Convert List In Query, Like IIF But With Two Lists...

Apr 14, 2006


I need to output data in a specific format for a certain client..
for example where

Select * from Falls - would normally give me:

01/01/05 Joe Smith ICU, Assisted

I need in this intance to get:

01/01/05 Joe Smith 5, 2

where locations, or types etc are converted to a corresponding number.

I can imagine a query like:

Select FallDate, PatientName, somefunction([Location],(MS2,ED,OB,CAFE,ICU),(1,2,3,4,5)), somefunction([Fall_Type],(Accidental,Assisted,Unanticipated),(1,2,3))

Is there some more powerful version of IIF or way to write this in the query without having to create a report with a bunch of functions?

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Queries :: Drop Down Lists Or List Box

Dec 2, 2014

In my table I have the following fields that are tick boxes

Round Bilge
Bilge Keel
Lifting Keel

Each record can take a couple of these options. For example record 1 could be ticked for a 'vee' and a 'cathedral' whereas record 2 could be ticked for all of them.

I have been trying to use these to make a search form. I want to be able to chose on ie. 'Round Bilge' and it will search for a record that is ticked 'round bilge'. I have done this for both a combo box and a list box and have used the formula for each field [Forms]![Boatsearch]![hulltype]

When I have clicked run query I have an error message saying: 'This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables'.

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Forms :: Manage Lists For Combo And List Boxes?

Aug 15, 2015

During the course of it's development I have created about twenty tables whose sole purpose is to house data for use in combo and list boxes. They have no other purpose.

I am now in the process of creating the maintenance side of this project and how to manage these lists. In the past I have created a form with a multitude of subforms to manage these lists.

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Forms :: How To Convert Multiple Drop Down List To Checkboxes

Jun 30, 2014

I've got a field in a table that is a multiple drop-down list. In the form, I don't want it to be a drop down list, but I want the options in the drop down list to be checkboxes instead (not within a drop down).

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Query Lists Repeat Data

Nov 22, 2005

Hi, all... welcome back to the new Access World Forums... glad we're still operational, even if some data was lost. It's the minds, anyway, not the data...

I have a query that pulls from 3 transaction tables.

tblTransactions - lists purchaser, amt tendered, other details
tblPurchased_Items - lists products and services paid for
tblTherapy_Treatments - lists treatments paid for

(Note: these are not separate lists of available items. They're two subforms' tables, one that deals with insurance and one that doesn't.)

I can pull this data fine, but in a case where someone had 1 treatment, but purchased 2 products, the query lists the treatment twice. I do have unique IDs for each table's items, but am not sure how to "list" each transaction once, but each thing paid for once, also.

For example:
Joe Blow comes in and has physical therapy and buys 2 books.

My query will show (bogus fields for illustration purposes):
TransactionID Name TherapyID TherapyCost ProductID ProductCost
33 Joe Blow 10 180.00 15 12.00
33 Joe Blow 10 180.00 17 19.00

So, if I total TherapyCost it really gives me twice the correct amount.

Can someone point me to a solution?
Pardon my rank ignorance, yet again.

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Queries :: Getting Two Lists In One Query For A Report

Dec 18, 2013

I need to get a query back that may have more than the given number of records on either side, but need to not duplicate in either of the two columns. Works better to show what I need, I think...

Query needs to return: PersID.....Name.....Assist.....Device

Base data looks like this (after using query with Person and AssistType and Device tables):


1.....Adams...Lift Chair

What I've been asked for is something that looks like this:

1.....Adams.....Bath.....Lift Chair
1.....Adams.....-----....Wheelchair.......... ===> Null or blank in the empty column is OK; I can work with those

Regardless of join type, I get variants on:

1.....Adams.....Dress.....Lift Chair
1.....Adams.....Bath.....Lift Chair

I can print it with two subreports (one for each column), but that is running slower than I would like. It's workable if we absolutely have to do it that way, but I'd rather see if I can get it out in one query and use the grouping functions in the report (there are some other fields involved, but they don't really affect what I am doing here)

Is there any way to do a query (even a couple of queries if it takes that to set it up) that will give me what I am looking for?

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Queries :: VBA And Query Criteria From Multi-Value Lists

Jul 29, 2015

I have been working with Access for some time managing some databases for my company. But now I have some problems making the database easier to use by automatically creating a Query based on different criterias.The code looks like this:

Sub Multi_value()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = Application.CurrentDb


The problem is that the "Business Field.Value" is inserted into the Query-criteria with brackets which for some reason are not supposed to be there when I use the .Value-parameter instead of the "Business Field"-parameter.

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Queries :: Using Variable In A List Field Query - Getting Complete List On Initial View

Mar 28, 2014

In my access form I provide the user a list of locations from various countries in a listbox . But the list is too long so I provide him a combobox for selecting a country. Selecting the country should update the listbox showing only the locations in that specific country.

So my SELECT from the listbox must cover the unselected state and show all entries and when a country is selected it must narrow the selection.

I tried to get this happen with the following SELECT statement containing a variable. Choosing a country in the Combobox results in a change of the variable and in a requery. This works after the first country is selected and for each country change, but the initial list is empty.

VBA in the loadform
'Application.TempVars.Add "varcountryselect", "*"
SELECT in the listbox "lstlocationsperproject"
SELECT tbllocations.locationID,, tbllocations.localstreet, tbllocations.localcity FROM tbllocations WHERE (( Like [TempVar]![varcountryselect]);

VBA in the combobox
Application.TempVars("varcountryselect") = [Form]![kombcountryselect].Column(0)

The values in [kombcountryselect].Column(0) are texts like "SPAIN", "MEXICO", etc.

Any hints, how I have to use the * for getting the complete list on the initial view ?

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Convert Query To Table???

Nov 8, 2005

I have a (crosstab) query that summarizes information in the way that I need for a module that I have written. However, I've noticed that the each time the module tries to pull a value from the query (every step of a Do loop) it takes seconds, compared to a "real-time" pull from a table. I have had a program running for about 2 days now, whereas a similar program that pulled data from only tables took only 15 minutes. I don't forsee needing the data in its original form.

How do I convert a query to a table? (Export the query to Excel and then import.)

I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks.

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Convert And Sql Query To Access

Sep 15, 2007

someone wrote this query for me in SQL and there is one part of it I don't understand can someone tell me how to convert this line for access? I don't know what || is

TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(WE.mth_welfare),5,2) ||
SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(WE.mth_welfare),1,4)) an_mth_welfare

TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(WE.mth_welfare),5,2) ||
SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(WE.mth_welfare),1,4)) an_mth_welfare
FROM noldba.welfare_balance_by_obligation WE, noldba.obligation OB
WHERE WE.id_case = OB.id_case
AND WE.seq_order = OB.seq_order
AND WE.seq_obligation = OB.seq_obligation

AND WE.mth_welfare <= 200708
AND WE.dt_END_validity = '31-DEC-9999'
AND WE.dt_end_validity = OB.dt_end_validity
AND OB.dt_beg_obligation = (SELECT MAX(c.dt_beg_obligation)
FROM noldba.obligation c
WHERE c.id_case = ob.id_Case
AND c.seq_order = ob.seq_order
AND c.seq_obligation = ob.seq_obligation
AND c.dt_end_validity = '31-DEC-9999')
GROUP BY WE.id_Case, OB.id_member, WE.id_case_welfare, WE.mth_welfare
ORDER BY WE.mth_welfare DESC,
WE.id_case DESC,
OB.id_member DESC;

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Convert SQL Query To Access

Dec 18, 2007

I have this query which I use with a program called "Query Reporter" - it runs well and gives me the correct answers.
Select COUNT (b.case_id),
sum(a.amt_to_distribute) Held_amt,
From vrcth a, vcase b
Where A.Cd_Status_Receipt = 'H'
And A.Dt_Distribute = '01-JAN-0001'
And A.Dt_End_Validity = '31-DEC-9999'
AND Not Exists (Select 1 from vrcth k -- Checking receipt is not backed out
where a.dt_batch = k.dt_batch
ANd a.no_batch = k.no_batch
And a.cd_source_batch = k.cd_source_batch
And a.seq_receipt = k.seq_receipt
And k.ind_backout = 'Y'
And k.dt_end_validity = '31-DEC-9999')
And ((trim(A.Id_Case) IS NOT NULL -- When receipt is case identified
AND A.Id_case = b.case_id )
( trim(A.Id_Case) IS NULL -- When receipt is payor identified
ANd b.case_id = (Select Min(y.case_id) from vcase Y, vcmem Z
Where A.Id_Payor = z.member_id
And z.relation_code IN ('A','P')
And z.case_id = y.case_id )
group by iv_d_do_code,
order by iv_d_do_code;

What I want to do is to rewrite the query in Access and get the same results. This is what I came up with which is returning nothing. Would someone please give the two of them a look and tell me what I'm missing the in Access query. Thanks

WHERE (((Trim([a].[id_case])) Is Not Null) AND ((a.ID_CASE)=[b].[case_id]) AND ((a.CD_STATUS_RECEIPT)='H') AND ((a.DT_DISTRIBUTE)=#1/1/2001#) AND ((a.DT_END_VALIDITY)=#12/31/9999#) AND ((Exists (select 1 from NOLDBA_RECEIPT k
where a.dt_batch=k.dt_batch
and a.no_batch=k.no_batch
and a.cd_source_batch=k.cd_source_batch
and a.seq_receipt=k.seq_receipt
and k.ind_backout ='Y'
and k.dt_end_validity =#12/31/9999#))=False)) OR (((Trim([a].[id_case])) Is Null) AND ((a.CD_STATUS_RECEIPT)='H') AND ((a.DT_DISTRIBUTE)=#1/1/2001#) AND ((a.DT_END_VALIDITY)=#12/31/9999#) AND ((Exists (select 1 from NOLDBA_RECEIPT k
where a.dt_batch=k.dt_batch
and a.no_batch=k.no_batch
and a.cd_source_batch=k.cd_source_batch
and a.seq_receipt=k.seq_receipt
and k.ind_backout ='Y'
and k.dt_end_validity =#12/31/9999#))=False) AND ((b.CASE_ID)=(select min (y.case_id) from NOLDBA_INT_CASE_STATUS Y, NOLDBA_INT_CASE_MEMBER Z

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Queries :: How To Convert 5 Into 1 Query

Jul 21, 2015

I have three tables in a database horse, entry, prize and I am supposed to get the result by one query. A list is required of horses that have career winnings better than that of the average horse. List the horse_id, horse name and the career winnings.

A career winning is the sum of all money won by a horse. The solution must include horses that have not won any prizes when calculating average winnings. Remember to exclude the dummy horse entries for Unknown Sire and Unknown Mare.It is way too complicated for me to get the result by one queries as its nested solutuin is to create 5 queries with each one getting to the result a bit closer.bit by bit, basing on every previous query, my final query gets the result.Below are my 5 queries in numeric order:

1:SELECT entry.event_id, entry.horse_id, prize.Money, horse.Horse_name FROM horse INNER JOIN (prize INNER JOIN entry ON (prize.event_id = entry.event_id) AND ( = ON horse.Horse_id = entry.Horse_id;

2:SELECT horse.Horse_name, [careerwinningssub1].horse_id, Sum([careerwinningssub1].Money) AS careerwinnings
FROM careerwinningssub1 INNER JOIN horse ON [careerwinningssub1].horse_id=horse.Horse_id
GROUP BY horse.Horse_name, [careerwinningssub1].horse_id
ORDER BY [careerwinningssub1].horse_id;

3:SELECT horse.Horse_id, horse.Horse_name, careerwinningssub2.careerwinnings
FROM horse LEFT JOIN careerwinningssub2 ON horse.Horse_id = careerwinningssub2.horse_id
GROUP BY horse.Horse_id, horse.Horse_name, careerwinningssub2.careerwinnings
HAVING (((horse.Horse_name) Not Like "unknow*"))
ORDER BY horse.Horse_id;


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NEWBIE: How Do I Convert A Query To Text?

Mar 15, 2006


I have a database with a query that returns a list of printers. This is created by finding all the printers in the database that take a perticular cartridge by code. Sample below.

Some Printer 1
Some Printer 2
Some Printer 3

What I want to do is take the results from the query and convert it into a single line of text and place it into a column of a table related to that cartridge code.

So if say the cartridge code '12345' returns a list of printers such as;

printer 1
printer 2
printer 3

I want to take this data and turn it into a line like this;

printer 1, printer 2, printer 3

I then want to take this new line and place it in a column called Desc in another table relative to the original cartridge code.

table should look like this after query.
CartCode | CartDesc | Price | Desc
12345 | Something here | 10.00 |

CartCode | CartDesc | Price | Desc
12345 | Something here | 10.00 | printer 1, printer 2, printer 3

I hope what I have said makes sence. I am pretty new to access and feel I have done quite well so far. Please can someone help me solve this problem?

Thank you

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Trying To Convert SQL Query To Access, Don't Know Where To Start

Jul 12, 2005

I just started working for a company the other week and they threw this query onto my lap with an unrealistic deadline. My programming experience is primarily in VB6, so I am not completely familiar with coding Access queries.

I was given code that was written for SQL, and the programmer that came up with it is unfamiliar with Access, so I am stuck trying to decipher this. If anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it, as I am thoroughly confused and don't know where to begin. Here is the programmer's original code:
while exists(select top 1 accNum from NoteFile where patindex('%' + char(10) + '%',dbtrref) > 0)
--Insert note into table
insert into #TL19Note(AcctNumber, Note)
select accNum, (case when patindex('%' + char(10) + '%',
dbtrref) <= 0 then dbtrref else left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) +
'%',dbtrref)) end)
from NoteFile

--Delete note from Note String
update NoteFile
set dbtrref = right(dbtrref,len(dbtrref)-len(left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) + '%',dbtrref))))
where len(dbtrref)-len(left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) +'%',dbtrref))) > 0

--Delete rows with no more notes
delete from NoteFile
where len(dbtrref)-len(left(dbtrref,patindex('%' + char(10) +'%',dbtrref))) <= 0 or patindex('%' +char(10) + '%',dbtrref) <= 0

--Eliminates any that are CRLR or just spaces
delete from #TL19Note
where len(Note) < 10

--Update the date
update #TL19Note
set NoteDate =left(Note,patindex('% %',Note)-1),
Note = right(Note,len(Note)-patindex('% %',Note))

--No '@' means no time?
update #TL19Note
set NoteTime = '0000'
where left(Note,1) <> '@'

--delete the '@' - we know which ones have it because NoteTime is null
update #TL19Note
set Note = right(Note,len(Note)-patindex('% %',Note))
where left(Note,1) = '@'

--Update NoteTime, take time out of note
update #TL19Note
set NoteTime = left(Note,2) + substring(note,4,2),
Note = right(Note,len(Note)-patindex('% %',Note))

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Convert From Access Query To MS SQL View

Oct 21, 2005

Hi folks,

I have a query which pulls together several other queries. It works fine in Access but I also need it to work on a MS SQL server.

the SQL is as follows;

SELECT Client.ClientName, Entity.EntityName, IIf([101].[ProductID] IS NULL, [-], [X]) AS TA, IIf([301].[ProductID] IS NULL, [-], [X]) AS TR, IIf([302].[ProductID] IS NULL,
[-], [X]) AS CU, IIf([304].[ProductID] IS NULL, [-], [X]) AS TC, IIf([502].[ProductID] IS NULL, [-], [X]) AS FA, IIf([503].[ProductID] IS NULL, [-], [X]) AS MO
Entity ON Client.ClientID = Entity.ClientID LEFT JOIN
VIEW_PROD301 AS 301 ON Entity.EntityID = [301].EntityID LEFT JOIN
VIEW_PROD302 AS 302 ON Entity.EntityID = [302].EntityID LEFT JOIN
VIEW_PROD304 AS 304 ON Entity.EntityID = [304].EntityID LEFT JOIN
VIEW_PROD502 AS 502 ON Entity.EntityID = [502].EntityID LEFT JOIN
VIEW_PROD503 AS 503 ON Entity.EntityID = [503].EntityID LEFT JOIN
VIEW_PROD101 AS 101 ON Entity.EntityID = [101].EntityID;

The problem seems to be with the iif statement.

Any ideas how I can gt around this?



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Convert Query Data To Other Format

Nov 13, 2005

I am getting the following from a query


How can i convert this data this


Best Regards

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Convert Number To Text In Query

Dec 1, 2007

I want to have a question in my query that does not get answered by date but by a concatenated field named "MonthYearPeriod".

We always forget how many days in a month. But we remember the month and year. So for say a Sales Range of Nov 2006 to Oct 2007, we prefer to respond to the criteria question as: 11-2006 and then 10-2007.

FiscalMonth and FiscalYear are both Long Integer number fields in the table.

Query field concatenated:
MonthYearPeriod: [FiscalMonth] & "-" & [FiscalYear]

criteria line:
Between [Month-Year START DATE] And [Month-Year END DATE]

However, i get other crazy time periods. So this is not working. Maybe on the Query field box, I need extra coding to convert the number to text?

I assume that a Dash sign between the month and year are fine.

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How To Convert Database (query) To Web Page

Feb 24, 2013

1. how to convert an access database (query) to a web page.
2. what knowleage we should learn ?(php,asp....)

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Convert String To Date In Query

Jun 21, 2015

I have a string value that comes out of a query in the form of



where the first 2 digits are the month, the next 2 are the day, and the next 4 are the year.How do I convert these values to a valid date that can be queried on?

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Saving Lists

Jan 23, 2008


I have a main form where the user can click on a button that opens another form. In this form, the user can make selections from one listbox and they are copied to another listbox.
How can I save the contents of the listbox into a field that is part of the record on the main form? Can this be done?
I have a listbox on the main form where the selected items will be displayed and each record of the main form will have different values for the listbox.

Any ideas?


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Drop Down Lists

Apr 20, 2006

I am building a query for a university and the table i am working from has a column with every course run by the department.

How do i create a query that allows me to add a drop-down menu to the course instead of having to write out the course name everytime i want to query the number of pupils on a particular course.

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Lists Of Names

Sep 2, 2006

Hello all, I wonder if anyone can help me.

I have two queries which are both similar. They consist of a list of names with a ‘count’ function to see how many times that the name occurs. Some of the names in the two lists are identical and some are different.

I am looking to create a query (or smoothing) that takes the two sets of numbers, matches them by the name (NameID). If the name does not exist in one of the lists then put a 0 (see example below). Once I have this I then want to create a stacked bar graph to show the results.


Smith, Iain23 7
Bowman, Dan12 2
Rixon, Simon06
Cooper, Lee10
Jones, Andy21

I am very new to MS Access so please make any explanation descriptive.

Any help with is will be very grateful.

Harold Clements

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Compare Two Lists

Mar 5, 2007

I have two list's of names. I'm able to run a query to find the matches but the ones that don't match i also need to id?
For ex. List a has 200 names List b has 130 names, how can i find the 70 names that don't match?

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Combo Box Lists Everything

Jul 21, 2005

Ok! So I've binned the pivot table and gone for a continuos form option that allows the double click event that I'm after. A new problem has appeared.

On my main form I have 3 combo boxes (programme, product & company). When I click on any of the combo boxes i get a list of everything in the column it relates to. That works fine but it looks very cluttered. I'd like to have everything listed once only so that when i click on a programme it will filter the subform to show only companies working that programme.

Hopefully this little thingy I've put below will explain it a bit clearer

At the moment the programme combo box is displaying....


but i'd like it to display like this....


Every programme listed once only.

Any idea's folk's??? :confused:

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Combo Box Lists

Aug 5, 2006

I havea combo box on a form which looks up values from another table. The table containing the values which are looked up has another field where the data type is Yes/No. I want to limit the options in the combo box to just those which are set to Yes in the source table.

I know I need to use WHERE in the code for the combo box, but cannot find the correct syntax.

Please help!



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E-mail Lists

Apr 4, 2006

Hi, help please!

I have an access database with one column containing e-mail addresses.

How can I use them to easily send out multiple emails from this database?

If I copy and paste, the whole columns/cells are copied, but to copy them individually is clearly very time consuming.

All I need to do is somehow get them to a format that I can paste them into my e-mail address box.

Am I being thick or is this option not available?


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