Concurrency Control For A Few Users

Jul 20, 2005

The db I'm developing will just have a few users (3 max) so I'm hoping I don't have to develop a concurrency plan that involves a lot of overhead. Right now I just want to do this: in Tools/Options/Advanced I going to set the Default open mode to "shared" and the Default record locking to "edited record". Is there anything else I should look into? This isn't going to be a db with a lot traffic but I think I need to implement concurrency to at least a solid level. BTW, what's the "Open databases using record level locking" option all about?


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Concurrency Clarifications

Aug 16, 2005

I'm redoing a patient info database for a healthcare facility (right now it's a flat Filemaker db with 869 fields and 4000 records) and I had pretty much decided to move it over to access but I was talking to one of the database guys at the local University and he mentioned that if there is going to be more than one user editing data that I shouldn't use access and should use mysql instead. Then after talking to a different guy and reading through this forum it seems that sharing the database shouldn't be a problem but I just wanted to get a few clarifications first.

There are only 5 or 6 people that would be accessing the database and I doubt that they will be accessing the same records at the same time very often. Basically, what I want to know is can I setup the db with access so that those 5 or 6 people can access it whenever they want and add and change records. I'm not familiar yet with how splitting the db works but could I just put the db file on the network and they could just open it in access and make whatever changes or do I have to split it. Thanks for any advise.

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Control Users.

Jun 23, 2005

When the application starts up I need to control the user of the system, I will have to accounts which I will define one will act as an admin and the second will act as a user the differences is that the user acts is “read only” cannot add, delete and edit.

I would appreciate your comments and ideas regarding this part?


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Question About: A Table Of Users Who Have Relationships To Other Users??

Feb 21, 2006


I have a table of users somthing like this:


Users can be friends with one another and I need some way of logging this.

My 2 options (that i can see) are:

1) Putting a friends entry in the main user table then comma delimiting the User_ID's in the friend entry like so:

User_ID: 001
Name: John
Hobby: Frizbee
Favorite_Food: Cake
Friends: 002,004,010

2) Making a seperate table with multiple entries for each user like so:

User: 001
Friend 002
User: 001
Friend: 004
User: 001
Friend: 010
User: 002
Friend: 001
User: 004
Friend: 001
User: 010
Friend: 001

The database has to be handled by a web service and/or a web appliction making the comma delimited option occupy more server time breaking down the string into usable user_ID's.
But (and this is probably my actual problem) if i was to impliment my second idea, I'm not sure what I should make the tables primary key or the best way to relate it to the main user table.

My initial thought is to just have a, technicaly useless, ID be the primary key and impliment a one(User) to many(friends entries) relationship... but im a bit of an access n00b so thought i better come ask for some advice.


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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Web Browser Control Inside A Tab Control Display

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.

Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.

This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.

I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.

See the attached image ...

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New Field Does Not Show In Control Source For Form Control

May 28, 2015

I have table that I had to add a new field to which we update with a form. I tried to add a control for the new field but the field does not show up in the list for the control source. I am trying to add a list box to the form with a blank and 5 options.

I have attached screen shots of the table design and the form. The table has the field in datasheet view and I have manually entered a few entries in it but it still will not show in the control source for the form control. The top section of the form is where we enter and select the data for the new records. The bottom section (circled in red) autofills the matching record, from separate tables, for updating with the new entries.

I have added form controls for modified fields in the past so I am confused about why this is happening.

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Reference A Control On A Subform In A Tab Control!

Aug 3, 2006

OK. I have searched and searched and every thread dances around similar situations but none seem to address this particular one. I am trying to make a control on a sub form visible/not visible depending on the condition of a control on a main form. The catch is that the control I'm trying to change the state of is on a subform located in a tab control. I've tried a thousand combinations and none seem to work. How do I reference the control on the subform in a tab control?

Main Form: frmMemberMain
Tab Control: TabCtl12
Tab Control Page: 2
Subform: frmChildren
Control on subform: txtRelationship

Can someone please help before my brain explodes!! Thanks! :eek:

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Control Validation For 1st Control

May 17, 2006


I have reviewed the posts for 'Control Validation' and dowloaded the sample database kindly posted by ansentry.

In the PaymentAmount example, a name has to be entered in the first control before an amount is enterered in the second control. If the controls and tab order are reversed, the validation doesn't work.

I have a form where the 1st Control needs validating before moving on. The code below doesn't work.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.Employee_No) Then
MsgBox "Employee No Required", vbCritical, "Data required "
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Multiple Users

May 9, 2005


I have database with user level security that works fine, but I have asked to place this database onto our secured network which means multiple users could have it open at any given time.

How can I setup this database to allow multiple users? I am very, very green at Access. Please don't say split the database...please! :eek:


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Number Of Users

May 16, 2005

If I place the program on a server, how can I tell which users are using the program? Also, is it possible for me to kick someone off the program without going to their computer?

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Multiple Users

May 26, 2005

Please refresh my memory on how i can set up a database having about 10 users possibly making entrie at the same time. I am trying to make a small database for containing employee surveys.

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MDE And Multiple Users

Jun 29, 2005

I want to create and mde file in order for the users not to change any thing on my design, I will be uploading the file into my server and give them the path to access:

1.3 people (max) will be accessing the database, is that a problem or not?
2. I cant create an mde file I have to convert my db but I have read as well if I covert it to 2000 people who have lower or higher version wont be able to access it, how can I fix that?


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Groups And Users!

Jun 30, 2005

I think I am missing sth here, after I set my new group then I create my new user, then what! How can I specify which user to login with? Will the user be promoted for a username and a password?

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Multiple Users?

Aug 18, 2005


I am trying to create a database that MULTIPLE users can log on and view the data.

Eg. I have a client list and have employed 5 ppl to call each one of my clients and confirm their details.

I have imported all the details into a table and just want users to simulataneously log on and click a "next record" button that will bring up the next "new" record with the details displayed on a form. of course the database will flag this record as "old" and which user called them.

Main thing is 5+ computers can connect to this database simultaneously and no record gets displayed more than once.

Can MS Access do this?

if it cant, would a vb front end located on each computer help?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Jon Cheah

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DAPs For Users

Oct 6, 2005

What the user front-ends required in order to run/view my DAPs that put on the web?
Do they really need to have Access installed (any versions is OK?) ....
or anything else?


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Track Changes By Users

Mar 8, 2006

What is the simplest way to track who is making a change to a record and when they made the change? I've tried searching for help but I'm not quite grasping how to do this. Any ideas?

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Kick Users Out Of DB

Feb 19, 2007

Hey guys,

I'm curious to know if it is possible to kick users off your db so you can make changes. Is it possible to send them a message to save and close within 30 seconds, or just send them a messgae. I guess I want to know whether I can
1) Kick a user off
2) Send them a message
3) Send a user a message and then kick them off

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Multiple Users

Mar 12, 2007

i have a database which is shared on the network. i have one problem right one. when one is using the database, another person cannot access it. what can i do to enable multer user access it at the same time.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

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View Users

Aug 17, 2007


Just a quick question

Is there any way that I can view which users are logged onto the database?


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Chat To Users

Aug 23, 2007


Has anyone ever made a code to enable users to chat to each other in real time to help with transfering calls etc within the organisation?

Many thanks

Paul S

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Users And Passwords

Feb 12, 2008

This is probably a really easy thing to do but I need to set up users and passwords to access a database that will contain sensitive information so cannot be accessible to everyone.

Can someone please tell me an easy step-by-step way on how to do this, with multiple users allowed to add and edit information (but not the workings of tables, queries etc)?

I am pretty much self taught so nothing too technical if possible!!

Also, the user's name needs to be input into an "Entered By" field in a form automatically depending on who has logged in when a new record is created.

Thanks in advance for your help with this.


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Too Many Active Users

Mar 9, 2008

Hi Again guys,

I have a database application, front end on the local machines, back end on a server (it happens to be a mac server, but still works). Recently we upgraded to Access2007 on all systems, but left the backend in 2000 format. Ever since then we have been having issues with our users getting told "Too Many Active Users" when they try and access the backend. If all users disconnect and the reconnect it seems to be fine for a while, then after sometime it does it again. I assume it has something to do with the ldb file on the backend. It worked fine in 2003, now I am stumped. It possibly has something to do with permissions but I have no idea what.

Thanks for any help.

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Multiple Users

Mar 21, 2008

Hi all, o.k prior to a previous message i have been back to my manager and informed him that there is no way of updating effectivly via email.

o.k first i will tell you what we will have:
Three networked pc's running xp prof, and access 2003.
Now what i want is to be able to have my database running as a server on one machine and have the two other machines running the same database simultaniously all of them updating.

Now what i need, i dont want to have the work done for me, just if someone could point me in the right direction, maybe one or two tutorials, any pitfalls i may find etc.

thanks in advance..


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Multiple Users

Oct 10, 2006

I am building a database which will be used by around 30 people at the same time. When telephone calls come in they will log the details.
I dont need anything to explicit.
I have one table, around six queries and 3 reports.
I will be using one form with a save button and next record button and a switchboard.
The users will log on at the same time and will log all telephone calls thoughout the day.
Will the database work with so many people using it at the same time or do I have to change the properties.

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Allow End Users To Access QBE?

Aug 30, 2006

I searched and doesn't seem to find anything about that question.

I am aware that there are forms that help with building dynamic queries for end users who need to juggle their data, but wondered if allowing them to access QBE would make everything easier (why reinvent the wheel?), and whether it is possible to restrict QBE from doing action queries or using dynaset to restrict end users from updating via queries which may circumvent the rules written in forms for the given data.

Have anyone had designed database with users having access to QBE? If not, how do you provide as much functionality without practically having to re-invent the wheel?


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