Date Input

Feb 18, 2005

What is the simplest way to input a date in the form?
I it possible to include something like this?

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Input Date By Picking Date From Calender

Jun 14, 2005

I am not a professional programer but would like to do a simple database for my group to track research progress. Is that possible to "pick up a date from drop down calendar" then the date will input to the cell (save in table) in a form, instead of typing it in? I saw that in lots of web sites, but can not figure it out how to do it in Access. Tried "Canendar Contol" and "LANDesk Data control" in the toolbox.

Thank in advance


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Date Input

Jan 13, 2008

Dear fellow forum members have been trawling the forum but unable to solve what seems a simple issue.Have a form with a field for a short date input.I would like the year to be input automatically and the user to be left to input day and month.Have played around with format(date(),mm-yy) but unable to crack it.If someone can save me another sleepless night I would be more than grateful.

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Filtering Date Input

Dec 1, 2005

i am trying to build a marine turbine and parts log and have a problem in satisfying a working rule.

i have 2 tables which i have attached,

table 1 shows the on / off dates that a generator was fitted to a turbine

table 2 shows a general date history of the generator, when it had checks done, fitted, etc

what i would like to do is fit the generator again to another turbine

using a continous form to show the available dates in table 2, i would NOT like to see the dates during the period when the generator was fitted previously as shown in the on / off the dates in table 1.

the working rule being that a generator can not be fitted to 2 different turbines at the same time

can anybody point me in the right direction or assist in how i can overcome this problem

many thanks in advance for help provided

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How To Make Input Mask Of The Date

Oct 23, 2005

MS Access
In Table:

I want to make the input mask as mmddyy

Date/Time datatype
when the user enter the date value eg. 072105 => 7/21/2005 (system change)
I want to skip the slash character.

Can I do that in table?

I know that Text datatype, there is one input mask __/__/__
But, I want to use Date/Time datatype.
Please let me know.


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Date Input Mask Problem!

Apr 29, 2007

I have used 00/00/00;_ as an input mask for the date. the format of the date is Short Date.

The problem that i am facing is when i type the invalid date 29/02/07 to test whether it rejects it! it accepts the date and automatically changes the date to 07/02/2029 which is wrong. can someone help me sort this problem. any help would be much appreciated.

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Date Parameter Input Mask

Feb 22, 2008

I have a query that has a date/time field (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss), I have created another field using the following syntax " Sdate: Format([AgentCallDetailInCalls.StartTime],"Short Date") ", I prompt the user for a date using this sdate field I created. The prompt syntax is [Please Enter Start Date]. Currently you have to enter 2/22/2008 (with slashes), I would like to enter 2222008 (without the slashes) to extract the data. The mask I have setup, does nothing. If I put in the date without the slashes, I get nothing, if I put in the slashes, it runs perfectly. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks in advance for your most knowledgeable response. :confused:

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Putting In The Date After Field Is Input

Jan 26, 2006

Sorry guys, I thought this would be simpler than it was!

Basically I just want to update my "Resolution date" field with the date or time now (which I know how to do) but AFTER I input data in my "Resolution" field ie I want a field to automatically record what time I am entering the text in my "Resolution" field?

How do I do this, and can I do it without writing a macro? I thought it was along the lines of After Update, but now I am confused!

Thanks again - I am learning just slowly!

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OnClick Field Input Date

May 19, 2006

Hi All
Does anybody have or know how to make a field so when its clicked it will enter todays date, the default value =date() is not an option either.

Thanks for any help

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System Not Recognizing Date Input

Sep 15, 2004

I have a form where the user inputs a date into a combo box and then selects a command button.

There are two options:
1. The user can select an exiting entry (by date from the combo box) to edit a existing entry.
2. to create a new entry they enter a new date (not in the combo box).
Then the user selects a command button.

The command button has an onClick macro where the value in the combo box is checked (IsNull([Combo40]))

If the "IsNull([Combo40])" is true a message box is presented saying the date field is blank.

The problem is (finally) if you enter a new date "3/3/04" and forget to hit the enter key the system doesn't recognize the entry, in other words the "IsNull([Combo40])" evaluates to TRUE.

We currently have the msgBox remind the user to hit the enter key but that seems a little low tech. Is there anyway to look at the field and see the data even though the user forgot to hit the enter key??


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Forms :: Date Input Mask

Jul 23, 2014

I have a date field on my form and used

Input Mask L<LL-0000;;* and
validation rule <=Date$()

I want the user input to look like 'Aug-2010' for example.but I get error: The value you entered isn't valid for this field

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Date Input Mask In Query?

Sep 1, 2012

We have employee dates of birth in our database. For a birthday gift exchange program, I want to generate a query that returns only the day and the month of the employee birthday (to placate those employees who wish not to disclose their exact age). I'm struggling with making a custom date input mask that will do this.

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Query Criteria Based On An Input Date

Oct 2, 2006

I have a database with the following information:

FTA # Date Attended Last name First name assigned person......

Each week I need to generate a report that shows the people that attended for that week, grouped by the assigned person. I only want to show the data for a specific "date attended" (i.e. that days date). I figured I first need to generate a query that only returns the data for that specific date in the "date attended" column. I did that but it is manuel by using the criteria field.

Is there an easy way to type in the date that I want the query to use as the criteria?


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Query From Multiple Tables Using Date Input

Feb 22, 2008

I have 3 tables, "Customer", "Offsite Service" and "Service".

Last Name
First Name


Offsite Service:

All 3tables are joined by the ID#.

I need to create a sales report/query based on the results of the user input, which is a date range. I've got it working great with two of the tables, but not the third. Here's the code for the working one I have now. I had to add the Trans# to make sure it returned all the results. If I take it out it only shows a small percentage of the records. The Trans# is NOT the same on both the service tables.

This pulls the information from "Customer" and "Service" tables and returns
Last Name - First Name - Date(Based on user input) - Price

SELECT [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], First([Service Records].Date) AS [First Of Date], Sum([Service Records].Price) AS Price
FROM [Customer List] INNER JOIN [Service Records] ON [Customer List].ID = [Service Records].ID
GROUP BY [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], [Service Records].[Trans #]
HAVING (((First([Service Records].Date))>=["Start Date" Use format MM/DD/YY] And (First([Service Records].Date))<["End Date" Use format: MM/DD/YY]))
ORDER BY [Customer List].[Last Name];

This pulls the information from "Customer" and "Offsite Service" tables and returns
Last Name - First Name - Date(Based on user input) - Price

SELECT [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], First([Offsite Service Records].Date) AS FirstOfDate, Sum([Offsite Service Records].Price) AS SumOfPrice
FROM [Customer List] INNER JOIN [Offsite Service Records] ON [Customer List].ID = [Offsite Service Records].ID
GROUP BY [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], [Offsite Service Records].[Trans #]
HAVING (((First([Offsite Service Records].Date))>=["Start Date" Use format MM/DD/YY] And (First([Offsite Service Records].Date))<["End Date" Use format: MM/DD/YY]))
ORDER BY [Customer List].[Last Name];

I want to be able to pull records from a date range that returns customer name, the date and price from service AND the price from offsite service.This way I have the price from both tables that I can add up and get a total sales report.

And yes I'm an access dummy, so please keep your directions easy for me to understand. Thank you in advance.

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Custom Input Mask For Date Format

Nov 18, 2004

Hi, I would like to create a Custom input mask in access 2000 with the format dd/mm/yy can someone please help me?

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Input Mask Only On Date/text Fields

Mar 6, 2008

Good day... beginner Access user (converting from Lotus Approach) and need some help please. Please excuse my novice... I'm on a deadline at work and need help:

-- Data source: MS Excel Table

-- Database form: MS Access 2003

My form is using the excel table as its data source. There are two fields: TELEPHONE AND FAX

When I try to use the input mask in Access to view the numbers in TELEPHONE FORMAT, it keeps telling me the input mask works only on text or date fields. Do I have to first modify the field format in excel? What does this error mean?

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Queries :: Select Last Input From Several Date Columns

Oct 2, 2013

Having built a database that tracks projects across their lives, I've now been asked it I can identify the latest status of the project in a "quick view"

The table "All Projects" has columns that list the Project Number; Project Title; Project Manager and further colunms that list dates that the various stages of the project were achieved. i.e. Start Date; Date Milestone 1 Completed; Date Milestone 2 completed etc.

The projects are such that Milestone 5 may be completed before Milestone 2 and so on, so I need to be able to identify which Milestone was the last to be completed.

I thought of trying an IIF but the progress across the Milestones isn't logical so it won't work. I found something on the Internet about "Greatest" being used on some other program (not Access), which Access didn't like at all!

If the requirement had been given before starting building the db, I would have done everything differently, but I have no real desire to go back to stage 1 and start again, so how or if it's possible to find the highest / latest date relevant to the Project Number across the row of data ?

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Forms :: How To Use Date Picker And Input Mask Together

Nov 26, 2013

I have a form (Access 2007) that requires user to enter a date.

Using the standard date field (short date format) with the date picker works fine however some users prefer to enter the date via the keyboard (some prefer the date picker).

If I set an input mask (to facilitate keyboard entry) for the text box then the date picker disappears.

Is there any way to apply the date picker and the input mask to the control to accommodate all users?

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Problem With DateAdd And Date Range Input Parameters

May 22, 2005

I have created a query where I use the DateAdd function to calculate a date. I have named this calculated field NextVisitDue. The problem is that I'd like to be able to put an input parameter on NextVisitDue so that I can retrieve records within a date range. For some reason, when I do this, the resulting NextVisitDue dates include dates that are outside of the date range. For instance, if [Begin date:] = 1/1/2005 and [End date:] = 6/1/2005, I will get resulting dates in NextVisitDue like 1/12/2006, 10/21/2006, and 10/6/2007. These results are clearly outside of the date range. What follows is the SQL statement...

SELECT tblSpecialist.User, tblSpecialist.FirstName & " " & tblSpecialist.LastName AS Specialist, tblProvider.ManagerOwnerFN & " " & tblProvider.ManagerOwnerLN AS Provider, tblProvider.FacilityName, tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit, DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]) AS NextVisitDue, tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode, tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency
FROM tblSpecialist INNER JOIN (tblCaseLoad INNER JOIN (tblArea INNER JOIN (tblProvider INNER JOIN tblFrequencyCodes ON tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode = tblFrequencyCodes.FrequencyCode) ON (tblArea.AreaCounty = tblProvider.AreaCounty) AND (tblArea.AreaFacilityType = tblProvider.AreaFacilityType) AND (tblArea.AreaZipCode = tblProvider.AreaZipCode)) ON tblCaseLoad.CaseLoadID = tblArea.CaseLoadID) ON tblSpecialist.SpecialistID = tblCaseLoad.SpecialistID
WHERE (((DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit])) Between [Begin date:] And [End date:]))
ORDER BY DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]);

The real interesting thing is that, if I use literal values for the date range criteria, the query results are as expected! For instance, the following works beautifully (but doesn't allow for user input parameters as required)...

SELECT tblSpecialist.User, tblSpecialist.FirstName & " " & tblSpecialist.LastName AS Specialist, tblProvider.ManagerOwnerFN & " " & tblProvider.ManagerOwnerLN AS Provider, tblProvider.FacilityName, tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit, DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]) AS NextVisitDue, tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode, tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency
FROM tblSpecialist INNER JOIN (tblCaseLoad INNER JOIN (tblArea INNER JOIN (tblProvider INNER JOIN tblFrequencyCodes ON tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode = tblFrequencyCodes.FrequencyCode) ON (tblArea.AreaCounty = tblProvider.AreaCounty) AND (tblArea.AreaFacilityType = tblProvider.AreaFacilityType) AND (tblArea.AreaZipCode = tblProvider.AreaZipCode)) ON tblCaseLoad.CaseLoadID = tblArea.CaseLoadID) ON tblSpecialist.SpecialistID = tblCaseLoad.SpecialistID
WHERE (((DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit])) Between #1/1/2005# And #6/1/2005#))
ORDER BY DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]);

Please help!


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Parameter (Date) Query To Get Input Dates On Report?

Apr 28, 2006

I have a report that has an underlying query that asks for Start Date and End Date.

Is there anyway that I can get what the user inputs into the box to be put into the Page header of the report?

ie: user enters into the parameters
[Start Date] 01/01/2006
[End Date] 04/04/2006

Then when the report displays it says

Report for the period 01/01/2006 to 04/04/2006

Thank you for your time

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Input Current Date Into A Field By Clicking Checkbox

Oct 5, 2004

Does anyone know how to automatically enter the current date into a specified field by simply clicking on a check box. I imagine the IIf function would work when entered into 'Control Source' but I also need the check box to be linked to the underlying table.
i.e. I tick the 'Paid' checkbox and the current date is automatically entered into the 'Date Sold' field. I also need the -1 generated by clicking on the checkbox to be stored in the table.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, although I am no good with code, so if you could post an example or an easier way to do it I would be most grateful

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Tables :: Input Mask For A General Date Field?

Feb 8, 2013

I need an input mask for a general date field. When I add the date "11/01/2012 10:00:00" it works fine.

When I add an input mask of 00/00/0000 00:00 it then doesn't work.

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MS Access Date Filter Based On User Input?

Dec 12, 2011

I have query in MS access which does date filter based on value given by user.

FROM Table1
WHERE ((DateValue([Table1].[Date_col])
Between "#"&[Forms]![Frm1]![Date1]&"#"
and "#"&[Forms]![Frm1]![Date2]&"#"))

But this gives empty output

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Date / Time Stamp On Barcode Input Form

Apr 29, 2014

I have a barcode input form. When a barcode is scanned, the value of the barcode, along with a date/time stamp using the now() function (hh:mm:ss) is entered into a table in the database as 2 separate columns. I need to make sure that I don't have any 2 barcodes with exactly the same date/time. They must be at least 1 second apart. How can I easily make this happen? I can't control how many times the barcode actually gets scanned.

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Forms :: Update Text Box Based On Input Of Date Control?

Feb 10, 2014

Can you update a text box on a form based on input of a date control? Here is what I have. I have several date controls on my form, and I want to update a status textbox based on which of these date boxes is filled out, but I need the status to be filled into the table as well. Do I update the field on the table, and then requery the text box? Is there some other method for accomplishing this?

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Tables :: Appointment Date - Table Input Mask Error

Mar 28, 2015

I Have a field called appointment date and i have set the input mask as short date 00:00;0;_

the data type for the field is date/time but for some annoying reason this error message appear when I enter a date to the table... which for example is written like this 01/03/2003

I've attached the msg below ....

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