
Aug 8, 2006

hallo everyone,

is it possible to create a synchronisation conflict?

if yes? how?

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Synchronisation Conflicts

Aug 16, 2005

Hello. I have a replicated database, and I synchronise with other members of the replica set using Access's own synchronisation tool.

Everything was fine until recently, but now it keeps telling me that there is a conflict bur when I click to resolve the conflict it tells me that there are no conflict tables.

What is causing the database to think there is a conflict? If there is a conflict then why is it not showing me where it is when I click to resolve it?

How can I resolve the conflict if I can't see what it is?

As always your help is very much appreciated.



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Query Help (distinct Conflicts With Order By)

Oct 26, 2004

Seems easy but I can't get it to work

Table Services

Table Licenses

I need to get all the services for one license, but only once, you'll see what I mean

Pk Service Service_Name MyDate Fk_Licence
1 Base 10/5/2004 5
2 Base 12/6/2004 5
3 Super Base 11/4/2004 5
4 Base 20/10/2004 5
5 Super Base 17/7/2004 5

there's about 7000 records with the same 4 services recurring all the time

All I want for one license is the all distinct services for a chosen date

If I select License 5, and today's date, 26/10/2004, I would need the latest service (closest date but has to be inferior or equal), in this case

Pk Service Service_Name MyDate Fk_Licence
4 Base 20/10/2004 5
5 Super Base 17/7/2004 5

Here's the query I have:

select distinct Service_Name from Services where Fk_License=5 where MyDate <= SelectDate order by DateDiff('d',SelectDate,MyDate) DESC

where Fk_License is to get only the services for a particular license
distinct if to only get each service once
MyDate <= SelectDate if to get only the services older than the selected date
order by is to get the latest service cause there will be a lot of services older than the selected date

they say distinct conflicts with order by

Anyone knows how to do this query right?

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Modules & VBA :: Using FSO To Write To Text File - Avoiding Conflicts

May 21, 2015

I have a function to write some data to a text file (as an activity log, separate to the live data contained in the DB)

It uses the FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile method and works fine

However, I'm conscious that, although perhaps unlikely, there is the possibility (which is enough for me to worry about it) that multiple users could trigger the function simultaneously, which could cause a conflict when multiple FE's try to write to the same log file at the same time.

So I'm trying to add some code to prevent this from happening, by checking if write-access is available before proceeding.

Below is the piece of code I've added. Was considering, as an alternative, looping until the objFile is no longer Nothing, rather than depending on the Err.Number?

Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFile As Object
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

[Code] .....

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