type), (Valve Name),(Size),(Rating),(Description).
I want to do two thing:
First: I want to select the required information from the first 4 fields using combo boxes and get the last field (description) based on the selected 4 fields. In other words, i want the record to be filtered using first 4 fields to give me the last field info.
Second: I want to store the filtered record (all 5 fields) in another table.
Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to have several combo "boxes" in one form. The form is based on one table. In the table there are several fields which use a look-up (combo) drop down box to choose from: Type, Description, Manufacturer and Location.
In the form I want a combo box for Type, to bring up specific records in a subform, then I want a combo box for Description to bring up another set of records (within that Type of equipment) and a third combo box for Location to bring up all equipment within that location.
When I have tried to set this up - it changes some of the data in the in the subform - which changes it in the underlying table. If it set the form to open in New Record, then nothing shows up in the drop down box. Is there some If, THen code I could use to make it look first in the Type, then in the Description field, then close those out and look for the set of records that match in the location field?
Does that make sense?
I know how to manipulate in MSAccess templates, etc., but I don't know much about the underlying codes.
I'm creating a form that has combo boxes pertaining to each of the following fields from table "Documents": DocumentID (primary key), DocumentTitle, DocumentAuthor, and DocumentYear. No combo box is used with any priority over the others. The working form will allow a user to retrieve the full document record (data for all fields) by using any combo box they want, as well as any combination of combo boxes. This means that if a selection is made in one field's combo box, the drop-down lists in the other boxes need to update based on that preliminary selection. The filtered results for each field, based on any and all combo box selections, are always shown in a single datasheet on the form.
The kicker is that when a user starts filtering records by making selections from the drop down list in a combo box, but then decides to TYPE in another field's combo box, I want the combo box they typed in to do two things: 1) filter the records for that field based on what they typed, if any records meet that criteria (e.g. they typed "B" so only records beginning with B are shown), and 2) if no records match the typed criteria, the search starts all over (at the top of the cascade), filtering all library records based only on what they typed in the most recent combo box.
Does that make sense? Any tips welcomed.
I don't know how to cascade combo boxes in this way.
I made a form for users to go back and see saved records as and when required. However my cascading combo box are not showing the saved information. Information is saved in back end.
I am trying to get a series of combo boxes to interact and record the selections made in new records within a destination table. Here is situation with respect to the tables involved:
1 table lists the names/acronyms of various research facilities and the branch to which they belong (acronym is PK) 1 table lists Financial Points of Contact for each facility (acronym is FK to relate to earlier table) 1 table lists Technical Points of Contact for each facility (acronym is FK to relate to Facility table) 1 table lists program participants and the branch they belong to (Branch in FK to relate to Facility table)
I am trying to create a form that allows me to set the participant and, from this selection, restricts the facility choices in the Facility combo box to those that fall within the branch to which the participant is assigned. I think the next step is pretty obvious too. Once the facility is selected I have combo boxes that would only display those Financial and Technical PoCs assigned to that facility.
I have watched the 4 Data Pig tutorials and I can easily make functional cascading combo boxes as long as they only refer to the look up tables. I generated perfectly functioning cascading combo boxes on a test form. How do I generate combo boxes that will then store the info selected in my destination table? Whenever I try to set a Control Source it disrupts the functioning of the queries.
I am new in MS Access programming and is trying to create a search form for all records based on selected dates and check box. I was able to filter the records by dates but can't find ways to filter the records that meet the dates to be filtered again based on the selected check box/s. Basically what I wanted to is display all the records within the selected dates and check box/s.
I have a Suppliers database which contains a form that will allow me to place orders with Suppliers.The Main form has a combo box that allows me to select the supplier. The combo box is called SupplierID with the following:
Row source: SELECT Suppliers.SupplierID, Suppliers.CompanyName FROM Suppliers ORDER BY Suppliers.CompanyName;
The subform is called Stock Subform witha combo box called ProductID with the following:
Row source: SELECT DISTINCT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Suppliers.CompanyName, Products.Discontinued FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID=Products.SupplierID WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=0)) ORDER BY Products.ProductName; Event Procedure - AfterUpdate: Private Sub ProductID_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo Err_ProductID_AfterUpdate Dim strFilter As String ' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function. strFilter = "ProductID = " & Me!ProductID
The Link fields are done on the Purchase Order ID (PONoID).What I want to achieve is to select the supplier from the combo box (SupplierID) on the main form and then the combo box (ProductID) on the subform to filter to only show products directly supplied by the Supplier selected on the Main Form.
I want to create a Multiple Items form presenting Orders table with two Combo Boxes:
1. A combo box to select Order_Category_ID. 2. A combo box to select Order_Type. When 1 (Minor) is chosen in the first combo box it should show Book and Pencil, when 2 (Major) is chosen it should show Car and House.
Examples in the Internet show how to do it on a 'single row' forms using the RowSource property. I tried to use a query like:
SELECT Order_Type FROM Order_Type INNER JOIN Orders ON Order_Type.Order_Category_ID = Orders.Order_Category_ID WHERE Order_Category_ID = [comboBoxOrderCategoryID]
But it sets same values for all records in the Multiple Items form and it should return different values in each rows based on value in the first combo box (Order_Category_ID).