Create Relationships Within Document Distribution List
Sep 9, 2011
I am brand new to using access databases but I am in the midst of trying to set one up for controlled distributions of controlled documents.Essentially, I have three tables:
1) Listing of all our controlled documents and their properties (doc number, doc title, doc revision, doc type, doc status, effective date),
2) Listing of all our copyholders (name, location, phone number),
3) Document Distribution List which lists copy numbers, quantities, and medium to deliverable (paper, electronic, size, etc)
What I want to do is create relationships within the Document Distribution List (using 'add from existing fields') from the other two tables so when a request for a new controlled copy comes along, I don't have so much data redundancy.
For example, in Table 1, I have listed Document XYZ and copyholder Jane Doe from Table 2 wants to receive 1 copy of Document XYZ. I would like to have Table 3 have an added field from Table 1 where I can pull down the applicable document number, which when selected auto fills out it's corresponding details of title, revision, doct type, status and effective date in this Table 3. In addition, after I select the document Jane wants, I want to have another field added to Table 3 from Table 2 which lets me pull down Jane's name to assign her a copy number.
I have developed access application (front/backend) for my client. As client wanted they would be running on 3 comps on LAN. 1 comp would have the DB and the other 2 the frontends. How will I create installation (CD/package) so that it can be distributed in the clients site. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Is there a way of doing the above? I have several distribution lists (some >100 recipients) defined in Outlook, and would like to use the Docmd. Send Object command to send messages to one or several of them. I cannot find a way of defining a distribution list as any of the To, Cc or Bcc parameters.
I am creating a CAD Drawing database / Distribution list. I can only seem to distribute one drawing i.e single field to one person.Is there a way to have multiple distribtion on one field without creating multiple distribution fields?
What I have is a database which contains Drawing Numbers - I need to create a report that shows where the drawing has been distributed to, with it's current revision status and the date is was sent.I am having trouble trying to use multiple revisions and mutiple people in the distribution list with one drawing.
I want to create a new word doc, do a saveas to a specific path and file name, allow the user to edit the new doc, and then close it and return to the Access app. I can create the doc but Word opens without opening the New Savedas Doc. using this code
Dim oApp As Word.Application Dim WordDoc As Word.Document Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set WordDoc = CreateObject("Word.document") oApp.Visible = True WordDoc.SaveAs ("TS-" & Me.Scriptnum & ".Doc")
I currently write (very long) reports for work, which have a lot of standard text in them - but the standard text varies according to the client's history.
I want to create a report-writing application for myself, composed of series of yes/no/maybe buttons and depending on whether I click yes/no/maybe in each section, a different segment of text is inserted into the report.
Ideally the application would be able to insert, or create, formatted text - such as headings, bullet point lists etc - I would need to be able to export this report into Word
I started out by making a table, with each section being a different field, and the various paragraph options as different cells in the field, but I am stuck at present on the basic functionality of "click button , insert text"...
I have a template letter in Word that I want to import into Access, so when I choose from a combo box an employee's ID, it automatically displays a report using the Word document template and filled with all related information of that employee (name, nationality, etc.) + it shows today's date. Then I can Save&Email to an Outlook contact.
I have two tables i would like to create a relationship with but the two fields that i want to join are not exactly the same e.g
Table 1 0000111111
Table 2 111111 ABC
The key piece of information that i would like to link together is the 111111, in SQL i would just type "WHERE Code LIKE '*111111*'" or something like that.
Is there anyway i can create a relationship based on the data above?
I am building a DB for a nonprofit, and trying to figure out how to create a family relationship for contacts. Basically, it will be for mailing- so they receive only one, and to record donations.
At times, John and Mary Smith will donate together, and sometimes John Smith will donate in conjuction with an organization.
So, I would like the family relationship to be with John and Mary Smith, but also would like to be able to track that John Smith, but not Mary, is a member of that particular organization.
I would like the donations that John & Mary make together to show up in both their records, but the donations that John makes with an organization to show only in his record and the organization record.
Is this possible to create in access? I'm a bit stumped at this point. I'm trying to create database for HR and all the tables has to be linked with on table "PFEmployees (one employee has to be linked with all other tables "beneficiary,disciplinary,caruser,otherinfo etc...). Is it possible to do it.
Look into attachment relationship. I am really stuck with this.
Hi All a newbie here so any help will be appreciated,
sorry for the long post but trying to give you all the information you might need.
I wrote a basic access database for my Church to aid in a paperwork audit for a charity food drop which we do monthly to give free food to the needy.
But each month it gets harder to find out who was in line first so I thought with all your help we may be able to randomize the names each month in a different order as to avoid confusion and also avoid people waiting in line as they turn up at 5am and we don't start until 9am.
So if this will work in access they can all come for 9am
I don't mind creating a new database and adding the additional information, if that's what it would take.
My Background I have created basic databases from scratch not using wizards, But I don't know much about code or how to implement it so any help in where code goes it would be very much appreciated.
Database details (Microsoft Access 2002 version)
Table Name = details Field name = ID (auto-generated) Field name = FirstName (text) Field name = Surname (text)
If possible it would be nice to keep a record of the randomized lists (in the database somewhere ?) each month in case anyone wants to see it or disputes the lists, where I can just create a report to show the details.
There will be approximately 90 to 125 names.
Thank you in advance for all your help in this matter
I am writing a deposit recording database for archaeological layers. My units are recorded in one table, and then the relationships are recorded in a separate table. I have limited the recording of relationships to be either "same_as" or "below".
So in tblContexts is have say: 1,2,3,4,5,6
In tblcontextrels I have say : 2 is below 1; 3 is below 1; 4 is below 3; 1 is below 5; 6 is the same as 5
I want to view the deposits on screen in their stratigraphic sequence. So I think I need to write a piece of code to run through "tblContextrels" which will then create a hierarchy attribute. This attribute can then be used to sequence the context deposits I am looking at.
I'm trying to use a combo box to change the values in a list box. For instance. Lets say I have a combo that has 3 values; sports, cars and beer. If the user selects sports from the combo, I'd like a list a sports to appear in a list box that I have stored in a data table. If the user selects cars, I'd like values from a data table to appear in the same list box. And so on. I'd like the combo to relate to the list box. Any ideas??
I am currently taking a database design class using Access 2003 and am looking for some help. I am trying to draw a dependency diagram before I create the tables based on the following attributes / fields in one table named Student:
StudentNumber, StudentName, StudentMajor, student's AdvisorNumber, AdvisorName, AdvisorOfficeNumber, AdvisorPhone, student's NumberCredits and student's Class (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
So far I have identified the Primary Keys as StudentNumber and AdvisorNumber and this is what I have:
Table #1 - Student = Student Number functionally determines Student Name, StudentMajor (?) NumberCredits and Class Table #2 - Advisor = Advisor number functionally determines Advisor name, office number and phone
The problem I run into is with the the StudentMajor / Advisor / StudentNumber relationship. Since one student can have many majors and therefore many advisors since there is only one advisor per major, and each advisor has many students I am assuming it is a many-to-many relationship.
The problem I am having is determining the third table (and fourth if there will be one) and the relationship between StudentMajor / Advisor / StudentNumber.
Should StudentMajor be included as functionally dependent on StudentNumber? If it is there would be redundancy due to multiple entries in that field for each row so I guess I can't include it actually. :confused:
Wouldn't there have to be another attribute named AdvisorDept for this to work properly....that way there is a relationship between Advisor and their department they work in so I can link the student's major to the advisor :confused:
Any pointers and suggestions would be greatly appreciated
I am trying to create four tables: Company, Contact, Activities, and Opportunities.
I want them to relate hierarchically. A Company can have many contacts, contacts can have multiple Activities and Opportunities. But you can't have contacts without a company and you can't have Activities and Opportunities without having a contact. I want all PK's in all tables to link to one another, that you cannot create one without the other.
How I can do this in Access 2010?
YYMM00000-000000-A0000 CompanyID-ContactID-ActivityID or YYMM00000-000000-O0000 CompanyID-ContactID-OpportunityID
I have read every post here on "distribution" and "deploying" the front end to the users but can't seem to get how to do it. I see many posts regarding updating the front end and using the runtime version to distribute but can't seem to understand how to initially get the database out to my users.
I have a split db and need to distribute it to about 20+ people. The back end will reside on a shared drive that is mapped the same on everyone's machine. I also have the FE on the same drive and am currently using a batch file run from a link on our website to open it, therefore we are all using the same front end which is what I am trying to eliminate.
Can I just zip up my FE and email it to my users? Will that maintain the links to the back end when they unzip it to their desktop?
Also, I would like to get some feedback on some software I am thinking of buying for pushing out my updated databases in the future. It is called Access Frontend Loader
Has anyone used this before? Would appreciate any thoughts on it or any other program you may have used in the past.
Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but I've looked around and can't find anywhere else that's relevant.
Essentially, I have a large reference database that I'd like to send to a fairly large number of people, preferrably on CD. Copying and pasting information into another format, such as Excel isn't an option.
My question is, how could I setup the content of my CD so that everyone could access it, even if they don't have Access? Could I include a copy of Access Runtime on the CD? Would that enable people who don't have Access to view the data on the CD? If so, would there be licensing implications if I did this?
Sorry if that's convoluted, but I'm not technical.
Right now I have about 40 personnel using 40 different Excel files. Each day, each file needs to be copied and pasted into one large file. I've recently had luck replacing several of my personal Excel files with MS Access and now completely hooked on using databases. I would love to replace all of those Excel files with a Database on the network, at the end of the date, compiling everything together would be as easy as a query, and possibly an export (if we needed to send the Excel file out as we sometimes need to).
I've got the use of a Network, but here's the rub. I'm the only one with MS Access installed. I can not talk my boss into buying the additional licenses needed for Access on their computers.
My edition is also not a "Developer Edition" as I've seen where you can create a runtime version, so I guess that's out.
What would be a suitable "frontend" to do something like this. I'm pretty decent at Access, but certainly no expert. What is the best/easiest options that I should be looking at?
I'm willing to learn something new if I have to (which I probably will). I'm also willing to spend some of my own money to put something on my machine at home if it will help me develop something. I just need options because I don't know enough to make a decision about this.
I split my db last week and put both front end and back end files in a shared network folder. I backup the db every day to a different folder on the network server and also to my laptop. I usually backup right after a form update so that the latest version of the form is available to users who want to update their local copy of the front end. I've been sending email alerts to the users.
My question is this: What is the best way to (1) make sure my backup updates the front end on the network server and (2) how can I automatically alert users to update to the latest version of the front end?
On my development machine everything works great, but I know that I'm going to run into problems with distribution.
I don't think there is a way, but I'll ask. Is there any way to get around not having to install the ODBC MySQL drivers on each computer? One of the reasons I'm migrating to MySQL for a backend is the fact that I'll be going from 10 users to 150 users, each of which has a "locked down" PC, which would mean logging into each with Admin rights to install the driver. Not an impossible task, but a pain.
Is is possible to have a "shared" source for the driver? I have only a rudimentary understanding of that process.
Thanks in advance for any help that someone can provide, or some answers pointing me in the right direction.
automated per-record report distribution. In my system there is a report generated with a record for every person that must be sent out to them on a periodic basis. Ideally I would like to send them out in batch(5000+ records) so that each person receives theirs via E-mail. I am not too worried about the format. Each persons record contains their E-mail address so that should make things easier.
I hope I can explain this right(and its in the right forum)....newbie....How do you distribute microsoft access 97 front-end program to several users on a network, along with printer properties for multiple printers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :o
Before I start, please know that I am what you call a newbie to a certain extent even though I created in the last 3 years a very complex and efficient database for my business.
This is going to be hard to explain, but I'll try.
The time came to stop creating the Price List in Excel and copy and paste in Access.(mainly to make it easy for other person to maintain and understand)
I know more or less the tables that will need to be created.
My problem is how to store calculated fields in a table (I know I really shouldn't, but how else can I accomplish this), since all the costs and selling prices are the result of complex formulas.
If this information is not enough to understand my question please let me know.
I have a db which enables users to enter expenses.
tblExpense tblExpenseDet tbleExpenseMileage
tblExpenseDet & tblExpenseMileage are joined to tblExpense
As the expenses are entered at User Level not Client Level, I need to extract the Client ID from the 2 sub tables to create a list grouped by client so we can report the billable expenses.
I'm thinking union query but wouldnt know where to start.
Is it possible to create a record set from a list box?
I have two list boxes list1 (customers) the can transfer records to list2. I want to take all records from list2 and use it to open a report, using customer id as where clause in my docmd.openreport statement.
I am with an educational organisation. Now we need to allocate various fields to students depending upon their merit, where the difference between the average percentages between any two groups cannot be more than 2% and that also implies equal distribution of talent. However, First few have to be given choice of field and also students recommended have to be given choice. The number of fields varies from 2 to 8. . Further the vacancies are also not equal in all fields. E.g. for 100 students to be divided in four fields the vacancies can be 35 for ZZSS, 24 for UYTE, 29 for OIUI and 12 for HGFT.
I need a solution preferably in MS Excel or MS access for the same with nil/ least usage of VBA.