Create Database From Query

Nov 29, 2005


I'm trying to create my own database from queries. the queries retreive data from and ODBC data source. How do I create table from query but I don't want any old data from table to be deleted whenever there's a change of data in ODBC data source. I just want to keep pushing in new information without deleting the old ones, even though those old information have been deleted from the ODBC source.

thx guys!:D

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Queries :: Create Query To Do A Lookup From Another Database

May 28, 2014

I am trying to do a lookup from a field from one of my databases (DB1) onto another field in (DB2).... I have been using excel to do vlookups but a report that I do weekly I do atleast 7 lookups for the past weeks... So I am trying to find a way in access to do lookups and save those lookups each time i run the report... Do I have to create the query and make the ID the primary key on both the databases and then create a relationship?

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Query That Will Select All Tables In The Database And Create One Table

Sep 16, 2007

I have a rotating number of tables that are created from excel spreadsheets that are imported. The Tables will change, but when they are there I need to be able to create a query that will merge them all together so I can run one query against all the tables. In SQL I know you can use a * to say Select *
From Table_1

Is there a syntax for the From portion so I can say:

Select *
From * (AKA all the tables in the Database)?

I have searched for a wildcard for the FROM statement that works like in the select statement but have been unsuccessful at finding an answer. Can anybody help? I'd list the Tables in the from Statement but there are 266 of them. Unless someone knows how to say:

Select *
From All tables in a folder with 266 excel spreadsheets

Thanks for your help

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Queries :: Create Query From Different Database To Populate Combobox

May 3, 2013

I have a combo box that I want to populate using data of another access would I do it? I tried searching...but I cant find any..

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Tables :: Create A New Database Y And Link To Database X

Aug 28, 2013

I am testing the security of my DB X on Acccess 2007. I could create a new database Y and linked to the database X. Unfortunately i could change the records on the tables. I don't want other DB that make connections to my DB to change my tables!

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Queries :: Create A Query On All Queries In Database

Mar 19, 2013

I am hoping to do a report all my queries in my Database.

I have managed to use some sql code to list the queries which is the following:

WHERE (((MSYSOBJECTS.Type)=5) AND ((Left([NAME],1))<>"~"));

But i cant seem to get any further i would also like to include the creation date, the description if any, the tables associated with each query, as i know i have a good few queries which maybe duplicates i just want to clean it up.

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Create EXE From Database And Have Several Project Using Same Database

Oct 24, 2013

I created a database with forms, querys, etc. Now I was thinking of creating a exe so everyone can use this database without having access to all the design functions.

the only problem I see about doing this is if we need to use the same database for different project, we need to always create a new exe for each project.

Is there a way to make a empty database exe with just the layout, querys etc but with no data on the tables and have a save, open and save as option. So we can have several projects using the same database?

I was thinking to create a VB code for the database to delete all data on the tables when the database is open.
and before closing the database exporting all the data to a txt file or something.

Then the next time someone opens the database goes to the main form which has a open bottom which imports the txt file into the tables.

This way we can have several txt file for several project and use always the same exe database.

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Is This Database Possible To Create?

Jul 16, 2007

I need to create a database for students going on work experience.

Each of the students will have a rating from 1-6 depending on behaviour, effort and attainment. Each of the work placements also has a rating from 1-6. Each student chooses 6 work placements that they would like to attend (one of each rating)

If all the data for the students and the workplacements are entered into the system is it possible to match appropriate students to appropriate workplacements using MS Access 2003?

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Create A Log For Database Modifications...

Jul 16, 2005

Hi Friends,

I was wondering if there was a way to log all the modifications made to a database in a table with user name and time of modification. I have been searching this for quite a long time but no use. Please help if you know the solution.

Warm Regards,


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Entertainer Trying To Create A Database

Feb 6, 2008

Hello everyone. I am a magician entertainer in Las Vegas. I am trying to create a database that will help me access (pun intended) information in my books and dvds.

I need to be able to search for a specific trick or balloon sculpture from among my vast library.

I have gone through the MS tutorials, but when I actually tried to create the forms--maybe I'm doing it backward-- to input data and retrieve data it just didn't work.

Any help would be welcome. I realize from reading the posts that this is a serious forum and that a newbie question like this can be annoying. I assure you that on the entertainer forum that I post regularly I try to help even the most newbie of questions, so please be kind.

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General :: Cannot Create New Database

Jul 2, 2015

I have Access 2013, part of office pro, and for some reason it now cannot create a new database, ie nothing is created where i told it to It then comes up with "cannot open a database created with a previous version etc".This is NOT a previous version, it physically does not exist.This did work, well last week.Tried doing an office repair, no differance, tried delting system.mdw.If i click OK on previous message, i do get "Close ole server and restart it outside of access"

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How To Create Searchable Database

Oct 10, 2012

I have been tasked with creating a database but I have no previous experience using access. I will be using version 2007. I have to create a database of vendors. These are vendors from all round the world who sell my company different products. So far I have 9 spreadsheets with lists of hundreds of vendors from different sections of the company.

I need to create a database that allows someone to search for a vendor and all the details will appear. The excel sheets have columns for vendor name, country based in, commodity type, address, contact name, phone number, email address and which part of my company use the vendor (an abbreviation). Not all of the information is available for each vendor.

Ideally I would be looking for something with search buttons, filters and the option to just show all vendors.

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Database To Count How Many Records To Create

May 23, 2005

I have a form which a user selects an activity from a combo box. On some occasions a user may need to enter the same activity a number of times. I want to add a text box/combo box that a user can enter or select a number. When the user hits the submit button i want the records created in the database to match the number specied fied in the text/combo boxes.

I think i may need to use an INSERT statement but totally confused how to do this.

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General :: Create A Simple Database?

Aug 27, 2014

I want to create a simple database so that I can enter childrens names and then add dates to these that they will be attending our Breakfast Club. Out of this I want to be able to create a daily register of children.

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Create Database From INI File Provided

Mar 3, 2012

An ancient application I'm working with came with .ini file which looks like an instruction set to create an access database. A sample few lines look like:



and so on.

Is there a way to get Access (2007 in my case) to create a new db by reading from this file? Or do I need to manually enter all this information.

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How To Create Multi-user Database

Apr 12, 2013

I've read instructions for making a multi-user Access 2007 database. Summary is:

1) Split the database
2) Put back-end part of the split onto shared drive
3) Make copy of front-end of the split and give to each user of the database
4) Open Tools, Options, Advanced Tab. Set the default open mode to shared and the default record locking to edited record. While in options area, go to general tab and turn off compact on close and name autocorrect.

These instructions were posted by an Ms-Access MVP.My questions is about step 4. How do these settings get saved to the particular database that I am trying to make multi-user? None of these settings are in the Current Database Tab for Ms-Access 2007. Since they are in the general tab, does that mean all database I open with my copy of Ms-Access will take on these multi-user settings?

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Create A Search Function In Database

Aug 13, 2013

I've been trying to create a search function in my database and a " TmprryQryFrLnkFldsCrtn0123456789 " Query has appeared that I cant alter or change.

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Microsoft Access Was Unable To Create An MDE Database

Mar 31, 2006

When trying to create an MDE using Access 2002 I get the message

"Microsoft Access was unable to create an MDE database"

The database is split and in Access 2002 format.

Could this be anything to do with References? I say this because I recently downloaded a dll for Redemption to make use of the SafeOutlook Library



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Can ASP Or ACCESS Create A Database Search Report?

Dec 30, 2005

Hey there, can anyone advise if the following is possible and if so how it might be done?

I have created a site using DWMX04, ASP & ACCESS.

I would like to be able to have some sort of report on what is being searched on the database.

Can this be done in ACCESS or by using ASP?

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.


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Cannot Create New Table Linked To ODBC Database

Mar 7, 2006

I can edit/open existing linked tables (to Sage Line 50, v12) but not create new ones.

Following the procedure:
- New
- Link Table
- File Type: ODBC databases ()
Nothing now happens!

I can open the Link Table Manager to update previously created links.

Any ideas?

I'm using MSAccess 2003 on a brand new machine.

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Reports :: How To Create A Report Using Data From MS SQL Database

Dec 28, 2013

I have a database in MS SQL. The users connect to database via MS ACCES ADP applications.

Some tables (like a TV Station or Names of employees) in the database have fields that serve as the flags. If the flag has a value of one, then such a record is used in the query to create a report.

Because there are multiple users of the database, frequently happens that flags overlap. One user sets the flag to one, and second sets the flag to zero. Therefore, it often happens that the received report incorrect.

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Queries :: Create A Statistics Function On A Database

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to create a statistics function on a database. The idea is that the user will enter a start and end date and either search for all records during that date range or select a client from a combo box and only view records for that client during the selected dates.

After doing quite a bit of searching, it seems that I should be using a wildcard in the criteria however I cannot get this to work. The code I have been playing with is:

=Nz(Forms![Statistics]![ClientCombo] ,"*")

I have changed the "*" to a specific client number and if the combo box is left blank, results are shown for that client only and if a client is selected from the combo box then the selected client is shown. The only thing I cannot get it to do is show all entries if the combo box is left blank.

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Modules & VBA :: Create Backup For Table In Another Database?

Jan 7, 2014

How to create backup for my table in another DB with VBA ....

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Forms :: Create A New Blank Database And Import Everything?

Nov 22, 2013

I have comboboxes on forms that i have entered the values for the drop down list in.They are on a form with textboxes and go through a one to many relationship via an intermediate table.I deleted one value from the list as it was no longer required and i also deleted the records that used to use that name.

When i looked at the list, the value is still there?I tried inserting a new Combo Box - the same?Will it clear if i create a new blank Database and import everything?

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Create Input Form For Database With 88 Tables

Apr 30, 2014

I have a database with 88 tables that have 5 fields each. Each field has the same name in every table. The ideal situation would be to have a single table to hold the data currently stored in the 88 tables but each table holds different information. Each of the 88 tables is related to 3 additional tables that hold header information. Needless to say the header info will be identical for each entry of the 88 tables. Access is limited to 256 fields per form so having all fields in a single form has not worked this far. Splitting the forms into groups of tables somewhat works but the header info needs to be inputed every time and it creates duplicate info. Creating a single form with multiple tabs does not work due to the 256 field limitation.

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User Input To Search Database And Create Report

Sep 9, 2004

I have a database that I created that uses a form to fill out information about server builds. I contains information about who built it, the IP address, server name, etc. I want to be able to create a dailog box that allows the user to input a server name to query the database and create a report based on that input. And if the user input isn't found in the database, a dialog box comes up with some sort of error message. I am still pretty new to Access, so the more detail you can give me the better. Thank a lot.

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