Counting Text From A Query

Jan 5, 2005

Heelo all:



I am using this code above to count occurances of "GRADUATE" and "ENGINEERING" from a query called "Query1"

The word graduate and engineering are in different columns.

It returns a # error........

Any ideas on how to fix?

Any help is welcome.


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Counting Text Selections

Oct 3, 2006

I have a table with four columns, each textural - boiler type, insulation type, build type, survey type. Of each coumn there are only a handful of options to select e.g five types of boiiler etc, 6 types of insulation etc. I'm trying to build a query whereby these data are summarised thus: Numbers of each boiler type, numbers of each insulation type etc. I've been messin around with 'counts' and 'sums' but my ultra-novice skills are lame here. Help!

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Counting Characters In Text Box

Dec 5, 2006

Wise one, I have looked for this throughout the forum but could not fiend an answer. Could you help? I have found a little script to display the number of characters entered into a text box so at to warn the user if they are getting close to the maximum number of characters allowed.
I cannot get it to work. The problem is that I can only enter 1 character. It counts it but then highlights the character I just typed. I then have to click next to it to input the next character. Any Ideas?

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Counting Occurances Of Text

Dec 21, 2004

Dear all:

I have created a form with a bound combo box with 3 selections: OFFICIAL COPY, STUDENT COPY and ADVISEMENT COPY.

From there I want to be able to keep a running total for each selection in separate textboxes.

Any ideas will be grealty appreciated.

Thanking in advance,


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Counting Occurances Of Text

Dec 22, 2004

Dear all:

I need to count a specific expression in a text field in a table. I desire totals that says "copies" which is selected from a combo box. The total appears in a separate text box. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can count a non-number field?

Many thanks,


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Counting Text Fields

Mar 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to count (sum) text fields. My current query will search for:

1) Name

2) Ticket Number (ww*, beginning of one type of ticket)

And it works fine except that after running the query I have to manually add up how many of the ww tickets each person wrote. Is there a way to make it change the ww* tickets to a number, like 1, so that it can be added up or to add up by the persons name how many tickets they wrote. I'm using Access 2000.

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Counting In A Text Field

Mar 15, 2007

I am working on a report that has a text field with "YES" or "NO" in it. This is not a yes/no field. Is there a way to count the number of "YES"'s and "NO"'s? There will also be some records that will not have anything listed. See example below.

Failed Patients

Item 1 - YES
Item 2 - NO
ITEM 4 -
ITEM 6 -

Total Failed Patients - 4

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HELP! Counting Text Boxes

Mar 20, 2007

I've asked this in a previous post but only got confused. Please forgive me, I'm a newbie at this. I have a table that I need to count a text field.

Table Name: ACE/ARB Table
Field Name: MR# (houses a 8 digit patient number)
Field Name: Failed Patient (houses a "TEXT" field with possible entries of "YES" "NO" or left blank.

Each MR# may have may different entries such as:

MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: YES
MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: NO
MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: NO
MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: (blank)
MR# 87654321 Failed Patient: NO
MR# 87654321 Failed Patient: YES

I need my report to count distinct MR#'s:

From the example above, I would need my report to show/count "2" medical records.

Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated, I'm going crazy here. Also, if any suggestion has to do with SQL do I type what you would send me directly into the SQL statement from a query?

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Problem With Counting Text Fields

May 18, 2005

I'm trying to build a query that will count items in a text field.

How do I do this. I know the statement should read something like this - SELECT COUNT([fieldname]) FROM [tablename] WHERE [fieldname]=yes;

Is this statement correct and where do I place it? Does it go in that specific column. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Counting Text Box In A Form (by Date Ie Monthly) Help

Aug 3, 2007

Hello there !
I had a few problems yesterday with Dcount in a text box in a form but with your help I cracked it
Below is the function I used
=DCount("[PFP Number]","MAIN Table Do not delete","[PFP Number] = '" & [PFP Number] & "'")

The form is based on a table called Invoice PFPs
The Table contains a list of PFP Numbers (bit like part numbers) there are no duplicates in this table
I also have a "Main Table do not delete" with 26000 claims in it each of which has a PFP Number.
The form has a text box in that matchs the PFP Number in the form with the same PFP Number in the MAIN Table and counts them. his works fine with the above function

What I now need is it to count if the PFP Number matchs only if the date specifyed in the function matchs the claim process date (e.g 01-Dec-06 or 01-Jan-07 etc..) in the Main Table
Hope this makes sense ?

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Reports :: Counting Items And Putting Them In Text Boxes?

Jun 6, 2013

I've got a table with 23 columns. Column 1 is the ID row which has a unique client ID in it. Then we've got a column called 1st_Reason and one that goes with it called 1st_Transfer_Date. This pair repeats for 2 through 10. Each of the Reason columns can have a set value, for example "First Processor".

What I need to do is create a date with months on the Y axis and the 5 different reasons on the X axis. I need to count the number of "First Processor" across all 10 Reason columns for each month. I would need to repeat that for each other reason type, but if I can get one to work I can simply change the reason type.

Here's what I'm using to count May's total:

=Sum(IIf([Current_Reason]="First Processor" And [Current_Processor_Transfer] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,IIf([1st_Reason]="First Processor" And [1st_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,0)))+(IIf([2nd_Reason]="First Processor" And [2nd_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,IIf([3rd_Reason]="First Processor" And [3rd_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#

[Code] .....

I get wildly inconsistent results. On one of the types, it's only counting where it's the 1st_Reason. Some of the others return the same value regardless of which month I have selected.

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Queries :: Counting Text Values Based On Their Status

Jan 25, 2015

I have a question regarding counting of text values base on their status and using that result to a calculation.

Say, I have a table of Demand of Positions, wherein, I have a specific Job Title for a certain Department that have number of workers needed (demand quantity) and a table of candidates for that job title and their status, say, Arrived, Visa Processing, Visa Applied, Visa Issued, and With Ticket.

What I would want is to make a summary out of the two tables, where the query will count how many candidates are there in that specific job title and have a field of status say, field of Count of Arrived, Count of Visa Processing and etc., and a field where I can add all of the count of candidates per status and deduct the result to the demand quantity where that field would be named Balance.

The problem is that the status varies on every candidate on that specific job title because the status field is used to track the progress of each candidate and this scenario will make the query blank because there would be no such record due to their status.

I tried making a summary following my requirement and you will see that in the attached file together with the SQL code of that query that the balance field value is blank.

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Counting Of Cases And Counting No Records

Jan 26, 2007

I have a report due the first of each week in which I need the cases open and cases closed for the previous week, the week two weeks prior and the 2007 and 2006 year to date on two different types of cases. I have a case management table with a field for Type of Case, date assigned and date closed that I uses in my queries. Presently I have two query, one that generates only Type 1 cases from the Case Management Table and another for Type 2. I then use the Type 1 Query in another query that limits the results for Type 1 cases to those opened last week, one for those open two weeks ago, one for 2006 YTD and one for 2007 YTD. In these 4 queries I have one field [Type of Cases] and I have the query count. I then do this for Type 2 cases and then go through the whole process to do Closed Cases. All my queries have criteria to automatically filter the dates to the time periods mentioned above. I then have one report query that I put all the number in for my report. This query has 16 fields with the numbers for each period, last week open and closed, 2 weeks open and closed, etc. I then generated a report that takes these numbers from my report query and puts it in a report format automatically. As you can imagine this takes some time to go through each query to generate these numbers, so I was wondering how I may do this differently. Also, I have experienced a problem when a field produces no records I get a blank sceen with nothing under the Count of column and get the same thing for my report. How can I fix this.

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Counting Query

Sep 15, 2005

Hi, i have a table with several fields.

I need a query that will display the social security number, and hte number of times it appears for each unique number. how would this be strucutred? thanks

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Counting Query

Mar 13, 2006

I have two reports i run every so often in those reports i have a criteria set which asks me to type yearly, lifetime or three year and then after report prints out it also has total member quantity query on top of the page which counts whatever membertype i am typing it in, however right now its only counting yearly members.

I was wondering is there an easy way to just count the yearly members, lifetime and three year separetly on top of my reports?

Member types total count is....

yearly 400
three year 25
lifetime 70

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Query Counting

Apr 19, 2007

Hello All,

This is a problem that i have had for a bit now and after using the search function on here, i am still no the waiser.

I have a query that i need to make a caluation on every 10th record, i would really like some help on this please.

Kind Regards


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Counting Results Of A Query

Jan 6, 2005

I am trying to create a report that will take information created by a query. Basically I have a form to take in user inputed dates and bring up 2 types of information. Status field, which can be "Approved", "Disapproved", or "In Process". Also, based on the dates, the query shows the Term Start Date field which displays a month. Baiscally what I have been trying to do is create a report based on this query to count and display the number of approved, disapproved, and in process status for the particular term start date. In other words, each term start date should have a certain number of approved, disapproved, and in process.

Summary, user inputs a date from 01/01/05 to 01/06/05. Between these 2 dates lets say there are 3 different term start dates Jan, Mar, May. Jan has 3 approved, 0 disapproved, 4 In Process. Mar has 1 of each, and May has only 1 approved and nothing else. How would I Show this in a Report?

I have tried searching the forum for this case, but I could not find anything to help me out.
I hope this is enough information. Thanx for the help!

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Counting Records In A Query

Oct 10, 2006

I am writing a query to determine employee's commissions. The commission rate changes for all order over the first 15 per employee per week. What would be the best way to write the formula?

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Counting From A Query To Report

Apr 23, 2007

Okay feel free to stamp "stupid" on my forehead if you want. I've read through all the threads I can before going cross eyed here and nothing I've tried works so far.

I'm creating yet another report from a query or table (both have the same data). I have a table with termed employee data including rate, attendance, efficiency and quality. The query I have has IIf statements for each of these, saying 1=Below, 2=Meets, 3=Exceeds and else is N/A. The table just shows the number value.

I need the report to count how many belows, meets, exceeds, and N/A each field has, and give a percent of the total. I tried copy and pasting some DLOOKUP codes but just got either an #ERROR or a 0. Any ideas?

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Counting Records In A Query

Nov 15, 2012

I have two tables, RMA Numbers and Serial Numbers. Each RMA number will have multiple serial numbers assosiated. I need to find a way to count how many serial numbers are assosiated with each RMA number.

I think the best way to do this is in a query using the dCount function some how.. but I can't figure out how to get it to count different serial numbers for the same RMA number.

I also considered writing my own function to do it.. but it got really messy and there must be an easier way to do it..!?

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Question About Counting Records With Query

Aug 17, 2005

Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and this forum has been a very useful resource on creating my first database. I know nothing about coding and this is my first time trying to create an Access database for work. I have been working on this database for more than 4 months and this forum really helps me from creating tables all the way up to forms. THANK YOU!!

Now, I'm struggling on creating reports that counts records from my tables. Here are two of my problems:


I have a main table called "tbl_main" which records students' basic information, including their birthday in a column called [dob] in mm/dd/yyyy format. I need to create a query that counts how many students in age 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, and 17 separately so I can list them on a report.


I have a enrollment history table called "tbl_enrollment" which records dates that students had been in and out of the school. Since a student can re-enroll for more than once, there are more than one record for the same student. I have student ID [idnumber] and admitted date [admitted] columns in this table. I need to create a query that gives me a total number of enrollment, number of one-timer, and number of repeater, so I can list these numbers on a report.

For both reports above, user will input a timeframe to count particular number of records. Thanks to this forum, I already have a working form with start/end fields for user to input. What I'm struggling is creating queries to count records.

Thanks again for spending time reading my first post in this forum and I hope I can get helps from anyone of you. Since I'm not a programer, you may need to step-by-step walk me through the whole process. Sorry!!

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Counting Occurrences Of Same Fields After A Query

Mar 14, 2006

I run a Query to determine how many employees attended a meeting, showing the number of years they have worked at the company.
(Example output of query)

Employee Name Years with Company
John Doe 3
Jane Smith 1
Bill Doe 3
Rick Mills 1

How do I count the number of people with each range or particular number of years with company? For example:
2 employees have 1 year with company
2 employees have 3 years with company

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Counting Unique Records In A Query

Jun 1, 2006

I'm having trouble getting a query to return a simple count of unique lot numbers for a given ProductID. The data is stored in a large table where each test result of a stability program is stored. Each result has an associated lot number, product id and several other data fields. I've managed to get a combination querries to return the count, but if the lot has both real time and accelerated data then the counts are added and reported as double for each type. The current SQL is as follows.

SELECT tblProducts.ProdName, Count(qryAccelerated.Lot) AS AccelCount, Count(qryRealTime.Lot) AS RTCount
FROM qryRealTime RIGHT JOIN (qryAccelerated RIGHT JOIN tblProducts ON qryAccelerated.ProductID=tblProducts.ProdID) ON qryRealTime.ProductID=tblProducts.ProdID
GROUP BY tblProducts.ProdName
ORDER BY Count(qryAccelerated.Lot) DESC , Count(qryRealTime.Lot) DESC;

qryAccelerated and qryRealTime are simple SELECT DISTINCT querries returning the product id and a list of unique lot numbers for that ID.

(e.g. SELECT DISTINCT tblResults.ProductID, tblResults.Lot FROM tblResults WHERE (((tblResults.TypeID)=3));)

Currently the top query returns 4 in the both the AccelCount and RTCount columns when there are only 2 unique lots for the product. Other products without both real time and accelerated lots count correctly.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Challenging Query....please Help, Boss Is Counting On Me

Aug 16, 2007

The boss believes I can help him with access, im not too sure, i dont really even know access. There is a table with fields for each month of the year for 3 years

Jan 06 Feb 06 .......Dec 06....Dec 07....Dece08

Can i have a query that prompts the user to enter the month, and then returns that month plus the next 12 months in order......its for a man hour labor schedule.....its a 13 month rolling calender. I appreciate all the help I can get, im an engineer, not a database expert. It should be mentioned that I have no experience in VBA etc, just using the query design view.

Lets just assume that the table is called "RollingCalender"


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COUNTING Yes Values In Checkbox In A Query

Nov 26, 2007

Hi All, I have read a few posts on here but can't quite get a solution to my particular issue.

I have two tables in a query:


tbl_suppliers is right joined with tbl_supplier_perf by

[Location Name]----->[Supplier]

No as part of tbl_supplier_perf there is a YES/NO checkbox, where it can be ticked if there is an issue with a supplier delivery. This field is called [Issue?].

I want to report all suppliers (not just those with records in tbl_supplier_perf) with a count of the amount of records created in tbl_supplier_perf with a tick in [Issue?]. So if no records in tbl_supplier_perf have [Issue?] ticked it will just report 0.

Basically the query needs to report all suppliers with a count of how many records have been ticked "YES". It is a check box so I believe they are recorded as 0 and -1.

I believe I need to use Dcount but I do not know how to get that in to my existing query!

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Counting #of Records Returned In A Query

Aug 20, 2004

i have a query that returns anywhere between 0-20ish records, and i need an efficient way to count how many records are returned. any ideas?

i was also wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this:

Code: [Text127] = DLookup("[Comments]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)[Text175] = DLookup("[Performed]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)[Text177] = DLookup("[Model]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)[Text179] = DLookup("[Serial]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)[Text181] = DLookup("[System]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)[Text183] = DLookup("[HComments]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)[Text201] = DLookup("[Labor]", "orderheaderz", "[OrderNumber] = " & GlOrderNumber)

mabey i could condense them into one Dlookup somehow? any ideas?

thnx for your help

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