Create A Query That Has Multiple Criteria Selected From A Form?

Nov 26, 2013

I need to create a query that has multiple criteria selected from a form For example. I will always have the customer name but then the user might also choose any one or more of the following, start date, end date, number etc

I have tried to create a select query and added the customer form element to the criteria but I am not sure how to do the rest because it will always have at least one more criteria but I am not sure which one and it may have up to 5 more criteria.

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Create Query With Multiple Criteria From A Many To Many Relationship

Sep 23, 2004

Alright I've been picking my brain for the past hour trying to figure this one out...

I have 3 tables...
1) Retailers-RetailerID, RetailerName, address etc. (500 entries)
2) Distributors- DistributorID, DistName (10 entries)
3) Uses- RetailerID, DistributorID

Sample data is as follows for 'Uses' table:
RetailerID DistributorID
1 1
1 3
2 1
2 6
3 4
3 5
4 8

I am trying to create a search form based on a query which will return retailer information for those retailer who use multiple distributors.

For Example...There will be 2 text boxes and a user can enter a distributorID in these text boxes. If only 1 distributorID is entered, it will display records for that one.

I have tried the following but I have been unsuccessful:

SELECT Uses.RetailerID, Retailers.Address, Count(Uses.RetailerID) AS CountOfDistributorID
FROM Retailers INNER JOIN (Distributor INNER JOIN Uses ON Distributor.DistributorID = Uses.DistributorID) ON Retailers.RetailerID = Uses.RetailerID
WHERE Uses.DistributorID = 1
GROUP BY Uses.RetailerID, Retailers.Address
HAVING Count(Uses.RetailerID) > 1

Is this possible to accomplish with the way I designed this database? If so, can I get a little advice? I know this is a long question that can't be answered in full but I would just need to basics in order to be on my way.
Thanks in advance!

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Form For User To Create Custon Reports From Multiple Criteria

Jan 4, 2006

I am trying to put together an form to be used in an academic administration database.
Ideally, I would like to create a form that will allow a user to select criteria and get a list of all students fitting that criteria.
For example:
Show me all a) all Economics majors with b) 30-50 Credits who c) have not taken English 101.
All of this data could be compiled into one query, but I would like to create a form that will allow a user to select what data he or she would like to see.
(Maybe they only want to see graduates)
I hope this makes sense.
And I hope someone can help point me in the right direction.

Thank you!

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Forms :: Use Form To Get Criteria For Query To Create Report

Apr 1, 2013

I want to create a form that allows a user to enter criteria that will be passed to an existing make table query. suggestions on a user friendly book on Access 2010 programming, I'd be really interested. I'd like to be able to do more with Access 2010.

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Multiple Criteria In Query By Form

Feb 8, 2006

Hello all,

I have a form that feeds a query with information, in my query I have this:

[Company] Like [Forms]![QBF_Form]![Sales] & "*" Or [Forms]![QBF_Form]![Sales] Is Null

When I fill in a value in the field e.g. "data*"the query brings up all information with the word "data" in it.

However, when I fill in something like "data* or vent*" I don't get any query results.

How do I change the query expression above so I can search for multiple criteria in one field using "or"?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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Queries :: Create Single Table Using Multiple Criteria

Aug 29, 2013

I am having trouble creating a query where I am trying to count number of records for different fields for a particular criteria, and combine the results into a single table.

My table is in the form,

I want to count those records where a 9999 is reported, and report by month. For a single field I can do this OK using,

SELECT DateSerial(Year([TimeandDate]),Month([TimeandDate]),1) AS [Month], Count(WS127m_Avg) AS 9999s
WHERE (((WS127m_Avg)=9999))
GROUP BY DateSerial(Year([TimeandDate]),Month([TimeandDate]),1);

I can't figure out how to report an additional field (WS82m_Avg) at the same time, checking for the same criteria in that field (i.e. WS82m_Avg = 9999).

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Select Multiple Criteria For Query On A Form

Oct 14, 2005

I was searching through here looking for a solution to the following problem:
I am building a Capacity database for work. The requirements require that users be able to sort by numerous criteria (Forecast Date, Portfolio, Market, Bucket, Month), all from a simple form that will spit out the results. Rather than creating unique queries for each combination of criteria(way too many!) or creating the SQL text in VBA, I played around until I came up with the following(which may have been done already, but I can't find it on here, so I'm not claiming to be brilliant...LOL). I have dropdowns on my form for each sort criteria-(Forecast Date, Portfolio, Market, Bucket, Month)

Then I created a query and for each criteria, I put this in:
Like (IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmWAOFAdjustments]![Bucket]),"*",[Forms]![frmWAOFAdjustments]![Bucket]))

So if the user leaves a dropdown blank, the query simply brings back all the results from that field (Like *).

The text in bold is simply replaced with the dropdown name for each segmentation criteria. Next to each dropdown is a button that clears the dropdown box and requeries the listbox with the results(in case the user doesn't want to remove a criteria. This makes running searches for a specific number of accounts easy for the user and easy on

Hopefully this can help someone out with a similar problem. I have learned so much from this forum, I just wanted to give something back. If anyone has any questions on this, just let me know.

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Queries :: Set Up A Query By Form With Multiple Criteria

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to set up a query by form with multiple criteria.For the majority of the criteria I'm using the format: Like [Form]![formName].[txtInputboxName] &"*" .

I copied the Like (...) &"*" from someone else in order to allow for multiple, optional criteria, which does do the trick, however I don't understand why.

I now want to set up a criteria on my query to search for values between two input values to gives the records in the range e.g between 50 and 100 Following the above format, I want to put something that achieves this:

Between Like [Form]![formName].[txtInputboxName1] &"*" AND Like [Form]![formName].[txtInputboxName2] &"*"

with Inputbox1 being 50 and Inputbox2 being 100, however that code doesn't work and I don't know how to get around it as it keeps giving the 'incorrect syntax' error.

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Modules & VBA :: Query Data Using Multiple Criteria From A Form

May 29, 2014

I have a form where varying layers of information can be entered. In some cases, a user may know all information or only part. If i tie the query to the form, each field has to be populated for it to work. how do i set the query up to effectively use the information available and not require all information?

I have tried setting VBA code as follows:

If Me.Combo1 = Null Then Me.Combo1 = "*"

However, when i do this, it updates the form field with an asterick/wild card but does not include in query. yet, when i update the form fields with data (not asterisk/wild card) the query runs.

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How Make Query Criteria Come From Selected Records On A Listbox

Mar 15, 2008

I have a form which contains a listbox. It is a multi-select listbox. And I have a button on the form which runs a report. But I want the report to only show the selected records from the listbox. The report gets its records from an underlying query. But how do I make the selected records on the listbox become the query criteria?

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Form Based Parameter Query With Multiple Controls Used For One Criteria

Nov 14, 2012

My form-based search mechanism uses controls to set the parameters for the query data source.

I have one field call quantity in stock. I could you a Between and And method to allow the end user to input the stock quantity they want.

HOWEVER, i would love it for the user to first select the Comparison Operator (e.g. > , <, >=, <=) from a combo box and then in an adjacent text box, enter the quantity.

The expression i entered in the query goes something like this.... Forms![frmSearch]![cboRange] & [Forms]![frmSearch]![txtQuantity]

When i try and run this, i get the message "THe expression is too complex to be evaluated".

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Modules & VBA :: Data Selected From A Combo On A Form For Variable Criteria

Jul 2, 2013

I manage an Access application that in many instances uses data selected from a combo on a form for variable criteria. In this instance it is in the form of:

[Forms]![Main Navigation]![Print Menu]![SchoolYear]

I recently wrote a routing that exports to Excel based on a record set derived from a query. In testing I hard-coded the criteria (School Year) in the query. Once everything worked I sustituted the variable above. Now, in the VBA, no records are put into the recordset, when I run the queries directly from Access they work correctly, drawing the results for the school year selected on the form referenced.

'Create The Recordset
If Me.Frame11 = 1 Then
strQueryName = "ExcelHS"
GroupTitle = "High School"
strQueryName = "ExcelMS"
GroupTitle = "Middle School"
End If
Set objRst = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQueryName)

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Hard Code TIME To Selected Date On Form (to Make It Date&time) For My Query Criteria

Aug 17, 2006

Hello buddies :D, do you have any idea how to make this work?

To select data that falls within this criteria of date range between cboDate and cboDate2 (fields on my form). The date in [tblJobDetails]![timeIn] come in this format "08/17/06 10:24 AM", but the cboDate/cboDate2 (takes in date only e.g 08/17/06) what i am after is to evaluate specific hard coded time in addition to the date entered, i.e. even tho, i haven't entered time on the cboDate/cboDate2, I want specific time hard coded where e.g If i select a date range of 08/17/06 and 08/18/06 on my cboDate and cboDate2 it should really be evaluating: 08/17/06 8:00 AM to 08/18/06 8:00 AM.

This is the criteria i curentlly have on my query in design view tha works perfect in selecting date only.
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And ([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)
How can I incorporate 8:00am to 8:00am into my cboDate and cboDate2. What can i do to make this happen? Your kindness will be greatly appreciated

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Reports :: Create A Form Which Filters A Report Based Off Of Combo Boxes Selected By User

Jan 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a form which filters a report based off of combo boxes selected by the user. The code I'm using currently is:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptProgramAttendees", acViewReport, , "ProgramIDFK = " & cboProgramTitle

This works great to return a report if the user selects something from the combo box. How do I adapt this so that the user can also leave the combo box blank and filter the report to return all records?Additionally, what if I want to have the user filter between dates selected on the form; i.e. between 'txtStart' and 'txtEnd'

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Forms :: Updating Field On Multiple Records Selected In Continuous Form?

Jun 12, 2013

I have a form listing tasks to which I make personnel assignments with a multi-value list field type. It takes some time to select from 15-25 employees on the list for each task, especially considering that small groups of employees will be assigned to the same selection of tasks.

What I want to do is select multiple records with the mouse, then click a command button opening a form in dialog mode with the selection list. The user then clicks to make his selections and clicks ok, which then updates the multi-select field for the selected records.

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Forms :: How To Create Small Form To Search For Record Based Off Criteria

May 28, 2013

I currently have a database which contains various information for part returns. Among this information is contained a parts tracking number, VIN Number, and Date Code. I want to have a small dialogue box (Form) where a user can enter a tracking number, (or a date code or VIN if tracking number unavailable) to search for a record containing that tracking number. I have already created a replica of my new part entry form to view parts in read only mode to create small form to search for record based off criteria then open the replica form i have made to that record?

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How To Create Multiple Links In A Form

Aug 22, 2005

I have a form that tracks the budget. It is a small budget. But my problem deals with req. dates and req. amounts. You will see from the example I gave you that I can input one req. date and one req.amount and my calculations shows the ending balance. But how do I make fields where the same person can buy from different vendors in one day? I want to be able to show the date and the different requisitions and have the calculation subtract from each one, thus showing the ending balance. Hope this makes since. I attached the file of the example.

So under:
Date Req. I need to be able to put mulitple dates
Amount Spent: Different amounts that correspond to the date.
Ending balance: The ending balance will be correct when all of it is done.

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Is It Possible To Create A Form Which Updates Multiple Recrds At Once?

Jun 8, 2006


I am new to access and DB in general.

Is it possilbe to create a form that updates mutiple records at once with the click of a button? If each record has 4 fields and for each group I want to update at once there are 2 fields with the same value and 2 fields with different values?

Any help on this would be appriciated..

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Forms :: Create Multiple Records On One Form?

Mar 19, 2014

I've developing a QA/QC database for testing chemical products and I'm stuck on the best way to continue with adding multiple records by using one form.

I have two tables:

tblProductSpecs with two primary keys, "ProductName" and "TestName"

tblResults with three primary keys, "ProductName", "TestName", and "LotNumber" and a number field named "Value"

A product can have multiple tests associated with it, e.g:

ProductName - TestName
XXX - Density, pH
ZZZ - Density
YYY - % soluble, cloud point , freeze point
This is my tblProductSpecs table

I want to store the "Value" of each "TestName" of the "LotNumber" of that "ProductName" in tblResults by a form. (All TestName values are number values).

I want a form where I can select "ProductName" and have the "TestName"s displayed for that "ProductName". Then I want to store the value of that "TestName" for that "ProductName" and "LotNumber" in tblResults.

The problem is that each test per product per lot number is a record and I can't figure out a way to create multiple records from one form.

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Multiple Criteria From Form

Feb 10, 2008

I have a form that has seven unbound fields named txtCityCriteria1 through txtCityCriteria7

The idea is to have the use type in up to seven cities and have this applied to the criteria of the city field in a query. This query is the datasource for a report. I know how to do a single text ....


in the criteria row would do the job. But how can I do seven?

Oh and if all are left blank i need it to open another form that informs them of their mistake.

I have looked through these forums and have found several possible solutions but I can not get any to work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Take it easy on me I am relatively new to this code thing. Used to do everything in macros.

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Multiple Criteria In Query

May 14, 2005

Hello all:

I need your urgent help with the following:

I am setting up a query in access. I have about 4 criteria for one of the fields called Center, I want the query to do the following:

Return all rows if:
Center is Like 6101*
Center is Like 61HKS56800
Ignore row if Center is Like 6101D*
Ignore row if Center is like 6101SALM01

I put in the following and I am not getting the correct results:

Like "6101*" Or Like "61HKS56800*" And Not Like "6101D*" And Not Like "6101SALM01"


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Query With Multiple Criteria

Aug 24, 2006

Hi all,

I'm working on a purchasing app in access. At this point i'm working on the reporting module. I want a user to be able to fill out a start date (text box), end date (text box), and select a code from a list, hit Run Query, and have it pull up a report listing the date that the selected code was used, between the start and end date, and display other info as well.

The problem i'm having is that i can get the date ranges to work, or the code to work, but not both of them. Here's what i have in my query:

I'm really lost here. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Multiple Criteria Query Help

Jun 29, 2007


I have 3 fields that I need to run a query on. Date_Image, IMAGE_SYSTEM and DATE_TO_BR. If there is no entry in either fields, it should be part of the query. If entry is in both Date_Image and Image_system, I do not need those results in the query. If Date_to_br field is empty, I must have an entry in the other 2 fields before this record is not displayed in the query. I hope I was able to explain this clear enough. I was trying to do this with the IS null and Is Not Null expressions, but I am not getting the results I want.

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Query -multiple Criteria

Nov 7, 2005


This is probably an easy one but for some reason I'm not finding it in any of my reference sources.

I'm trying to set up a query that calculates tax my company owes the gov't, and the tax varies based on year to date totals. The 1st $30,000 is taxed at 4% and everything over $30,000 is taxed at 5%.

tblOrders has fields for date, CustomerID, OrderID and OrderTotal. Can the query have an expression field ("UpTo30") for ([OrderTotal] <=$30000) and also a 2nd expression ("Over30") for ([OrderTotal]>$30000)? And in the same query is it possible to also include the calculated fields for ([Upto30]*0.04) and ([Over30]*0.05)?

My main question is where to put the criteria - all I'm seeing talks about multiple criteria being State=NH AND/OR Name=R*, not multiple criteria on the same field. When I try WHERE statements I just get error msg no matter what the syntax is.


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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Inputs Multiple Rows

Mar 18, 2014

I would like to make a form that can insert more than one row at one time. Something like add first column, then ask the user how many of the second row they would like, then prompt them for what is in the second row then add the information for the rest of the columns and have a separate row for each of the second column. So every row with have the same first column, but from there have a different row for how ever many desired in second column. So lets i enter for the first column, ABC, then I wanted 3 rows with ABC, then prompts me for the rest of the information for each of those rows separately.Something looking like this, oh and it would be updating an already existing table.


EDIT: I would also like to know if it is possible so it does it in ranges and dont have to do it manually like you enter the first column then enter a range for the second column and a bunch of rows are made with each value in between the range that was specified.

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Forms :: Create Form To Update Multiple Tables At Once

Jan 9, 2015

I'm working to create a staffing database that houses changes to staffing week over week.

I have one primary table, the "empMaster" table, that stores the employee's name, contact information, etc. I have other individual tables for noting which employee reports to which manager, what their business title is, what group they're in, their training history, etc.

Once I've populated the empMaster table with employee information, I want a form that allows me to update each of the other tables IF there as a change. Some weeks will have a manager change, some only a business title change, some a group change, some a training change, some all of the above. The problem I run into is that I will sometimes process hundreds of changes a week, sometimes only 10-20 so I almost have to use datasheet view for mass edits. I'm relatively new to Access and I'm having a hard time getting my form to allow this level of flexibility and to update all fields needed.

When I build a form that includes more than two tables (let's say I want to update a Manager and a Business Title), the form will not work and populates nothing. I believe it's because Access wants there to be an existing record to match to across all three tables and there will not always be.

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