Converting Unix Dates In Access

May 4, 2004

hi all,

i'm importaing a table through a mysqlserver, it contains a field (call_time)
and its a long integer, i suppose it's an unix date format that can be converted

into DD:MM:YYYY HH:MM format, only problem is i cant find a way to do it on access
i've tried creating a query with all the fields and adding my one fields with commands such
as valdate([call_time]) but it dosen't seem to work.

can anyone help me please

Thank you

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Unix Time In Access

Jan 19, 2007

hi all

I'm using MS Access 03 to run some queries on a SQL database. 2 of the columns i pull from SQL are about time, but are stored in 'unix time'. can this be converted once in Access to a more readable format eg ddmmyyyy?

any help would be much appreciated

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Convert UNIX Time To MS Access

Jan 22, 2006

Hello everyone

I’m trying to find a way to convert a UNIX timestamp to the standers universal timestamp. At this point I can’t even make sense of the UNIX time stamping system.

I would like to be able to use Microsoft access to do the conversion.

Does anyone one a why to convert the UNIX timestamp into a MMDDYY formatted time. Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Converting Dates Into Text From Combo Box

Dec 17, 2004

Dear All:

I have creadted a form with a combo box that has 3 dates in it: February 1, 2005, September 1, 2004 and June 4, 2004.

Is there a way to display in another field on the form(A text field) when one of these dates is selected from the combo box, a text field returns "DATED ON THIS FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY TWO THOUSAND FIVE"?

I reckon this is a vb issue and any help is appreciated.

Thanking in advance


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General :: Converting Strings To Dates?

Sep 18, 2014

I am trying to manipulate some Ebay data, which returns a string like "1d 00h 29m"

Is there a function I can use to convert this string to relevant hours in total?

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Modules & VBA :: Converting Dates Into Week Numbers

Oct 2, 2013

I am trying to write some VBA to convert a date into a week number.

My work colleagues do not not what system is used to define the week numbers. So I have gone through all their records for a few years and deciphered this pattern:

I need the code to define that there are 52 weeks in a year. The last sunday of Dec is the beginning of Week 1 for the following year. Except when it is a leap year where Week 53 exists. otherwise it only goes up to week 52.

Start day for the week is Sunday. End day is the Saturday.

Some examples to check against:

22nd December 2013 = Week 52 2013

29th December 2013 = Week 1 for 2014

21st December 2014 = Week 52 for 2014

28th December 2014 = Week 1 for 2015

20th December 2015 = Week 52 for 2015

27th December 2015 = Week 1 for 2016

25th December 2016 = Week 53 for 2016

1st Jan 2017 = Week 1 for 2017

Tried various methods already

iso 8601, wrong week start day

intWeek = DatePart("ww", datDate, vbSunday, vbFirstFourDays) Was right for 2013 but wrong for later dates.

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Modules & VBA :: Converting Dates Into Downtime With Automatic Calculation

Jul 20, 2015

Currently I have a form with these variables

- Assets
- Shifts
- Machine Offline Date
- Machine Offline Time
- Machine Online Date
- Machine Online Time

Now I have 82 assets in the factory and 20% of those machines run 3 shifts. Each shift is 8 hrs.What I have already done is allocate shifts per asset e.g. when I pick Asset (a) in the Asset combo box, in the shift box it will automatically generate 2 or 3 dependant on what I have set.

If an asset runs for 2 shifts, it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 2300 or 7:00am - 11:PM also if an asset runs for 3 shifts it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 0700 or 7:00AM - 7:00AM

Scenario A: Machine (a) breaks down at 1700/5:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 12:30 on 11/7/15, This machine runs for 3 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result should be 19.5 hrs

Scenario B: Machine (b) breaks down at 1900/7:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 10:00AM on 12/7/15, this machine runs for 2 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result would be 23 hrs.

I would like to make this an automatic calculation, Is this possible?

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Converting Text Dates To Integer With Nulls Present?

Mar 18, 2013

I have a text field like, 11242010, and I need to be able to convert it into 3 int fields, day, month, year. I am trying to do this in a query and have create the following three;

DateD: IIf([DATE] Is Not Null,(CInt(Left(Right([DATE],6),2))))
DateM: IIf([DATE] Is Not Null,(CInt(Left([DATE],2))))
DateY: IIf([DATE] Is Not Null,(CInt(Right([DATE],4))))
Time: IIf([TIME] Is Not Null,[TIME])

When I have a value of Null, i keep getting #Error, I think when it's null.

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Converting Yyyymmdd Dates To Serial Date Number

Sep 5, 2011

I have two tables that I want to append to each other.But in one of them the date column has the yyyymmdd format and in the other it is a serial date number.How can I make them consistent by either converting yyyymmdd to date number or by converting the date number to yyyymmdd?

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Queries :: Converting Mmmm Yyyy To Including All Dates In That Range In Query

Oct 14, 2014

My table has many records for each month. I am creating a report that will display only the records in one month of a year. I have been able to create a form that gives the user the choice of the Month and Year for which to create the report. The code I am using to create the combo box is:

SELECT DISTINCT Month([QTDate]) AS MoNum, Format([QTDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MoName
ORDER BY Month([QTDate]);

What I need to do now is create the query for the report that displays all records for the chosen month and year. If I simply reference the combo box, all it shows is mmmm yyyy and the days are missing so the query doesn't work. What do I need to do to create the query so it displays all days within the month and date selected?

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Select All Dates Between Two Dates?

Apr 9, 2015

I have a table of records, which has within it two date fields (effectively, a 'start' and 'end' date for that particular record)

I now need to create a query to perform a calculation for each date between the 'start' date and the 'end' date

So the first step (as I see it anyway) is to try to create a query which will give me each date between the two reference dates, in the hope that I can then JOIN that onto another query to perform the necessary calculation for each of the returned dates.

Is there a way to do this?

So basically, if for a particular record, the 'start' date is 01-Apr-2015 and the 'end' date is 09-Apr-2015, can I produce a dataset of 9 records as follows :01-Apr-2015


(The *obvious* solution would be to create a separate table of dates, from which I could just SELECT DISTINCT <Date> Between #04/01/2015# And #04/09/2015# - but that seems like a dreadful waste of space, if that table is only required to generate the above? And it would have to cover all possible options; so it would either have to be massive, and contain every possible date - ever! - or maintained, adding new dates as necessary when they are required. Seems horribly inefficient!)

Is it possible to just select each date between the two reference dates? Or can you only query something which exists somewhere in a table?

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Converting Access 2003 File To Access 2002

Nov 19, 2006

I have created several files in Access 2003, and sent them to a collegue, but he is using Access 2002 and cannot open my files.

What do I need to do so he can access my files? My experience with Access is very limited.
Thank you in advance for your help.

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Converting Access To Access Project Query Problem

Sep 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a project that was started in access, but needs to be moved into an Access project so that It can be integrated with other forms. When I did this I realized that my database queries needed to be changed from Access to SQL code. for example instead of representing a date as #DATE# it needed to be represented as 'DATE'.

However I have one issue that I am having issues with.

I have a query that determines a few collumns by running information through a vb function and returning the result.

The issue is I do not know how to convert this code from Access to SQL so that it will work.

The code is

SELECT Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]) AS [Action], TESTSTAT.*, Action_date([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER])) AS Action_Date_Field, IIf([DUE]<[WAIVER],[WAIVER],[DUE]) AS Later
ORDER BY Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]);

Can someone provide me with a sutible sql equvalent to this code

Thank You

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Converting Access To Access Project Query Problem

Sep 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a project that was started in access, but needs to be moved into an Access project so that It can be integrated with other forms. When I did this I realized that my database queries needed to be changed from Access to SQL code. for example instead of representing a date as #DATE# it needed to be represented as 'DATE'.

However I have one issue that I am having issues with.

I have a query that determines a few collumns by running information through a vb function and returning the result.

The issue is I do not know how to convert this code from Access to SQL so that it will work.

The code is

SELECT Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]) AS [Action], TESTSTAT.*, Action_date([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER])) AS Action_Date_Field, IIf([DUE]<[WAIVER],[WAIVER],[DUE]) AS Later
ORDER BY Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]);

Can someone provide me with a sutible sql equvalent to this code

Thank You

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Converting A TXT To ACCESS

Sep 7, 2007


I'm trying to get a way to creat a database of my phone messages (SMS).
I have them on a .txt file and I would like to create on ACCESS (or other program) the fields "Date:" "From:" "Message:", etc.
So, everytime I introduce a day, all sms sended on that day appears, or, when I introduce a Name, every message from that person, appear.
Is that possible? Of course that I want to convert it, not introduce one bye one because I have around 2000 messages...

Thank you very much

This is a example of the .txt file I have:

================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 15:33
Hum que bom então. Tou com a minha amiga na praça da república. Vais ficar aí?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: Figueiredo 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 14:59
Tas em casa?a mariana foi aí?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: Figueiredo 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 14:52
Já tá?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 12:47
Desce tou no carro em frente ao mc donalds..
================================================== =========

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Converting Omniform To Access

Oct 10, 2005

Hi, all!

I have been informed by an off-site program of ours (out of state) that they need to convert an Omniform application to Access.

I did an initial search on the web on Omniform but I really don't know anything about it.

Has anyone every converted an Omniform application to Access? Is this something that can be done in an automated way or would the Access db need to be made from scratch?



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Converting CD Database From Access

Apr 2, 2007

I have a question relating to Access, which I'm hoping that someone here can help me with. We currently have a large CD library, and a few years ago we had a database created in access which allows us to catalog all of the CD's in the library. Fields include information on artist, track title, publisher, composer etc. We're at a stage now where we'd like to rip all of our CD's, and have a searchable database which allows us to port across all of the existing data from access, but also to locate and audition the tracks themselves. I'm not an access programmer, so please avoid overly technical responses, but does anyone know of any software which would allow us to do this? Essentially we're looking for fully searchable mp3 ripping software with the ability to import data fields from access. Thanks

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Converting Access 2003 - 2000

Nov 27, 2006

Hi, I have a few Access 2003 databases and I need to open them on my computer which has Access 2000 on it. Can anyone please tell me how to convert it so it is compatible? I have looked into "databse utilities" "convert to" etc but can't figure it out.

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Converting Data From Excel To Access

Jan 8, 2006


I am in the process of converting data from an excel sheet into Access 2000. I know the import procedure, however some of the fields in the Excel sheet have multiple data.

Is there a way to sort out this problem, short of cutting and pasting or re-entering the data? For example one field has the following: Mon, Jan 10,2006, 9AM to 11AM. I want to eliminate this field and create a field each for the day, date, start time and end time.

Thank you

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Converting Lotus Approach To Access

Feb 1, 2005

Is it possible to convert a database set up in Lotus Approach to an Access Database. If so, how can I do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Converting From Access 2003 To Future Versions

Aug 26, 2005

I've been hired to clean up and convert a flat filemaker database into access 2003 and I've spent the last two weeks learning the ins and outs of access and doing preparations. Well, today some high up database guy in another department told me not to use access because in the future when a new version of access comes out we will have to recreate the database from scratch because there are lots of problems converting between versions. I'm aware there might be some hiccups but I don't really agree with him. Plus once the database is up and functioning I don't see why we'd even have to upgrade it to a new version. It's just a small health centre patient database with info about patients and their treatments. Does anyone have any opinions about this. Thanks.

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Converting Access To Excel Has Commas Before Values???

Sep 6, 2006

Hi, I am converting a database from Access 2002 to Excel 2002 but when converted each value in the spreadsheet has the value ' directly before it. Is there anyway around this problem.

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Converting 1000s Of Spreadsheets To One Access File

Apr 2, 2007

A group in my company has, for quite a while now, used a spreadsheet template to capture information needed for customer hard output. Someone built a page, with the less-than-a-dozen required cells in the appropriate places and a set print area, for printing the information. After they enter the information and print the page, they save the excel file. They have been doing this for quite a while now, and the number of files they have on their shared drive is staggering... and the method they using for naming conventions and cataloging them is almost beyond comprehension.

As they do indeed refer back to these files quite a bit, I am wondering if it possible to import the required cells of information from this mass of excel files, all of which are formatted and laid out the same, to an access table. I have never considered this before and have no idea how to start or whether it is even possible. I did a search on "import" but no results match what I am considering here.

To clarify one thing about these files: The information is not contiguous. It is spread all over... C6, E12, F45, J5, etc. They tried to build the form in excel so that it would print in the format they needed.

Thanks for all your help!!


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Problem Converting Access V2003 Db To V2007

Apr 13, 2008

I would like like to convert some of my Access 2003 databases to 2007. I am on a stand alone pc running Vista Business and Office 2007.

When I follow the "convert" instructions using either the SAVE AS option (or even the CONVERT), I get this error message which prevents the conversion taking place.

"You attempted to open a database that is already opened exclusively by user 'Admin' on machine <name>. Try again when database is available."

My Vista User Account is one of administrator.

Any help would as always be appreciated. Thank you

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Converting Excel Formuals Into Access Tables

Feb 27, 2007

I am trying to import certain data from a massive excel workbook into different Access tables but some of the worksheets contain simple formulas such as multiplication and division. I was wondering if it is possible to create these same formulas within Access? If it is possible then what are the necessary steps to create them? Thanks!

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Tables :: Converting A Spreadsheet To Access Database

Dec 18, 2012

I have been tasked with converting a spreadsheet to an access database. I work for a growing firm of Tree-Surgeons (no pun intended), who service a sizeable chunk of the power grid in the UK. At any time, we have up to 150 operatives in the field, cutting vegetation around power lines. Because of the obvious danger, the power company need advance warning of where any teams will be cutting on any given day.

Various team leaders call in each day and give their intended locations for the following day to an individual who's responsibility it is to log the info onto a central spreadsheet, an Excel workbook. Each workbook contains a worksheet for each day (Mon-Fri). Each worksheet contains the following fields:

1. Number (Unique Numerical Sequence for the individual)
2. Name
3. Phone Number
4. Working/Not Working
5. Type of Line (132kv, Extra High Voltage (EHV), High Voltage (HV), Low Voltage (LV))
6. Area (in this case a lookup of 8 geographical areas)
7. SubStn Number (a name of exact location followed by nn/nnn) (LV Only)
8. Circuit and Pole Numbers (a location followed by nn) (HV Only)
9. Locality (nearest village/town)
10. Grid Reference (nn/nnn/nnn)
11. Time On-Site
12. Time Off-Site

So far I have created a table (Called Contact) for the individuals:

ContactID (Key)


Team Members can move between teams, but Team Leaders remain largely static.I guess I should create a separate table for Team Leaders and Team Members, with a one-to-many relationship between them? All of the others could be around the network but would not be attached to a Team Leader, so I guess they can be in the same table as Team Leaders for the purposes of tracking their location.

Also, what is the alternative to using a look-up for some of the fields, for example the Area field? I was concerned about breaking one of the commandments, and cant see a reason why, but I await enlightenment!

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