Create A Search Function In Database

Aug 13, 2013

I've been trying to create a search function in my database and a " TmprryQryFrLnkFldsCrtn0123456789 " Query has appeared that I cant alter or change.

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Queries :: Create A Statistics Function On A Database

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to create a statistics function on a database. The idea is that the user will enter a start and end date and either search for all records during that date range or select a client from a combo box and only view records for that client during the selected dates.

After doing quite a bit of searching, it seems that I should be using a wildcard in the criteria however I cannot get this to work. The code I have been playing with is:

=Nz(Forms![Statistics]![ClientCombo] ,"*")

I have changed the "*" to a specific client number and if the combo box is left blank, results are shown for that client only and if a client is selected from the combo box then the selected client is shown. The only thing I cannot get it to do is show all entries if the combo box is left blank.

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Can ASP Or ACCESS Create A Database Search Report?

Dec 30, 2005

Hey there, can anyone advise if the following is possible and if so how it might be done?

I have created a site using DWMX04, ASP & ACCESS.

I would like to be able to have some sort of report on what is being searched on the database.

Can this be done in ACCESS or by using ASP?

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.


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User Input To Search Database And Create Report

Sep 9, 2004

I have a database that I created that uses a form to fill out information about server builds. I contains information about who built it, the IP address, server name, etc. I want to be able to create a dailog box that allows the user to input a server name to query the database and create a report based on that input. And if the user input isn't found in the database, a dialog box comes up with some sort of error message. I am still pretty new to Access, so the more detail you can give me the better. Thank a lot.

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General :: Web Database - Create Search Feature For Just 2 Of Fields

Aug 13, 2014

I have a web database that I am trying to create a search feature for just 2 of the fields. The search is for a certain date and also a shop are the 2 fields I would like to have the search run for.

Once the search has been run I would like to generate it into a report.

I have already created the report/ form and the query. I am not sure where I need to go from here. I have created the from with the date and also a combo box for the list of the shops and then a button that says search that will go to the report. I just need it to show all the particular items that show the date and or shop. If you leave them both blank it will run a report and show everything. Then if you just put a date in it will run a report with just that date or the same with the shop.

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Forms :: Create A Button That Search In All Fields Of Database Table

Dec 1, 2013

I am new to MS Access! I have design a database and a form to record the information of customer feedback.

The first thing I want is to search the record from the whole database. Secondly I want to print that searched record. And finally I want to make a Form Reset Button.

I have made a "Clear" button but it is not working correctly and removes the record from the database after saving.

I have attached the database!

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How To Create Search Button Using Access 2007 That Can Search From Form

Jul 10, 2012

i need to create a system that can search data using i want to create search button that i will create it at form. currently i have 1 table and in that table i have 10 fields which are project_name, doc_ref_no, doc_title, volume, book_no, author, doc_status, box_barcode, filling_location, doc_availability.

i have create 2 forms, one form for user to add new record and another one is to search record. the user can search by enter project name, doc title, volume and box barcode. for project name and volume, i use combo box and for doc title and box barcode i'm using text box.

i want to create search function that can detect from user keyword and even user did not fill in all the form, the system still can search the record.

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Search Function

Apr 6, 2005

Whenever I search a table using Ctrl+F it always says access returned zero results, even though I am searching for stuff I know is there.

How do I make a search field that will return in a table form all the results.
(Software inventory database, so I need to be able to search by serial number, as well as peoples names that are using those serial numbers)

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The Search Function

Sep 1, 2005

any way to set the searchfuntion to only search for part of the word as standard?
or is it any other way to make a search function where u can write like 133 and get all the numbers starting on it.

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I Would Like To Add A Search Function.........

Sep 7, 2004

I would like to add a search function to a form. There will be a textbox on the form to let user to type in there searching criteria,
the grid (on the same form) will display the result records (search from the database) on the grid base on the searcing criteria. How to acheive this? Any example that I can refer to?


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Help With Search Function

Oct 16, 2006

hi guys... i am currently working on a search form for my database.. here's
how my form looks like:

when the user will type in for example "ABC Company" in the "Search for" field and will choose "Company Name" in the "Search by" combo box, the database will look for all the "ABC Company" entries under the field of "Company Name" in a table. There will be a lot of category to search from such as Position Name, Company Name, Dealer name, Outlet Name, Employee Name and Employee ID..

the results should be shown in a continuous form...

i've already tried this code:

Code:SELECT " & cboSearchBy.Text & " FROM TABLENAME WHERE " & cboSearchBy.Text & " LIKE '*" & txtSearchFor.Text & "*'

but it didn't work...

does anyone has a sample SQL query or VBA code for this function? i've been searching for it, but unfortunately i wasn't able to find what i was looking for. thank you very much. all your replies would mean so much.

if you want, you can also check the actual ms access file:

the name of the form is frmSearchEmployee...

thanks a lot... =)

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Search Function

Jul 30, 2007

Hello everyone,

I was trying to make a query in access that will search for approximately what the user types into a textfield. I can only make something that searches for EXACTLY what the user has typed into the text field, but I want a more versatile search query that includes wildcards etc. so that anything related to the search will also be found. I was trying something like this but I just cannot get it to work:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, City, Major
FROM Students
WHERE FirstName LIKE '" & FirstNameToolStripTextBox.Text & "* '

I am using Visual Basic 2005 . NET and Access database, but the query is being made through access.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have

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Using One Search Button To Search 4 Tables In A Database?

Mar 10, 2008

I have a database that uses four forms and each form has it's own table and each form has it's own search button to find a specific record within that table. I would like to use one search button that will look at all four tables and bring up the correct record when the request number is entered. Can I link all the tables to perform this or is code required? Can someone send me in the right direction for how to do this? Give me an example of code if it's required?
Thanks for any help I can get.

Laura Edmark

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How To Run A Search Function In MS Access

Sep 6, 2006

Hi there,
I would like to run a query which will allow me to search a specific column in a table. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Search Function On A Form? How To?

Jan 4, 2006

I am sure this is a common question but anyway:

I have a form based on a table which I use to fill the table with data.

I would like in the header of the form to have a text box where if I enter a keyword it will display the corresponding entry.

field 1= first name
field 2= second name

Textbox 1= first name
Textbox 2= second name

Search textbox I type: "john" I want it to display/filter to show only the entries where first name=john

I hope my question is clear, I know most DBs do this but I can't seem to find a way of implementing it...

Thanx for your help and suggestions

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Queries :: Create A Field Using IIF Function

Jan 28, 2014

I am trying to , create a field using the IIf function that will display a $250 bonus for agents every time they sell a car for at least $20,000. Otherwise, the function will return a 0. Name the field Bonus. I put in Bonus: IIf(SalePrice >= "20,000" Then + "250",True, 0) and it is saying that I have an improper syntax.

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Search Function In Microsoft Access

Jan 12, 2006

Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I will firstly give you the low down on the business that I am doing the database for. It is a Car Restoration Business, where we deal with vintage/classic/muscle cars and restore them to the former glory.

I do not know Microsoft Access very well, I have attached a file with what I think is a databae I could be wrong. The main function of this database is to search for suppliers for a specific car part for a specific car.

So if I want to find a doorhandle for a 1970 Ford Mustang, I need the suppliers pertaining to those criterias to come up.

How do I get this to happen?

Thankyou for your help



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Search Function Returning Zero Results On 2nd Use

May 15, 2007

Item: Access app front end for an SQL database (production tracking/job logging utility)

Problem: The app has a main search page that allows job entries to be located and opened by varies criteria (job#, job name, etc). I can currently run multiple searches on different criteria successfully but if I open a job window(which has been returned as result of my search) and then close that job window to do a new search my search function will no longer return any results(other then “Calculating….”) unless I close out the access app and reload.

Thanks in advance for any ideas that can point me in the right direction to hunt down my bug.

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Quick Search Function On Menu

Mar 17, 2005

Quick question.....I have a menu that links to 4 main forms displaying data from 4 different tables. I wanted to add the facility to quick search on the menu(i.e enter a record (the primary key) into a text box and click search. I would then want it to open the exising form at the relevant record or produce an error message stating no record present. I would have 4 quick searches on the main menu (one for each form)).

If anyone could help me on this i would greatly appreciate it, or if you could point me in the direction of an example it would also be great (although i have been looking and havent seen one i can get my head round)



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Adding A Search Function Into Switchboard

Nov 22, 2006

What is the best way to implement a search function into a switchboard? I need this search function to allow a user to check a database for specific names, so that they do not enter duplicates. Thanks in advance for all advice

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Question About Creating A Search Function

Oct 17, 2004

Anybody here know how to create a search field on a form to pull up a certain record?

I am practicing with Microsoft Access by creating a database that tracks my college degree progress as well as my wife's college degree progress.

Here is the Database Structure:

---numStudentID (AutoNumber)


---numStudentID (Lookup field from tblStudentID)
******(Displays the First and Last Name according to Student ID number)
---strDegreeProgram (Yes/No field)
---strQuarter (Lookup field from tblQuarter)
---strComplete (Yes/No field)


Now, on the form (frmDegreeAudit), I want to put in a search function that allows me to drop down a list with the Student's name and all of their courses next to the name according to the Student's ID. Below is how I want to list to look when you drop the list down:

First Name-----Last Name-----Course Code----Course Number

If I can't do that, then this is what I want to do then. I want a drop down list that has the first and last name. Then right next to that drop down list, I want another drop down list that lists all of the courses associated with the Student ID. It would look something like this:

List #1=========================List #2
First Name-----Last Name->->->->->->Course Code----Course Number

Anybody understand what it is I'm looking for? I hope so because once I figure this out, I can figure out the other database I've been trying to create for the longest time.

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General :: Search Operation Function

Oct 5, 2012

The following search operation have to search some operation in the database, but there is a bug and I don't know why..

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How To Create A Pop-up Search Field

Dec 21, 2005

I have an extremely large database which is in a continuous form format, and what I would like to happen is, instead of using the find button that would just find a word, I would like to have a pop-up search box that would yield actual texts throughout the DB (something like the search feature in Adobe Acrobat). In addition, I would like to use the "and" or "plus" together to search for additional data if needed. Please, unless there is a sample I could download and use in my db, please be specific in your instructions since I am new to all this.


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Help- Create Search Form

Feb 12, 2006

hello, i know i have seen example from here, nome of them seems to help. My is just a simple search.
i have 4 tables: Artist Name, title, country and location

all i want is create a form that has a search. I want to type the artist name and it lists the country of the artist. How to i do this. I create the command button and text box but it just does not work.

This is the code i use on the command.

Quote: Private Sub ButtonSearchForRecords_Click()
Dim StringQuery As String
Dim StringWhere As String
StringWhere = ""
If Not (TextBoxSearchName = "") Then
StringWhere = StringWhere & "AND [Name] = '" & TextBoxSearchName & "' "
End If
StringWhere = Right$(StringWhere, Abs(Len(StringWhere) - 4))
StringQuery = "SELECT [Name], [Title], [Country], [Location] " _
& "FROM [2-75TH SCAR] WHERE " & StringWhere _
& "ORDER BY [Name], [Country]"
Me.ListBoxRecordsFoundInSearch = StringQuery
End Sub

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How To Create Search Box In Datasheet

Sep 14, 2012

Trying to create a search box that searches in my data sheet, In every field (or! Only in a particular field). Like the default search box in datasheet view form.

I tried to use a macro:search for next record.It works Only if my data is on the main form! But! My data sheet form is a subform.And I can not make marco works on a subform. I mean, my text box is on the MAIN form,and I need to search subform.

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Data Access Page - Search Function

Jan 11, 2005

I’m having problems trying to construct a database for my company. They need the database to enter information about certain insurance policies that our company has. We have a table setup and ready to go. I need to allow multiple users to add records to the database so I want to setup a Data Access Page to accomplish this. However, there’s a problem I’m still stuck on.

In the Data Access Page, I need the ability to search and display a record designated by the primary key field (policy number). I found code to do this, however when I click the button, input a known policy number at the prompt, and click ok, it displays Error: 3265 the item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. Here’s the code from

<!-- I took this out as i did not know what to do with it, it could be causing the problem
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript FOR=MSODSC EVENT=Current(oEventInfo)>


<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onclick for=Command0>


' Clone the recordset.

Dim rs

Set rs = MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Clone

On error resume next

' This line assumes that the value you are filtering on is an integer.

' If the search value is a string, use slightly different syntax.

' For example, "CustomerID = '" & CStr(InputBox("Please enter customer to find", "Find")) & "'"

' rs.find "ProductID=" & cLng(inputbox("Enter a ProductID","Find"))

rs.find "CustomerID = '" & CStr(InputBox("Please enter customer to find", "Find")) & "'"

' Custom error handling.

If (err.number <> 0) Then

Msgbox "Error: " & err.number & " " & err.description,,"Invalid Search"

Exit Sub

End If

' Check search results for success.

If (rs.bof) or (rs.eof) Then

Msgbox "No Product found",,"Search Done"

Exit Sub

End If

MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark


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