Conditional View

Mar 2, 2005

hi all,

how do i create view based on a condition.

For example my database consists of a Employee table
*Token ID

Now the users of this table would be employees from different divisions.
And i want to create a view for each division for records only belonging to that particular division. And use this view to update records of that division.

Or should i create tables for each division and then give access of each table to the respective division user.

Any response is welcome..

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General :: Conditional Formatting - Print View Not Showing Highlights

Jul 2, 2012

I applied conditional formatting to a subform in a form and it works fine. The screen dispaly is showing the highlights but the print privew does not. It does not matter which printer I select.

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Forms :: Text Boxes Showing In Design View But Not Display In Form View

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Form which I have linked correctly to a subform. The Text boxes are showing in the Design view but are not when one switches to the Form View. Labels for Fields are visible in the Form View. Have even created a new subform and that will also not display the Text Boxes.

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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How Do I Show The Subform As Form View Instead Of Datasheet View :confused:

Jul 19, 2007

See title :)

I have seen that in some sample db's rightclicking the mouse showed the menu with an option to check or uncheck the dataview option, unchecked the formview was applied, but when i 'just' import the subform, i cannot find somewhere the possibility to change from dataview to formview.

Maybe someone can help me with this, probably very simple(?), question?

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!!??? All My Forms Are Blank Under Form View - But Fine Under Design View!!!

Jul 13, 2006

Anybody ever heard of this before? I open a form, and it is empty, just a blank window. I open the same form in Design View, all appears well. :mad:

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Field In Design View Not Showing In Table View

Jul 2, 2007

I have a table called NewTransactions_tbl that I have been using for some time. I am trying to add a new field called CustomerProjectNumber. It's not being displayed when I look at the table view. I've attached an image showing the settings for the field. I am probably missing something obvious.

Any ideas why it is not showing?

I am using Access 2000.

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Forms :: No Filters - Cannot View All Records In Form View

Aug 27, 2013

I have 4 tables and around 440 records but can only view up to 417 in the form I have designed. I have been adding new records via form and it has been added to my main table, but when i try to view it in form view - the record is not available to view. What do I need to do to correct this problem?

I have checked that there are no filters, data entry is set to No, Auto deletions, additions and edits are set to yes.

Also to mention it seems that the problem has arisen since I set up some new queries, there is a one to one relationship between the tables!

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Forms :: From Pivot View To Filtered Datasheet View

Nov 14, 2013

I want to "zoom" to the underliyng data from pivot view. When in excel someone doubleclicks a field in a pivot table, it automatically creates a table containing all the lines that field were made up from. I want to achieve the same behaviour in Access.I started to think towards a VBA coda, that could be initiated from the form's double click event. It should go to datasheet view with the prpoer filter criterias.

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I Want Datasheet View... Why Does It Keep Showing Form View?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a form which is opened with a filter from another form. For some reason it views the form in form view, although it was set up as datasheet view. I even went to the form properties and the default was datasheet and i made it not to allow other views. This still didnt solve it. I want it to be in datasheet view because i want to show multiple records at the same time.

If u kno how i could resolve this please offer ur help


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View Records In Form View

Apr 6, 2006

Hi, I am in the process of creating a new database - I am a bit new to this. I have a main form, which also contains two subforms. The record source of the main part of the form is 11 tables, and then each of the subforms is based on one table each (so there are 13 tables altogether).

Everything seems to be linked up ok, and when I add new information to the form (and the subforms), the information gets saved to the tables as it should be. However, I want to be able to view past records in the form view, so that users can regularly update past records using form view. I can't do this. Each time I open the form view, the thing at the botton left says 'record one of one.' THen if I put the curser in (for eg) the box called 'client name' and click on the search button, I get a message saying:

"you can't find or replace now, the fields are not searchable due to:
- the fields are controls;
- the fields have no data;
- there are no fields to search."

well I don't really know what that means. There is definately data in there somewhere, because I can view it in the table view, but I'd like to be able to view and update old records, and search, in the form view.

any tips?

thanks for helping

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Design View - Where'd The Table View Go ?

Apr 18, 2008

You know how normally in design view there would be a table at the bottom of the screen where you can drag your fields from the view above.

Well, I have a query where this table view has disappeared ?

I can edit the query in SQL view, the query works, just the table view is missing.

Ever happened to anyone else ? I've done the obvious and scrolled down as far as I can and nope, it's not there ??? :confused:

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Normal View -v- Design View

Jul 20, 2005

I am wondering why the alteration to my form in design view is not reflected in the "normal" form view. I have included the two views. In design view I moved "Staff In"/"Staff ID" to the top of the form believing that as I work left to right thay would appear on the left hand side in normal view.

However, in the image of "normal" view you can see that "Staff In" is way over on the right hand side of the form.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Thank you

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Design View Keyboard Shortcut - Expand Columns In Design View Of A Query

Jun 5, 2014

I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut to expand the columns in "design view" of a query.

What I mean by this is rather than selecting all of the columns and double clicking to see the entire text, I'd like to be able to a shortcut.

The entire process as I see it involves 3 steps so I will need thesolution to the 3rd step.

(1) [ctrl+spacebar] to select initial column
(2) [shift+arrows] to select all of the columns I need
(3) [keyboard shortcut] will expand all of the columns "field" names to the size of the column heading

Alternatively, if you know of a shortcut that will expand the columns without having to select them first I'll take it!!

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Blank Form In Form View But Fields Present In Design View

Oct 19, 2005

After reading many of the posts here, I decided that one of the problems with the tables in the db I was working on was in the primary keys. I had used the same field name as the primary key in all of my tables. This was RecipID, which was a user entered textbox with an example in a label beside it showing the format to use.

After reading stuff here, I decided this wasn't a good idea. So I changed RecipId to be an autonumber in the parent table (Household_Info) and a long integer foreign key in the children. Also, I added some fields to the parent table to identify the head of household (lastname, firstname)

I already had a continuous form made with a subform and a pop-up form associated with it based on my previous tables. Reran the query underlying the form, and the new fields showed up in the field list box for the form. The fields are all still present in design view, but I get a totally blank form in form view. I checked the forms recordsource and made sure that it was set to the new query.

Can anyone give me an idea about what I'm overlooking? Do I have to recreate the form?

(Sorry if this is a repeat of a question someone has already addressed, but I couldn't turn up any relevant threads after several hours of searching.)

Thanks, Charlotte

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Conditional Formating Help Please

Apr 17, 2006

Good morning, all...

I have an unbound box on a form and, within the box are 25 strategically placed "X" marks (text fields) named X1 - X25. I want only one of the X marks visible based on the value of two fields, i.e., if field "Impact" = 0.5 and "Probability" = 0.3 then X23 will be visible.

Could someone please get me started with the code to accomplish this?

Thanx in advance for your assistance.
Karen :)

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Conditional Formating

Jul 13, 2005

Trying to setup a conditional format for a field on a form based on conditions from another field.

I have a form with [Field1] and [Field2]

I have a 3rd field called [New SMF]

What I want to do is have conditions on [New Field] so that if the value is greater than Field1 or less than Field2 the background of new field turns red.

How can I do this?


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Conditional Formatting

Apr 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've a question and I hope you can help me out.......
I'm trying to use Conditional Formatting Options on a Text box called "Date". I'd like that this box become Red if its value is between value1 from Text box "Start Date" and value2 from Text box "End Date" or Green otherwise (in this way the color change dynamically every time I change the values of Text Boxes "Start Date " and "End Date"). How can I do that? What I need to type in the Conditional Formatting Windows?

Thanks a lot for you help!!!!

Ciao Ciao

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Conditional Formatting

Aug 13, 2007


On my Database I have used Conditional Formattion to change the colour of the qty to highlight when the qty is getting low however its not as good as I would hope as there are different type of definition of quantity (D of Q) e.g. Each (single items such as a screw) and Roll (such as cord and tape)

Conditional formatting doesnt work well because if I have it as less than 10 the qty is in red, its ok for the each items however not the roll as 10 rolls of tape is more than we would need.

I am just wondering if anyone knows what the code would be to change the colour depending on the qty and the D of Q

All i have got so far is:
If me.qty <10 and DofQ = EA then

Now im stuck for the change colour part

Any help would be great

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Conditional Formatting Help

Sep 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

I'm after an easy way on being able to change the colour of a field once it a certain figure is reached

For instance

Standard field colour for anything 1-99
100+ changes to red

Would any be able to help me out please?

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Conditional Formatting

Sep 8, 2005

Does anyone know if there is a way in a report to display an entire row in a different color? I'm running a report based on a query and I need specific information to come up in RED. I read about conditional formatting but you can only apply it to a field in a report, but not to an entire row. Let's say I have a group of managers and I need to know the ones that are making more than $50,000 a year. I don't just want the salary to come in RED, I need the entire row (like name, last name, title, date of hire, salary, etc).
Any ideas?


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Conditional Query Using Between

Jul 13, 2006

Hi - I wonder if anyone could possibly help, I have a list box that is populated by a query, which currently populates the list according to which site is selected within a combobox - what i would like to do in addition is to have a check box which controls how much data is shown, ie, if the checkbox is ticked show all data from April 1st onwards, if not ticked to only show the last 12 weeks (84 days)

I have tried to acheive this using the code below:

[Forms]![frmPccAnalysis]![cboSelect] --is used to select the site--

IIf([Forms]![frmPccAnalysis]![chkFilterLimit]=-1,(Between #01/04/2006# And Now()),(Between (Now()-84) And Now())) --is what i am trying to use to either restrict or show all data--

when i run the code i just get empty fields, if i manually enter the "Between #01/04/06# and Now()" statement in the criteria it works fine, just not with the conditial checkbox. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

Many Thanks


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Is Conditional Averaging Possible?

Aug 19, 2006

I have the following situation:

1. A Homeroom table which includes student id, academic year, and homeroom.
2. A Student Grades table which includes student id (linked to Homeroom table), term, academic year, progress grade (15 pts), and progress grade (A-F).

The contents of these tables are imported from excel, and that works fine except for one thing: in order to keep the field [progress grade (15 pts)] numeric, I had to put a 0.0 as a grade for any student who got an "I" (Incomplete) or "N/A" as his or her progress grade.

The problem arises when I want to produce an average progress grade for the student for that given term/year. How do I not include the 0.0's of students who got I's or N/A's?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Conditional Join

Apr 14, 2007

I want to join two tables together base on two criteria.

Table Customers
(Ids, Name, ...)

Table Addresses
(Ids, Billing Address, Shipping Address...)

I want to join Customers Table to Addresses Table base on this condition,

If Billing address exit,then join Table Customers with Table Addresses,

If Billing address is NULL, then join Table Customers with Table Addresses.

Can someone help me understand the query syntax?

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Conditional Query??

Aug 24, 2007

My Access is very rusty and I really can't get my head round how to do this!

I have a simple caller i.d. system which detects incoming telephone calls. I have been running an append query where the incoming call number is a query parameter against a table of customer numbers and names. The append query basically adds call numbers, names and times to a call log table.

This all works fine! ...however I realise that if the incoming call number is not in the table of customers numbers and names, no log entry is created. What I wish to do is, if the number is not found to append it anyway together with the time of call. Basically if the query fails to find a result, append details anyway albeit without a customer name.

I'm sure this must be simple but I'm going round in circles. Any thoughts anyone?


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Conditional Join

Oct 10, 2007


I need a help. In my Store table I have Store# and MaxRange. In my CenterStore table also I have Store# and Max Range.
Data in Store table will be like
Store# MaxRange
10 1
20 2

Data in CenterStore will be
Store# MaxRange
10 A
20 B

The Store# is common between the 2 tables but the MaxRange differs.
Now in my employee table I have EmpId, Grade and Store#
I have SalaryRange table which has Grade and MaxRange.

My query is how to attain this with access

Select E.EmpId,E.Grade,MaxRange
From Employee E
Inner join Store S
On E.Store#=S.Store#
Inner join CenterStore CS
On E.Store#=CS.Store#
Inner Join SalaryRange SR
ON (E.Grade = SR.Grade AND S.MaxRange = SR.MaxRange)
OR (E.Grade = SR.Grade AND CS.MaxRange = SR.MaxRange)

I know this is possible in SQL. What is the equivalent in Access 2003?

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