Conditional Sum In Form

Sep 26, 2006

Hi all

I want to display income and expense seperately on the form till the time of last transaction--in cash book,where i will enter transactions.


How do i display total of income and expense seperately on form using conditional sum on date,income/expense , or any other way to do it

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Conditional Form Sections?

Oct 10, 2005

Hi there,

I'm trying to do a new membership database for a local group who take monetary subscriptions.
Basically, there's a form for creating a new member, with a few tabs - Contact Info, Payment Info, and one other.

Basically, in the payment tab, i've got a dropo down box to select the individual package from a packages table, another to select the payment term (Monthly, Annually), and a final one to select the payment method.
Now in there i've got a list of possible payment methods: Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card, Direct Debit.
Now obviouslly, each payment method is going to have different requirememnts for what info the club actually needs. Cash simply needs amount of payment and date of payment. Cheque needs payment amount, payment date, cheque details. Card is obviously going to need the CC number, Valid & Expiry Date, Card Type, CCV Number, etc.

So basically, i want to be able to have the relevant section display when that payment method is selected from the Payment Method drop-down box.
What's the easiet way of doing this? Could i create another tab-set inside the payment tab, and then only display the one tab relevant to the selected method?


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Conditional Locking Of Form Field

Feb 17, 2005

I am developing a simple database in Access 97, where users have to enter values manually into a form. There is one field called product. Depending on that entry, either field language or country would have to be blocked to avoid invalid entries.
Do you have any ideas on how to approach that problem?

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Conditional Format - Form Background

Mar 24, 2006

Could some kind person out there help me out please?
I have been 'dabbling in' the area of "conditional formatting", particularly in the area of changing the colour of my active form based on the result of whats input on a text box. I have had some success in this area but where I am getting confused is getting the colour of my form to change on the basis of what is entered into a text box control that does not match exactly. My form background changes to the required colour when its value is 'set exactly' or matches, but what I am trying to achieve is to change it according to the first letter of entry regardless of what follows thereafter? It always starts with a letter, either a ‘D’ or ‘V’ to indicate whether its ‘Vital’ or ‘Desirable’ and is subsequently followed by no more than 6 numbers and finally a letter. Basically I need my form to change colour based on the whether it is either a ‘V’ or a ‘D’ irrespective of what follows???

What I have been using so far is:

Private Sub Model_Number_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Part_Number = "V111145K" Then
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 12632256 'Light Red
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 8421631 'Blah Gray
End If
End Sub

.................................................. .................................................

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.Part_Number = "V111145K" Then
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 12632256 'Light Red
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 8421631 'Blah Gray
End If
End Sub

Your help would be gratefully appreciated:confused:

Thanks Very Much


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Conditional Formating On Continous Form

Sep 24, 2004


I am trying to change the color to display when the order
close to red.whilst leaving the open records as default.
Iam attempting this on a continous form.
Currently operating access 2000

Many thanks


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Forms :: Conditional Lamp In A Form

Aug 28, 2013

I want to make a toolbar on top of my form and put the input label and a lamp behind it, in that,so when the operator enter a specific input a lamp near the input label in toolbar become green and when the operator not enter a value this lamp show red color.

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Conditional Formatting Of One Button On Continuous Form

Jul 17, 2005

Hello there,

I was wondering if any of you experts out there know a way to help me out here.
I was wondering if it is possible to color the text on the last pressed button on a continuous form different from all the others, so people will know which one they pressed last?
I've been trying a lot of different things here but i'm stuck. All i can get done is that all the buttons turn a different color, but doesn't solve anything.

I hope some of u can help me out here.

And thanx in advance,

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General :: Fields On Form - IF Then Conditional Format

Jan 14, 2014

I have a field on a form OrderDate and a field DOB. I am not sure how to create an expression in conditional formatting that:

=IF([DOB] - [OrderDate] <30), Then background is red

So if the OrderDate is 1/1/2014 and the DOB is 1/15/2014 then the DOB field turns red

If the OrderDate is 1/1/2014 and the DOB is 2/29/2012 then the DOB field does not turn red.

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Forms :: Displaying Conditional Info On A Form

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to create a form where I store the literacy and numeracy results of a group of students. So far I have designed a form which gives me a tick box as to whether the test they took was literacy or numeracy, then a box where I enter the score. Literacy tests are scored out of 72 and numeracy out of 50.

what I would like to do is write something that shows the literacy numeracy levels of each student after each test. So for literacy, the score ranges are as follows:

0 - 13 Below Entry 1
14 - 32 Entry 1
33 - 52 Entry 2
53 - 65 Entry 3
66 - 7 Level 1

What I would like to be able to do is tick whether or not they sat a literacy or numeracy test, enter the score and the db to come up with their level and display it on the form.

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Modules & VBA :: Edit Conditional Statements Via Form

Aug 31, 2013

I have a table of marks of student, a query that calculates totals and a form that displays results. on the query, i have an if statement.

comment:IIf([Marks]>=80,"good",IIf([Marks]>=50,"fair",IIf([Marks]>=40,"Work harder")))

So i want to be able to make the whole syntax available for user to edit without actually doing it in vba. is this possible in vba? i have attached an image

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Continuous Form - Conditional Formatting On Option Box

Apr 24, 2015

I have a continuous form. On which I have a frame and three option boxes with values 1, 2 and 3 what I am trying to do if one record is selected in option box other text boxes of the same record turn red I am using this code which works perfectly expect that it's doing for all records. I want that particular record to turn red.

Private Sub Form_current()
End Sub
Private Sub Frame53_Click()

[Code] .....

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Conditional Formatting - Form Based On Text Box Entry

Mar 24, 2006

Could some kind person out there help me out please?
I have been 'dabbling in' the area of conditional formatting, particularly in the area of changing the colour of my active form based on the result of what’s output on a text box. I have had some success in this area but where I am getting confused is getting the colour of my form to change on the basis of what is entered into a text box control that does not match exactly. My forms background changes to the required colour when its value is ‘set exactly’ but what I am trying to achieve is to change it according to the first letter of entry regardless of what follows? It always starts with a letter, either a ‘D’ or ‘V’ to indicate whether its ‘Vital’ or ‘Desirable’ and is subsequently followed by no more than 6 numbers and finally a letter. Basically I need my form to change colour based on the whether it is either a ‘V’ or a ‘D’ irrespective of what follows???

What I have been using so far is:

Private Sub Model_Number_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Part_Number = "V111145K" Then
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 12632256 'Light Red
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 8421631 'Blah Gray
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.Part_Number = "V111145K" Then
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 12632256 'Light Red
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = 8421631 'Blah Gray
End If
End Sub

Can anyone help me out of a ' sticky situation'..

Ta Very much


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Conditional Format Form Based On Text In Txtfield

Sep 14, 2006

Hi All,

I'd lile to show/hide selected subforms based on the the text in a txtfield.
The text in the selection field (txtSelect) I'd like to use for that may be either one of the following:

book-01, book-02, book-03 etc OR,
folder-01, folder-02, folder-03 etc OR,
record-01, record-02 record-03 etc. OR
it can be just a 4 digit number.

If the txtSelect contains "book" I'd like the subfrmBookdetails to be visible.
If the txtSelect contains "folder" obviously the subfrmFolderdetails etc.

What I'm struggling with is the If-Then statement for selecting the partial text in txtselect.

I've tried things like this:
On current
if me.txtSelect.text="book*" then
me.subfrmBookdetails.visible=true etc etc.

No joy.

I know how to get this to work in a query with a like-statement but I have not been able to find anything on this in relation to conditional formatting of a form. Any one and good ideas?


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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Form Formatting Depending On Field

Jul 2, 2013

I created a form that applies conditional formats depending on a field. It works fine, until you enter data into one of the conditionally formatted fields, then all hell breaks loose. Conditional formats totally go away and the cells go to #error.

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Formatting With Like - Colouring Fields Within A Form

Jul 5, 2014

What I am trying to do is create conditional formatting to colour fields within a form.

The conditional formatting option built in allows me to colour based on set values i.e. Value=Design turns green. I need to somehow say if Value contains the word Design turn green. This is because in addition to the word Design there will be a variable description. I tried editing the conditional format created by the wizard to Value="*Design*" but that didn't work.

Now I'm trying to write it in VBA code but am still struggling. Here's what I tried but it doesn't like it:

If InStr([Forms]![Query2]![Activity] Like "*Design")>0 Then
[Forms]![Query2]![Activity].BackColor = vbGreen
End If

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Of Control On Continuous Form

Feb 2, 2015

I have a continuous form on which where each record has many controls, including control (A). I wish to set the colour of this control based on the contents of another control (B). Control B is a memo format and is placed behind another control making it hidden. The idea being that the user can then click on control(A) and look at supporting information from Control B on another form.

Conditional formatting cannot be used since this only allows conditions based on the control (A), not (B). Event procedures cannot be used since they all depend on making a record the current record, and I want the user to immediately see when further information is available. When I apply VBA code using an 'on load' event it is action for all records on the form in a way that if only one record has extra information, all records are flagged in this way.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Of Currency Field In Entry Form

May 26, 2015

I have some Conditional Formatting of a Currency Field in an Entry Form. The cell is conditionally formatted with a yellow background when the value is zero.

I now wish to add an additional condition to the expression such that even if the value is zero it will not be formatted if a specific check box is TRUE.

I have tried modifying the expression such that it reads;

[currency field]=0 AND [check box]<>TRUE.

It correctly turns off the conditional formatting if the check box is ticked, but does not turn it on again when the check box is unticked.

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Conditional Formating Help Please

Apr 17, 2006

Good morning, all...

I have an unbound box on a form and, within the box are 25 strategically placed "X" marks (text fields) named X1 - X25. I want only one of the X marks visible based on the value of two fields, i.e., if field "Impact" = 0.5 and "Probability" = 0.3 then X23 will be visible.

Could someone please get me started with the code to accomplish this?

Thanx in advance for your assistance.
Karen :)

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Conditional Formating

Jul 13, 2005

Trying to setup a conditional format for a field on a form based on conditions from another field.

I have a form with [Field1] and [Field2]

I have a 3rd field called [New SMF]

What I want to do is have conditions on [New Field] so that if the value is greater than Field1 or less than Field2 the background of new field turns red.

How can I do this?


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Conditional Formatting

Apr 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've a question and I hope you can help me out.......
I'm trying to use Conditional Formatting Options on a Text box called "Date". I'd like that this box become Red if its value is between value1 from Text box "Start Date" and value2 from Text box "End Date" or Green otherwise (in this way the color change dynamically every time I change the values of Text Boxes "Start Date " and "End Date"). How can I do that? What I need to type in the Conditional Formatting Windows?

Thanks a lot for you help!!!!

Ciao Ciao

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Conditional Formatting

Aug 13, 2007


On my Database I have used Conditional Formattion to change the colour of the qty to highlight when the qty is getting low however its not as good as I would hope as there are different type of definition of quantity (D of Q) e.g. Each (single items such as a screw) and Roll (such as cord and tape)

Conditional formatting doesnt work well because if I have it as less than 10 the qty is in red, its ok for the each items however not the roll as 10 rolls of tape is more than we would need.

I am just wondering if anyone knows what the code would be to change the colour depending on the qty and the D of Q

All i have got so far is:
If me.qty <10 and DofQ = EA then

Now im stuck for the change colour part

Any help would be great

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Conditional Formatting Help

Sep 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

I'm after an easy way on being able to change the colour of a field once it a certain figure is reached

For instance

Standard field colour for anything 1-99
100+ changes to red

Would any be able to help me out please?

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Conditional View

Mar 2, 2005

hi all,

how do i create view based on a condition.

For example my database consists of a Employee table
*Token ID

Now the users of this table would be employees from different divisions.
And i want to create a view for each division for records only belonging to that particular division. And use this view to update records of that division.

Or should i create tables for each division and then give access of each table to the respective division user.

Any response is welcome..

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Conditional Formatting

Sep 8, 2005

Does anyone know if there is a way in a report to display an entire row in a different color? I'm running a report based on a query and I need specific information to come up in RED. I read about conditional formatting but you can only apply it to a field in a report, but not to an entire row. Let's say I have a group of managers and I need to know the ones that are making more than $50,000 a year. I don't just want the salary to come in RED, I need the entire row (like name, last name, title, date of hire, salary, etc).
Any ideas?


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Conditional Query Using Between

Jul 13, 2006

Hi - I wonder if anyone could possibly help, I have a list box that is populated by a query, which currently populates the list according to which site is selected within a combobox - what i would like to do in addition is to have a check box which controls how much data is shown, ie, if the checkbox is ticked show all data from April 1st onwards, if not ticked to only show the last 12 weeks (84 days)

I have tried to acheive this using the code below:

[Forms]![frmPccAnalysis]![cboSelect] --is used to select the site--

IIf([Forms]![frmPccAnalysis]![chkFilterLimit]=-1,(Between #01/04/2006# And Now()),(Between (Now()-84) And Now())) --is what i am trying to use to either restrict or show all data--

when i run the code i just get empty fields, if i manually enter the "Between #01/04/06# and Now()" statement in the criteria it works fine, just not with the conditial checkbox. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

Many Thanks


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Is Conditional Averaging Possible?

Aug 19, 2006

I have the following situation:

1. A Homeroom table which includes student id, academic year, and homeroom.
2. A Student Grades table which includes student id (linked to Homeroom table), term, academic year, progress grade (15 pts), and progress grade (A-F).

The contents of these tables are imported from excel, and that works fine except for one thing: in order to keep the field [progress grade (15 pts)] numeric, I had to put a 0.0 as a grade for any student who got an "I" (Incomplete) or "N/A" as his or her progress grade.

The problem arises when I want to produce an average progress grade for the student for that given term/year. How do I not include the 0.0's of students who got I's or N/A's?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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