Corruption Confusion- Any Ideas Are Appreciated

Mar 24, 2006

I'm running Access 2000 through Citrix, 20 users internationally from 1 db. I'm working through Citrix network issues to split db with separate FE's for each user.
I have sporadic corruption due to this. But this morning I met a new breed of corruption. I preface this with the fact that I run a bat file nightly to do clean up and compact and repair the db. It verifies the db is not in use prior to running.
This morning we were presented with a hosed db.
The log file said updates ran fine.
In my main table the first record was garbage, including the Auto-num field. I found that my Primary key has lost it's index and references had become unchecked.
Correcting these issues got it running but does anyone have any clue what might have triggered this or even where I should start looking? Please help as I am at a loss.

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Any Help Is Appreciated...

May 5, 2005

i am a basic basic user in access, however i have the chore of creating a database for our products and sales reps. i have created a table and sepated the tables out using the analyze table function. it has now given me several tables. thats all i have done.

what i want to do is this:
create a form that my sales reps can use to create a quote request and print it out for the customer. i want each quote to be saved as well, per customer, per date.

the sales rep may only have 1 of the 2 items needed to preform the quote. when he types in 1 of the 2 items, i want the other 10 fields pertaining to that item to come up (the descriptions{many fields for that} and price).

i then want to be able to either print, email, or both this quote to the customer out of the dbase.

what do i need to do this? if there is someone out there that can help me with this, i am willing to pay to help set up this dbase for us.

thank you

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Advice Appreciated

Jan 24, 2007

I have a Dbase set up and ready to roll, but I haven't actually created the Dbase yet with Access.
I would very much like your opinion on my table layout and relationships.
You can view the design here (
I am hoping to track shipments in and out, plus current stocks of items using Queries and Reports etc.
I have read a lot on Normalisation and realise that there a lot of fields in the "movement" table, although a number of them are "yes/no" fields to help with the queries.
Any advice is most welcome.
and as always, your time is much appreciated.

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Problem With Calendar Help Appreciated

Oct 24, 2006


I'm currently using Allen Browns pop up calander in an access database.

The calender allows the user to choose and add a date into a field.

When I run the access project i can see the pop up calander on my form, and use and interact with it to add in a date.
However when someone else on the network acceses the project, and they
open the form with the calander on it they get an error and are not able
to use the calander.
Is there something that i need to change to allow multiple users access
to use the calander?

Thanks for your time

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DB Design Question...all Help Appreciated

Dec 31, 2006

Hello everyone. Hope your holidays are going well. I have been given the task of developing a DB that will be used to generate reports for scheduling services for clients. These are medically related services and are provided around the clock. I have divided the Services into two broad categories A&B for ease of discussion and I think it helps in the DB design. The reports will display client information, services, service detail, appointment frequency and times. The reports will be printed in duplicate, with one copy for technician providing service and the other for book keeping purposes. I have it in 5 tables:
Client ID
Client Last name
Client First name
Client Location

(pretty straight foward, single client, main table)


(Table with a complete list of all the services offered. Clients can have up to abut 6 different services at once of several different types. The services aren't really related to one another - for DB purposes...I think :D )


(The services provided here are really more of a maintenence type of service which occurs about 4times/day around the clock (known as the frequency). The technician observes the client, if service is being utilized,then the time listed on the report will be crossed out, if the service is not used the time will be circled on the report. Services in the A category are very straight foward. Each service has a frequency at which they are checked (as stated above 4 times/day for Service A), technician checks client, if service used, service is charged. Again, pretty straight foward, but wait till we get to ServiceB. The patient can have up to 3 services from this category on their report)


(This table is for the different frequencies at which all the
services are checked +/or performed. Each service in ServiceA category has only one frequency (4 times/day) we'll call fID. In ServiceB category, each service is associated with one (actually two, but we'll get to that later) frequency. In this category, there are about 13 different frequencies to choose from. All frequencies are associated with one set of times. For example: fID is associated with 0600, 1200, 1800 & 0000. Again, these times will be displayed on the reports used by the technicians (the frequency will also be displayed on the report). The frequencies of ServiceB are subject to change. When this happens, the technician makes appropriate changes on current report, then will update the frequency for future reports. Wasn't sure if a PK was necessary here.)

Auto# - PK

(ServicesB3-5 are similar to ServicesA in that they are only associated with a single frequency that will not change. So on the report the service and frequency will be displayed.

ServiceB1 is not too difficult, but instead of having a timed freq/day, it only occurs on a 72hr basis. What needs to be displayed on the report will be the next due date of the service. I was hoping that the technican could just refer to order summary to select a date that the service will need to be 'observed', and enter this data as text in a field on a form. When the service is observed, it then needs to be observed again another 72 hours later, so the date will need to be changed. The problem is, that there are times when the observation of this service occurs before the 72 hrs is up, and times when it is done later than 72hrs, so I can't have the date automatically updated.

ServiceB2, a little tricky. ServiceB, like all the other services will have a single frequency which when selected will display the times the service needs to be performed on a report for technicians to refer to. It also has a secondary frequency that will also need to be displayed on the report, but only as a free text. There are not specific times that are associated with this secondary frequency, and like the date in ServiceB1, I was hoping it could be entered as text in a field on a form. ServiceB2 is also associated with a medication (in some
cases up to 3 medications). Each medication has a single dosage.

I'll end it here, hope the explanation doesn't make it seem any more complex than it really is.

Although I have been doing alot of research in MSA recently, I'm still very much a noob. Thanks for any help.


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Need Urgent Help With Validation - Any Help Appreciated

Apr 21, 2005

How do i create in the validation rule of the table, a way of checking that an email address has an @ sign in the middle of it. and the general format etc?

thanks alot in advance

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Help With Lat Longs GREATLY Appreciated!

Nov 18, 2006

I would really appreciate some help with this:

I have two database tables:
-table one contains c.100 decimal lat/longs and a temperature.
-table two contains lat/longs for the whole Earth (lots!) and a temperature for each coordinate.

I want to query table one against table two and return a report which:

-returns a figure which is an average of the temperature four coordinates .5 of a degree N,S,E+W for each test site.
-compares the test site temp and the new averaged temp against each other

I'm told this should be quite straightforward but I can't figure out how to do this. I'd love some guidance.


P.S. I'm not worried about points near the poles being closer than those elsewhere at the moment (unless there is an easy way of dealing with this?)

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QBF (Query By Form) Advice/tutorial/example Appreciated!

Jul 7, 2006


I have some basic VBA and ADO recordset exposure, and would like to create a form, that:

- allows a user to search 4-5 fields (client & business name based information)
- return options of records to view that match that data
- allow user to make a selection, which then provides another form with full details of that client's record(about 20 fields)

Can anyone provide an example or perhaps guidance on a good tutorial, that will take me through this process gently (and help me understand the process)!

Regards and thanks


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Using A Calulated Field For A Call Back Date, Any Help On This Would Be Appreciated.

Nov 3, 2007

I have designed a query with the following fields.

CallBackDate: [Date]+[NumberofDaystoCallBack]

I have created a formated field called DateToCallBack, which is the calculated field.
For example when I enter say today's date 03/11/07 in the Date field
and enter 10 as the number of days to call back in, the calculation field
works just fine and gives me the correct call back date which in this example
would be 13/11/07.
The problem I am having is,
I am trying to set a criteria on the calculated field for a
Between [Start Date] And [End Date], but when I run the query it gives me
all the day dates in the range I specified properly, but it gives me that in every month, when I only wanted one specific month.
For example,
I select between 1 Nov 07 and 8 Nov 07
It gives me all the 1st to the 8th of every month, when really I only wanted Nov.

Any help or suggestions? :confused:

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Syntax Confusion

Aug 28, 2005

Greetings all,

I am trying to run the query below to tell me how much stock a company has available by deducting the amount dispatched from its allocation. I am getting an error message;

Run Time error '3061'
Too few parameters expect 2

The code is;

Dim db As DAO.Database, qr1 As DAO.QueryDefs
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset, rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim varVal0 As Variant, varVal1 As Variant, varVal2 As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)


strSQL = "SELECT Sum(tbl_Data_DispatchLineitems.Amount) AS Amount "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tbl_data_DispatchDetails INNER JOIN tbl_Data_DispatchLineitems ON tbl_data_DispatchDetails.DispatchID = tbl_Data_DispatchLineitems.DispatchID "
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY tbl_data_DispatchDetails.TradingName, tbl_Data_DispatchLineitems.WineNumber "
strSQL = strSQL & "HAVING ((tbl_data_DispatchDetails.TradingName)=[Forms]![frm_data_Orders]![TradingName]) AND (tbl_Data_DispatchLineitems.WineNumber = VarVal0)"

Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
varVal1 = rs2![Amount]

I assume the error lies in the final line of the query code. Any help to find the error would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Query Confusion

Oct 27, 2005

I am having a problem creating a query on a MS Access database and would appreciate any help.

I have 4 tables:

Table1 – Name_ID, Name, and Address
Table2 – Donor1_ID, Name_ID, Donor1_Item, Donor1_Item_Description
Table3 – Donor2_ID, Name_ID, Donor2_Item, Donor2_Item_Description
Table4 – Donor3_ID, Name_ID, Donor3_Item, Donor3_Item_Description

The Name_ID in each Donor Table points back to the Name_ID in Table1.

What I want to do is get a list of the Name, Address, Item and Item_Description for any record found on either Table2, Table3 and Table4 and then sort the result set by Name.

My tables are all very small – 100 entries at most on any 1 table.

My queries so far are returning 40,000 and 50,000 records – I assume because I am writing SQL that forces sub-queries.

I am more familiar with SQL using Where Tbl2_Name_ID equals Tbl1_Name_ID or Tbl3_Name_ID equals Tbl1_Name_ID or etc rather than inner joins or left joins so I am struggling.

I know this has to be elementary, but I am missing it.

Thanks for your help

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Problem, Sql Confusion?!?

Nov 12, 2006

I'm trying to show an overview of the green and red cars which were bought in june or before, ordered on price, I have this:

SELECT car.carname, car.colour, car.Bdate, car.price
FROM car
WHERE (((car.colour)='red') AND ((car.Bdate)<6)) OR (((car.colour)='purple'))
ORDER BY car.price;

It works all except for the <6 part (doesn't work with =<6 etc either). The month is only used in this column and represented by a number i.e. 6.

I hope this is clear and I hope somebody can help me with my problem!

Thanks in advance.

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ListBox Confusion...

Jun 24, 2005


I have a listbox that populates it's values from a table. Upon the click() event, I run a script to determine the current record for the rest of the form. One of which is an TextBox bound a field in the table the ListBox is populated from.

I store the old values in the Form_Current() method, and allow the user to change the values in the TextBox, and upon textbox_change() I enable an 'Apply' command button.

When the Apply Button is pushed, I set the "saved" data to the actual current data (since the control is bound to a record field), and thus the changes are fully applied. However, I cannot seem to get the ListBox to update it's 'text' display to represent the changed value from the textbox.
I have tried ListBox.requery, but it doesn't work sometimes is delayed until I change "apply" a new set of changes.

Why is this?

AreaID (AutoNumber)
Area (Text)


AreaList.RowSource = Table
AreaEdit.ControlSource = Area

Private Sub AreaEdit_Change()
Dim St As String
St = AreaEdit.Text
Debug.Print "Chg Text: " & St
Call UpdateChanges(True)
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateChanges(ByVal Value As Boolean)
ChangesMade = Value
ApplyBtn.Enabled = ChangesMade
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyBtn_Click()
AreaList.SetFocus 'this is because you can't disable a control (the applybtn) when it has the focus
AreaList.Requery '<==== THis is supposed to repopulate the listbox, but it doesn't do it.
Call Form_Current 'this just stores the current values of the actual record into temp variables
Call UpdateChanges(False)
End Sub


Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

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Check Box Confusion !!

Mar 7, 2005

hi ..had a quick search through the pages, no luck.

i have 8 check boxes on my Search form. If i check one of them...i want to send certain text to a field. is this possible? eg: i have 8 check boxes with different project names, if i check my check box named "Laem Supot" i want the the text "Laem Supot" to be sent to my Project Field on my listbox.

i found a similar for a date value:

Me.yourcontrolname.Value = date() .....(would this work and how do i implement it)

however i may need to check 2 or more check boxes, therefore i can't send 2 project names to one field.
My clients may be associated with 2 or more projects, how do i show this or represent this in my SEARCH FORM.

any solution??

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Coding Causing Confusion - To Me

Apr 20, 2006

Yesterday I posted a question and rec'd good advice but as usual I don't think I explained myself very well.
As the attached picture of my Form shows, I have a checkbox for each Age Group under each Team. I originally had a query that would come up for each Team's particular Age Group and then the required data copuld be input. This leads to too many querys clogging things up. I tried to copy the SQL code of one of the query's to the On_Click event of the checkbox but as I have been informed SQL is different to VB.
All I would like to know is how to convert the SQL to VB coding so that I can continue to do the coding for each Checkbox.
The SQL code for the first checkbox is:

SELECT tblPlayerRegister.Surname, tblPlayerRegister.[First Name], tblPlayerRegister.Age, tblPlayerRegister.[D'n], tblPlayerRegister.G1, tblPlayerRegister.SP, tblPlayerRegister.Age2, tblPlayerRegister.G1A
FROM tblPlayerRegister
WHERE (((tblPlayerRegister.Age)<11) AND ((tblPlayerRegister.Club)="Beaconsfield"))
ORDER BY tblPlayerRegister.Surname, tblPlayerRegister.[First Name];

If there is an easier way, by all means let me know.
Any assistance would be greatfully appreciated.

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Relational Modelling Confusion !!??

Mar 9, 2005

Im trying to figure out how to model 'Printer' and 'Cartridge' information. The relationship between them is Many to Many, but to add to my confusion, more than one cartridge can be used in a printer (Black + different colour cartridges). Adding a new entity to resolve the Many to Many does not solve this issue of how a printer can have, for example, a black cartridge and 3 different coloured cartridges.

Any ideas how to model this please?? I have been toiling with it for some time and I keep going round in circles :confused:

I'm sure it shouldn't be as difficult as it seems, so I'm hopeful someone might be able to set me straight :o

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Lookup Table Confusion

Nov 21, 2007

Hi everybody

I have been unsure about this topic and want to finally be sure.

When I create a lookup table I don't include a PK; I just have the one field. Therefore I don't include an FK within the Main table; I include the same field name as the field name in the lookup. "sector Details" in lookup and "sector Details" in Main.

Am I better to make up these lookup tables and use a PK and then have the FK within the Main Table? Is this easier or trickier to work with? And will it cause any problems if I did include keys? for example, providing combo boxes as search criteira for forms using the FK/PK as bound fields?

I know it's a bad idea to have lookup fields in tables which I'll avoid. But this means if I'm updating in the back end I'll only see a table full of keys and not the field name!

Hope someone can help because I've been getting different advice since I started on Access including Professional books using lookup fields.


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Append Dates - US/UK Confusion!

Feb 27, 2006

Hello All,

Hoping you can ride to my rescue...again! :o

I have a series of append queries that run when a database opens, to copy over the contents of various log files into a single table.

Each record has a field, [1-DateTime], which (surprisingly!) contains a date/time. When I open the linked text files from Access, these appear absolutely fine, all in US format (mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss). But when I run the append query, it gets all confused, and puts them into my table in a conbination of formats!

Those that it can recognise as UK dates (e.g. 01/05/06) it stores as 1st May 2006, but then it gets to 01/22/06 and it decides that they must be US dates, so stores them (CORRECTLY) as 22nd January 2006.

Hope I have explained myself sufficiantly!

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Nested Query Confusion

Sep 23, 2007

Dear Access Expert

I have been doing some experimentation with Queries and I have discovered something unusual.

If I have one query and I use the totals feature (only using group by) I get all the records based on the inputed criteria

If I then use that same query as an underlying recordset for a second query and I use the totals feature (only using group by) in the second query... I only get the first record of each type. See query results below..

I am trying to achieve the results of the second query in the first query (DON'T WANT NESTED Queries) and I don't really understand why the results of the queries are different when everything else is the same other than one being nested.

Example below

First Query Results (using totals with group by)

1 a
1 a
1 a
2 a
2 a
2 a
3 a
3 a
3 a
4 a
4 a
5 a

Second Query Results with the First query as its recordset (using Group By)

1 a
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 a

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Tavular SubForm Confusion

Dec 9, 2005

I do have questions about tabular subforms. I have created several forms and I thought that they were linked together. The main form (GSI) is general information about each site that we visit. The tabbed forms are about various survey's done on a site. So, what I thought would happen is; I'd fill out the info on the GSI forms about each site. I'd go back after doing a survey, look up that site, click on the corresponding survey tab and add information about that survey and It would link back to the site on the GSI. What is happening is, when I pull up a site and add survey data the same survey data comes up in the next site also. I think, the problem is,

I have a switchboard with Add new site and Edit site. When I go into Edit site and I do a search by Site name, it pulls up the name, but not the record, so I'm just changing the site name by doing it that way. If I move down to the bottom of the form and scroll or move through the records that way it works right, but I need it to be more user friendly. I'm sure that there is a statement I could create to do this, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what it is. :confused:

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Access Record Locking Confusion

Oct 6, 2006

In OPTIONS -> Advanced I have the option Open Database using Record-Level locking ticked.

What is strange is record level locking works on Form1 (Form1.recordlocks= Edited) as long as Form2 has Form2.recordlocks = No Locks. If I change the Form2.recordlocks = Edited, Form1's locking becomes page level locking.

This is even true if Form2 is not open...

Additionally, Form2's locking is always page level locking if Form2.recordlock = edited.

I would like all my forms to perform RECORD level locking not page Level locking. How do I accomplish this.

I've been trying to resolve this issue for about 2 months now but no answers from the community.

Thanks for any comments.

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Form For Comic Book Confusion

Apr 6, 2005

hello, this is frazzling my brain i cannot comprhend the answer :confused:
sorry werent sure were 2 post this hope this is the right place

I have an array of comics 300 they come out weekly, the first is Number: 344 this came out 26th September 1983, i have a form with a combo box were i select the comic number (344 - 700+) in this case i am selecting 344 and i press a button "command 11", i would like it to display in three text fields, date, month and year. This has well an truly killed off my brain. Any help would dearly be appreciated.
Need any further information just ask.

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Need Some Ideas

Jul 22, 2005

I need some ideas on this new database that I am creating. I'm creating a database that will store employees clock in and clock out times on a weekly basis. The main table has the following fields: ID, employee name, date, clock in time, clock out time. The employee name field source is another table that has the list of all the employees names.

I need to create a form that will allow the user to easily input the clock in an out times during a week for each employee. The user will pick the employee name from a combo box. Then, on this form, I want it to have all the days of the week (sunday thru saturday) in a column format and in front of each day one field for the date and two fields for the user to input the clock in and out times respectively.

The problem that I am having with this right now is that, the form that I created only displays one record at a time, so it only shows the clock in and out times for one record. How can I get the form to diplay several records at a time so the user can add all the days of the week for certain employee on the same page?

Or is there a better idea on how to create this database?

Thanks in advance,


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Jul 13, 2006

i have get data from the sources i dont know yet but i can either import or link using access and create reports that way and or juts use crystal to connect to the data sources...any ideas?

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Date/time Period Criteria Confusion

Jan 30, 2008

Hi there

I have created a database in Access XP (2002). In a nutshell, the database records numbers of people attending a seminar; which can take place any number of times per week, and so hence can take place any number of times per month.

I have set up the query so that it can run immediately after a seminar to show the attendants who attended the seminar on that current date "Date()" in the criteria box. However, how would I go about setting it up so that it shows who attended every seminar in the current week or month?

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Database Ideas?

Jul 18, 2007

Hello everyone.

I have just made up a database for work, it is a basic stores system where people have to book in and out the items to update the quantities manualy. I have a tick box for "on demand" which i have linked to a query for all items on demand etc.

I am just wondering if anyone can suggest any good ideas that would make the database even better, more automatic type things would be good.

We have a demands for which is just a word document I was wondering if there was anyway I could use it someway so that with one click the items that requiring demanding are put onto the form?

i am just looking for any ideas that would turn my database from good to great.

I hope that you can help

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