Cross-tab Query Problem.

Dec 22, 2005


I have a small problem with a cross tab query. The query works perfectly when i run it and displays the data in the way i would like it to, i want it to be on a form though and when i try and do this i get problems.

I get either a message saying i have possibly chosen a query with no output fields or a microsoft doesnt understand the name of my query.

I have looked at 'cross tab querys' and 'cross tab query forms' in the search facility and have tried some of the suggestions which people have given to similar problems to mine. For example basing another query off my cross tab query and using that for the form, but it just does brings the same problems.

I would appreciate any help, thank you.

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Cross Tab Query

Mar 31, 2006

I want to obtain the value of a third variable using the first one as row heading and the second as column heading. I can't get this using a cross table query.
Is there another way of doing it???
Thank you

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Cross-Tab Query

Jan 13, 2006

I've recently been having a few problems with getting a cross tab query to work. I'm currently using MS Access 2000.

I've created a query that I know want to use for the basis of my cross-tab.

I'm only after having it produce a tab of Part Type by Month using a count of all Clients.

When I use the wizard it sorts everything out fine, but when it runs I keep getting the same error message:

"The Microsfot Jet database engine does not recognize "[Start Date]" as a valid field name or expression"

In my main query I have it set so I can choose a date range using the criteria "Between [Start Date] and [End Date]" Is there a way of getting a cross tab to work using a user defined date range. I've also got fields that I have changed the column names on, EG. ClientName to Client Name (Client Name: ClientName) it is also having issues with these.

Any help would be very appreciated.

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Cross-tab Query

Jun 19, 2007


I am looking to create a cross-tab query that sums multiple columns together.

A simplified version of the data is as follows

ID Date Column2 Column3 Value
123 2007/05/15 T 1 30.00
123 2007/05/15 T 2 50.00
123 2007/05/15 T 3 15.00
123 2007/05/15 T 4 10.00
123 2007/05/30 T 1 60.00
123 2007/05/30 T 2 25.00
123 2007/05/30 T 3 15.00
123 2007/05/30 T 4 16.00

The desired output is as follows

ID column1(Sum of T1) column2(Sum of T2+T3) column3(Sum of T4)
123 90.00 105.00 26.00

Where T# is a concatenation of column2 and column3.

Currently using the cross-tab queries I am able to get the following output:

ID T1 T2 T3 T4
123 90.00 65.00 40.00 26.00

But how can I add T2 and T3 together?

Any help would be greatly appreciated keeping in mind that I am new to Access. Thanks!

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Cross Tab Query?

Nov 5, 2007

I can't get the data to display as I want it. I haven't done a lot of Crosstab queries, so I need someone to clarify the field settings....

I have Pallet ID's which contain Multiple UNIT ID's

so this...


should look like....


the unit ID's must be on the same row as the pallet record, it can be a string in one cell

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Cross-Tab Query Questions

Sep 11, 2007


-Is is possible to make a parameterized cross-tab query? I want only to display data between certain dates and for a specific crew.

-Also, for data in the query I have the Line number (of the machine) as the row headers and the Problem names as the column headers. I also want to display the problem CATEGORIES (of the problem names) above the names. How do I do this???


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Cross Tab Query Nulls

Feb 7, 2008

is there any way to make a cross tab query default to zero instead of nulls for unpopulated cells

i know i can Nz all the resultant fields, but it seems like treating the symptoms and not the cause...


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Help With A Form And Cross Tab Query

Nov 10, 2006

Hi - I've just followed a tutorial to create a simple parameter query based on the input received by 2 combo boxes on a form. This works ok, you select the 2 values on the form - the form passes it to the query which runs, the form closes and the query is displayed - all ok.

What I would like to do, is to display the results a bit more elegantly as the end users that will use this little database won't really like to see the query window. Is it possible to display the results on the bottom of the form? So that each time you click "Ok" on the form, it re-runs the query and displays the results. Any help would be great - but you'll have to explain it simply for me as I'm a newbee to all this! Thanks in advance:eek:

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Cross Tab Query For 3 Month Per Report

Jun 13, 2005

I am trying to create a cross tab query which will output the data for only three months starting from the recent month. I would want these months to be heading. However, I don't want to create reports over and over again. I want something, that will resolve the issue through parameters kinda thing. I don't know, if this can be done or not. Right now I have the cross tab query for all the months, but I have to manually choose the months to fit in the page. I hope I am making sense here. I didn't know where to post this, in query or in report. Therefore, I am posting it here.

Thanx in adv.

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Cross Tab Query In A Form Problem

Jan 31, 2006


I have created a form that is based on a cross tab query. I have a set number of fields in the form (1 day, 2 days, .....10 days).
The problem is sometimes when I run the query some fields disappear. for example for no records have an entry in the '2 days' field.

When this is out through the form then that whole column will read '#Name?' for all entries.

Is there some way I can clear the '#Name?' entry or replace with a zero on the form?

Hope anyone can help!!


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Cross Tab Query With 2 Column Headers

Sep 4, 2006

I have an access 2000 database and i want to make a cross tab query with 2 column headers but access doesnt allow thatI decide to make the inverted cross tab query and its okbut now i want to use this in a report but invertedex product type client1 client2 client3 a 1b 2c 3 product a product b product c type 1 type 2 type 3client1 client2 client3

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Queries :: Combine Cross Tab Query

Nov 9, 2013

how to combine 3 cross tab queries values into one daily progress report, transpose format. The values from each crosstab query are

1) Spent hours
2) Qty installed
3) Earned hours.

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Cross Tab Query With SQL

Feb 27, 2014

I try to create a cross tab query via SQL.Somehow the below code return me a Run-Time Error '3000'.

Sub TEST2()
Dim strSQL As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


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Not Able To Add More Column Heading In Cross Tab Query. Its Urgent Plz Help...

Feb 7, 2006


Not able to add more column heading in cross tab query.
I tried to change the query properties to add more column headings as given below.
In the query's Design view, right-click up in the area where your tables are shown and choose "Properties" from the right-click menu. The 3rd line down is for Column names. Enter what you need there.

Evn after doing it. i am not able to .
Whn I try to save or view the datasheet it says. to create a crosstab query u need to have one or more row headin one column headin and one value.

please help. its ver urgent.
thanks in adv..

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Queries :: Ordering Columns Cross Tab Query

Nov 26, 2013

I have a cross tab query. Essentially it groups together posted volumes into week numbers for different offices.

However, when I run the query, the order of the columns is not in a logical number order. I get Week 1 then Week 10 then Week 11 and Week 2 is further down the list and then Week 20 comes after that.

I would like if at all possible the Week Numbers to follow after one another i.e. Week 1 first then up to Week 52 in correct number order.

In my Dates Table I do have a SortID column which I hoped would resolve this issue so I could sort on the SortID column however this fails to work.

Attached is the query...

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![cmbOfficeSearch] Text ( 255 ), Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtStartDate] DateTime, Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtEndDate] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS SumOfTrafficVolume
SELECT tblOffice.CostCentre, tblOffice.OfficeName, tblTrafficFormat.Format, Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS [Total Volume]

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Query To Cross-tabulate Data

Jun 20, 2013

I asked 18 people to each sort 100 statements into piles based on the similarity of the statements. The results are arranged as below.For example:

- Bob sorted statements 1, 3, and 100 into the same pile (Pile ID = 5), and statements 2 and 4 into the same pile (Pile ID = 2).
- Mary sorted statements 1 and 100 into the same pile (Pile ID = 3).

SubjectID StatementID PileID
Bob 1 5
Bob 2 2
Bob 3 5
Bob 4 2


I need to create separate summaries for each Subject. The summary should indicate, for every possible pair of statements (1 & 1, 1 & 2, 1 & 3 ... 100 & 100), a 1 if the person sorted both statements into the same pile and a 0 if they didn't. Identical statement pairs (e.g., 1 & 1) should always get 1.

StatementIndex1 StatementIndex2 Similarity
1 1 1 (identical statements always get a 1)
1 2 0 (Bob did not sort statements 1 & 2 into the same pile)
1 3 1 (Bob sorted 1 & 3 into the same pile)
1 4 0 (Bob did not sort 1 & 4 into the same pile)


I'm assuming a crosstab query is a start, but I couldn't figure out how to set it up.

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Reports :: Can Create A Report A Little Like Cross Tab Query But Without Adding Anything Up?

Mar 6, 2015

I want to present some data in what seems to me like it would be a very natural and normal format, however have so far been unable to figure out how to do it.I record attendance data for a children's after school club in a table as follows (simplified):

AttendanceID - autonumber
AttendeeName - text
AttendanceDate - date
Attended - True / False

The data looks like this in the table. I would like to be able to easily see who attended on which days, so I would like to therefore see the data laid out like this:

The Crosstab query looks almost like it would do what I wanted, however it seems to insist on adding something up, rather than just showing me the value true or false.

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Queries :: Dynamic Cross Tab Query - Column Sort By Corresponding ID

Apr 23, 2015

I have a dynamic cross tab query - thus the column headings will change each time it is run.

At present the column headings are displayed in alphabetical order - how can I change this so they are based on a different order - eg by the descriptions corresponding ID

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General :: Cross Tab Query To Display Data By Rows And Columns

Jul 10, 2013

I have a cross tab query that displays data by customer (rows) and MONTHS (columns).

However I need the columns to be the 12 months of the year 1 to 12.

However, if the selected data for a particular customer does not have any records in a month then I get an error in the report as the cross tab query only selects the months with data.

How do I get the report to show 0 or a blank in these columns

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Queries :: MS Access Cross Tab Query - Date Range Filtering

Aug 14, 2013

I just wanted to know how can i set a parameter on the following cross tab query to filter dates. Date field is [pdate By Day].

TRANSFORM Sum([PettyMaster Query2].Amount) AS SumOfAmount
SELECT [PettyMaster Query2].[Petty Cat].Field2, [PettyMaster Query2].[pdate By Day], [PettyMaster Query2].ProjLoc, [PettyMaster Query2].descriptionofpay, [PettyMaster Query2].projno
FROM PettyMaster, [PettyMaster Query2]
GROUP BY [PettyMaster Query2].[Petty Cat].Field2, [PettyMaster Query2].[pdate By Day], [PettyMaster Query2].ProjLoc, [PettyMaster Query2].descriptionofpay, [PettyMaster Query2].projno
PIVOT [PettyMaster Query2].PettyCOA.Field2;

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General :: Cross Join To Create Ledger Type Query From 4 Tables

Apr 2, 2013

I have 4 queries in which data needs to be connected from the date and shown as a single date showing each sections entry in a row and a cumulative total is maintained as the balance .

See the attached image ...

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Cross Tab?

May 11, 2007

I am trying to make cross tab merge the two value of the same column.A B AIRA B GROUNDA C SEAi am trying to make..A B AIR & GROUNDA C SEA..any idea?........let me know, i really need this query to solve the problem..thanks guys..

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Cross-tab Table

Apr 11, 2006

Dear all,

I have a small problem.....
I hope u 2 help me solving it.....
I cross tab query, with this column:
PIVOT Format([Date],"Short Date")
But as we all know that Format function returns variant(strin), So how can we reorder that column by date...
Sorry for bothering you....

Thanks & Regards

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Combining Cross Tab Queries

Jan 25, 2006

I have a number of cross tab queries which I run on a weekly basis, each of which is running from a different date field in the database (e.g. one query for orders received based on 'Received Date', another for orders complete based on 'Received Date'. On a weekly basis I have to open each query in design view, edit the start and end date for the week and execute the query. It would save significant time if I could enter a date range once into a form and run the series of queries based on these parameters. Any thoughts?:) :)

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Cross Reference In Form

May 28, 2006

I have 3 fields in a form all have binding to the same table.
the problem i am facing is as follows

when i enter two fields in the form the third should calculate on its own.
Lets say the three fields are names field1, field2, and field3

scenario A
I enter field1 and field2. field3 should calculate on its own by adding field1 & field2

scenario B
I enter field2 and field3. field1 should calculate in its own by subtracting field2 from field3.

any time by changing any of the field1 or field3 the other one should change based on field2.

if field2 is changed then field3 should change.

i hope i have explained the problem in detail..

please help



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Expressions In Cross Tab Querys

Mar 6, 2006

i'm struggling here

i have a simple cross tab query. i'd like to put a parameter value as criteria. lets say i hard code the criteria with 2006 it works fine. but when i reference it to the value in a form e.g forms!frm_navmaster!txtyeardate then i start having problems. i don't know to start. i've tried using the expression and where values in design view....uuggghhh.

any ideas are appreciated

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