Copying A Field??

Apr 14, 2006

I didnt know whether to post this here on in the table forum, so sorry if its in the wrong place!!

Ok, so in the frist screenshot the green box is based off of the table labelled 3. The red box is comprised of the InvoiceID from table 1, ProductID from table 2 and name/price is drawn from table 3.

The green box is used to view products, the red is an invoice. How do I add the currently viewed product (in this case, a case) to the invoice? I need to copy the product ID from table 3 to table 2. How do I go about this?

Many thanks! :D

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Copying A Field From A Query To Different Form And Field

Dec 12, 2013

I have a Form that has a subform and in that there is a subform that runs a query. I need to take the value of in one of the fields returned in that query and transfer it to a field in my original subform.

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Copying A Autonumber Into Another Field

Apr 10, 2005


I am having a problem with my frmAddCustomer. I need it so when a new record is entered into tblCustomer (via the form) the autonumber made in CustomerID will be copied and entered into tblDelivery.CutomerID. Thus making a new record in tblDelivery. The form uses a query will all tblCustomer fields and tblDelivery's CustomerID.

How do i go about making it so when a new record from tblCustomers, the autonumber generated is automatically entered into CustomerID of tblDelivery (leaving other fields in tblDelivery empty ready to be edited at a later date)(also how do i make it so when I open up frmAddCustomer it goes straight to a blank record instead of viewing already entered customers)


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Copying Primary Key Autonumber To Another Field

May 9, 2007


The database I've inherited has a primary key autonumber set up which is randomly generating numbers. It also has another field which has yet to be used, of a clients reference number.

I thought it would make sense to use the reference number field as the primary key, as it seems redundant otherwise and it would give us another field to perform searches on (if we record a clients reference number on their paper file, then finding them on the database would be much quicker).

Because of the relationships in the database, I didn't want to remove the existing primary key as I'm afraid it would mess up the whole thing. I was wondering if there is a way of having the autonumber which is generated in the primary key to be automatically copied to the clients reference number field? This would leave the primary key intact but give us this extra level of information to search on.


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Help Copying One Field To Another With Action Button

Sep 1, 2004

Hi All , Im still quite new to access and would like some help with the following

I have a sub form for a help desk database i have created which states the username and Pc name

i want to be able to press an action button that will copy these 2 fields from the sub form the the equivilent fields in my main form.

i guess i just dont want to have to keeping pressing Ctl c and v each time .

can this be done ?
many thanks in anticipation

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Copying One Field From The Previous Record

Mar 1, 2007

Is there a way to make a button on a form that when it is pushed it copies one field from the previous record and then the rest is blank?

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Tables :: Copying Field Data

Dec 9, 2012

I am using access 2007 and cannot seem to find in the field properties.I need to input data in one field in a table and it appears in a field within a different table.

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Copying One Field In A Subform To Main Form

Dec 1, 2007

I have a main form with a field "Calibration Date" which shows the latest calibration date of a specific item. I have a subform that has a field "Cal Date" that is the latest calibration of this specific Item. In the Subform there may be multipul "Cal Date" enteries for that specific item but in the main form I want the "Calibration Date" to update to the newests Cal Date enetered into the subform.

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Forms :: Copying Content Of Previous Field

Jan 26, 2014

I would like the text from the previous field Invoice_Contact copied into the field Invoice_Contact of each new record created. I think I can use CTRL ' - but would like it done automatically if possible.

Field location:
Form = PatientUpdate - Subform = F_Invoice - Field = Invoice_Contact

The form and subform are linked through: Pat_ID

The subform is based on the table called Invoice with Invoice_ID as the primary key.I tried several variations of this DLookup from examples I found on the web but the field comes out with "error" in it and its flashing!

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Copying Data From Other Field To This Field

Jan 23, 2008

Hi im new to msaccess so bear with me plz;
is there any way to copy data from the first column ie say the primary key which is a autonumber to the next column because i cant seem to have two autonumbers soi was wondering if it the next column would update as a new record is created

say coulmn 1 is ID column 2 is NameID
i want the autonumber generated in iD to appear in NameID

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Copying A Field Automatically From Another Field

Apr 14, 2005


Forgive me - but i am new to db.

I have an employee field in my purchase orders from and when I do stock transactions - i have an employee field against each item in the purchase order. I would like to just copy the employee field from the purchase order form automatically next to each product listed instead of having to keep typing the same thing.

the reason i am doing this is because when people come to take stock out - i would like to see there name against each item in the products from so people can not not take more than they ordered.

thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Copying Memo Field Comments To Other Queried Record

Jan 15, 2015

I have one memo per change (user input)...I need to have the comment the user inputs to copy into other records that were queried. I tried insert. My coding does one of the records or all of the records ..I need it to copy just to the queried records ...and I have a query but no filter set.

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Copying A Field To Another Field In Same DB

Aug 12, 2006

Hi all,

I want to copy one field.


As shown in the picture..




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Forms :: Copying Field Values From Form Header To The Form

Sep 18, 2014

I have form named home page in this homepage form in the form header i have inserted some fields from some tables like province, district, community etc. these fields are unbound and are used for filtering purposes, when i select a province all districts related to that province displayed and when i select a a district all related communities displayed, there is a one to many relationship between district table and community table,

What I want is, when i select a district on the form header(it is unbound as i explained before) of this homepage form, the DistrictID should appear in community subform under DistrictID(as there is a one to many relationship between district and community) .

For more clarification find the snap shot attached...

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Trouble Copying DB From CD

Mar 13, 2006

I have an Access DB I have to put on numberous laptops. The DB is being transported via a CD. When i try to copy the DB from teh CD to a new folder on the laptop I get messages that the DB may have a virus and it cant be copied, or I need to install a microsoft service bulliten...xxxx ( I am not sure what the number is). The DB does contain VBA code and I am certain it is virus free. Is there some setting in access which enables this file to be copied on laptops which do contain virus or firewall protection or must I disable virus protection on these machines before instlaling the program or is it another issue altogether. Thanks.

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Copying Database

Mar 14, 2007

I'm new at all this so i'm sorry if it's a silly question, but i've split my db into a front and back end on a server but need to copy them and put a copy onto a laptop for my boss to take somewhere. How do i copy them so that they dont look for the other one in the server folder but on the hard drvie.

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Copying Data

Sep 30, 2005

im creating a fault logging databse, i have a form that shows all the "machines" details, (including its previous faults in a subform)
i have another form for inputting new faults.
what i want to be able to do is when you click on the "log new fault" the form will open up with some of the same details as the machine i was just looking at. e.g. it will auto copy over the "machine number" and "machine serial"

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Copying Record

May 23, 2006

I have a db (sadly Access '97) for annual software renewals. Against each year there is a set of licences (can be up to sixty records), can anyone please tell me how from a form I can copy the licences from the previous year to the current year with the click of a button

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Copying Value From One Textbox To Another

Jul 27, 2006

Hi all, I'm hoping there is a simple solution to this one.

To keep it simple, I have a continuous form showing a list of records. I have added an unbound textbox to this list.

I would like to copy the value of one of the fields for each record and paste it into the corresponding unbound textbox. I have tried this code:

txtJobPrice = txtCustomerPrice

but that simply copies the value of the record that has the focus and pastes it in ALL the unbound textboxes.

Can anybody help me with the code/solution to this problem please?
Thank you for your help if you can.

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Copying A Form

Nov 29, 2006

I am a beginner and I am having difficulty doing the following.

I have created a form from a query, (by agent)

The form took a little while to design, and I know how to copy the form, but how do you change the agent that is being referenced without having to go create the whole form layout again.

thanks for any help


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Copying Decimal Value Using VBA

Nov 19, 2014

I have a form containing two text boxes (1Average, Average1) that the first one is containing formula typed in form and the result of that is in decimal data type. I want to copy the result in [1Average] to the [Average1] text box for this i used the following VBA code:

Private Sub Text151_AfterUpdate()
[Average1] = Me.[1Average]
End Sub

But this code copy the value with full rounding the decimal part and doesn't copy the real decimal number for this i need to edit this code to copy the decimal value without any change and rounding.

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Copying Queries Across Databases

May 18, 2005

I have nearly 100 queries in an Access database which links to a SQL Server database. The queries are working just fine.

I have created a new Access database, linking to a different SQL Server database which has the same table layouts as the first. Is there a way to automatically copy the queries from the first Access database to the second?

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HELP! Copying Database Problem

Jun 27, 2005

Excuse my inexperience, this is not my field. I am a network administrator and have never dealt with this problem before. I have been assigned the task of transferring a database (used by a security company to manage a gated community) to another system. I had to do this because the home owners association is changing security companies and they old security company is taking their computers with them. Now, I copied over all the files i could find and now that I am trying to set it up, I get the infamous error 3033, "you do not have the necessary permissions". I noticed that there is also a secured.mdw file. All i need to know is how to set up this database on a standalone system so that the new security company can access what they need. Thanks in advance for your help
-Nima Shariatmadari
Euclid Management

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I Have A Question About Copying Record Please

Sep 26, 2005

I have two tables, one is called Table A and the other is called Table B:

Table A contains these data:

Table B contains no data

in the form of Microsoft Access, I want to be able with a push of a button and DEPENDING on the selected item, I want that selected item to be copied into table B. For example, in table A I am selecting item II, when I push the button copy, I want that item to be copied into table B.

So the result will be:

Table A Table B

How does one solve this problem please?

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Problem Copying Database From CD

Mar 19, 2006

I have experienced a problem copying a database from a CDR to the C Drive of a networked machine at work. What happens is that the Database attributes are changed to "Read Only" after being copied. I can change this easily enough but i dont want other users to have the same hassle.

This problem does not occur when i copy the same CDR to my desktop or laptop at home.

Anyone know why this might be?

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Copying Multiple Records

Nov 6, 2006

Hi all!

I need a little help with a new function in our CRM db (Ac2000).

I've made a system for handling sale-prospects. When a sale is done, I want to transfer the costumer info to the costumer table. All this is well, no problems with this.

BUT, each prospect (And costumer) has contacts. There can be several contacts to each prospect, connected with a prospect number.

The challange is to transfer the contacts as well. And assigning the new costumernumber..

Dont bother going techincal right away, but a point in the right direction would be great!

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